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_Graphics版 - How much faster can you render the blue screen of death? :D
Re: Platform of 3D AnimationParallel Rendering and Distant Visualization
image morphing?loop, i finished a project
Holland's brief list of hot topics in graphics:)问个问题:Re: loop, i finished a project
怎么样才能快速的生成三维动画啊?an opengl question
opengl rendering进来乐进来乐 :))
关于“texture compression”的话题谁能综述一下volume rendering目前的研究方向?
glTexImage3D()什么volume rendering算法最快?
just saw the siggraph DVDEGSR loop
话题: nvidia话题: render话题: faster话题: ceo话题: huang
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3872
NVIDIA CEO: "We're Going to Open a Can of Whoop Ass"
Kristopher Kubicki (Blog) - April 10, 2008 3:12 PM
Any notion that Intel and NVIDIA have common ground in the graphics industry
can now be easily dismissed
NVIDIA's already candid CEO Jen-Hsun Huang had more than a few things to say
during the company's financial analyst meeting today. An hour into the call
Huang began to ad lib; clearly something was on
1 (共1页)
EGSR loopopengl rendering
突然很好奇,图形最后都有什么公司去啊?关于“texture compression”的话题
GPGPU 由 loop 授予 Graphics 俱乐部权力glTexImage3D()
siggraph 2007just saw the siggraph DVD
Re: Platform of 3D AnimationParallel Rendering and Distant Visualization
image morphing?loop, i finished a project
Holland's brief list of hot topics in graphics:)问个问题:Re: loop, i finished a project
怎么样才能快速的生成三维动画啊?an opengl question
话题: nvidia话题: render话题: faster话题: ceo话题: huang