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_Graphics版 - a question about transformation
[转载] Re: 还是请教关于DCT用于图像压缩。这么说吧?请教Matlab中矩阵求逆问题 (转载)
How to fill a 3D volume using minimal number of ellipsoids?问两个小波的问题 (转载)
A matrix problem for help问一个orthogonal transformation 的问题
[转载] 还是请教关于DCT用于图像压缩。这么说吧?问大家关于编程的经验
[转载] 请问DCT可用于IMAGE COMPRESSION的关键原因是什么?career path要怎样去走..迷茫中
[转载] Re: 请问DCT可用于IMAGE COMPRESSION的关键原因是什么?求教rotate matrix扩展的解法
关于template matching【医学出生证明】 如何做 翻译公证
请教Matlab中矩阵求逆问题 (转载)请wavelet的专家进来指教一下,谢谢
话题: mx话题: matrix话题: rv
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 507
scale, rotation, translation, squash, etc...等可以最终相乘为一个
4*4 matrix MX.
Now, given an arbitrary 4*4 transformation matrix MX, and MX(4,1:4) = [ 0 0 0
1]; Can we decompose this matrix to all possible operations, such as scaling,
rotation etc... is it unique? or for some matrix, it doens't exist feasible
Any hint/link for this? thanks.
发帖数: 36
if the 4th row is like that.
then, you can get rid of the last column and think of it as a translation,
then the problem is reduced to MX(1:3,1:3).
but it won't be unique.
if you have a rotation R, and a translation v.
then ( R 0 ) * (1 v) = (R Rv)
0 1 0 1 0 1
but (1 Rv ) * (R 0) = the same thing.
0 1 0 1
if you decide to do the translation last, and then it will be( 1 MX(1:3, 4)

【在 r*****y 的大作中提到】
: 突然想起一个问题,
: scale, rotation, translation, squash, etc...等可以最终相乘为一个
: 4*4 matrix MX.
: Now, given an arbitrary 4*4 transformation matrix MX, and MX(4,1:4) = [ 0 0 0
: 1]; Can we decompose this matrix to all possible operations, such as scaling,
: rotation etc... is it unique? or for some matrix, it doens't exist feasible
: solution?
: Any hint/link for this? thanks.

发帖数: 507
yeah, order matters and it is not unique.


【在 r***l 的大作中提到】
: if the 4th row is like that.
: then, you can get rid of the last column and think of it as a translation,
: then the problem is reduced to MX(1:3,1:3).
: but it won't be unique.
: if you have a rotation R, and a translation v.
: then ( R 0 ) * (1 v) = (R Rv)
: 0 1 0 1 0 1
: but (1 Rv ) * (R 0) = the same thing.
: 0 1 0 1
: if you decide to do the translation last, and then it will be( 1 MX(1:3, 4)

1 (共1页)
请wavelet的专家进来指教一下,谢谢[转载] 请问DCT可用于IMAGE COMPRESSION的关键原因是什么?
matrix eigenvalue question[转载] Re: 请问DCT可用于IMAGE COMPRESSION的关键原因是什么?
请wavelet的专家进来指教一下,谢谢 (转载)关于template matching
请wavelet的专家进来指教一下,谢谢 (转载)请教Matlab中矩阵求逆问题 (转载)
[转载] Re: 还是请教关于DCT用于图像压缩。这么说吧?请教Matlab中矩阵求逆问题 (转载)
How to fill a 3D volume using minimal number of ellipsoids?问两个小波的问题 (转载)
A matrix problem for help问一个orthogonal transformation 的问题
[转载] 还是请教关于DCT用于图像压缩。这么说吧?问大家关于编程的经验
话题: mx话题: matrix话题: rv