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401(k),403(b),457(b)求建议,多谢!用traditional IRA付学费或者买房问题
Fidelity: 401(k) hardship withdrawals, loans up问一个401K的early withdrawal的问题
请问B2申请延期可以打电话催吗?2,3年后买房,现在应该每年都放满401K和ROTH IRA吗?
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401k OR roth 401k请教一下 有关J1 WAIVER
话题: united话题: states话题: our话题: his话题: client
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 20
Our client was an ethnic Chinese immigrant from Malaysia who had come to the
United States in order to find a better job to support his wife and children.
Being a legal U.S. permanent resident, he wanted to bring his family over to
the United States. However, his wife was technically ineligible to apply for
her green card after overstaying her visitor’s visa. The only chance was to
file an I-601 Waiver of Grounds of Excludability based on the hardship to our
client as a U.S. green card holder,
发帖数: 20
Our client was an ethnic Chinese immigrant from Malaysia who had come to the
United States in order to find a better job to support his wife and children.
Being a legal U.S. permanent resident, he wanted to bring his family over to
the United States. However, his wife was technically ineligible to apply for
her green card after overstaying her visitor’s visa. The only chance was to
file an I-601 Waiver of Grounds of Excludability based on the hardship to our
client as a U.S. green card holder, which we did in late 2004. The U.S.
Embassy contacted us within a few months about a Notice of Intent to Deny from
USDHS Bangkok. The client was thinking about withdrawing his petition, but
we persuaded him to give it a final try. We carefully crafted a response that
noted the various personal and societal hardship issues that would affect our
1 (共1页)
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Question about 401K401k OR roth 401k
401(k),403(b),457(b)求建议,多谢!用traditional IRA付学费或者买房问题
Fidelity: 401(k) hardship withdrawals, loans up问一个401K的early withdrawal的问题
请问B2申请延期可以打电话催吗?2,3年后买房,现在应该每年都放满401K和ROTH IRA吗?
话题: united话题: states话题: our话题: his话题: client