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astrology版 - 苏珊米勒2011年12月天秤运势 (by tipsy)
美国神婆Sagittarius (11/22 - 12/21)运势苏珊米勒2012年3月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)
Aquarius Horoscope for December 2011 by Susan Miller双鱼七月前瞻 Susan Miller
苏珊米勒2011年12月巨蟹运势 (zz)巨蟹七月前瞻 Susan Miller
苏珊米勒2012年1月天秤运势 (by tipsy)双子座2011年3月星座运程by AstroTwins[转载]
(zz)预警:monster april和十二星座相关预报 Susan Miller's Guide To Surviving Eclipses苏珊米勒2012年3月双子运势 (zz)
苏珊米勒2012年5月天秤运势 (zz)【双子座】苏珊-米勒2013年5月运势
金星处女容易出顶级帅哥美女(zz)有人贴过susan miller的11月运势么???
话题: december话题: your话题: may话题: venus话题: uranus
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 182
******** 正文
更有经验的人。蚀通常标志着生命中的重大事件,所以你可能会听到小孩出生 订婚 结
婚 买房子 升职或者开展新业务 发行新书等消息 - 你明白我在说什么。蚀通常会带来
情绪化,因为他们会激发情感 记忆 和长期怀有的梦想。幸运的是,蚀是发生在火象射
就开始了的。水星掌管思考和推理,而且会一直逆行到12月13号 - 这意味着12月的前
来一切正常 - 这才是关键!这意味着你做事要慢,因为事情可能会表里不一。当在迷
定会有雪片般的电子邮件 电话和短信飞来,你可能会有更多的会议要参加。
来,不管是通过旅行 教育还是讨论。你可能会发现重点强调的是外国关系或交易,可
能会涉及申请(或收到)签证 绿卡或某个允许双重国籍的国家的新护照。
响 - 你最好在12月13号以后(不是之前)买电器,因为你或者收到礼物的人会更可能
,这是件好事 - 你可以卖房子和签署文件。木星,礼物和运气的赐予者,在你的他人
如果你没有买 卖或租,你可能打算在1月节日一结束就请包工头来装修。太好了!这次
******** 总结
(to be continued)
With a total eclipse of the moon on December 10 in your intellectual ninth
house of travel, advanced studies, politics, philosophical thinking, and the
media, this will be a big month. You may hear news that your manuscript
will be published, or hear from a prestigious university that you have been
accepted for admittance. You may start work to help a political candidate,
or go on a religious or spiritual retreat and gain insights. That eclipse
will be in Gemini, a sign compatible to yours, so developments should turn
out to be welcome and uplifting. Additionally, you may need to take a long-
distance trip, so stay flexible in case you need to pack and go quickly and
As you get closer to month's end, you will be more likely to be home rather
than on the road. The new moon of December 24 is set to light your sector of
housing, property, and family, so you may be hosting houseguests or doing a
lot of entertaining. If you need to buy or sell property, or want to rent
or sublet, you can make an important deal before the year is out.
Alternatively you may initiate an important renovation or refurbishing
domestic project just after the new moon that will begin just after the
holidays, a good time to do so. While it would not be wise to sign any
papers during Mercury retrograde, December 1-13, you can do so after
December 13, for then you will have an open road. Be sure to get your
partner's approval, and don't just assume you have it - the position of
Uranus suggests you both may have differing points of view that will have to
be discussed.
Single Libras who are unattached and eager to date a new someone will not be
as likely to feel the at-times jarring influence of Uranus, so feel free to
meet lots of new people. Have confidence that someone, soon, will appear.
Venus will help you once it moves into Aquarius on December 20, to stay
until January 14. One of your best days of the month for fun and love will
be December 21, when Venus and Uranus bubble up an effervescent conversation
and plenty of flirting! Just one piece of advice - if you find someone
interesting, keep the relationship developing slowly as you will be tempted
to heat things up too quickly these days. Slow and steady will be the best
route to true love.
******** 重要日子
Libra Dates to Note
Travel or higher study may be stimulated in your life by the total eclipse
of the moon, December 10. Alternatively, you may have a legal matter to
attend to, or see a broadcasting or publishing project crystallize.
The turn of Uranus direct on December 10 will do wonders for your social
life. Uranus has been retrograde for months - get set for more dates, more
Mars in Virgo may put you in contact with someone who is ill or recovering
in a hospital, rehab center, physical therapy center, or nursing home. Your
cheer will be appreciated.
Your plans to improve your living situation, or a family situation, will be
given the green light at the new moon, December 24. You will get a hint of
better days to come in the home on December 19.
Jupiter's turn direct on December 25 will improve your finances in weeks and
months to come.
Your very best days for love will be December 3-4 when Venus and Mars will
combine energies to make you shine. Also add December 9, 10, 21 and 22.
Most romantic dates: December 9, 10, 11, 14, 23, 26, 27, and 31.
发帖数: 8436
发帖数: 1244
发帖数: 182
Eclipse season is here, and surprising events are popping up everywhere. Fortunately, these solar and lunar events are due to be somewhat easier for you to experience than the ones that occurred last year. Eclipses bring new experiences, often right out of the blue, from events outside your control that you would never expect. They add a new twist to life, increase your experience, and evolve you into a more mature, seasoned person. Eclipse time often marks the truly big events of life, so you are likely to hear of births, engagements, weddings, the purchase of a house, a promotion or start of a new business, a book being published - you get the idea. They often bring news of something big.
Not all the news is positive at eclipse time, so we always have to be prepared for anything to come up. Keep your schedule wide open near December 10, for if you have an overly packed schedule you will become tense, as you may need to swing into action and make quick decisions. Generally solar eclipses (like we had last month) open new paths, and are more exciting than lunar eclipses. If you are to take full advantage of what they bring up, you will need to take the initiative to follow up, but of course, that's something you'd do joyfully.
You may want to re-read the November forecast I wrote for you last month, because I went into detail about the November 25 eclipse, which will be active for you for weeks and months to come. Eclipses have long future areas of influence. They always come in pairs, as triply powerful new moons and full moons. These lunar and solar events are instigators of change, and as a pair are connected in theme and purpose. If your birthday falls on September 25 plus or minus five days, you will feel the effects of the November 25 eclipse the most.
You can find the hyperlink to your last month's forecast if you scroll down to the bottom of your forecast, below Dates to Note, and click on "Previous month's forecast."
Total eclipses of the (full) moon, as we will have this month on December 10, tend to bring endings or culminations. They are more emotional than new moon solar eclipses because they stir up feelings, memories, and long-held dreams. Fortunately for you, the eclipses are falling in the fire and air signs of Gemini and Sagittarius, and these are signs that blend beautifully with yours. This means you will likely deal with them better than most signs, for both these elements are supportive of you.
There is a little problem, however, because as you begin December, Mercury will still be in retrograde, a condition that Mercury entered into on November 24. Mercury rules thinking and reasoning, and will continue to retrograde until December 13 - that means that during the first half of December, your judgment will likely be off. Things will be in flux, but you won't know that because on the surface, everything will seem so normal - that's the rub! This means you need to go slowly, for nothing will be quite as it seems. With big events happening as a result of the eclipses in an environment of fog and confusion, you will need to take your time. Do not make any major moves until a day or two after December 13.
The next eclipse will fall in Gemini, 18 degrees, and will bring in a flurry of communication. It certainly will dramatically increase your interaction with others, whether people you know, or some that you don't, say, if you give a speech or begin an advertising or publicity campaign. You may start a website or blog, or you may get more involved with social media than you have in the past. Certainly you will see an avalanche of emails, phone calls, and texts, and you will likely have many meetings to attend.
The third and ninth houses that are so lit for you are the areas of the chart that cover attitude and opinion, and because eclipses push us to new levels of awareness, you may adopt a new perspective on an important issue that you have been mulling over lately. This may come through a debate you have with someone, or by reading an article that make you think along new lines, as two of many possibilities.
This particular series of eclipses started a year ago, on December 21, 2010. The next eclipses, Gemini-Sagittarius, continued mid-year, on June 1, and a total eclipse of the moon followed on June 15. You might want to think back to what you were doing on those dates to see what news or discussions came up, for those will point the way to this series. The next two in the same series will advance conversations to a higher level, until they are finished in May 2013. (There will be three in this series in 2012.)
Your world is opening up, for soon you will see that the shutters of your mind will be opened wide with sunlight by the current eclipses, either through travel, education, or discussion. You may notice a strong emphasis on international relationships and trade, and may be involved with making an application for (or you may receive) a visa, green card, or new passport from a foreign country that allows dual citizenship.
This part of your chart also rules the courts and justice, so you may register a patent or trademark, or work on a court settlement, if you have been in a dispute. Things will likely be finishing up by December 10, plus five days, or one month to the day later, January 10, plus or minus five days.
You will likely notice a refreshing influence and one that will likely motivate you to explore new avenues of expression and of learning. The emphasis on the dispersal of information of the ninth house is why a major publishing or broadcasting project may be finishing up now. Or you may send your application to the colleges, a good time to wrap that process up.
Your close family relatives will also be highlighted with eclipses in these houses (your solar third and ninth houses) with your sister or brother coming up as especially prominent now, and your sibling may have news. It's also possible that you will do something together, like buy a piece of land, for instance.
If you were presented a contract last month, you will have time to negotiate the points (even if you assume there is a rush). Mercury is still retrograde, a holdover from last month, so it would not be a good time to sign any documents, not until Mercury regulates its orbit, December 13. You can sign on December 14 or beyond. Holiday shopping will also be affected by Mercury out of phase - you would be best to buy your electronic items after December 13, not before, for the product would be more likely to please you or your recipient, as the case may be.
If your birthday falls on October 10, plus or minus five days, you will feel the affects of the December 10 eclipse the most.
Your home and family will also present a big theme once you get to the new moon in your fourth house, December 24, in Capricorn 3 degrees. If you have had hoped to buy or sell your house or condo before the year is out, you have a good chance of doing so. Mercury will no longer be retrograde, so that's a plus - you can sell your home and sign the paperwork. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is in your house of other people's money, so you are likely to get a generous price too.
You may make a sale or purchase when the Sun meets up with Pluto, December 28 or 29, an ideal day to shake hands or sign on the dotted line.
If you are not buying, selling, or renting, you may have promised yourself that you would bring in the contractors in January to start renovations as soon as the holidays are over. Perfect! This new moon will let you choose among the estimates you have on your desk. You might want to award the job in the last week of December so that you can start the year off on the right foot, beginning your dream project.
You can improve your home on a smaller scale too. Furniture sales are generally very enticing in January, too, so you may be thinking instead of getting a new couch or rug, a mattress or new linens, and if so, any and all of these kinds of purchases for the home could work out very well.
The fourth house, so lit by this December 24 new moon, also rules your parents, so if you were concerned about your mother or father for any reason, you can now make plans for your mother or father, confident that finally you have found all the right options.
Jupiter (financial luck), Pluto, Saturn, and Neptune will all support this new moon, but Uranus will not, and to that end, you may have to convince your partner to support your ideas. You seem to be meeting up with opposition, so it will take your powers of finesse to work things out. Uranus is sudden, so you won't see this coming. Still, you have so much support on this new moon, keep your cool, and don't become too anxious. You will be able to handle what comes up. Remember, we are all in the same boat, with the same aspects, in one way or another.
Venus, your ruler, will be in rare "mutual reception" with Saturn all month, and that means that Venus and Saturn will work together in a particularly strong and cooperative way. In order to get a mutual reception, you need Venus to be in the sign that Saturn rules (Capricorn), while at the same time, you need Saturn to be in the sign Venus rules (Libra). It's hard to get a mutual reception as planets all move at different speeds, but that's exactly what we have with Venus and Saturn throughout the month until December 20. Home can bring on a new feeling of stability and be a place that you make quite beautiful too.
Socially, this month you may show off your flair for entertaining if you like, a great idea. Your home will be a big focus all month, so you might be hosting houseguests (if you are not moving or renovating). Venus will be in your home sector too until December 20, and Venus is your ruler, showing how dearly you'd like to make your home a cozy hub. Having Venus there will ensure that if you choose to give a party, you can design a festive setting for friends and family that they will enjoy.
One perfect weekend to invite people over, perhaps for a trim-a-tree party, will be over the weekend of December 3 or 4, when Venus and Mars in loving alignment will cook up lots of glittering vibrations.
In matters of the heart, if you are attached, you may have been dealing with an erratic partner, especially if your birthday falls in September, due to the position of unpredictable Uranus in your marriage house. Your partner may be acting this way for any number of reasons, some of which will not have anything to do with you. Your partner may be going through a rough patch or many experience many life changes, so during this holiday season, be supportive. If you are a September-born Libra, you've hosted Uranus in your opposite sign for a year, so you are becoming more adept at dealing with this planet's influence.
Saturn has been on your Sun if you are an October-born Libra, so no matter when you were born, you have not had it easy. This is only temporary - I promise things will improve. In mid-October (several months ago), you likely reached a watershed moment in your relationship - you may be coping with a decision that you made then. Keep in mind that if your romantic relationship has been warm and loving, you may be feeling this influence from Uranus in a business alliance - that is an important point.
When it comes to love and romance, you'll come into your own once Venus moves into Aquarius, December 20 until January 14. This will be your best place for your guardian planet to be to help you find love or enjoy love.
Here is my favorite day of the month for your love life, dear Libra: December 21, when Venus and Uranus will be beautifully aligned and love will fill the air. If you are single, be sure to stand under the mistletoe! If you are attached, you'll enjoy this holiday to the fullest with your partner.
On New Year's Eve, the moon will be in Aries, so your partner may want to make all the plans. Good idea!
Happy New Year, dear Libra!
With a total eclipse of the moon on December 10 in your intellectual ninth house of travel, advanced studies, politics, philosophical thinking, and the media, this will be a big month. You may hear news that your manuscript will be published, or hear from a prestigious university that you have been accepted for admittance. You may start work to help a political candidate, or go on a religious or spiritual retreat and gain insights. That eclipse will be in Gemini, a sign compatible to yours, so developments should turn out to be welcome and uplifting. Additionally, you may need to take a long-distance trip, so stay flexible in case you need to pack and go quickly and unexpectedly.
As you get closer to month's end, you will be more likely to be home rather than on the road. The new moon of December 24 is set to light your sector of housing, property, and family, so you may be hosting houseguests or doing a lot of entertaining. If you need to buy or sell property, or want to rent or sublet, you can make an important deal before the year is out. Alternatively you may initiate an important renovation or refurbishing domestic project just after the new moon that will begin just after the holidays, a good time to do so. While it would not be wise to sign any papers during Mercury retrograde, December 1-13, you can do so after December 13, for then you will have an open road. Be sure to get your partner's approval, and don't just assume you have it - the position of Uranus suggests you both may have differing points of view that will have to be discussed.
Single Libras who are unattached and eager to date a new someone will not be as likely to feel the at-times jarring influence of Uranus, so feel free to meet lots of new people. Have confidence that someone, soon, will appear. Venus will help you once it moves into Aquarius on December 20, to stay until January 14. One of your best days of the month for fun and love will be December 21, when Venus and Uranus bubble up an effervescent conversation and plenty of flirting! Just one piece of advice - if you find someone interesting, keep the relationship developing slowly as you will be tempted to heat things up too quickly these days. Slow and steady will be the best route to true love.
Libra Dates to Note
Travel or higher study may be stimulated in your life by the total eclipse of the moon, December 10. Alternatively, you may have a legal matter to attend to, or see a broadcasting or publishing project crystallize.
The turn of Uranus direct on December 10 will do wonders for your social life. Uranus has been retrograde for months - get set for more dates, more fun.
Mars in Virgo may put you in contact with someone who is ill or recovering in a hospital, rehab center, physical therapy center, or nursing home. Your cheer will be appreciated.
Your plans to improve your living situation, or a family situation, will be given the green light at the new moon, December 24. You will get a hint of better days to come in the home on December 19.
Jupiter's turn direct on December 25 will improve your finances in weeks and months to come.
Your very best days for love will be December 3-4 when Venus and Mars will combine energies to make you shine. Also add December 9, 10, 21 and 22.
Most romantic dates: December 9, 10, 11, 14, 23, 26, 27, and 31.
发帖数: 182

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1 (共1页)
有人贴过susan miller的11月运势么???(zz)预警:monster april和十二星座相关预报 Susan Miller's Guide To Surviving Eclipses
1月4号的星象zz苏珊米勒2012年5月天秤运势 (zz)
美国神婆Sagittarius (11/22 - 12/21)运势苏珊米勒2012年3月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)
Aquarius Horoscope for December 2011 by Susan Miller双鱼七月前瞻 Susan Miller
苏珊米勒2011年12月巨蟹运势 (zz)巨蟹七月前瞻 Susan Miller
苏珊米勒2012年1月天秤运势 (by tipsy)双子座2011年3月星座运程by AstroTwins[转载]
话题: december话题: your话题: may话题: venus话题: uranus