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_voip版 - 问个网络配置问题
google voice的adapter是不是就是用PAP2啊pap2t to spa1001 升级失败了
SS and FUP如果愿意向gizmo5等交钱,是不是voip简单多了
请问pap2和spa1001哪个设置简单,好用?谢谢 (转载)有没有人要Dockstar?
问个小白问题。。。PAP2 两路SIP能设同一个port number吗?
PAP2 对打还记得前阵子我说要写一个gtalk的应用吗?
Re: Google Voice 用了一年了,还是蛮爽的.汇报一下.$35 for Obi 100 or $60 for 2 Obi 110
话题: switch话题: router话题: lan话题: spa1001话题: solution
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 771
现在总共有四个有账户: 2个不同area code 的Googlevoic账户,一个Callcentric, 和
有5 个设备要连接到只有四个有线连接口的路由器: 1 台台式计算机, 2 个 Linksys
SPA1001 ATA, 1 个 Patriot PBO Multimedia Player, 和 一个安装有Asterisk 1.8
的 Dockstar. 所以缺一个连接口。
以前没有用Dockstar时,正好用完所有接口。现在 如果我想要保持这五个设备都用有
线连接的话,应该怎么做? 再增加一个switch? 或路由器?
BTW,我想保持两个SPA1001 和与它们想连的两个电话机。所以可以在同时,可以有二路
发帖数: 415
solution 1: use PAP2
solution 2: add switch or anything that expands lan ports
solution 3: pbo wifi


【在 c**s 的大作中提到】
: 我有一个网络配置问题,
: 现在总共有四个有账户: 2个不同area code 的Googlevoic账户,一个Callcentric, 和
: 一个Smartvoip.
: 有5 个设备要连接到只有四个有线连接口的路由器: 1 台台式计算机, 2 个 Linksys
: SPA1001 ATA, 1 个 Patriot PBO Multimedia Player, 和 一个安装有Asterisk 1.8
: 的 Dockstar. 所以缺一个连接口。
: 以前没有用Dockstar时,正好用完所有接口。现在 如果我想要保持这五个设备都用有
: 线连接的话,应该怎么做? 再增加一个switch? 或路由器?
: BTW,我想保持两个SPA1001 和与它们想连的两个电话机。所以可以在同时,可以有二路
: 通话。

发帖数: 771
Thank you, 睡神.
Solution #1 is good. I just need to flash the SPA1001 back to PAP2 again.
the problem is I am a brand newbie on Asterisk, I have no clue how to
configure 4 accounts and only use one ATA.
#2 I have a hub somewhere, I have a spare router, but do not have a switch.
Could I somehow utilize the hub or the router? I think it may cause
problems in VOIP by connecting another router to the LAN port of the 1st
router, like these nasty NAT stuff, but I am not sure. On the other hand,
will hub reduce the efficiency of the LAN? Again, I am not familiar with
networking, so my question might be naive or trivial. If that is the case, I
do apologize.
#3: I do not want use WIFI on PBO. From my reading, it does not work as good
as a wired connection. I do have several USB wifi adapters sitting around.
I won't try this route yet unless it is absolutely necessary,

【在 D*********Z 的大作中提到】
: solution 1: use PAP2
: solution 2: add switch or anything that expands lan ports
: solution 3: pbo wifi
: Linksys
: .8

发帖数: 415
Considering your case, I recommend #2.
#1 could be a workaround if you knew something about asterisk. Otherwise no
good at all. It does not really solve the problem. I mean, what will you do
if you have a new wired device in the future? What else are you going to cut
#2 is a solution. If you don't have switch in hand, just remember that consu
mer router product is actually a router plus a switch. By Disabling the DHCP
function and abandoning the WAN port, a router is "castrated" to a switch.
NAT won't be a concern in such condition. It's like expanding the LAN ports
You are right about the HUB. It can do the work, but inefficiently due to it
s shared bandwidth.


【在 c**s 的大作中提到】
: Thank you, 睡神.
: Solution #1 is good. I just need to flash the SPA1001 back to PAP2 again.
: the problem is I am a brand newbie on Asterisk, I have no clue how to
: configure 4 accounts and only use one ATA.
: #2 I have a hub somewhere, I have a spare router, but do not have a switch.
: Could I somehow utilize the hub or the router? I think it may cause
: problems in VOIP by connecting another router to the LAN port of the 1st
: router, like these nasty NAT stuff, but I am not sure. On the other hand,
: will hub reduce the efficiency of the LAN? Again, I am not familiar with
: networking, so my question might be naive or trivial. If that is the case, I

发帖数: 771
Thanks a bunch. I really appreciate your help.


【在 D*********Z 的大作中提到】
: Considering your case, I recommend #2.
: #1 could be a workaround if you knew something about asterisk. Otherwise no
: good at all. It does not really solve the problem. I mean, what will you do
: if you have a new wired device in the future? What else are you going to cut
: then?
: #2 is a solution. If you don't have switch in hand, just remember that consu
: mer router product is actually a router plus a switch. By Disabling the DHCP
: function and abandoning the WAN port, a router is "castrated" to a switch.
: NAT won't be a concern in such condition. It's like expanding the LAN ports
: transparently.

1 (共1页)
$35 for Obi 100 or $60 for 2 Obi 110问个小白问题。。。
ooma最近打电话回国声音质量好差啊PAP2 对打
现在还有免费接入的Voip号码吗?Re: Google Voice 用了一年了,还是蛮爽的.汇报一下.
google voice的adapter是不是就是用PAP2啊pap2t to spa1001 升级失败了
SS and FUP如果愿意向gizmo5等交钱,是不是voip简单多了
请问pap2和spa1001哪个设置简单,好用?谢谢 (转载)有没有人要Dockstar?
话题: switch话题: router话题: lan话题: spa1001话题: solution