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OXGNpwer盘后彪了,+4.48% 这新闻啥意思?
GNBT Receives Funding CommitmentAGM等了半天才买上
注XOMA 052 Shows Potent In Vitro Inhibition of Interleukin-6 Production in Human Myeloma CellsCVO, INWK, DLX, DMC, RRD
Past SQNM Exec Charged with Lying by SEC今天金融的破位大跌
PCX vs MEE周五三点钟 若干煤炭股有大单买入
话题: guizhou话题: governor话题: china话题: zhao话题: coal
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 306
bot @2.23.
yes, the chart looks extremely ugly, but its price looks attractive to me at
this level. In the event of a dow/naz/sp indices dive, it might not dip
further significantly.
发帖数: 8131
nice call
volume is buidling up
发帖数: 306
It's yet to see whether this big volume is beneficial or harmful.

【在 a****g 的大作中提到】
: nice call
: volume is buidling up

发帖数: 8131
i will wait

【在 g****r 的大作中提到】
: It's yet to see whether this big volume is beneficial or harmful.
发帖数: 2665
be careful when trading on this Chinese stock
发帖数: 306
"Our view is simplicity itself: LLEN has been making up wide swaths of its
public filings for several years in a profoundly audacious bid to mislead
investors, its auditors, NASDAQ and the SEC. They have been discovered and
called out; all that remains is the day of reckoning for their Ping Yi Mine
hoax. To date, many China Hybrids and their management teams have escaped
criminal liability because they were entirely based in China. LLEN is
different since it is a U.S. domiciled company with active headquarters on
these shores and management directly subject to U.S. legal enforcement."
发帖数: 306
"Governor Praises L&L Energy's Efforts in Guizhou
SEATTLE, Feb. 17, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- L & L Energy, Inc. (LLEN) ("L&L" or the "Company"), a U.S.-based company since 1995 with coal mining and distribution businesses in southwest China, announced today that L&L Chairman and CEO, Dickson Lee and Vice President and Director, Ed Moy were invited by the Guizhou Provincial Governor, Zhao KeZhi to join a US - China Guizhou Business Luncheon in Los Angeles on Thursday, February 16.
During the luncheon, Governor Zhao praised L&L's leadership and
participation in the Guizhou coal consolidation process and encouraged L&L to continue acquiring additional mines in the region, citing Guizhou's vast coal resources. Governor Zhao praised L&L's ability to bridge the gap between US and Guizhou mining standards and enhance Guizhou's international presence.
The meeting between L&L and Guizhou government officials also included the Director of Guizhou Department of Commerce, Mr. X.Q. Shen, Vice Secretary General of Guizhou Provincial Peoples Government, Mr. Gang Li, and Ms. G.D. Chen, the Deputy Director General of Foreign Affairs.
L&L Chairman and CEO Dickson Lee commented, "It was our pleasure to receive such encouraging words from Governor Zhao and share ideas with other senior members of the Guizhou government. We currently own three mines in Guizhou (Ping Yi, DaPing, and Weishe). Under the guidance of L&L director and world renowned coal expert, Dr. Syd Peng, we will continue to acquire quality and safe coal mines
within Guizhou, the largest producing coal province in South China."
Lee Continued, "This meeting not only solidified our relationship with the Guizhou government and its regulators, but helped us further understand the direction of Guizhou's consolidation process. China's business environment is very different from the United States, with relationships playing a larger role in a company's success. We are encouraged by this meeting and look forward to working with the government to achieve our consolidation plans."
Photos of the meeting between L&L and Governor Zhao are available on L&L's website."


【在 g****r 的大作中提到】
: "Our view is simplicity itself: LLEN has been making up wide swaths of its
: public filings for several years in a profoundly audacious bid to mislead
: investors, its auditors, NASDAQ and the SEC. They have been discovered and
: called out; all that remains is the day of reckoning for their Ping Yi Mine
: hoax. To date, many China Hybrids and their management teams have escaped
: criminal liability because they were entirely based in China. LLEN is
: different since it is a U.S. domiciled company with active headquarters on
: these shores and management directly subject to U.S. legal enforcement."
: http://geoinvesting.com/companies/duediligence/true_owner_of_pi

发帖数: 353
1 (共1页)
周五三点钟 若干煤炭股有大单买入Past SQNM Exec Charged with Lying by SEC
SHZ ER(Up 25%)sppi
OXGNpwer盘后彪了,+4.48% 这新闻啥意思?
GNBT Receives Funding CommitmentAGM等了半天才买上
注XOMA 052 Shows Potent In Vitro Inhibition of Interleukin-6 Production in Human Myeloma CellsCVO, INWK, DLX, DMC, RRD
话题: guizhou话题: governor话题: china话题: zhao话题: coal