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ebiz版 - Order cancellation request from Amazon customer
Amazon坑惨我了!包子求教Re: 把amazon的order cancel了
staples 相机 cancelled病人要cancel amazone的order怎么办?
被MS cancel了,,,,求包子安慰啊~~~Amazon 的 order
关于SMB TP的AQ各位大牛帮我看看AMAZON是怎么回事吧
amazon 的cancel orderamazon order cancel
怎样才算是正确合理的cancel Amazon order如何给AMAZON CANCEL ORDER的 卖家 留 FEEDBACK?
Can Amazon Patient cancel the order in his own account?包子题:AMAZON买家能自己cancel order吗?
关于在Amazon给Buyer留Negative Feedback的建议.包子求助:怎么Cancel Amazon Hawaii Order
话题: amazon话题: order话题: ebay话题: hi
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3868
A few minutes after I placed this "nice one click" order on Amazon I
checked on eBay and found the same item for $25 less from a well recommended
seller so I ordered it there. I then returned to my Amazon account and
canceled this order well within the 30 minutes allowed giving the reason "I
found it for less elsewhere" from the drop down box. The cancellation
seemed to go through fine, but this order is still listed in my account as
active. I can't find a telephone number to contact Amazon (one of their few
weakness - in fact the only one I have ever encountered besides the failure
of the timely cancellation of this order to show up in my account). If you
have not received the cancel notice from Amazon (as you should have) please
cancel this order now and I will truly look forward to our future dealings
and please let me know that the order has been canceled (and if Amazon
properly notified you that it should be cancelled as they should have) and
thanks in advance.
发帖数: 3868
Hi, no problem at all. Actually I am the ebay seller you mentioned, I got
your ebay and Amazon orders at same time. I'll cancel your amazon order.
thanks and happy holiday.
发帖数: 3868
Thank you so much (it's amazing how things work out sometimes - wish I
could afford two of these, but one will be wonderful!). Thanks again for
being so nice about this and I will look forward to posting the nicest of
feedback on eBay when it arrives. Please let me know how and when you ship
and the tracking number if available, and I'll let you know when the amazing
item gets here and post fabulous feedback then. Happy holidays and thank
发帖数: 37612

【在 d*****e 的大作中提到】
: Hi, no problem at all. Actually I am the ebay seller you mentioned, I got
: your ebay and Amazon orders at same time. I'll cancel your amazon order.
: thanks and happy holiday.

发帖数: 4787
hahahaha, so funny.
seems this guy is a experienced online buyer, curious what did that ID buy?
this must be a hot item. :-)


【在 d*****e 的大作中提到】
: HI,
: Thank you so much (it's amazing how things work out sometimes - wish I
: could afford two of these, but one will be wonderful!). Thanks again for
: being so nice about this and I will look forward to posting the nicest of
: feedback on eBay when it arrives. Please let me know how and when you ship
: and the tracking number if available, and I'll let you know when the amazing
: item gets here and post fabulous feedback then. Happy holidays and thank
: you

1 (共1页)
包子求助:怎么Cancel Amazon Hawaii Orderamazon 的cancel order
怎么cancel order on amazon (转载)怎样才算是正确合理的cancel Amazon order
amazon卖家可以随便cancel order吗?Can Amazon Patient cancel the order in his own account?
病人发信要求取消order, 却不自己在Amazon里Cancel, 有原因?关于在Amazon给Buyer留Negative Feedback的建议.
Amazon坑惨我了!包子求教Re: 把amazon的order cancel了
staples 相机 cancelled病人要cancel amazone的order怎么办?
被MS cancel了,,,,求包子安慰啊~~~Amazon 的 order
关于SMB TP的AQ各位大牛帮我看看AMAZON是怎么回事吧
话题: amazon话题: order话题: ebay话题: hi