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astrology版 - 星座背后的美丽数学公式
你的星座可能要变化了losmooon' blog
有关宫位问题的建议Your zodiac sign may have changed (ZZ)
瑞士著名心理学家 Carl G. Jung quotes on Astrology (转载)有没有人听说新的星座划分的事情?
World Top 10 Astrologer巨蟹座斯达沃曼大师诞辰68年Top 5 Worst Zodiac Matches
What is Zodiac?美版十二星座婚姻Faithfulness排行
看上一个7月5号的巨蟹男十二星座兴趣爱好 Hobbies By Zodiac Sign(ZZ)
话题: sun话题: moon话题: divisions话题: sky话题: lunar
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 13789
You have the sky itself, which is a complete circle. We measure it to have
“360º”. From there we divide it in different ways to get
astrologically meaningful sections.
You are most familiar with how the sky is divided into 12 sections – the “
12 signs of the zodiac”. This division is based on the movement of the Sun
over the course of a complete Moon cycle (how far the Sun moves in the sky
during the course of the Moon going from full to new and back again).
There are other divisions that are almost equally important. The next is the
27 lunar mansions – a division of the circle of the sky into 27 parts,
based on the movement of the Moon over the course of a complete Sun cycle (
how far the Moon moves in the ky during the course of the Sun rising,
setting and coming back again).
Those two divisions, the Sun’s and the Moon’s are unified by a third
division called the “Navamsha” which literally means “Ninth Part” (and
which I abbreviate as “D9″) If you divide a single solar zodiac sign into
9 equal parts, you will link it to the lunar zodiac because those divisions
will cause exactly four parts in each lunar sign. This is one reason why the
navamsha is the most significant of all the subdivisions of the main solar
and lunar zodiacs.
A sort of confirmation of the importance of the navamsha is that it results
in 108 divisions total in the sky. (9 in each sign, 12 signs… 9×12 = 108)
and 108 is a pinnacle number in occult numerology. It also represents the 9
planets in the 12 signs (108).
There are many more divisions of lesser, but still significant importance.
These articles describe them in more detail:
1 (共1页)
十二星座兴趣爱好 Hobbies By Zodiac Sign(ZZ)World Top 10 Astrologer巨蟹座斯达沃曼大师诞辰68年
The Simpsons ZodiacWhat is Zodiac?
Quiz: which Zodiac Sign are you...?太阳星座和月亮星座
help with my zodiac sign?看上一个7月5号的巨蟹男
你的星座可能要变化了losmooon' blog
有关宫位问题的建议Your zodiac sign may have changed (ZZ)
瑞士著名心理学家 Carl G. Jung quotes on Astrology (转载)有没有人听说新的星座划分的事情?
话题: sun话题: moon话题: divisions话题: sky话题: lunar