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_LoTaYu版 - Ana Porter:HUNGER
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Google 需要補鈣 (转载)【又来了】“双高”“树洞”朗诵团音频作品一期发布 (转载)
poor otto porter嘟嘟的相亲经历~~
话题: hunger话题: little话题: what话题: bit话题: greed
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 25533
Hunger (Inspired by T.S. Eliot's poem 《The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
I'm tired of holding out for it, tired of waiting around for it,
Weighing in pound for pound with it, face down humping the ground for it.
I'm tired of whoring the little I got like a blind old beggar in a parking
Like a joke machine that cranks and smokes and everyday tells the same bad
What I need is a little bit of hunger
That I can dig myself out from under,
A hard rain and a roll of thunder,
A little greed, a little bit of hunger.
I'm sick of holding the door for it, forever wanting more from it,
Never get to the core of it, always a tug of war with it.
I'm sick of running 'round the same old track, sitting here spinning like a
beetle on its back,
Tired of pouring buckets of sand and then counting the grains left in my
What I need is a little bit of hunger
That I can dig myself out from under,
A hard rain and a roll of thunder,
A little greed, a little bit of hunger.
What I need is a little bit of hunger
What I need is a little bit of greed
A hard rain and a roll of thunder,
That I can dig myself out from under.
My lover's arms are warm, why would I want to leave my bed this morning? No
matter, day is dawning...
Gimme one good reason why, I should try and try and try and write line after
flaccid little line.
But I'm scared of holding out for it, scared of coming face to face with it,
But I cannot bear the lack of it, so I am stuck here back to back with it.
What I need is a little bit of hunger
That I can dig myself out from under,
A hard rain and a roll of thunder,
A little greed, a little bit of hunger.
What I need is a little bit of hunger
What I need is a little bit of greed,
A hard rain and a roll of thunder,
That I can dig myself out from under.
What I need is a little bit of hunger,
A little greed, a little bit of hunger...
发帖数: 5461


【在 R*******e 的大作中提到】
: 居然连这歌都有了,音质不大好
: Hunger (Inspired by T.S. Eliot's poem 《The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
: 》)
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZp66n9kn_U
: I'm tired of holding out for it, tired of waiting around for it,
: Weighing in pound for pound with it, face down humping the ground for it.
: I'm tired of whoring the little I got like a blind old beggar in a parking
: lot,
: Like a joke machine that cranks and smokes and everyday tells the same bad
: joke.

发帖数: 25533


【在 a***s 的大作中提到】
: 不错听,有点小红莓的味道。
: Prufrock

1 (共1页)
奔兼问狗social问题Google 需要補鈣 (转载)
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John Lennon: Imagine99 dodge neon sounds weak when cranking
Breaking Dawn 2012An interview question (转载)
Breaking Dawn--Christina Perri - A Thousand YearsAn interview question
Demons-Imagine Dragons傅豪杰先生的爱情诗歌 (诗歌翻译)
话题: hunger话题: little话题: what话题: bit话题: greed