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astrology版 - 【天秤座】苏珊米勒2013年9月运势
苏珊米勒2012年5月天秤运势 (zz)
苏珊米勒2012年3月天秤运势 (by tipsy)
苏珊米勒2012年4月天秤运势 (tipsy译)
苏珊米勒2012年3月巨蟹运势 (zz)
苏珊米勒2012年3月金牛运势 (zz)
苏珊米勒2012年3月处女运势 (zz)
有人贴过susan miller的11月运势么???
苏珊米勒2012年1月金牛运势 (ZZ)
明天金星总算开始顺行了Jupiter & Venus Turn Direct! zz
话题: september话题: your话题: venus话题: jupiter话题: libra
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2755
Susan Miller 2013年9月天秤座运势
Libra Horoscope for September 2013 天秤座预测 2013年9月
By Susan Miller
Life has been demanding, dear Libra, for you are one of the signs most
directly affected by a gang of difficult planetary energy. While not all
your challenges are over (and you already knew that intuitively), September
offers a sweet oasis. It's time to rest and reflect. With the Sun, new moon,
and Mercury, all cuddled in your twelfth house, you will be encouraged to
rest, think, plan, and dream. If you are paid for your creativity, it's time
to tinker with an important project while alone, away from the cacophony of
You are now a month away from your birthday, a time the ancient astrologers
wrote was best used for planning the course of your new birthday year. See
your life as a movie, precisely as you'd hope it to be, down to the tiniest
details. You need to set up a blueprint now if you are to make that dream a
reality. It's best to have a working map of your coming year at the start;
you can always adjust your blueprint later. So sit back, put your feet up,
sip on your just-brewed cup of coffee, and let yourself do some focused
thinking about what you'd like to see happen in the coming year.
This same area of your chart, your solar twelfth house, which will receive
VERY favorable energy from the new moon, September 5, is also a fine place
in the chart for attending to medical matters, whether physical or
psychological in nature. If you need surgery, you can schedule it now, as it
would be a good time to do so. You'd get the rest you need, and you'd
likely heal nicely. Of course you have to do your part by getting two or
even three different medical opinions, reading up on your doctor and your
physical condition, and deciding on which of the doctors you've met is the
right one for you.
September would be an especially ideal time for psychological counseling,
because the twelfth house rules not only places of confinement (like a
hospital, as one example of many possible examples), but also the intricate
workings of the subconscious mind. If you have been troubled by certain
fears or emotions that are holding you back in life, collect names of
qualified professionals from friends and make an appointment to talk over
things with one. Until you do, you won't have the benefit of another person'
s perspective. If you don't have the health insurance to cover seeing a
psychiatrist, you can approach a dear friend or member of the religious to
confide in. You have been under a lot of pressure lately, dear Libra, and it
might be good to get some of your worries off your chest.
As things are going this year, September will be a highly productive month
for you, and even though the outside world won't yet have a clue of what you
are doing, what you do in private, behind closed doors, this month will
eventually shape your universe down the road. If you are working on
something important, like writing a screenplay, finishing up a documentary,
or creating a body of paintings, keep going - the people who matter, like
critics, clients, or patrons, are likely to enjoy your work, and it looks
like they will praise it, too.
Although you may assume that your life is not clicking right now, the one
part that is about to work out beautifully is your career. In late June,
Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, moved into Cancer at the very pinnacle
point in your chart (on top, where the number 12 would be on the face of a
round clock), and that position rules your professional standing in your
industry and your community. Jupiter is set to stay until July 2014, giving
you plenty of time to make your mark and get situated in your new position.
You may have seen some exciting progress last July, but if not, more
opportunities will keep coming to you. Astrology is not about predestination
, but about planning your actions for your most favorable time. If you want
a new position, keep interviewing, for top jobs take a long time to win.
时候,木星这颗主管礼物盒运气的行星,来到巨蟹座, 在你的星盘的中天位置(在顶
You will have a wonderful opportunity to make exceptional progress in your
career occur on September 6 or 7, when Jupiter, from your prestige sector,
will contact the Sun, ruling authority figures, in your area of confidential
talks - a perfect day to interview for a top job, audition for a major role
, or to make a presentation to a big client. Whenever Jupiter works with the
Sun, that's worth four stars. The fact that Jupiter's in your fame sector
is the cherry on top of the cake.
,和掌管你权威形象的太阳,两者进行充满自信的对话的时候——一个完美的 适合挑
You might want to buy yourself a new outfit now to strengthen your morale
and look sharp on these many interviews, presentations, auditions, parties,
and other events you will be, for chances are, even if you are unaware, you
will be on display. When to shop? That's easy - when Venus, your ruler, and
planet of beauty and all good looks, is in Libra, September 1 to 10. Women
Libra will want to stock up on new makeup for the coming season.
Venus will go retrograde in several months, from December 21 to January 31,
2014, a bad time to make radical changes to your appearance. Venus
retrograde is certainly a very bad time for plastic surgery - you would
never want Venus to be sleeping when you do that, for at that time, Venus
will be no use to you. Yes, that goes for you, too, my male readers. Venus'
job is to make you attractive and ready for love, and when she sleeps in
retrograde, life becomes no-frills, and we often make the wrong choices for
our appearance. It is like the icing is taken off the cupcake - still good,
but not nearly as special. (To be clear, you can attend to simple trims and
other grooming, but not anything that will change your looks radically.)
。金星的逆行一定是很糟糕的时期去做整形手术 ——你永远不要在金星睡着的时候做
的纸杯拿掉 —— 味道不变,但是其纸杯的意义就失去了。(更清楚的阐释,你可以修
I am sorry to see Venus is shutting down during the year-end holidays. Alas,
we are all in this together. If you were thinking of asking your stylist to
create a completely different hair style for you, change the color of your
hair, or for my men, thinking of shaving off your beard, then do it in the
first ten days of September when Venus will smile on you in Libra.
我也意识到 在新年假到来时期,金星也会关闭。 哎呀,我们都会受制于此。如果你在
You will have people to see and places to go in September, for Mars will be
in the divinely compatible sign of Leo all month, a trend that started
August 27 and that will continue to October 15. The seasons are changing now
and there's a new feeling in the air, so it would do you a world of good to
get out and have some fun. Friends appear to be willing to help you
professionally, too, so be sure to ask for tips if you are searching for a
new position when you see your friends socially.
A major work project appears to be reaching final stage and culmination on
the full moon in Pisces on September 19 (plus or minus four days), and
because this full moon is gentle, you'll be proud of what you accomplish.
This full moon is in a double-bodied sign (two fishes), suggesting that you
may have bragging rights to two projects. You might hire an assistant, too,
this month, or reorder your office to make it more efficient. If you hope to
launch a new product or service, do so in September, not October.
This same full moon may bring a health matter to an end. For example, if you
were going through a series of physical therapy sessions, you'd see them
end this week. Or, if you got a cold last week, you'll start to feel better
after the full moon punctuates it with an ending. Still, this full moon
could bring out a cold, too, so keep yourself in top shape, as you will need
every minute to handle all you have to do.
Financially, you've been concerned about how tight funds have become for you
, and may be wondering how much more you can give up in life to help you
make ends meet. Venus is now in your financial house, which will supply a
lilting effect - you may hear some good news about money soon. It is not
likely to be enough though, especially if you hear about this near September
19, as Saturn will conjoin Venus on the day prior, September 18.
一天9月18日, 会得到更多好消息。
Keep smiling, though, because I see a big breakthrough day that could bring
very good news about improving your income on September 26, when Venus will
send a brilliant beam to Jupiter. On this day, Jupiter in your house of
career honors and fame will work with Venus in your house of earned income.
What a wonderful link between two generous planets - uniting your career
with compensation! See what comes up. Chances are, you'll be pouring a glass
of champagne by the end of the day in celebration.
Never lose hope when it comes to increasing your income on a broader scale.
The solar eclipse of November 3 might bring you a surprise opportunity to
make more money. If things play out as I think they might, you'll need to be
able to quickly spring into action when that opportunity knocks. Eclipses
give us very little forewarning, so the Libra who is prepared is the one who
is more likely to clean up and rake in the cash.
I will tell you now that October will be a difficult month for everyone. If
you were planning a major initiation for that month, move it to September. I
am very sorry to tell you this, as I know it is likely your birthday month.
If you usually have a party, give it early, in September's last week, but
not too close to the last days of the month. (I do love September 26 for you
!) Do not bring up anything controversial in October - your job will be to
keep things level.
The first week of October will bring a number of cosmic storms, the hardest
one affecting a close relationship on October 3 (Uranus will directly oppose
the Sun.) Your partner may bring news that horrifies you or just the
opposite, news that makes you concerned for the welfare of your partner. The
partner in question may be a person you are aligned with in love or
Then, on the heels of that, we have a difficult new moon in Libra, October 4
, requiring you to be practical and levelheaded in the face of a chaotic
situation or a troublesome emerging situation. Later, a lunar eclipse on
October 19 will arrive in your opposite sign of Aries, again underscoring
the prominent role your romantic or business partner will play in your life
in weeks to come.
Finally, Mercury will retrograde in Scorpio from October 21 to November 10
and create delays, particularly in regard to checks and payments you
anticipate. Knowing this, start to send reminder statements to your clients
if some owe you money.
You can see that September will be a far more productive month. Next month
everyone, of every sign, will need to observe all that is going on, take it
all in, and figure out how you'd like to respond. With Mercury about to
retrograde, I certainly don't want you to sign any papers in October - do
that in September. Whenever you give a verbal agreement, it has the very
same effect as a written agreement, so hold off on shaking hands and sealing
the deal with your word. If you need to buy a computer or other electronic
item (including anything with moving parts, like a car), make that purchase
now. Although Mercury goes not retrograde until October 21, you will feel
much earlier the slowdown that Mercury out of phase brings, about two weeks,
and that pushes you closer to the first week of the month, which you need
to avoid, too.
Going back to looking at the important dates in September, I do want to draw
your attention to September 20, when Pluto will move from retrograde to
direct. This will be enormously important for you, because Pluto is in the
process of making a long journey through your fourth sector of home and
family, to end in 2024. You may be trying to sell, buy, or lease a new
apartment or house, or trying to decide when will be the right time to call
in the contractors for a renovation. No matter what you hope to do, you may
have been having one delay right after another. Now all that changes, and
progress will be noticeable and gratifying.
Whenever a big outer planet turns direct (Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, or
Jupiter), it leaves an unmistakable clue of what is to come next. You must
be attentive. Watch and listen carefully - the message will show up within
two days in either direction of September 20. When you hear the news, it may
come as subtle, but it will reveal all that will be revealed soon.
一旦一个巨大的外层行星顺行(海王 冥王 天王 土星 或者木星), 他,毫无疑问会
Keep your chin up, Libra - you are doing far better than you assume you are,
and each day you have become more flexible, adaptable, and so strong that
no storm would ever have you down for the count. This month brings so much
opportunity for progress, so reach out to life with both arms outstretched.
Use September to do some important daydreaming, and don't let anyone tell
you that doing so is a waste of time. You need to visualize the next chapter
of your life in detail, for you will have a chance to make important
changes later in the month and beyond. The Sun, new moon, and Mercury,
planet of thinking, will make this a highly productive time to build your
strategy. Your intuition will be very strong in September, too, so separate
yourself from others to screen out their opinions - it's the answer that
wells up from within you that will matter most this month.
Making more money seems to be a driving force, for Saturn has been holding
down your earning power over the past months. Now, despite your unhappiness
with your income, your reputation has grown, and you notice an enviable buzz
about your work in the air. You currently have Mars in your friendship
quarter, so you may get unusual help from a friend or even a casual contact
or co-worker. Be open to tips, advice, and even gossip, as you may hear
about a professional situation that would interest you.
On September 19, an important full moon will find you wrapping up a big
project at work. Watch your health at this full moon, as you will be putting
out a lot of energy and may overextend yourself, lowering your resistance
to colds. Jupiter's position at the very top of your chart shows that
everything you do these days will get you attention, a positive development,
for if you give the project your "all" you will continue to garner praise
from VIPs and critics, and expand your base.
Your ruler, Venus, is often a bellwether of lucrative news, and will be
cruising through your second house of income. On September 26, shortly after
the full moon, Venus will receive support from good fortune Jupiter, so the
topic of a possible raise for you may come up in discussion and be realized
by November.
Also this month, Pluto's turn direct on September 20 indicates progress on
the home front, perhaps in terms of buying, selling, or leasing a space. Or,
you may finally be able to proceed ahead with a home improvement project
without so many delays. If you need to assist a parent instead, an answer
will appear soon.
Dates to Note: Libra 值得关注的日期:天秤
Most romantic dates: September 1-3, 6-7, 11-12, 19, 20, 25, 29, and 30. (
These dates will be favorable for you for other initiations, too.)
Talk over any troubling matter with a friend or professional after the new
moon arrives September 5.
Good news about your career may come up September 6 or 7. Be ready.
A work project will come to finish within a day of the full moon, September
19 plus or minus 4 days.
One of your best career days will be when your ruler Venus moves into
perfect angle to Jupiter on September 26. Talk of a promotion may be in the
Venus will be in Libra from September 1-10, so use that time to improve your
appearance and to socialize.
Watch your health near September 19, for at this full moon, you may be
burning your candles at both ends.
A home related matter might be on its way to a finish (or a decision) with
Pluto's turn direct September 20.
September 26 should be a fun day to see friends. Also on this day, you may
hear good news about money, due to Jupiter's collaboration with your ruler,
Venus. Actually, with your ruler, Venus, under such golden vibrations, you
will find this day to be special for almost any activity you have in mind.
1 (共1页)
明天金星总算开始顺行了Jupiter & Venus Turn Direct! zz
苏珊米勒2012年3月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)
苏珊米勒2012年3月双鱼运势 (zz)
苏珊米勒2012年3月白羊运势 (zz)
苏珊米勒2012年1月天秤运势 (by tipsy)
苏珊米勒2012年2月天秤运势 (by tipsy)
话题: september话题: your话题: venus话题: jupiter话题: libra