

全部话题 - 话题: 3pl
发帖数: 194
I want to simulate a data matrix using the 3PL and Generalized partial
credit model.
I am wondering whether anyone knows the distribution of the a, b and c
parameter of the 3PL and their range.
also the distribution of a and b and range of the generalize partial credit
if anyone can give me some help on this, I will really appraciated.
发帖数: 7895
【 以下文字转载自 Statistics 讨论区 】
发信人: westjourney (胖得走不动), 信区: Statistics
标 题: 想问下Item Response Model的问题
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 1 21:18:51 2015, 美东)
我对3PL model的guessing value感的很困惑。是这样的,我用3PL里面得出的guessing
values 来检验不同的mixed 2PL and 3PL model. 比如说,for model 1,items with
guessing values greater than 0.3 was treated as 3PL model. For model 2,
items with guessing values greater than 0.2 was treated as 3PL model. For
model 1, items with guessing values greater than 0.1 was treated as 3PL
model. 我不知道这样做的... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7895
来自主题: Statistics版 - 想问下Item Response Model的问题
我对3PL model的guessing value感的很困惑。是这样的,我用3PL里面得出的guessing
values 来检验不同的mixed 2PL and 3PL model. 比如说,for model 1,items with
guessing values greater than 0.3 was treated as 3PL model. For model 2,
items with guessing values greater than 0.2 was treated as 3PL model. For
model 1, items with guessing values greater than 0.1 was treated as 3PL
model. 我不知道这样做的话,最大的问题是什么。。。
我也做了点研究,找到一篇2012年的PAPER(HAN, 2012),是关于fixing c-
parameters. 他/她的观点是说,3PL 里面的guessing values 不reliable,而且和其他
2个parameters (a and b)是相... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
The hiring company is an innovation leader that manufactures and sells a
series of intelligent robot products including drones and multi-purpose
consumer robots. Through its cutting-edge technologies, the company
continuously increases the performance of robots to improve the lives of
people worldwide.
Job ID: FH1563
Recruiting Company: Flyhigh Talent
Client Industry: Technology
Location: San Mateo, CA
Job Type: Full-Time Permanent
H-1B Sponsored? Negotiable
Job Description:
The Manager’s primar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Amazon senior SDE offer
For background, I owned aapl and Google stock for many years and have made
good money from these stocks. I owned amzn about 10 years ago, didn't
think it will become this big, and sold for probably less than 10% of today'
s price. I didn't hold amzn again until recently when the price around 300.
Amzn is clearly the leader in 3pl/fba. This advantage is based on a
physical network and can not be surpassed by anyone in the next decade.
No one come close to touching amzn in this area.
The i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Amazon senior SDE offer
For background, I owned aapl and Google stock for many years and have made
good money from these stocks. I owned amzn about 10 years ago, didn't
think it will become this big, and sold for probably less than 10% of today'
s price. I didn't hold amzn again until recently when the price around 300.
Amzn is clearly the leader in 3pl/fba. This advantage is based on a
physical network and can not be surpassed by anyone in the next decade.
No one come close to touching amzn in this area.
The i... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
The hiring company is an innovation leader that manufactures and sells a
series of intelligent robot products including drones and multi-purpose
consumer robots. Through its cutting-edge technologies, the company
continuously increases the performance of robots to improve the lives of
people worldwide.
Job ID: FH1563
Recruiting Company: Flyhigh Talent
Client Industry: Technology
Location: San Mateo, CA
Job Type: Full-Time Permanent
H-1B Sponsored? Negotiable
Job Description:
The Manager’s primar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 86
来自主题: StartUp版 - 有人做物流方面的创业么?
有一些想法,把物流和IT结合起来,以Los Angeles和Long Beach为基础市场拓展业务。
系统准备在Linux平台上用Java, JSP开发。
3PL Software's warehouse management systems are designed for the third
party logistics industry.
Module Options Include:
Base Billing & Inventory Module: Receiving, Inspection, Slotting,Cycle
Physical Inventory, Shipping, Palletizing
LOT Control Module
Order Management Interface
Trucking System Interface
Revenue Analysis Module
Enhanced Pre-Receiving Module
Expanded Physical Count Module
发帖数: 5309
机出租服务,提供从扭腰楼顶直飞EWR的10分钟交通服务,收费 $2,099/3pl,或者$2,
发帖数: 7027
来自主题: Automobile版 - 请问加气时会自动跳闸么
max=4.4pls,今天去打时测了下还剩 3pls左右...
发帖数: 12
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Amazon senior SDE offer
There is no point in calculating amzn's pe. Amzn is intentionally not
making money. All free cash flow is reinvested into the business.
There is also no point of comparing with Apple. Apple has past it's prime
and the chance of the stock exceeding the 700 high point is not very
promising. Amzn has a long journey a head with many high growth potential
areas - cloud, video, grocery, 3pl/fba, kindle/mobile device, payment... And
overall international expansion
There is a good chance that amzn w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Amazon senior SDE offer
Did you see I said 3pl/fba?

Fulfilled by Amazon. Of course no other company can do FBA, but they can do
FBC, FBE, et........
发帖数: 12
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Amazon senior SDE offer
There is no point in calculating amzn's pe. Amzn is intentionally not
making money. All free cash flow is reinvested into the business.
There is also no point of comparing with Apple. Apple has past it's prime
and the chance of the stock exceeding the 700 high point is not very
promising. Amzn has a long journey a head with many high growth potential
areas - cloud, video, grocery, 3pl/fba, kindle/mobile device, payment... And
overall international expansion
There is a good chance that amzn w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Amazon senior SDE offer
Did you see I said 3pl/fba?

Fulfilled by Amazon. Of course no other company can do FBA, but they can do
FBC, FBE, et........
发帖数: 5016
有篇文章说 Groupon和facebook虽然都是scale性质很强的
后者是物流行业的巨头,none asset based 3PL,140亿的市值
剥削底下真正干活的asset based的卡车公司等
发帖数: 37
来自主题: Seattle版 - 西雅图中餐馆汇集 zt
西雅图中餐馆汇集 zt
文章来源: 表情符号 于
Seattle Chinese Restraunt
My pick: 老四川,叶家园,TOP GUN, 又一轩 are good.
Settle is also famous for seafood like Alaska King Crab, Salmon,Dungeon Crab
(about 3pl each) hohoho. Yummy.
There is a famous fresh seafood market on the coast, it is very interesting
to see how people sell fish and crab there.
TopGun in Chinatown is recommended to me and it is ok. There is also a Long
Feng Da Jiu Lou which is good. Both these two are in chinat
发帖数: 259
来自主题: Psychology版 - quantitative research in psych
个人觉得,由于IRT model在巨大样本(3PL似乎要求1000以上吧)下才能得到比较精确的
T已经逐渐取代ctt,样本稍小的也可以用Rasch model. 环顾教育学院的measurement专业
除了一些老牌的学校因为大牛们都是CTT过来的还抱着CTT和Generalizibility theory之


发帖数: 98
来自主题: Psychology版 - thoughts about CTT/IRT
Well, I'm still learning. It's great to find a home on this board to discuss
things that I care about.

Right. The 1st generation of IRT models developed in the 40s and 50s could
only model "right"/"wrong" dichtomies. The 2PL&3PL models, and the normal
ogive model, among others, are perhaps the most familiar form of IRT that
people encounter in educational testing. And as a concequence people tend to
assume that IRT is only for right or wrong responses.
Modern IRT models developed in th