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astrology版 - 从太阳看一个人的自我
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话题: sun话题: he话题: within话题: his话题: represents
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发帖数: 13789
The Sun represents the individualizing principle in nature. It is the ego or
nucleus of any being and the determinant of its identity. The inherent
purpose of each separate entity is to radiate light and power just as the
solar orb illumines the vault of the sky. It has been said that God is a
circle whose center is everywhere and whose periphery is nowhere. Within
this boundless sphere of potential existence every animate unit is a
miniature Sun or center of creative self-expression.
An ancient aphorism states, "Man is the microcosm of the macrocosm." This
means that man, the dot within the center of the circle, reflects the entire
round of the heavens. He is linked by a direct radius to every segment of
surrounding sky. All the powers of the universe have their correspondence in
his Soul, which is the focused image of Spirit projected into the heart of
Matter. Eventually, he must consciously reaffirm his kinship with the starry
spaces of his celestial environment which he finds to be not empty but
throbbing with life and surging with a love that unifies every separate part
within the larger Whole.
All existence involves an interplay between a central point containing an
infinite number of dimensions, and an infinite number of points of no
dimension. As long as man is preoccupied with superficial affairs he finds
himself wandering far out on the edge of this hyper-sphere, but when he
awakens to the radiance within himself, he is drawn back to its emanating
center. From the periphery, the many small entities journey toward their
mutual point of origin, each one following its own radius. Thus their paths
converge to bring them closer to each other as well as to their common goal.
Anatomically, the Sun represents the heart which impels the blood to
circulate and vitalize the entire community of cells. It is the source of
life at the core of any system. In an individual horoscope, the Sun stands
for the native's sense of identity, and also for any positive male figure of
authority with whom one might identify, such as a father, husband, or
sovereign. It represents the will of the true Self and indicates the lines
along which this essential quality of being can most advantageously be
expressed. Symbolically, every individual is a small Sun whose ultimate
purpose is to realize his innate potential and become an enlightening
influence in his own milieu.
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业力关系 (Karmic Relationships)RFE 求助AUTHORSHIP
Susan Miller 2015年4月射手座运势Re: oil heating的房子是不是不能买 ?
话题: sun话题: he话题: within话题: his话题: represents