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gardening版 - 请问如何确定果树之间的距离?有什么公式吗?
学习笔记- what seeds can be saved?Lychee Pollination
Persimmon tree and cross-pollinationArtichoke 结了一个小果
西瓜雌雄同花再说说他们的 pollination project
我的种果树计划pollination 还是很有效果的, 结了好多小西红柿
bing cherry vs. lapins同学们有人种山楂树的吗? chinese hawthorn tree
桃树是否可以从种子种起 ?请问下哈,哪些果树是雌雄异体的?需要种两棵么?
话题: trees话题: fruit话题: tree话题: pruning话题: dwarf
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发帖数: 130
发帖数: 12655

【在 N***b 的大作中提到】
: 请问如何确定果树之际的距离?有什么公式吗?买的果树有的没有种植指导,不知该留
: 多大距离[难过]

发帖数: 130
参考来自: https://www.bayeradvanced.com/articles/what-to-know-before-you-
What To Know Before You Grow Fruit
In gardening, fruit trees yield an excellent return on investment. A semi-
dwarf apple tree with a harvest life of 15 to 20 years can yield up to 500
apples per growing season. If you average production costs for homegrown
apples over 10 years, the apples cost roughly a penny apiece – a definite
discount over organic store-bought apples. Plant different fruit trees with
different harvest seasons, and you can feast on fresh or preserved fruit
To determine which specific type of fruit tree is best for you, your best
bet is to contact your local cooperative extension service. They know which
tree types and varieties do well in your area. And before you plant any type
, consider these basic facts about growing fruit trees.
Tree Size
Most fruit trees are available in three sizes: dwarf, semi-dwarf and
standard. The thing to realize is that the rootstocks used to produce semi-
dwarf trees don’t strongly control tree size, but contribute more to the
tree in terms of adaptation to soil or climate (especially winter hardiness)
, pest or disease resistance, or bearing age. Sizes noted below indicate
unpruned tree size. It’s best to prune trees to a size that allows you to
reach branches easily – for picking, pruning and spraying – while standing
on the ground or on a short stool or ladder.
Dwarf: Small trees (7 to 10 feet tall) suited to an 8-foot-diameter space.
Shorter trees are easy to prune, spray, thin and harvest. Fruit is normal
size; trees start bearing in 3 to 5 years. Dwarf trees have the shortest
life spans.
Semi-dwarf: Medium-size trees (10 to 16 feet tall) need a 15-foot-diameter
space. Annual pruning is vital to maintain height and shape. This tree size
yields hundreds of fruits per season. Trees start bearing in 3 to 5 years.
Standard: Large fruit trees grow 25 to 30 feet tall and require a 15- to 30-
foot-diameter space, depending on fruit type. Large size makes pruning,
spraying and harvesting trickier. Trees begin bearing after 3 to 5 years and
live long enough that your great-grandchildren can harvest fruit.
Multi-Grafted trees: Trees contain one or more types or varieties of fruit
growing on the same trunk and are ideal for small spaces. Fruits typically
ripen in sequence, providing a good yield for fresh eating.
As you select tree size, don’t overlook yard maintenance. Shorter trees
require ducking beneath branches to mow or mulch.
Proper pruning of deciduous fruit trees ensures good fruit size and quality.
Pruning also can be used to control tree size and make a specimen fit into
more traditional landscape roles, such as fruiting hedges. However,
different fruit trees need different types of pruning to remain productive.
Your cooperative extension or a good book on fruit growing is the best
source of pruning information. The most important thing to remember is that,
as the tree’s owner, you can choose a size and not let the tree get bigger
. Pruning can help you achieve those goals.
Planting Site
Sun: Fruit trees crave full sun with some shelter from wind. Without wind
protection, trees tend to grow more slowly and need more water.
Soil: Test soil before planting – and learn what soil type your desired
fruit tree needs. Citrus like acidic soil; pears prefer silt or clay loams
with a neutral pH. Soil must drain well, except for plums, which prefer damp
Terrain: Avoid planting fruit trees at the base of a hill or in a low spot,
where cold air collects. In early spring, late frosts frequently kill
blossoms on trees planted in low spots.
Proximity: Place trees near a water source. Trees planted near a house might
discourage deer and other pests, but consider planting far enough away that
sprays don’t create issues. Ripening fruit attracts wildlife, including
birds, which leave droppings. Cherry trees beside a patio will likely result
in spotted outdoor furnishings. Fallen fruit attracts yellow jackets, which
can also present problems.
Pollination: Some fruit trees are self-pollinating; others require specific
pollination partners in order to bear fruit. Even self-pollinating trees set
more fruit when cross-pollinated. Generally, planting two or more varieties
of the same tree type is the best way to ensure crops, but make sure bloom
periods overlap. An early-flowering plum can’t cross-pollinate a late-
blooming one. Sometimes an ornamental crabapple can cross-pollinate a
traditional fruit-bearing apple. Ask your local cooperative extension office
about pollination partners.
发帖数: 130

【在 i***h 的大作中提到】
: 一般规律是根和树叶的范围是一样的
: 所以你看自己要多大的树了

发帖数: 12655

【在 N***b 的大作中提到】
: 如果注意剪枝,是不是大树需要的空间就可以小一些?
发帖数: 694
我们这说 至少10ft

【在 N***b 的大作中提到】
: 请问如何确定果树之际的距离?有什么公式吗?买的果树有的没有种植指导,不知该留
: 多大距离[难过]

发帖数: 130
1 (共1页)
新人问个Apple tree pollinator的问题bing cherry vs. lapins
heirloom(也叫heritage)和杂交(也叫F1)区别 (转载)桃树是否可以从种子种起 ?
学习笔记- what seeds can be saved?Lychee Pollination
Persimmon tree and cross-pollinationArtichoke 结了一个小果
话题: trees话题: fruit话题: tree话题: pruning话题: dwarf