

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
ebiz版 - 请问这个是典型的诈骗么?
iPhone 4 重要时间表神医神户娱乐一下吧
在美国卖的N97是made in Finland吗?不用抱幻想了,周末25个国家new ipad上市
finland的 nokia质量也不怎么样en.360buy.com
N8 是 made in China吗?Craigslist上用paypal付款可以接受吗?
请问Dell的Nokia E71是Made in China,还是Made in Finland的?包子问:快递24 lb electronics/PC 去Angla, Africa,多少钱?Fedex express
话题: want话题: really话题: africa话题: west话题: hiya
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 733
Hiya thanks for your quick response, i really want to buy this item
off you but i want it for my friend who has just been posted to West
Africa on a training course, i want to send it as a Birthday Present,
i would have loved to come for the collection and post it myself but
I'm not in the UK presently, I'm in Finland with my boss on a business
trip, so I'll really be happy if you can help me out. I will be
offering you £30 for the postage cost.... kindly reply me with a
PayPal money reques
发帖数: 149

【在 g******s 的大作中提到】
: Hiya thanks for your quick response, i really want to buy this item
: off you but i want it for my friend who has just been posted to West
: Africa on a training course, i want to send it as a Birthday Present,
: i would have loved to come for the collection and post it myself but
: I'm not in the UK presently, I'm in Finland with my boss on a business
: trip, so I'll really be happy if you can help me out. I will be
: offering you £30 for the postage cost.... kindly reply me with a
: PayPal money reques

发帖数: 8583

【在 g******s 的大作中提到】
: Hiya thanks for your quick response, i really want to buy this item
: off you but i want it for my friend who has just been posted to West
: Africa on a training course, i want to send it as a Birthday Present,
: i would have loved to come for the collection and post it myself but
: I'm not in the UK presently, I'm in Finland with my boss on a business
: trip, so I'll really be happy if you can help me out. I will be
: offering you £30 for the postage cost.... kindly reply me with a
: PayPal money reques

发帖数: 4043

【在 g******s 的大作中提到】
: Hiya thanks for your quick response, i really want to buy this item
: off you but i want it for my friend who has just been posted to West
: Africa on a training course, i want to send it as a Birthday Present,
: i would have loved to come for the collection and post it myself but
: I'm not in the UK presently, I'm in Finland with my boss on a business
: trip, so I'll really be happy if you can help me out. I will be
: offering you £30 for the postage cost.... kindly reply me with a
: PayPal money reques

1 (共1页)
美国好还是回国好?N8 是 made in China吗?
包子急问!这个是骗子吗?请问Dell的Nokia E71是Made in China,还是Made in Finland的?
iPhone 4 重要时间表神医神户娱乐一下吧
在美国卖的N97是made in Finland吗?不用抱幻想了,周末25个国家new ipad上市
finland的 nokia质量也不怎么样en.360buy.com
话题: want话题: really话题: africa话题: west话题: hiya