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_Graphics版 - [转载] Matlab question
请教3D高手一个问题GUI里打开.fig文件用imagesc显示图像 (转载)
Matlab 画图问题 (转载)Re: [转载] 请教:Matlab中可不可以定制colorbar?
如何在matlab显示u'v'L的图像 (转载)请教一个MATLAB作图问题
matlab里subplot问题matlab imagesc colorscale, ask for help
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matlab print jpg figure axes missing问个matlab问题,50伪币酬谢
有人用Matlab么?请教一个问题。How can I improve my R plot to publishing quality?
话题: matlab话题: display话题: image话题: bars话题: question
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 90
【 以下文字转载自 Software 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: yyhl (smile), 信区: Software
标 题: Matlab question
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Apr 21 20:16:56 2003) WWW-POST
Try to plot bar graphs for gray scale.
I tried to print by gray scale (even bone effect), however, it is not easy to
tell so many bars.
I don't know how to hacth bars or fill bars using different fill effects, such
as dots, stars....
Execell could do this, but too many figures will kill me...
Thank you!
发帖数: 117
try these image display function.
maybe the imagesc works.
good luck.
Image display
colorbar Display colorbar (MATLAB Toolbox)
getimage Get image data from axes
image Create and display image object (MATLAB Toolbox)
imagesc Scale data and display as image (MATLAB Toolbox)
immovie Make movie from multiframe image
imshow Display image
montage Display multiple image frames as rectangular montage
movie Play recorded movie frames
subimage Display multiple images in single figure
truesize Ad

【在 y**l 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Software 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: yyhl (smile), 信区: Software
: 标 题: Matlab question
: 发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Apr 21 20:16:56 2003) WWW-POST
: Try to plot bar graphs for gray scale.
: I tried to print by gray scale (even bone effect), however, it is not easy to
: tell so many bars.
: I don't know how to hacth bars or fill bars using different fill effects, such
: as dots, stars....
: Execell could do this, but too many figures will kill me...

1 (共1页)
How can I improve my R plot to publishing quality?关于R做图的问题,大家有什么好的方法啊(和matlab比较)
fortune 500 contract job opportunity (matlab)matlab print jpg figure axes missing
fortune 500 contract job opportunity (matlab) (转载)GUI里打开.fig文件用imagesc显示图像
想买个软件代替origin, 因为这个太贵 一年550刀 大家有什么推荐的软件没有和origin差不多有人用Matlab么?请教一个问题。
请教3D高手一个问题GUI里打开.fig文件用imagesc显示图像 (转载)
Matlab 画图问题 (转载)Re: [转载] 请教:Matlab中可不可以定制colorbar?
如何在matlab显示u'v'L的图像 (转载)请教一个MATLAB作图问题
matlab里subplot问题matlab imagesc colorscale, ask for help
话题: matlab话题: display话题: image话题: bars话题: question