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gardening版 - 花仙子绿拇指们给我推荐一个花朵比较大一点的gardenia的品种吧
栀子花苞不开花的问题有点心动弄一棵栀子, 大家帮着挑一棵?
zone 7 hardy gardenia 可以室外过冬的栀子花 frost proof太后驾到!!!!!
7A区,栀子花可以种外头吗?请教, 从Lowes淘到的便宜花
国内的那种茉莉花哪里能买到, 南加州?有人推荐树吗
话题: hardy话题: flowers话题: ft话题: wide话题: tall
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 21
给我个推荐吧, 越hardy的越好。
发帖数: 708
chuck hayes
hardy zone7
发帖数: 1318
Chuck Hayes
Chuck Hayes is a reliable variety with a classic, fully double blossom with
a rich, traditional gardenia scent. Suited to container planting for those
in cold climates it can grow to as much as four feet in height.
Kleim's Hardy Gardenia
Kleim's Hardy carries a single blossom similar to apple blossom in shape and
form. The scent is again traditional gardenia, though not as intense as
some. The shrub is low-growing to three feet, and well shaped for landscape
Frost Proof
Semi-doubled blossoms resemble narcissus when partially opened, with an
outer star-like disc of petals and an inner cup. As the flower fully opens
it becomes an informal, loose lightly doubled rosette. The bush is large,
well suited to landscape and hedge use. The plant takes more sun than many
gardenias, and is considered the most cold tolerant of the species to date.
‘August Beauty’. Grows 4–6 ft. high and 3–4 ft. wide. Blooms heavily
midspring into fall. Large double flowers.
‘Chuck Hayes’. Extra-hardy type, possibly as hardy as ‘Klein’s Hardy’.
To 4 ft. high and wide. Double flowers in summer, heavy rebloom in fall.
‘Kimura Shikazaki’ (‘Four Seasons’). Compact plant 2–3 ft. tall.
Flowers similar to those of ‘Veitchii’, but slightly less fragrant.
Extremely long bloom season—spring to fall.
‘Klein’s Hardy’. For cold-winter areas; hardy to 0°F. To 2–3 ft. high
and wide. Single flowers in summer. Grow in a wind-protected site.
‘Shooting Star’. Upright grower to 6–8 ft. tall and wide, with large
leaves and single flowers in late spring and early summer. Hardy to 0°F.
‘Veitchii’. Compact, reliable grower to 3 1/2–4 1/2 ft. tall and 6 ft.
wide. Blooms prolifically from midspring into fall (and sometimes even
during warm winters), bearing fully double 1- to 1 1/2-in. flowers.
‘Aimee’ (‘First Love’). Somewhat larger shrub than ‘August Beauty’,
with larger flowers. Spring bloom.
‘Golden Magic’. Reaches 3 ft. tall, 2 ft. wide in 2 to 3 years, eventually
larger. Extra-full flowers open white, gradually age to deep golden yellow.
Blooms from spring through summer, peaking in midspring.
‘Grif’s Select’. Compact, 3–4 ft. tall and wide; profuse single flowers
in late spring and early summer, red seed capsules in fall. Hardy to about 5
‘Miami Supreme’. Grows to 6 ft. tall and wide, with large double flowers (
4–6 in. wide) in spring, periodic flowering through summer.
‘Mystery’. Best-known selection. Bears 4- to 5-in. double flowers from mid
- to late spring or longer. Tends to be rangy and needs pruning to keep it
neat. Can reach 6–8 ft. high and wide.
‘Radicans’ (‘Prostrata’). Grows 6–12 in. tall and spreads to 2–3 ft.,
with small leaves; inch-wide double flowers bloom in summer. Good for small-
scale ground cover or pots. Not as cold hardy as the species; not well
suited to Middle South. ‘Radicans Variegata’ (‘Prostrata Variegata’) has
gray-green leaves with white markings.
‘White Gem’. At just 1–2 ft. tall and wide, this selection is useful for
edgings, containers, or raised beds, where the fragrance of its single,
creamy white summer flowers can be appreciated.
G. thunbergia. STARRY GARDENIA. Zones TS; 12–8. Native to South Africa,
this winter bloomer is much less common than G. jasminoides, because it is
less cold hardy and not as showy. Sometimes grown as an ornamental in south
Florida. Primary use is as a rootstock to impart nematode resistance and
increased vigor to G. jasminoides. Reaches 15 ft. tall and as wide. Dark
green leaves to 6 in. long; single, 3- to 4-in., white- to cream-colored
flowers with a long tube and typically eight overlapping, petal-like lobes.

【在 e**0 的大作中提到】
: 我目前的终于被我弄死了。树冠很大了已经,开过唯一一次花,但是花朵很小。
: 仍旧最爱栀子花,今年春天打算继续。
: 给我个推荐吧, 越hardy的越好。

发帖数: 21519
补一个,crown jewel,我种的就是这种。
种了三棵 August beauty,去年地上都死了,冒出来的今年又早早冻死了,crown


【在 t*****n 的大作中提到】
: 不是花仙子绿拇指,给你点新农民收集的信息:
: hardy的话这三种:
: Chuck Hayes
: Chuck Hayes is a reliable variety with a classic, fully double blossom with
: a rich, traditional gardenia scent. Suited to container planting for those
: in cold climates it can grow to as much as four feet in height.
: Kleim's Hardy Gardenia
: Kleim's Hardy carries a single blossom similar to apple blossom in shape and
: form. The scent is again traditional gardenia, though not as intense as
: some. The shrub is low-growing to three feet, and well shaped for landscape

发帖数: 2351
1 (共1页)
有人推荐树吗zone 7 hardy gardenia 可以室外过冬的栀子花 frost proof
help on eggplant7A区,栀子花可以种外头吗?
小番茄,来看摩洛哥公主(摩纳哥?)国内的那种茉莉花哪里能买到, 南加州?
栀子花苞不开花的问题有点心动弄一棵栀子, 大家帮着挑一棵?
话题: hardy话题: flowers话题: ft话题: wide话题: tall