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_TexasHoldem版 - About my experienc in hold'em
About poker tracker and cardrunner.NL200 move the ladder
明年准备去报名wsop.monter hand
online game is allowed againabout how to make money from Poker
我去SF,LA,stock版通告了一下本届比赛about follow up bluff
简单介绍一下fulltiltpokerWSOP satelite started
-3000freeroll 的比赛大家都能多大机会得到prize啊?
在full tilt生活和战斗的同学pokerstar 由 ikea 授予 TexasHoldem 俱乐部权力
NL400 is crazyPS reload bonus
话题: game话题: so话题: my话题: net话题: partypoker
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1873
So nice to see this new sector here.
So happy to see more and more people like this game now.
3 years ago, when I first touched this game I never imagin how deeply I will
love it
and how much money I can make from it.
my record ,
3 year( 1year full time)
net profit 80K$ around( every $ is recorded by myself in my record file
created 3 year ago)
1 day net won 4500$( partypoker NL400( 2 tables)
1 day net won live game( commerce )
1 month net won 10K $(5 month, because some months I lost, so to
发帖数: 885
发帖数: 1873
it is easier than stock I think .
both kind of gamble
发帖数: 868
1. 你现在fulltime吗?体力上觉得怎么样?
2. 你主要玩tournament还是cash game?主要是online还是B&M?
3. online你最喜欢哪个网站?看起来是partypoker?partypoker好像不如pokerstars
种类多啊。你主要是玩那里的cash game?你觉得会有人作弊么?
4. 你推荐那些书?
5. 你觉得在一个tournament里,skill(包括talking, acting, bluffing, mixing up
,但不包括reading能力), luck,和reading的重要程度各占多少?如果是cash game
6. 你对高奖金tournament有没有兴趣?对卫星赛有心得吗?online很多卫星赛,你有
7. 你觉得nolimit还是limit容易赢钱?我觉得应该是nolimit,因为fish多。


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: HI,
: So nice to see this new sector here.
: So happy to see more and more people like this game now.
: 3 years ago, when I first touched this game I never imagin how deeply I will
: love it
: and how much money I can make from it.
: my record ,
: 3 year( 1year full time)
: net profit 80K$ around( every $ is recorded by myself in my record file
: created 3 year ago)

发帖数: 1873
1.currently I am part-time( daytime job to keep my H1 status(:
2.I focused on cash game (NL200 live game,NL400 or NL600
in ultimet bet)
3.partypoker is closed in USA
I recommend fulltitlt UB or pokerstar
there are always people cheating , I tried before,not worth it, so I think
you don't need to care ( it is very safe for your money if you play in big
site, never try small site, and I don't think people can hack the site that
4.for beginner
Ken Warren Teaches Texas Hold'em (Pape
发帖数: 15860


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: HI,
: So nice to see this new sector here.
: So happy to see more and more people like this game now.
: 3 years ago, when I first touched this game I never imagin how deeply I will
: love it
: and how much money I can make from it.
: my record ,
: 3 year( 1year full time)
: net profit 80K$ around( every $ is recorded by myself in my record file
: created 3 year ago)

发帖数: 868
great answers... more questions:
1. what does NL200 live game mean? and what's ultimet bet? you mean the big
blind is 200/400/600?
2. how do people cheat in cash game? will multiple players play from the
same room and have an advantage over you?


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: 1.currently I am part-time( daytime job to keep my H1 status(:
: 2.I focused on cash game (NL200 live game,NL400 or NL600
: in ultimet bet)
: 3.partypoker is closed in USA
: I recommend fulltitlt UB or pokerstar
: there are always people cheating , I tried before,not worth it, so I think
: you don't need to care ( it is very safe for your money if you play in big
: site, never try small site, and I don't think people can hack the site that
: easily.
: 4.for beginner

发帖数: 1873
that is my first year poker.
before I can't find job so just working in a restaurant for the timebeing
My roomate taught me some basic skill and then I began to play online at
partypoker, after 3 months I won 10K$ for 3 consistent months, I quit the
job in restaurant and play full time.
We even rent an office and tried to teach people for the maintainence for
the small company, not suceesfully, so we played for ourselves later.
发帖数: 868
sounds very encouraging. I think it's very hard to win in big games such as
WSOP. But to get consistent income might be easier. So you play mainly

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: that is my first year poker.
: before I can't find job so just working in a restaurant for the timebeing
: My roomate taught me some basic skill and then I began to play online at
: partypoker, after 3 months I won 10K$ for 3 consistent months, I quit the
: job in restaurant and play full time.
: We even rent an office and tried to teach people for the maintainence for
: the small company, not suceesfully, so we played for ourselves later.

发帖数: 868
forgot one question: do you have to pay tax on your income?


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: 1.currently I am part-time( daytime job to keep my H1 status(:
: 2.I focused on cash game (NL200 live game,NL400 or NL600
: in ultimet bet)
: 3.partypoker is closed in USA
: I recommend fulltitlt UB or pokerstar
: there are always people cheating , I tried before,not worth it, so I think
: you don't need to care ( it is very safe for your money if you play in big
: site, never try small site, and I don't think people can hack the site that
: easily.
: 4.for beginner

发帖数: 1873
ultimet bet is a online pokersite
NL200 means maximam buyin is 200$ blind is (2-4$)
Two or more friends play using VPN to sit in the same table is a typical way
to cheat, but you have to share the profit.
as tax, I didn't pay yet :0
there are many way to avoid this.
1 (共1页)
PS reload bonus简单介绍一下fulltiltpoker
one interesting hand on line-3000
the biggest difference between real money and play money在full tilt生活和战斗的同学
NL400 on lineNL400 is crazy
About poker tracker and cardrunner.NL200 move the ladder
明年准备去报名wsop.monter hand
online game is allowed againabout how to make money from Poker
我去SF,LA,stock版通告了一下本届比赛about follow up bluff
话题: game话题: so话题: my话题: net话题: partypoker