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pets版 - Iverhart Plus 扩大recall了。。。
Iverhart Plus 召回Interceptor is back
Virbac recalls Iverhart PlusFURminator DeShedding Tool for Dogs Deal
有图。打算带二货去hiking了,坛子里有用过tick collar的吗?Nature's Variety Frozen Raw food recall
今天第一次带狗狗体检Important Message: P&G Expands Iams/Eukanuba Food Recall
你们每年都给狗狗做heartworm test吗?about heartworms
Trifexis?谁了解?frontline plus 是什么工作原理
话题: large话题: 100lbs话题: 51话题: medium话题: recall
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15396
Virbac Animal Health has issued an expanded recall of certain lots of
Iverhart Plus Flavored Chewables for heartworm prevention.
This recall is an expansion of a recall issued last April due to low levels
of Ivermectin, leaving dogs in the upper third of each weight range
unprotected against heartworm infection.
According to PetMD, the following items are part of the expanded recall:
The following lot numbers of Iverhart Plus Flavored Chewables are included
in the expanded recall:
Small (up to 25lbs)
120092: Small (up to 25lbs)
120397: Small (up to 25lbs)
120398: Small (up to 25lbs)
120798: Small (up to 25lbs)
Medium (26-50lbs)
120090: Medium (26-50lbs)
120301: Medium (26-50lbs)
120378: Medium (26-50lbs)
120450: Medium (26-50lbs)
121282: Medium (26-50lbs)
Large (51-100lbs)
120091: Large (51-100lbs)
120127:Large (51-100lbs)
120195: Large (51-100lbs)
120207: Large (51-100lbs)
120256: Large (51-100lbs)
120289: Large(51-100lbs)
120300: Large (51-100lbs)
120305: Large (51-100lbs)
120306: Large (51-100lbs)
120377: Large (51-100lbs)
120379: Large (51-100lbs)
120434: Large (51-100lbs)
120440: Large (51-100lbs)
120464: Large (51-100lbs)
120651: Large (51-100lbs)
120658: Large (51-100lbs)
120678: Large (51-100lbs)
120831: Large (51-100lbs)
121110: Large (51-100lbs)
121150: Large (51-100lbs)
121283: Large (51-100lbs)
121386: Large (51-100lbs)
No illness or adverse reactions have been reported as a result of this
For questions or concerns about the Iverhart Plus recall, please contact
Virbac Technical Services at 1-800-338-3659 ext. 3052.
发帖数: 23691


【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: Virbac Animal Health has issued an expanded recall of certain lots of
: Iverhart Plus Flavored Chewables for heartworm prevention.
: This recall is an expansion of a recall issued last April due to low levels
: of Ivermectin, leaving dogs in the upper third of each weight range
: unprotected against heartworm infection.
: According to PetMD, the following items are part of the expanded recall:
: The following lot numbers of Iverhart Plus Flavored Chewables are included
: in the expanded recall:
: Small (up to 25lbs)
: 120092: Small (up to 25lbs)

发帖数: 3412
还好我买的是Iverhart Max。。希望那个千万别中招阿!
1 (共1页)
frontline plus 是什么工作原理你们每年都给狗狗做heartworm test吗?
狗狗耳朵得耳螨 用什么药呢有人用过revolution防heartworm么?
请推荐给狗狗洗耳朵的东西。 谢谢。求指教:heartworm的药
FDA新的可搜索式pet food recall databaseTrifexis?谁了解?
Iverhart Plus 召回Interceptor is back
Virbac recalls Iverhart PlusFURminator DeShedding Tool for Dogs Deal
有图。打算带二货去hiking了,坛子里有用过tick collar的吗?Nature's Variety Frozen Raw food recall
今天第一次带狗狗体检Important Message: P&G Expands Iams/Eukanuba Food Recall
话题: large话题: 100lbs话题: 51话题: medium话题: recall