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USANews版 - "Two stepford wives as first and second ladies"
Shifting Tactics, Romney Attacks Surging Gingrich
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话题: she话题: women话题: stepford话题: wives话题: two
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
I found the following image on Facebook and thought to myself, yes, they're
going to need our prayers:
Pray for Ryan Family
And lo and behold, it's already taking place:
Lovely, another upper middle class female who got the expensive
education and does nothing with it but change dirty diapers. She should have
had her parents give all that education money to a young woman who needed
it and would have really used it. So she has power in Washington by throwing
dinner parties. She is a disgrace to educated women everywhere. Get a job.
- evelyn, NYC , 12/8/2012 13:59
As usual, another stay at home twit. Wake the hell up people!! R&R don't
represent the average american...anyone who votes for them is just as
idiotic and full of elitist garbage...this is such a joke...
- waks, this zany zany world, 11/8/2012 19:11
Another blonde Republican wife. How original ! She'll wear bright red
like the rest of them, when hubby makes a speech. And LONG HAIR. GOP loves
that homey look. I hope she doesn't have any living relatives over 60,
because her husband will make sure they have few benefits from the
Government,. She'll be ok. She's married to a Congressman, and they take
care of their own.
- Mary Brickman, Lansdale, PA USA, 11/8/2012 13:58
Giving up career for family? That never seems to end well for women,
does it?
- Sarah, USA, 11/8/2012 15:03
American women need to rise up and enusre that these republican, white,
uber wealthy men, who marry well educated women who do nothing with
themselves but give birth to a pack of kids, do not control this country.
The fact that Mitt Romney has come this close to becoming the President of
the United States is truly embarrassing. How many grandkids does the man
have, eighteen? That is beyond irresponsible to do to the planet and this
country. He will roll women's rights back to the dark ages. I am sick to
death of what the republican party represents, war, repression of women,
elitism, religious fanatiscism, destruction of the environment, and nothing
but an artificial, superficial value system that the rest of the world
despises. That's just what we need, two stepford wives as first and second
ladies and two men who love to keep their wives pregnant and dellight in
nothing more than shooting a few innocent wild animals.
- julie craven, San Diego USA, 11/8/2012 17:00
The hatred is visceral.
Pray indeed for this family.
1 (共1页)
有关 FactCheck,也被希拉里收买了
国务卿好像定了Rex Tillerson
话题: she话题: women话题: stepford话题: wives话题: two