

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
_TexasHoldem版 - 怎么对付很少主动raise的人?
tripsplay mid pair on a raised pot
KK vs possilbe set今天的一手牌
two pair!人品爆发
another losing session帮我分析2手牌吧
monter handreading your opponent.
new single hand record关于oversize bet的疑问
AA out of positionover bet.
学习第一问a ruling question
话题: raise话题: play话题: pot话题: against话题: hands
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1633
发帖数: 1153
stop betting marginal hand; bet with air/strong hand; keep the pot small and
try to go to showdown more, gather more information for his tendencies.

【在 l******d 的大作中提到】
: 不知道这种人叫啥名字,不能算tight吧
: 昨天碰到一个,几乎从来不主动raise,经常把一手牌藏到最后。
: 但偶尔被他check-raise几把也很疼。很不爽,玩的束手束脚的
: 一般对付这种人是什么思路?

发帖数: 3277
semibluff less, and cold bluff more, hehe.

【在 l******d 的大作中提到】
: 不知道这种人叫啥名字,不能算tight吧
: 昨天碰到一个,几乎从来不主动raise,经常把一手牌藏到最后。
: 但偶尔被他check-raise几把也很疼。很不爽,玩的束手束脚的
: 一般对付这种人是什么思路?

发帖数: 6301
A player who doesn't raise with strong hands has some shortcomings:
1. Give opponents free draws,that is to give them chance to turn bad hands
into good ones.
2.When the player does raise, everyone knows he had strong hands.
发帖数: 15860
yeah, thus i think you play more drawing hands, because it's free. when it
hits and he stays, hard for him to lay down.
yeah, it's easier to lay down for you.
this type is much safer than loose aggressive ones.

【在 w***w 的大作中提到】
: A player who doesn't raise with strong hands has some shortcomings:
: 1. Give opponents free draws,that is to give them chance to turn bad hands
: into good ones.
: 2.When the player does raise, everyone knows he had strong hands.

发帖数: 6301
When I play heads-up, I meet such players, I bet very small,if he call, I
stop.When I have nuts, I bet very big and he won't fold.

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: yeah, thus i think you play more drawing hands, because it's free. when it
: hits and he stays, hard for him to lay down.
: yeah, it's easier to lay down for you.
: this type is much safer than loose aggressive ones.

发帖数: 715
check-raising is aggressive with confidence.
if he give up many small pots but won a few monsters, I will give him credit
and try play down pot size against him.
发帖数: 3277
hehe, you should control your pot size against anybody IMO.
Certainly, against loose players, you want to overbet some over pairs and
top pairs top kickers hands cause they'll call you down no matter what.
Against tight or tough players, you really want to play a big pot only when
you have a big hand, like trips, top two pairs, straight, flush blabla.
Usually that type of players are easy to play against. You just run him
over and over and over again by winning small pots and give up big pots.

【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: check-raising is aggressive with confidence.
: if he give up many small pots but won a few monsters, I will give him credit
: and try play down pot size against him.

发帖数: 6
depends on your stack,try different strategies, don't stay with on strategy
like this kind of guy.
1. raise to pot size (when pot is comparatively small to your stack)
2. keep pot small and get free draws
3. no-semi bluff, either play with good hands only or play aggressively
it's more difficult to play against a super-aggressive player than this type
of player.
发帖数: 6
However, in most cases, it's better to draw his money when you have monster,
this kind of play likes to check-raise and catching your bluffing.
1 (共1页)
a ruling questionmonter hand
tough spotnew single hand record
The online poker styleAA out of position
My first ever ROYAL flush学习第一问
tripsplay mid pair on a raised pot
KK vs possilbe set今天的一手牌
two pair!人品爆发
another losing session帮我分析2手牌吧
话题: raise话题: play话题: pot话题: against话题: hands