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mitOCEF版 - [OCEF翻译]7 (转载)
craft版有jms愿意拿自己的宝贝和OCEF版面联合做义卖活动么? (转载)just applied a OCEF 公益信用卡
OCEF入门(3)组织结构和运作OCEF 上了 United Way 的 Designations list
OCEF2月份义工快讯[OCEF义卖] 三幅画
讨论: 做一个ocef的手机app?Coming Soon: OCEF 20th Anniversay Ceremony in Houston
OCEF招JOOMLA/PHP 和网站设计义工快讯:OCEF赢得GlobalGiving慈善挑战赛冠军!
ZT义工快讯2014年4月号 Volunteer Newsflash Apr 2014已更新:申请开新版:海外中国教育基金会(mitOCEF) (转载)
义工快讯2014年8月号 Volunteer Newsflash Aug 2014-ZZ估计明天要上十大了
话题: ocef话题: team话题: 网站话题: web话题: website
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 30080
【 以下文字转载自 Translation 讨论区 】
发信人: HH7 (黄河之水天上来), 信区: Translation
标 题: [OCEF翻译]7
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 21 14:34:28 2011, 美东)
7. 网站组
7 网站组
网站组在2010 年主要负责OCEF 网站日常的维护和更新的工作。维护方面,网站组继续
努力工作,保证OCEF 网站内容的一致性和准确性。更新方面,网站组保证了所有秘书
组及其他部门提交的更新要求(通过jira 系统),能够在最短时间内在官网上得到更新。
此外,网站组还为秘书组及其他姊妹组提供网站栏目设计及安排的ad hoc 调整,满足
网站组还积极研究网站所使用的joomla 系统更详尽的,对OCEF 团队有帮助的一些功能
竿见影的帮助。感谢这些志愿者为我们网站组以及OCEF 整个团队做出的贡献!
7. Web Team
The Web Team was mainly responsible for the maintenance and update of OCEF
website in 2010. For the maintenance, the Team continuously worked hard to
guarantee the consistence and accuracy of the website contents. And for the
update, the Team guaranteed that all the update request from the Secretary
Team and other groups (via jira system) could be updated on the OCEF website
as soon as possible.
In addition, the Web Team provided web column designs and various assigned
ad hoc adjustments for the Secretary Team and other sister teams, which
satisfied their requirements on the settings of website.
The Team also actively investigated some more detailed and helpful functions
and settings of the joomla system used by the OCEF website, and their
results played an important role in web column designs.
Meanwhile, The Web Team enthusiastically expanded and strengthened the
volunteer group, whose participation had an immediate help on the
maintenance and update of the website. Thank You very much for all the
volunteers’ contribution for the Web Team and OCEF!
1 (共1页)
估计明天要上十大了OCEF招JOOMLA/PHP 和网站设计义工
OCEF“我的大坑可以复制”大讨论及点子征集活动通告ZT义工快讯2014年4月号 Volunteer Newsflash Apr 2014
Wow!义工快讯2014年8月号 Volunteer Newsflash Aug 2014-ZZ
craft版有jms愿意拿自己的宝贝和OCEF版面联合做义卖活动么? (转载)just applied a OCEF 公益信用卡
OCEF入门(3)组织结构和运作OCEF 上了 United Way 的 Designations list
OCEF2月份义工快讯[OCEF义卖] 三幅画
讨论: 做一个ocef的手机app?Coming Soon: OCEF 20th Anniversay Ceremony in Houston
话题: ocef话题: team话题: 网站话题: web话题: website