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_TheKingofPop版 - No one can dance like MJ...
MJ vs the Beatles有人去Night of Entertainment with Chinese Performance of Song and Dance
蓓蓝舞蹈团2007年招生Labor Day Dance Party, 9/7/09
推荐: A benefit dance show - Rhythms of Life今晚的"so you think you can dance?"
FinallyI will donate 10$ for this event :)
are you straight New York Dance Parade May 16!
想创就创原创音乐大赛作品"Be My Utopia" - by 潮seriously问一下
Sunny Performing Arts Group [Sunny Dance] 招新[合集] 很恐怖的发现
Ballroom Dance Oct. 16 Princeton UniversityChinese New Year Celebration
话题: mj话题: dance话题: oh
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9098
This is not a compliment. This is a FACT...
Oh man, only dance (music and songs aside) is enough to put MJ up there
among the greatest performers.
1 (共1页)
Chinese New Year Celebrationare you straight
be meant vs means想创就创原创音乐大赛作品"Be My Utopia" - by 潮
感谢falling成立Michael Jackson的俱乐部Sunny Performing Arts Group [Sunny Dance] 招新
欢迎MJ歌迷们加入俱乐部!Ballroom Dance Oct. 16 Princeton University
MJ vs the Beatles有人去Night of Entertainment with Chinese Performance of Song and Dance
蓓蓝舞蹈团2007年招生Labor Day Dance Party, 9/7/09
推荐: A benefit dance show - Rhythms of Life今晚的"so you think you can dance?"
FinallyI will donate 10$ for this event :)
话题: mj话题: dance话题: oh