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_LGBT_News版 - University can reject Christian courses
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ZZ - The War---The Christian Privileges德州反对非法移民儿童也就罢了,怎么加州也反对和抗议呢?
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话题: christian话题: university话题: courses话题: reject话题: calif
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发帖数: 19713
University can reject Christian courses, Calif. court rules
by Adelle M. Banks
Religion News Service
(RNS) The University of California has the right to reject courses taught at
Christian high schools, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday (Jan. 12).
Calvary Chapel Christian School in Murrieta, Calif., and the Association of
Christian Schools International claimed the university's review policy was
unconstitutional because it refused to certify courses that taught
creationism and other beliefs.
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REO 买房小结Does Christian “Hypocrisy” Falsify Christianity?
又一加州城市拒绝为非法移民提供住所 (转载)go visit "board" board. there is a hot discussion
Acton 附近的pre-school 求推荐!Murrieta市长很给力
ZZ - The War---The Christian Privileges德州反对非法移民儿童也就罢了,怎么加州也反对和抗议呢?
If you are a Christian又一加州城市拒绝为非法移民提供住所
EvilBureaucrat Paid $107,000 Salary to Help L.A. Integrate Illegal Aliens
话题: christian话题: university话题: courses话题: reject话题: calif