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ebiz版 - 90 Day Return Policy at ebay is coming soon
Amazon returnAmazon上我们seller就是孙子
都两个多月了,要return并a to zamazon太坑爹了
Tell Congress Not to Impose New Taxes on Internet Sellers包子求助!Notice: Policy Violation
Amazon FBA 坑人新动向各位神医怎么define自己的return policy的?
eBay sucksebay的seller protection谁说了算?paypal or ebay?
EBAY卖家RETURN POLICY不接受RETURN的怎么办?【包子】USPS寄了四个月amazon买家才收到货。现要退
amazon seller注意了:不要用软件给buyer发shipping notificationsAmazon Holiday Returns Policy starts tomorrow
话题: ebay话题: return话题: just话题: policy话题: day
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2887
Greetings to one and all! Just a note from the grapevine. Old adage: Say it
like it is not like you want it to be. Inside track or just a logical
conclusion? Heads up for a 90 day return policy soon to be mandatory. And
the buyer will always be right even if they return damaged or opened (nip/
nib) items. The seller's stated return policy will mean absolutely nothing.

eBay will be taking the route that Amazon & Walmart took years ago. The
buyer is King and those that sell are simply a disposable product. If one (
seller/supplier) leaves there will be ten more to take their place. Economy
don't 'ya know. So batten down the hatches sellers. It's going to be a
rocky ride. Just imagine with all the lovely policies that eBay has imposed
on sellers (an unfair feedback playing field for starters) and increases in
fees (on the way again).
This is not a post to reply to just a post of simply observations. Have a
great day out there in the eBay jungle. Watch your back. If you don't
someone else will...........
发帖数: 19201
比如说用了10年的电脑,也可以return for full refund


【在 G*D 的大作中提到】
: Greetings to one and all! Just a note from the grapevine. Old adage: Say it
: like it is not like you want it to be. Inside track or just a logical
: conclusion? Heads up for a 90 day return policy soon to be mandatory. And
: the buyer will always be right even if they return damaged or opened (nip/
: nib) items. The seller's stated return policy will mean absolutely nothing.
: eBay will be taking the route that Amazon & Walmart took years ago. The
: buyer is King and those that sell are simply a disposable product. If one (
: seller/supplier) leaves there will be ten more to take their place. Economy
: don't 'ya know. So batten down the hatches sellers. It's going to be a

发帖数: 13670
以后做evil buyer最赚钱,考虑转型了

【在 HQ 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得应该lifetime
: 比如说用了10年的电脑,也可以return for full refund
: it
: nothing.
: Economy
: imposed

发帖数: 3223
可能是对top rated seller 吧?


【在 G*D 的大作中提到】
: Greetings to one and all! Just a note from the grapevine. Old adage: Say it
: like it is not like you want it to be. Inside track or just a logical
: conclusion? Heads up for a 90 day return policy soon to be mandatory. And
: the buyer will always be right even if they return damaged or opened (nip/
: nib) items. The seller's stated return policy will mean absolutely nothing.
: eBay will be taking the route that Amazon & Walmart took years ago. The
: buyer is King and those that sell are simply a disposable product. If one (
: seller/supplier) leaves there will be ten more to take their place. Economy
: don't 'ya know. So batten down the hatches sellers. It's going to be a

发帖数: 7265
反正top也保不住了, 破罐破摔了
1 (共1页)
Amazon Holiday Returns Policy starts tomorrowAmazon FBA 坑人新动向
ebay的return policy就是一个笑话eBay sucks
看看亚麻咋回答的buyer说东西没收到,但是tracking显示deliveredEBAY卖家RETURN POLICY不接受RETURN的怎么办?
又遭遇一个A-to-Zamazon seller注意了:不要用软件给buyer发shipping notifications
Amazon returnAmazon上我们seller就是孙子
都两个多月了,要return并a to zamazon太坑爹了
Tell Congress Not to Impose New Taxes on Internet Sellers包子求助!Notice: Policy Violation
话题: ebay话题: return话题: just话题: policy话题: day