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_OrangeCounty版 - Quantitative Easing QE2--it's official (转载)
Quantitative Easing QE2--it's official卡通版 - Quantitative Easing Explained (转载)
Re: Why would deficit cause depreciation三哥快彻底死菜了
Good news! 中国2015年经济增长9.9%All Eyes On Fed Next Week
Global Stock Markets On The Brink11/09/10 今天利率显著上涨 (转载)
2013 Accord LX OTD $21000Rising Mortgage Rates... What Next? ~1~ (转载)
Bank of Japan takes additional easing actionQE2 is over and mortgage rates up
Invisible hand (part 3)-- China's financial doomsday machine2009年三月为什么股票集体大跌???
话题: qe2话题: easing话题: us话题: 000
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1233
【 以下文字转载自 Living 讨论区 】
发信人: hkmbb (hkmbb), 信区: Living
标 题: Quantitative Easing QE2--it's official
关键字: economy
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 3 15:52:35 2010, 美东)
The federal reserve concluded its 2-day meeting and officially announced the
much-anticipated Quantitative Easing QE2--buying another $600,000,000,000
worth of US government's own bonds (treasury bonds) by mid 2011. where's the
$600B come from? ***printing*** that's 6,000,000,000 pieces of $100 bill.
1st round of QE was in 2009 and brought us back from the brink of some
called "depression"... US emerged out of recession by statistics (2
consecutive quarters of growth in GDP) in June of '09 although many don't
feel that way. unemployment of 9.6% in Sep is still near record high, and so
is housing foreclosure rate. US economy is stabilizing at a low level and
refuses to improve further.
More advanced than US is the Japanese. their QE started in the 90's. 2
decades later, Japan's economy is struggling. only difference is the Yen
appreciated while the Dollar continues to depreciate...
does printing money generates wealth?! regardless, hope we're not entering
the "lost decade" like the Japanese does...
1 (共1页)
2009年三月为什么股票集体大跌???2013 Accord LX OTD $21000
这个是真突破,还是fake-out?Bank of Japan takes additional easing action
Fed's Fisher: Debate over QE2 is not overInvisible hand (part 3)-- China's financial doomsday machine
Quantitative Easing QE2--it's official卡通版 - Quantitative Easing Explained (转载)
Re: Why would deficit cause depreciation三哥快彻底死菜了
Good news! 中国2015年经济增长9.9%All Eyes On Fed Next Week
Global Stock Markets On The Brink11/09/10 今天利率显著上涨 (转载)
话题: qe2话题: easing话题: us话题: 000