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_pennystock版 - 怎么治疗情绪操作 (转载)
怎么治疗情绪操作as long as you did not use margin, why the hell are you (转载)
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Greed is our enemy怎么治疗情绪操作
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LYSCF,交作业了~(转载)Marathon Blue
话题: trading话题: hope话题: your话题: faith话题: trade
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5997
【 以下文字转载自 Stockcafeteria 俱乐部 】
发信人: ShortCut (总想偷懒), 信区: Stockcafeteria
标 题: 怎么治疗情绪操作
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 25 16:29:32 2010, 美东)
A thought + feeling = action.
T+E+B=R (Thought+Emotion+Behavior=Result that you get)
1. Confusion
- When first leaning to trade, the market moves in mysterious ways. and you
are not experienced enought to read signposts that hint at what may happen
- Best cures for confustion:
(3).paper trade
(4) Thoroughly learn any new syster
(5) Learn one trading strategy at a time, then stick to that strategy.
(6). Untill you're an experienced trader, don't mix trading time frames.
2. The need to be right.
- Inseisting that you're right equals the frear of being wrong.
- Best cures for the need to be right:
(2)don't get attached to the outcome.
(3) Plan your trade and trade your plan: exact entry points, exit points,and
protective stops.
(4)Stop beating yourself up for making "dumb mistakes"
3. Greed.
- Greed motivates new traders, it also comes into play when you "chase" a
stock or pay too high a price for it.
- Cures for Greed:
(1) limit your risk by trading small lot sizes.
(2) 看到股票彪的时候,离开电脑
4. Fear
- fear of losing money can cause you to exit good trades too early and stay
in bad ones too long.
- Cure for fear:
(3)最后,用经验来取代它,Experience guides you to the trading style that best
suits your temperament.
5.Faith and Hope
- When you are trading on faith and hope, this means you're not controlling
your trade. Instead, your trade's controlling you!
- Cure for faith and hope:
(1).If you feel a bout of faith or hope coming on, identify it, then quickly
reevaluate your ttrade and take necessary actions.
(2). If faith and hope encouraged you to hold onto a losing position, bite
the bullet and get out of the trade immediately. The first lost is always
the smallest.
(3). Remenber, faith and hope lose you money. They are emotions you can't
aford to have.
It is best to identify all of your characteristics that will affect your
trading. The more you know about yourself, the more it will benefit your
trading career.
When you make a questionable move during the trading day, ask "why did I do
that?" Which one of my personality traits caused that to happen?
"I was impulsive"? -- no plan
"I was optimistic"? -- a cousin of faith and hope
"I was stubborn"? -- the need to be right
"I wasn't concentrating"? -- a scattered mind leads to losses.
"I wasn't impatient"? -- Impatience adds to stress
发帖数: 1225
It seem I broke both of the 纪律:
1. I have more than 15 个股票 and most of them are water testing and losers;
2. One of my holding 占总帐户 more than 40%. Once I was "convinced" the
company is deeply under valued for the share price, I accumulated a bunch
and hold instead of trading.
The important point here is you must be CONVINCED, which need a lot of
research, comparison, evaluation, analysis, etc, and a final one: luck too.
发帖数: 2767
发帖数: 6456


【在 L*********n 的大作中提到】
: It seem I broke both of the 纪律:
: 1. I have more than 15 个股票 and most of them are water testing and losers;
: 2. One of my holding 占总帐户 more than 40%. Once I was "convinced" the
: company is deeply under valued for the share price, I accumulated a bunch
: and hold instead of trading.
: The important point here is you must be CONVINCED, which need a lot of
: research, comparison, evaluation, analysis, etc, and a final one: luck too.

1 (共1页)
Marathon BlueGreed is our enemy
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怎么治疗情绪操作as long as you did not use margin, why the hell are you (转载)
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话题: trading话题: hope话题: your话题: faith话题: trade