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2010年秋季贵州织金明华小学的走访情况已更新:申请开新版:海外中国教育基金会(mitOCEF) (转载)
话题: ocef话题: airdragon话题: why话题: people话题: website
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 30080
【 以下文字转载自 OCEFHome 俱乐部 】
发信人: airdragon77 (QTMDAQ-抢唐门的暗器), 信区: OCEFHome
标 题: MrDarden的新建议
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 11 14:39:47 2011, 美东)
寄信人: MrDarden (Darden = OG/RL/SB/BB 4-in-1)
标 题: Re:
发信站: 未名空间 (Thu Aug 11 13:20:09 2011)
来 源: 72.20.
Hi AirDragon,
After reviewing OCEF website, there are a few suggestions that I would think
will have immediate impacts.
(1) "OCEF资助贵州织金西湖小学照明工程"
Why not rename it as OCEF资助贵州织金西湖小学照明工程/AirDragon Project for
example, to inspire the best contribution of these volunteers, and listed
the reason "We thank AirDragon for his long-time dedication in OCEF, and as
a result, this project was named after him to recognize his achievement.
The kids want to say thank you as well." Try to inspire people by all means.
(2) Why is still 2009 annual report out there, but not 2010? That links to
the openness you said. A sloppiness for time-sensitive materials will for
sure bring down the trust. A promptness, on the other hand, will promote
the openness.
(3) Make consistent font for the website. Some fonts are seemingly larger/
bolder than others for no reason. Try to present the best first impression
through your website (and in all means). OCEF handles money and if its
website is not consistent/professional, the suspicion that whether it will
handle money consistently will arise. If the food tray on an airplane is
dirty, you can assume that maintenance for the plane engine is poor.
(4) Principles for Surveys. It is good to have surveys. However there are
several issues regarding the survey. It is too long. As such, why not use
several webpages instead of the single one? At the end of the survey,
please thank -- in a big deal -- the participant to show the sincerity and
honesty of OCEF. For one particular question of state of living, why not
use a pull-down menu?
(5) In "感谢您的支持", I understand that you want to thank people. But when
people's name is ???,???, why not use "anonymous" because this is more
trustful than ???. If it was a technique glitch, fix it.
(6) 义工刘倩担任中国事务委员会副主席. Principles for News Release.
Certainly the promotion of somebody IS according to a particular procedure
and authorized by the leader. You should emphasize the teamwork and her
contribution. I would re-phrase the news like it:
" Congratulations Ms. Liu for her continuing supports and dedication to OCEF
and she commits to thousands of kids.
The volunteer group unanimously nominated Ms. Liu as the VP for ..committee.
Mr. Liang thanked her for all she committed in recent meeting and approved
immediately that appointment according to our procedures. .... Once again,
OCEF thanks Ms. Liu for a job well done and we are looking forward to
serving kids' educational needs, led by her, in the coming years."
(7) That being said, there are many communication venues, internally and
externally. Each one of them has its merits and shortcomings. However, the
consistency and courtesy is the a few points you would like to convey to
its receivers. That is also the exact values and messages you would like to
send to receivers or audience, that is openness, honesty and inspiration.
While it certainly will take some efforts to do it not only right but also
great, it is only more burdensome at the first run and it will promote the
values among people, inside and out, in a big deal. I understand that OCEF
would like to thank for its people, but please say "thank you" more
frequently, specific and sincere.
Once again, thank you for passing my concerns to OCEF and best regards.
发帖数: 30080
非常非常感谢Mr. Draden!征得他的同意,我把他的建议发到版上来,大家可以一起探
寄信人: airdragon77 (QTMDAQ-抢唐门的暗器)
标 题: Re:
发信站: 未名空间 (Thu Aug 11 14:36:29 2011)
来 源: 67.152.
Many many thanks, Mr. Draden! You're such an expert in these issue! It's
hard to believe you're an engineer :)
I can see that you've spend a lot of time, effort and thoughts into these
great comments. I will certainly forward them to other volunteers,
especially those group
If you'd like, could you also post these comments to the mitOCEF board
please? That way, you might inspire others to help OCEF the way you did.
Also we will have
the chance to thank you publicly :)
Now, I'd like to share my thought about the point (1) with you. I think that
it's a great idea to inspire our volunteers; however, I am not sure whether
we should reserve
this kind of honor and use it to recognize donors instead. What do you think
? Or maybe we
only mention that project name internally but not publicly?
A few other issues you mentioned, such as fonts, drop-down menus in surveys
etc. , actually reflect the fact that we lack technical power. I'm now part
three teams, including the IT group (though it's the only one that I have
yet to make any
contributions). So I know a little bit about the issues. It seems that there
are quite a few things on
the to-do list and we just couldn't find people to do them. So maybe the
next step for OCEF is
to make a stronger move in recruiting and build a better team. Hopefully
what happens
in MITBBS now can help a bit and certainly, we could use the suggestions you
previously. Thanks again!
Again and again, your help is extremely appreciated! Have a wonderful day!
发帖数: 30080
寄信人: MrDarden (Darden = OG/RL/SB/BB 4-in-1)
标 题: Re:
发信站: 未名空间 (Thu Aug 11 14:50:03 2011)
来 源: 72.20.
Thanks and to be honest, I am still a greenhorn in these areas. I just want
to show to you, that will a little training (formal or informal or self-
started), your journey in OCEF will be better and more meaningful.
Regarding the specifics, that is not the focus of this email. Using whose
name or who is accountable for the website are technical issues. The idea,
however, is to demonstrate that there are management issues that lie behind.
If you let everyone (for example, the people who is in charge of writing a
news release or who designs the surveys) knows that you want to convey the
message of honesty, openness .... and all the goodness associated with OCEF,
you need to build a team (not a group of persons) to share the same values.
That is the reason I said the #1 issue is to have a mission statement and
live with it.
Website (surveys, news, news letter....) are only tools and medias that
messages were passed out. The way you deliver (communication, leadership,
inspiration ....) are the ones tell people the feelings and belief. Without
the sound belief and feelings inside everyone, and more important, in teams
and in the whole organization, these medias will be much less effective.
You already witness the power of how to say a sentence (instead of the
sentence itself).
Thanks and best regards.
发帖数: 458
发帖数: 3778

【在 m*****F 的大作中提到】
: 非常感谢MrDarden细致的多方面的意见和建议,受益良多。请相信我们OCEF团队会认真
: 考虑,并尽力做出改善。
: 感谢您对我们的关注和支持,希望今后能不断交流!

发帖数: 138
I would like to quote myself on one of the issues I think important in
rewarding volunteers. I did not have the original, but I recovered most
from my inbox.
Thanks for brining in this point.

Forget to mention:
If I want to best serve my outside customers, I want serve best my insider
customers, that is in your case, the volunteers.
Such that, it is never inappropriate to recognize in a big way an internal
person because of his helpful and respectful actions, and by that way,
outsider customers and the organization as a whole will benefit in a big
deal because all the volunteers will take him as the model for a better
and greater organization.
------------- Quoting AirDragon ----------------
寄信人: airdragon77 (QTMDAQ-抢唐门的暗器)
标 题: Re:
发信站: 未名空间 (Thu Aug 11 14:36:29 2011)
来 源: 67.152.
Now, I'd like to share my thought about the point (1) with you. I think that
it's a great idea to inspire our volunteers; however, I am not sure whether
we should reserve
this kind of honor and use it to recognize donors instead. What do you think
? Or maybe we
only mention that project name internally but not publicly?
--------- Quoting the 1st point ------------
寄信人: MrDarden (Darden = OG/RL/SB/BB 4-in-1)
标 题: Re:
发信站: 未名空间 (Thu Aug 11 13:20:09 2011)
来 源: 72.20.
Hi AirDragon,
After reviewing OCEF website, there are a few suggestions that I would think
will have immediate impacts.
(1) "OCEF资助贵州织金西湖小学照明工程"
Why not rename it as OCEF资助贵州织金西湖小学照明工程/AirDragon Project for
example, to inspire the best contribution of these volunteers, and listed
the reason "We thank AirDragon for his long-time dedication in OCEF, and as
a result, this project was named after him to recognize his achievement.
The kids want to say thank you as well." Try to inspire people by all means.
发帖数: 30080


【在 M******n 的大作中提到】
: I would like to quote myself on one of the issues I think important in
: rewarding volunteers. I did not have the original, but I recovered most
: from my inbox.
: Thanks for brining in this point.
: Forget to mention:
: If I want to best serve my outside customers, I want serve best my insider
: customers, that is in your case, the volunteers.
: Such that, it is never inappropriate to recognize in a big way an internal
: person because of his helpful and respectful actions, and by that way,

1 (共1页)
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OCEF綜合資助點--贵州织金走访手记 (上)OCEF资助的三个学校的微博
恭喜花栗鼠和西北狼当选OCEF12月义工之星!【龙的传人】一剪梅 忆织金 (转载)
[OCEF义卖] 三幅画这个冬天不再寒冷
话题: ocef话题: airdragon话题: why话题: people话题: website