J****3 发帖数: 805 | 1 我做的是amnio,不是我选的,是因为我挨呀挨,挨到后来只能做amnio了 |
v*****e 发帖数: 30 | 2 现在是孕九周多。
因为是高龄,OB 让我skip first trimester screen, 直接去羊穿. 我现在有两个选择
: 13周之前作CVS (早期羊穿)或 16周作Amnio (中期羊穿)。这两种在准确程度上应
该没什么区别。我想问问,有没有jm 知道,哪一个流产风险更高? 有什么其他因素值
得考虑? 我应该选作哪一个呢? |
I********k 发帖数: 1074 | 3 做过上述测试的 jms 都是怎么做选择的? 多谢!
CVS: 10-14 weeks. 早知道结果, 不过不能发现neural tube defects.
Amnio: 16-22 weeks. 可以检测更多. 不过万一有问题, 会不会太迟了?
Risk 据说是一样的. |
l****m 发帖数: 1294 | 4 CVS 和羊穿( Amnio)是需要都查?还是查一个就可以?
查了些资料说做羊穿因为BB 发育的大些了因此能查的更多,有的却说CVS比羊穿更能查
好困惑啊*_* |
U***5 发帖数: 2796 | 5 第九十八章 推理奖励!
那名殖猎者也... 阅读全帖 |
c*****a 发帖数: 89 | 6 谢谢,你说得很有道理。但是我是想要是anyway决定要做amnio,还是赶早的好,等宝宝
amnio |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 7 Not familiar with the medical situation. But you may want to communicate
with the OB more, before switching to a different doctor:
Is level 2 ultrasound really helpful in this situation? If yes, insist on
having one. You can also request an amnio more firmly, mentioning the legal
situation. Just be aware that you know the risks of amnio, and insurance
may not pay for these procedures that are not "medically necessary".
Bless! |
k*****i 发帖数: 298 | 8 Doctors usually weigh the chance of down's (determined by mom's age or by
screening results) against the pobability of miscarriage by amnio test.
If you can accept the miscarriage risk but want to absolutely rule out Down'
s, the go for amnio. |
c**********0 发帖数: 836 | 9 来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 关于唐筛! 如果是我,我不会做amnio。amnio也有风险。这个ultrasound的false positive 很大
超再做决定。 |
g********n 发帖数: 251 | 10 amnio is pretty easy. You can search on baby forum wenxuecity, lots of
people did it.Cystic fibrosis is really rare in asian. if your doctor
suggested you to do the amnio then it should be covered by the insurance.
you can also ask them about it since your screen result is negtive. |
k*****i 发帖数: 298 | 11 "她说如果是肠梗阻"
I'd say wait a few weeks for the ultrasound resul, because:
If you do an amnio now and it comes out normal, it still does not rule out
obstruction so you'll still be worried for a few weeks. Should the amnio
reveal a serious problem & you want to terminate pregnancy, a few weeks
doesn't make medical difference (as you are already in 2nd trimester).
Blue Cross的 |
J****e 发帖数: 636 | 12 非常感谢你babybunny!
心脏之前b超做完跟我说没有问题。但是我前天拿到报告说 "views of fetal heart
were obtained and appear grossly normal thus far (however still suboptimal)"
..我专门问了, 可是都说很好。。。这也叫很好啊??(怪我自己之前一直没有要求
materni T21我当时也不懂,之后看过是国内说的无创是吗?我这里是不是医疗条件太
穿刺,医生还说他还不是很确定哪个医院能... 阅读全帖 |
l******3 发帖数: 48 | 13 刚注册了自己的账号,通报一下好消息。
一周多前为 first trimester screeningtest 1:6 的高比例 发了帖子,得到大家安慰。
刚才接到generic counselor 的好消息,说MaterniT21是negative的,还发了报告给我
数据作支持,(confidence interval,level 比较高,说明较确定,可还是个统计结
果啊)。 结果整整提前了3-5出来(原计划8-10个工作日).
---先自付$475,如果insurance cover ,就在退回我,否则也不用付剩下的balance.
---抽两管血,等结果。据说准确率达99.1%(尽管好像还是说screening test,不同于
diagnose test,不过更像diagnose), 接近CVS or Amnio test。
---研究的是母体血液里含的3-5%的小孩的free cell, 看染色体有没有多.
---医生说,自己看还要不要做amnio 了.
这些天我可都是在做着如果有唐氏的话的准备,尽管ld 到是挺有信心。
不过这是个新上市的实验(去年10月),还是... 阅读全帖 |
C*****a 发帖数: 1025 | 14 Cute babies.
I just found out that I am having twins. Did you have amnio test?
I already turned 35 and my ob suggests to do an amnio test and I want to
know whether anyone pregnant with twins had that test. Thanks! |
C*****a 发帖数: 1025 | 15 Bless.
I did amnio test a few weeks ago because of my age. Before the test, they
did an ultrasound and saw two markers, I was told that it is common to see
some soft markers with today's high resolution ultrasound. My amnio test
result came back normal and my OB said that I can forget about the soft
markers. |
m**********a 发帖数: 638 | 16 Harmony tests for the risk of trimosy 21 (for Down's Syndrome), trimosy 13,
and trimosy 18 (don't know what the latter two are for). Heard it's very
similar to Maternity 21. It's not as complete a test as Amnio test, but
most people take Amnio for the Down's sydrome anyway. |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 17 CVS's false positive rate is about 1%. Amnio's error rate is believed to be
Another possibility is mosaicism (baby having both normal and abnormal cells
). It may further complicate the statistics. |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 18 1. Yes. But the insurance discount probably applies to the deductible part
as well. So check with insurance to make sure.
2. A major factor in the cost is Down's screening. Besides your age, if the
cheap AFP test turns high risk you may have no choice but have the costly
3, |
t*********0 发帖数: 16 | 19 昨天结果出来了:正常。
回忆十天前的羊穿,整个过程和大家的大同小异,先是做 level II B超(和羊穿是同一个人做的), 当时医生就说他认为正常, 但是还是amnio才能确诊。 我没有用我OB refer 的 specialist, 我的这个医生是朋友推荐的 – he is wonderful, professional and precise, we have nothing to complain about.
我虽然没敢看needle punch through,但针扎过最后一层的痛确是真真切切的,不过就那么一小会儿,就在那一小会儿我闪过的想法是肚皮上涂的小麻醉剂量会不会顺着针尖去到羊水,麻到我宝宝? 最后人恍惚中离开医院,也没跟医生 confirm.
从医院回去的路上有些小纠结 -- 这次宝宝冒似很乖,不象上两次“动感”十足,B超时定格的图像都是些局部的放大,象腿骨,脚呀啥的,宝宝的“小秘密”还被放大成一张单独的照片送给我们, 以至于糊涂爹娘回去后想了半天才想起是什么。 觉得整个过程里宝宝象一只小青 |
m*****u 发帖数: 537 | 20 你的医生误导你?amnio一般推荐35岁以上孕妇做
NT+blood test(10.5 - 13week)+blood test (16 week)合起来叫sequential
screening test,是现在比较常见的检查
当然应该做 而且没有风险
不是所有的chromosomal abnormality都和孕妇年龄有关的 |
q****u 发帖数: 611 | 21 my ob said there is no such thing as "negative" or "positive" for the
screening test, it is all about the statistics. if you want to know the 100
%, you need to do the CVS or amnio. but he did mention some kind of cutoff
number, cannot remember exactly, i think 1:250 sounds about right.
较高,20%以后也不很低了。 |
I*********r 发帖数: 1068 | 22 对了,讲个笑话。
10秒钟后反应出这个烂人在骗我。气得我到现在还恨不得捶死他。 |
t**s 发帖数: 26 | 23 i still get scared thinking about amnio. Bless everyone who has or will take
this on! |
F*********o 发帖数: 2093 | 24 10-12周做的是CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling), 羊穿是AMNIO, 16-20周左右做的.
whattoexpect.com上面关于这两种比较的很详细, 感兴趣的话可以去看看.
我12周不到一点做的CVS, 查出来是个BOY. |
f******s 发帖数: 4020 | 25 CVS流产率高些,因为它是从胚胎上取东西,而羊穿只是取羊水。但因为CVS做得早,万
一有情况,做流产伤害小些。 |
v*****e 发帖数: 30 | 26 多谢这位jm 的回复啊!
经验的。为宝宝好的话,是不是应该选羊穿啊? 好纠结啊! |
h*****7 发帖数: 2120 | 27 我选的是羊穿。 CVS 风险大一些, 头三个月本来就不太稳定, 不太想冒风险。 |
v*****e 发帖数: 30 | 29 这位jm, BELOW 是有什么link吗?我怎么没看见? 多谢提供信息了 |
s********7 发帖数: 313 | 30 CVS 不是从胚胎上取SAMPLE,是从胎盘上去。
两个的准确率是基本上一样的,都是通过测DNA来得出结论的。 但洋穿能测更多的项目。
z***q 发帖数: 175 | 31 The miscarrage rate after CVS(1/100) is definitely higher than the
aminiocentesis (1/200-1/400). Some studies showed that CVS might cause
missing fingers or toes in fetuses. |
F*********o 发帖数: 2093 | 32 我做的CVS, 我的医生推荐这个. 因为根据胎盘的位置, 可以从阴道进去, 不需要戳肚
皮的. 如果胎盘位置不方便的话, 才需要戳肚皮, 那可能就和羊穿差不多了.
我医生是个HIGH RISK SPECIALIST, 病人大多数都是高龄和超高龄的, 根据他自己病
人的经验, 做羊穿他一共LOST了六个BABY, 但是做CVS没有任何意外. 所以他是建议CVS
的. 不过这是他的个人经验, 大家不要把这个当成普遍经验.
我是斗争了一下, 后来一琢磨, 管它呢, 就CVS吧, 万一有问题, 早处理也比晚处理强.
做的过程非常顺利, 也超级的快, 完了跟没事一样, 第二天就跑回去上班了. |
s********7 发帖数: 313 | 33 我做的CVS。整个过程连消毒,一共2分钟。不是疼,是有点不舒服。
第三天就会给一个PRELIMINARY结果。 |
F*********o 发帖数: 2093 | 34 汗, 跟你比, 我怎么觉的自己跟个大牲口一样. 我的医生跟我说的是, 不需要卧床, 第
二天小心一些, 不要运动. 第三天就正常了.
我的结果十天才出来, 他们说要花好多天培养细胞, 细胞培养好了才可以知道结果的. |
z***q 发帖数: 175 | 35 Amniocentesis analysis can only check the karyotype of fetus. It can only
diagnose aneuploidy like tri18, tri21,tr13,Tunner syndrom(45,X0),Klinefelter
syndrome(47,XXY), and some large chromosomal abnormalities. There are tons
of genetics disease out there that can not be diagnosed by amnio because the
disease-causing mutations are too small to be detected only by karotype
analysis, for example, single nucleotide mutation, small deletion and
duplication, gene copy number variations etc.
So, norma |
m*********7 发帖数: 5207 | 36 Amnio test indicated "significant risk"!
is |
g****n 发帖数: 1786 | 37 amnio没有那么可怕。如果做,要找个好的高危专科大夫,经常做的,问清楚大夫自己
1/200,那是老数据了。 |
k****o 发帖数: 991 | 38 现在AMNIO TEST引发流产的概率NATIONAL AVERAGE是1:300-1:400。 我去的那个
1 |
s*****g 发帖数: 2140 | 39 The largest risk is 1:420, while the risk of amnio might be larger than that
. I would not do it if I were her. |
k*****i 发帖数: 298 | 40 Depends on how sure you want these disorders be screened. Amnio is the most
accurate but it has a very small risk of miscarrying. So take your pick.
Personally I don't think tirsomy 18 is important: 97% of fetuses with it
will miscarry on their own anyway. |
k*****i 发帖数: 298 | 41 I do not see people talk about this in papers (it is known that EARLY amnio
is risky), see e.g.
Might want to check with your OB or genetic counselor on that. |
c*****a 发帖数: 89 | 42 嗯,这个仔细读了,谢谢。
我看到的信息是羊穿最好是在16 周到20周做,我现在刚刚过20周,要做的话不能托太
amnio |
k*****i 发帖数: 298 | 43 If you absolutely don't want to give birth to a Down's baby, then go
directly to amniocentesis (cons: cost, 1/400 - 1/200 risk of miscarriage).
Other screening methods are not invasive but only guess a probability.
If these give a probability higher than your age group average, the ob will
usually suggest an amnio. |
a*******y 发帖数: 199 | 44 amnio是羊穿吗?这个现在肯定是不会考虑的啦,都还没有做过NT,完全没必要吧。
will |
j***e 发帖数: 708 | 45 my doctor told me that amnio is 100% safe in his office. that 1 in 200 to
300 risk is 20 years ago. |
g****n 发帖数: 1786 | 46 1/1400很小的risk
你要不再找个专家看看second opinion
B |
s*****g 发帖数: 2140 | 47 i would not do the amnio |
s*****g 发帖数: 2140 | 48 bless
do another amnio and give the baby another chance. |
C******r 发帖数: 790 | 49 http://www.plus-size-pregnancy.org/Prenatal%20Testing/prenataltest-amnios.htm#Accuracy of Amniocentesis
Accuracy of Amniocentesis
So how accurate is amniocentesis anyhow? What conditions does it test for?
What conditions does it not detect? Do "normal" results guarantee a
healthy baby?
What Conditions Amniocentesis Can Detect Accurately
Amniocentesis is very good at picking up most chromosomal birth defects,
such as Trisomies (3 chromosomes instead of a pair, such as Down Syndrome [
trisomy 21 |
L*****y 发帖数: 86 | 50 Thanks for your adv., I am going to do the high resolution Ultrasound first,
if the result is not good, I am going to do amnio test, thanks again.
好。 |