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ebiz版 - 医院一个1200+FB的病人发来的信,还是骗子吗?
APPLE .COM 上卖的都是ship in 2-3 weeks 吗?WM online has WiFi 16GB white
AMAZON XBOX+100 CREDIT还有人没有邮寄出来的吗?Los Angeles Boy want a girl. (转载)
[合集] 我们的故事,开公司3年,今年revenue 7 M (二)(转载)这个地址可靠不
据说LA刚才地震了?bless LA的神医。Finally, ...... 我是一个上流社会的人物了! (转载)
万能的ebiz啊,Los angel和San diego哪些景点值得去,票怎么买便宜?USPS国内寄来的包裹,两天没取,被退回了怎么办?
Mamapedia.com $10 Amazon gc for $5找人合出iphone 4s
有明天从houston到Los Angeles的同学么? (转载)帮忙看下这个usps 的status
话题: fb话题: los话题: angeles话题: ship话题: 骗子
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 521
他有1200+的FB,所以有点搞不清了。是不是也不能用他的fedex account啊?谢谢。
I am going to ship this to NY. Would you accept $75. It is a birthday gift
which I wanted to arrive on Monday. It's fine I will provide you my fedex
account number. I live in Los Angeles myself I wanted to ship it overnight
if you could tomorrow.
Let me know please ?
Are you in Los Angeles Area ? I can pick it up and ship it myself that is
also possible.
thank you
发帖数: 14370
不管是不是是骗子, 不要接这种单子.

【在 I**t 的大作中提到】
: 出一个自用的二手键盘鼠标,100刀。竟然有人要把二手键盘当生日礼物,象骗子,可
: 他有1200+的FB,所以有点搞不清了。是不是也不能用他的fedex account啊?谢谢。
: Hello,
: I am going to ship this to NY. Would you accept $75. It is a birthday gift
: which I wanted to arrive on Monday. It's fine I will provide you my fedex
: account number. I live in Los Angeles myself I wanted to ship it overnight
: if you could tomorrow.
: Let me know please ?
: Are you in Los Angeles Area ? I can pick it up and ship it myself that is
: also possible.

发帖数: 1077
千万不要用别人的account, 到时候就给reroute到天涯海角

【在 I**t 的大作中提到】
: 出一个自用的二手键盘鼠标,100刀。竟然有人要把二手键盘当生日礼物,象骗子,可
: 他有1200+的FB,所以有点搞不清了。是不是也不能用他的fedex account啊?谢谢。
: Hello,
: I am going to ship this to NY. Would you accept $75. It is a birthday gift
: which I wanted to arrive on Monday. It's fine I will provide you my fedex
: account number. I live in Los Angeles myself I wanted to ship it overnight
: if you could tomorrow.
: Let me know please ?
: Are you in Los Angeles Area ? I can pick it up and ship it myself that is
: also possible.

发帖数: 4476
High likely fraud. No third party label. Paypal-confirmed address only. The
victimized seller cannot leave a feedback.

【在 I**t 的大作中提到】
: 出一个自用的二手键盘鼠标,100刀。竟然有人要把二手键盘当生日礼物,象骗子,可
: 他有1200+的FB,所以有点搞不清了。是不是也不能用他的fedex account啊?谢谢。
: Hello,
: I am going to ship this to NY. Would you accept $75. It is a birthday gift
: which I wanted to arrive on Monday. It's fine I will provide you my fedex
: account number. I live in Los Angeles myself I wanted to ship it overnight
: if you could tomorrow.
: Let me know please ?
: Are you in Los Angeles Area ? I can pick it up and ship it myself that is
: also possible.

发帖数: 4476
High likely fraud. No third party label. Paypal-confirmed address only. The
victimized seller cannot leave a feedback.

【在 I**t 的大作中提到】
: 出一个自用的二手键盘鼠标,100刀。竟然有人要把二手键盘当生日礼物,象骗子,可
: 他有1200+的FB,所以有点搞不清了。是不是也不能用他的fedex account啊?谢谢。
: Hello,
: I am going to ship this to NY. Would you accept $75. It is a birthday gift
: which I wanted to arrive on Monday. It's fine I will provide you my fedex
: account number. I live in Los Angeles myself I wanted to ship it overnight
: if you could tomorrow.
: Let me know please ?
: Are you in Los Angeles Area ? I can pick it up and ship it myself that is
: also possible.

发帖数: 521
1 (共1页)
帮忙看下这个usps 的status万能的ebiz啊,Los angel和San diego哪些景点值得去,票怎么买便宜?
AMZ evil 国人一个-Jinzhen CaiMamapedia.com $10 Amazon gc for $5
【租车deal】 budget还有一个寄往Kowait的laptop
如何知道一个地址在fedex系统里是Residential还是business?有明天从houston到Los Angeles的同学么? (转载)
APPLE .COM 上卖的都是ship in 2-3 weeks 吗?WM online has WiFi 16GB white
AMAZON XBOX+100 CREDIT还有人没有邮寄出来的吗?Los Angeles Boy want a girl. (转载)
[合集] 我们的故事,开公司3年,今年revenue 7 M (二)(转载)这个地址可靠不
据说LA刚才地震了?bless LA的神医。Finally, ...... 我是一个上流社会的人物了! (转载)
话题: fb话题: los话题: angeles话题: ship话题: 骗子