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ebiz版 - interesting scalper review on amazon
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话题: scalper话题: now话题: beasts话题: creatures话题: scalpers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7463
I came across this review on Amazon. Don't know if someone posted before.
Guess what item.
2,702 of 3,438 people found the following review helpful
1A study on the Scalper. What it is and how to combat these vile creatures.
ByChar Aznableon January 15, 2015
Color Name: Gold/Black
Here we can see the infamous Scalper in its native habitat. It is quite a
horrid creature. It is quite similar to that of the homosapiens. That is
because this thing you see before you is in fact an evolution (or de-
evolution in this case.). These beasts were in fact human at a time but that
time has long gone. Now all that is left is an empty shell with only greed
filling its’ will to live on. Anyways, let’s get on to further studying
this horrendous creature.
There are some key noticeable differences between a human and a scalper.
Notice how the eyes have changed from a natural human eye to a dark pitch
black circle. The iris has changed from a circular shape to a sign of
currency. The scalpers seen here have dollar shaped irises due to them
residing in the United States of America. Another key thing to note here is
that they have also developed a hunched back. This is probably due to
spending an ample amount of time hunched over computer screens in dimly lit
rooms. In fact, this also is a reason as to why these gut wrenching beasts
are known to be a bit on the overweight side. This leads to all sorts of
poor health conditions as well as putrid bodily odors. These foul odors are
used as a defense mechanism, should there ever be a threat to one of their
kind. The stench is strong enough to incapacitate an average human for
several hours.
Now that we have the basic anatomy of a Scalper out of the way, I believe it
is time we go over their living habits. As one can easily guess, Scalpers
tend to isolate themselves in dark, dimly lit areas, such as their mother’s
basement or in underground sewers and underneath bridges. They are rarely
seen leaving their dens unless it is for ruining the day of another person’
s. Now then, Scalpers are known for one thing and one thing only, ruining
things for other people. Specifically, destroying any and all chances a
person may have at acquiring something of physical matter that a group of
individuals may have interest in. They go to stores, hunt down things online
and buy things en masse to ensure that no one else can buy said item. They
then raise the price to ridiculous prices in order to profit off of these
poor souls whom only wish to purchase something to add to their collection
of nice trinkets.
Now then, you may ask yourself, is this right? Any and all logical and
morally correct answers lead to it being immoral and completely unfair to
others. That is what these foul beasts thrive on. They enjoy your pain, your
misfortune. You, whom may not be as fortunate as others are. You, whom may
not have as high an income as other people are fortunate to have. A scalper
finds nothing but joy and satisfaction in the suffering of others.
These creatures have no hearts, no emotions, no guilt and no remorse for the
foul atrocities they commit. All that matters is that they are lining their
greasy, pork grind filled pockets with currency. These creatures are some
of the worst creatures mankind has ever seen. Tickets to that concert for
that band you like are strangely sold out. That brand new Collector’s
Edition for that game franchise you love so much is somehow entirely out of
stock. Things that were supposed to be given out for free are now being sold
online for insane amounts of money. All thanks to the putrid Scalpers.
So then, how does one combat the growing threat of the Scalper? It is rather
quite simple. Just say no. Do not give in to temptation. Patience and
perseverance always prevail over the evil doings of the Scalper. Do not buy
what they are selling. In time, they will realize that no one is going to
buy the items that they have bought for the sole purpose of scalping and
they will be forced to lower the price accordingly just to not lose money.
That my fellow friends, is how we can defeat these vile beasts that pollute
our fandoms.
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【在 p***e 的大作中提到】
: I came across this review on Amazon. Don't know if someone posted before.
: Guess what item.
: =============
: 2,702 of 3,438 people found the following review helpful
: 1A study on the Scalper. What it is and how to combat these vile creatures.
: ByChar Aznableon January 15, 2015
: Color Name: Gold/Black
: Here we can see the infamous Scalper in its native habitat. It is quite a
: horrid creature. It is quite similar to that of the homosapiens. That is
: because this thing you see before you is in fact an evolution (or de-

1 (共1页)
根本没必要去店里看到一个病人留的gift message
收到tgt的卡了, money is also refunded, what shoud I do?come on 还让人活么...........
今天去了maya ruin了关于我的郁闷事件 最新进展报道!!!!! (转载)
上新闻了macbook air 没有背光键盘为什么还这么多人喜欢?
一个黄牛的自白其实$99 streak5 可以更加hot
iPhone sales halted after shoppers pelt Apple store (zz)HP Rebate
话题: scalper话题: now话题: beasts话题: creatures话题: scalpers