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astrology版 - Leo Horoscope for February 2011 zz
Aquarius Horoscope for February 2011 zz十二星座兴趣爱好(Aries to Leo)
Capricorn Horoscope for February 2011 zz问世间,大猫为何物?Leo July 23 - August 22
Scorpio Horoscope for February 2011 zzAquarius Horoscope for December 2011 by Susan Miller
苏珊米勒2011年11月28-2011年12月4日星座运势 zz有人贴过susan miller的11月运势么???
苏珊米勒2012年2月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)这篇专门分析梅花相位 (四楼随便翻译了点内容)
水瓶座大概都在忙工作的事情【射手座】Susan Miller 2014年3月运势
话题: february话题: your话题: leo话题: may话题: moon
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2328
Leo Horoscope for February 2011
By Susan Miller
You seem ready to join forces with someone special, and that's unusual for
you. Leo tends to like to be in charge and control the flow, but these days
a new spirit of "let's join forces" will be in the air, and suddenly you'll
be willing to form a partnership that is equal to you in every sense. You
seem excited by the possibilities of this "coming together" of you and one
special individual. Talks and plans will begin to shape up quickly this
month, for the new moon February 2 will be accompanied by an entourage of
the Sun, Mars, and Neptune, and together these heavenly bodies will help you
to get talks underway very soon.
In the matter of relationships, your partner will have more control over the
pace and direction of your plans and talks than you, but this might be
flattering, for it seems you BOTH want to want to move forward, not just you
. You won't feel as though you need to do a lot of persuading - your partner
seems to be as eager to crystallize this arrangement and get the show on
the road. The fact that Mars will be close to the moon and Sun means Mars
will give your plan greater push, and remarkably, Saturn will lend his gifts
of stability and realism, too. This is unusual. Saturn often is the one to
throw the wrench into the works, but this time, Saturn will actually be a
helpful little buddy.
The Sun, new moon, Mars, and Neptune will all be in the idiosyncratic sign
of Aquarius and all will be touring your seventh house of marriage /
partnership, indicating that you may be designing a relationship that
friends and family don't quite understand because it is unconventional. If
the two of you both like the solution you've created, that's what counts.
Aquarius is the sign that breaks rules and reconfigures things in a very
individual way, so if your style is commitment or the type of person you
have chosen seems "different" in some way (the way Demi Moore and Ashton
Kutcher are), then that's fine!
For other Leos, the prominence of Aquarius in this month's equation could
bring up other types of questions, such as, "Is this love, or is this
friendship?" or "How much closeness and how much space do I really need, and
how do my needs fit in with my partner's?" These types of meditations are
very common when Aquarius is so prominent. See what comes up in your love
This month's energies are just perfect for an engagement, as you may have
guessed, but what if you are in a strong and happy marriage now? What then?
Your partner may have big news for you, such as news of a big promotion or
raise, or you may hear about other exciting developments that will make you
both happy. Certainly you will be focused on your partner quite a bit this
month, as this person will take the dominant lead and bring most of the news
and stimulus.
You may feel you've reached an important phase where it's the right time to
do more as a couple, such as to save up for a new house or to buy new
furniture, or to take a special vacation together, or to even plan a baby.
There are many possibilities, but the point is, you seem ready to do more
together, and tackling this goal will bring you to the next level.
Any new moon brings two weeks of energy, so that means this new moon period
includes Valentine's Day. If you are ready to get engaged, this Valentine's
Day may be one for the record books, because conditions will be so right for
taking that step. If you are drumming your fingers on the table saying, "It
will be a cold day in February before that happens!" well, keep an open
mind, dear Leo! That may be happening now. Four little happy planets are
bouncing up and down like giddy little friends, coaxing you to be courageous
and take the next step.
You can use this electric energy to form a profitable and happy partnership
with a business associate too, and be surprised how well things turn out.
Many Leos work in creative fields, and if that is you, you will find that
collaborating, say, on a screenplay or book, could be the way to make faster
progress. See if this makes sense for you.
If you were born on August 8, plus or minus four days, this new moon
emphasis on partnerships will be especially strong for you.
The full moon will be in Leo this month, the only one of the year, falling
on February 18. Something of great importance is coming to a culmination,
and it will more likely "hit" on the day or just after. Still, I feel
Valentine's Day is close enough to my usual tolerance for full moons, plus
or minus four days, so that's why I feel you could have an astounding
experience for Valentine's Day!
If you were born on August 22, or within four or five days of this date, you
will feel the full moon's effects more than you will the new moons. This
will be a key point for you!
Neptune will be prominent this month, so you will have to figure out a way
to avoid problems from this planet known to crank out mist and fog and
obscure facts. Indeed, Neptune will practically be out of control, as you
get closer to the full moon in Leo, February 18.
I would not want you to promise your heart, or your reputation (in terms of
a new business association), near the date of that full moon, February 18.
Instead, the day to seal the deal (so to speak) would be February 14 when
Saturn will help you build a promise that remains solid for a very long time
, possibly forever.
Earlier, I also like February 4 and 5, too, for making promises, especially
in the business sense, when Mercury, planet of agreements and contracts, and
fortunate Jupiter will support one another in a dazzling way. February 4
and 5 are two of the best days of the month.
Later in the month, once Mars enters your eighth house, you will find you
need to spend more than usual in the coming weeks. It's also possible you'll
be motivated to get a better grip on spending during this time and try to
cut out waste and spending that doesn't get you the satisfaction you would
normally expect. You might be in the mood to call your credit card company
or cell phone provider to see if you can negotiate a better rate. You might
want to join a price club where you can buy brands for less than full retail
, or attend a lecture about how to make wise investments.
Mars in the eighth house could also bring you all the motivation you need to
finish up your tax return. Mars will help you find the energy to get it all
done from February 22 to March 31. Good! People who file early usually get
to take the most legal deductions and make the fewest errors on their
returns, if only because they aren't rushing.
Late last month, Jupiter, that wonderful benefic planet who just wants to
spoil you over and over many times, entered fellow fire sign Aries. This is
great news, for whenever Jupiter is in a fire sign, you do well. The Leos
born at the end of July are first to feel benefits - you've got outstanding
favor now! You can take big risks, early born Leos, knowing that Jupiter
will be protecting you like a celebrity bodyguard.
I can hear little birds on Twitter tweeting, "What about me! I was born in
August!" All will be given gifts in due time. EVERY Leo will have their turn
, and no one will be left out. August-born Leos will be fortunate from March
through May. The later in August you were born, the later it will come, (
say, more near May), but the point is that your time will come! I will keep
reminding you, dear Leo!
No matter when you were born, July or August, you will be given a special
boost to your health and to your love life, for Jupiter in perfect angle to
your Sun would do that.
Distant, exotic travel will also be strongly emphasized, so I urge you to
consider taking a major trip sometime in the coming few months. You would
find your journey awe inspiring and possibly even life changing. Study is
also underscored by this visit of Jupiter, so if you are in college, you
will find the coming months very special and memorable, a time when you will
come into your own. You might be studying abroad or working on a grant
abroad. The ninth house rules information - the taking it in through study
at the university - or the dispersing of it through publishing or
broadcasting. You will do well if you work in either industry between now
and May, so if you need to present an idea, do so soon!
Mercury will not be retrograde until March 30 to April 23 so you have two
strong months to plant seeds, dear Leo. All systems are go!
(If you bought my Year Ahead 2011 calendar, look at page 2, where you see
the DH Lawrence quote in front. Next to the graphic of the calendars below
the quote, you will see that I listed all the Mercury retrograde periods. I
don't want you to miss that list!
This will be a big month for drawing up plans to be closer to another person
in love or in business. For most, this might mean plans to move in together
or to profess your love. You may talk about marriage and be moved to
actually set the date. Others who are already married may decide to make
something more of the relationship, say, by buying a house or having a baby.
Saturn is currently in your third house and allowing you to find the right
words to articulate what goals you'd like to set.
The full moon on February 18 will fall in Leo, the only one of the year in
your sign, and this underscores how important a month this will be for you.
Full moons will always bring energy and high emotions, and you will notice
this to be true as early as February 14 and as late as February 20. Neptune
will be orbiting very close to the Sun, giving you a feeling of enormous
inspiration. If you know your partner well, enjoy it. If not, make sure you
are making your decisions with your eyes wise open; it may be too soon to
get deeply involved. In this case, if you see you are moving fast, go to
friends for advice. Chances are, you can trust them to keep you sane and
levelheaded if need be. As I always say, never make promises under the light
of neon.
If you were to get engaged, it would likely happen over Valentine's Day, as
February 14 falls close enough to the full moon in Leo to make exciting
things happen. The preceding weekend dates of February 12-13 could be lots
of fun too, for the moon will be in Gemini, a fun place for the moon to be
for you. Single Leos may meet someone at the airport or at work when a co-
worker or visitor to your company shows interest. With Jupiter and Pluto in
hard angles on February 25, you may decide you should widen your list of
criteria of those you would be willing to date - see how you feel.
Jupiter moved into your international sector last month and will spend four
months there. Now that Jupiter, the planet of goodness, growth, and
happiness, is in Aries, a fellow fire sign, your spirit of adventure will be
stimulated. It would be a shame not to plan an exotic trip abroad while you
have such rare and outstanding favor for travel. There are other ways to
use this energy. If you would like to work in the international arena,
investigate your options, as things could rapidly fit into place. Higher
education is also an option. Send those applications to your favorite
university or other institutions, and while you do, see about a student loan
or scholarship. When it comes to education, you are holding a four-leaf
Your career will soon begin to show exceptional growth a few months from now
. If you work in publishing or broadcasting, or teach at the college level,
you will see encouraging signs now in February and continue to build through
May. Career opportunities will be strong for Leos in other occupations from
June through the rest of the year and beyond. Make sure the work you do on
any and all projects from now on is letter perfect, as the body of work you
are accumulating now will be examined this spring and summer when higher ups
will be deciding about your professional future.
At month's end, starting February 22, money matters will take up a lot of
your attention, and this trend will continue through March, with special
emphasis on jointly held funds or property. This same house rules mortgage,
credit, loans, taxes, scholarships, inheritance, insurance, and similar
types of funds. You may need to send in applications, negotiate a settlement
, or evaluate various financial arrangements to see if you can alter them to
do better. It would be the right moment to set aside time to prepare your
receipts for taxes, too - Mars in this house would see that you were very
productive and would be motivated to finish them up fairly soon.
Dates to Note for Leo
You may be ready for a major commitment in marriage or in business, and you'
d be talking about plans in a serious way starting February 2 and continuing
most of the month. Valentine's Day may prove to be quite important for you.
The full moon in Leo on February 18 will be a major moment in your timeline.
You seem very excited and inspired. Just be sure of your actions - if you
have done your research, go ahead, enjoy it.
Financial matters will become increasingly important from February 22, a
trend that will also be in place in March. It's a good time to do taxes, to
figure out how to handle joint funds, or to apply for a mortgage or
scholarship, as some examples.
Your career is about to break open like a big juicy coconut. All Leos will
have opportunities in just a few months, but publishing and broadcasting is
coming up strong now.
Travel and international trade / relationships dazzle for you now. Your
sense of adventure is high - see if you can find someone to travel with, as
any trip you take would be very special now, even life changing.
February 25 may bring a reason to rethink the type of person you should be
Romance will be best February 2, 3, 11-13, 16-18, 20, 24, and 25.
发帖数: 854
1 (共1页)
【射手座】Susan Miller 2014年3月运势苏珊米勒2012年2月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)
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Aquarius Horoscope for February 2011 zz十二星座兴趣爱好(Aries to Leo)
Capricorn Horoscope for February 2011 zz问世间,大猫为何物?Leo July 23 - August 22
Scorpio Horoscope for February 2011 zzAquarius Horoscope for December 2011 by Susan Miller
苏珊米勒2011年11月28-2011年12月4日星座运势 zz有人贴过susan miller的11月运势么???
话题: february话题: your话题: leo话题: may话题: moon