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_ZST版 - A Desire [Mrs. Browning: To George Sand]
Renaissance8X8 is comingk, the trend is that every 10~20 years
爱国黑客Unfair for both to have the same time
A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 1)Trump众叛亲离,树倒猢狲散-Paul Manafort Quits (转载)
A Sand County Almanac (interlude)弥勒的白人国家主义说穿了就是打破二战以后建立...
A Recognition [Mrs. Browning: To George Sand]New Theory: Sexual Orientation Determined by Brain Hemisphere Dominance
Brown Eyesuseful idiots,你们都死哪里去了?
Franny and ZooeyWant a Big Brain? Head North
华尓街示威中过度使用武力的警察被纪律惩戒US: Mitt Romney wins Virginia, Vermont, Massachusetts primaries
话题: george话题: sand话题: desire话题: browning话题: mrs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3872
Mrs. Browning: To George Sand
Thou large-brained woman and large-hearted man,
Self-called George Sand! whose soul, amid the lions
Of thy tumultuous senses, moans defiance
And answers roar for roar, as spirits can:
I would some mild miraculous thunder ran
Above the applauded circus, in appliance
Of thine own nobler nature's strength and science,
Drawing two pinions, white as wings of swan,
From thy strong shoulders, to amaze the place
With holi
1 (共1页)
US: Mitt Romney wins Virginia, Vermont, Massachusetts primariesA Recognition [Mrs. Browning: To George Sand]
Trump众叛亲离,树倒猢狲散-Paul Manafort QuitsBrown Eyes
Gallup: Trump已经超越ObamaFranny and Zooey
Pence plays Trump's loyal VP across Midwest华尓街示威中过度使用武力的警察被纪律惩戒
Renaissance8X8 is comingk, the trend is that every 10~20 years
爱国黑客Unfair for both to have the same time
A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 1)Trump众叛亲离,树倒猢狲散-Paul Manafort Quits (转载)
A Sand County Almanac (interlude)弥勒的白人国家主义说穿了就是打破二战以后建立...
话题: george话题: sand话题: desire话题: browning话题: mrs