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_Vegetarianism版 - "Vegetarian" Fast Food Dishes Aren't Always What They're Cracked Up To Be
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感恩节食谱Today's CNN Poll: 18% out of 30372 people are vegetarian
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Surprise! "Vegetarian" Fast Food Dishes Aren't Always What They're Cracked
Up To Be--Don't be fooled by secret ingredients
By Sara Novak
Wed Jan 13, 2010 13:55
More and more of us are becoming vegetarian and that's a good thing
considering the overall impact of eating meat on the planet. In fact, Brian
wrote that livestock in the US produce around 30 times more excrement than
humans do. Their excrement leeches into our water and degrades habitats. And
in 2002 alone 101 million pigs, 35 million cattle, and 8.6 billion chickens
were slaughtered. It's sad and it's gross.
For those unpredictable times when you're on the road and fast food is the
only option, how can you be sure that your food is actually meat-free? In
fact, sometimes meat can be hidden in mysterious meat products like lard,
meat broths, or gelatin. I looked a little deeper at some of the most
popular fast food vegetarian options to see what's available, what's
vegetarian, and what's not.
Which Fast Food Joints Boast Real Vegetarian Fare?
1. Burger King--BK Veggie Burger
Burger King introduced the BK Veggie Burger to please vegetarian customers
in 1996. It's a Morningstar Farms veggie burger and you can get all the
fixins like lettuce, tomato, mustard, ketchup, and mayo. The problem is it's
cooked in the same oil that the meat was cooked. Depending on how strict a
vegetarian that you are, this could be a problem. Burger King's fries are,
however, not cooked in lard, so they are safe for vegetarians and vegans
2. Taco Bell--Bean Burrito, 1/2 lb. Cheesy Bean & Rice Burrito, 7-Layer
Taco Bell features likely the most vegetarian main course items. And it
turns out they are actually meat-free. The 7-Layer Burrito does feature some
sour cream which contains gelatin, a product made from animal bones. Vegans
and some vegetarians do not eat gelatin. But you could order the 7-Layer
sans sour cream. In other positive news, the beans at Taco Bell are not
fried and do not contain lard.
3. Subway—Veggie Delite sandwich, Veggie Patty sandwhich
You're safe with The Veggie Delite sandwich at Subway but I would ask
whoever is making your sandwich to use another knife so that you don't get
that processed meat residue on your sub. Vegetarian breads include their
italian bread, wheat bread (contains honey), hearty italian bread, and
sesame italian bread. Order it without cheese because some cheeses contain
rennet, an animal derived ingredient. Some Subways have a veggie patty
option as well, which may contain eggs but is vegetarian.
4. Wendy's--Baked Potato
The baked potato at Wendy's is a safe bet for vegetarians, and in fact,
pretty tasty for fast food. Order it sans chili. You could also try a deluxe
garden salad in a pinch, but I bet it's less than tasty. And the french
fries are also vegetarian.
5. McDonald's--Nothing, Nada, None
McDonald's does not have a single item for vegetarians. In fact, here's
their policy straight from the horse's mouth:
McDonald's does not represent any of our foods as being vegetarian. However,
we gladly accommodate customer requests to custom-order items without meat
(i.e., without beef, pork, chicken or fish). Note that even though we
provide the flexibility to order items without meat, we cannot guarantee
that during preparation the item does not come into contact with meat or
发帖数: 2534
I think BK veggie is okay, most stores cook the patty in the microwave, so
there's no mix up in cooking equipment, it tastes pretty good if you order
it without mayo, although I've heard that the patty is not vegan~~
发帖数: 92
Thanks for sharing.
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这家泰式料理挺不错VEGANGLORY (转载)想素食,但没法放弃鱼虾
溫哥華 -- 素。食尚洛杉矶素食
也来推荐一家好吃的vegan restaurant连锁Health Benefits of Vegetarian Diets
吃素的一定要补Vitamin B素食馆开张,进来排队领包子
Vegetarian Eating : Food and Nutrition Information Center有在三番湾区的吗?我在南湾,可以组织聚餐。
感恩节食谱Today's CNN Poll: 18% out of 30372 people are vegetarian
话题: vegetarian话题: meat话题: veggie话题: food话题: fast