a**y 发帖数: 6501 | 1 【 以下文字转载自 baby 俱乐部 】
发信人: moonpolar (处女+天秤=双子), 信区: baby
标 题: olive oil的label
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 27 22:58:26 2010, 美东)
上次去sam's买olive oil看晕了,回来查了一下,明白了点。像我这样缺乏生活
1. 100% Pure Olive Oil最差,好点的grades都会标"virgin"
2. Cold pressed是提炼全过程中温度都控制在80F以下,能减少营养成分流失、分解
3. First cold pressed指低温一次性提炼。 virgin oil都只能press一次,而且
4. Made from refined olive oils指味道和acidity都经过chemically处理。
5. Made from hand picked olives质量更好,机器摘会把过熟的olive也混进来。
6. Extra light olive oil is olive oil which has been heavily
refined. The oil has a lower smoking point than many other
types of olive oil,suitable for high heat cooking and baking. The
neutral flavor makes it a poor choice for dishes in which the
taste of olive oil is desired, however. |