h*****a 发帖数: 1718 | 1 哦,是boggle吧?第一次被面到这个题的时候写的很滥。 |
s********u 发帖数: 1109 | 4 Phone interview,美国人,说话很清楚。不过太健谈了,导致他每次描述问题,说一
大堆,还各种打比方,要搞清楚whole picture真是太费劲了。。
1.他说warm up一下,说了一大堆,我才搞明白他的意思是,电影里经常有人拿报纸剪
bool compose( string msg, string newspaper){
unordered_map ccnt;
for(auto it = newspaper.begin(); it != newspa... 阅读全帖 |
a******e 发帖数: 710 | 5 2.他说他也是听说来的这道题,又是讨论描述了N久才搞明白,还跟我扯你知道为啥美
1 2 2 3 (5)
3 2 3 (4) (4)
2 4 (5) 3 1 Atlantic
(6) (7) 1 4 5
(5) 1 1 2 4
#####若问这里提到的backtracking和recursion有何不同? 我一直不太了解
我就用backtracking的方法,有点类似boggle game那题,从西海岸的点出发,往8个方
电面结束我才发现我有个bug,就是说,到达东海岸的时候不应该return,... 阅读全帖 |
s********u 发帖数: 1109 | 6 Phone interview,美国人,说话很清楚。不过太健谈了,导致他每次描述问题,说一
大堆,还各种打比方,要搞清楚whole picture真是太费劲了。。
1.他说warm up一下,说了一大堆,我才搞明白他的意思是,电影里经常有人拿报纸剪
bool compose( string msg, string newspaper){
unordered_map ccnt;
for(auto it = newspaper.begin(); it != newspa... 阅读全帖 |
a******e 发帖数: 710 | 7 2.他说他也是听说来的这道题,又是讨论描述了N久才搞明白,还跟我扯你知道为啥美
1 2 2 3 (5)
3 2 3 (4) (4)
2 4 (5) 3 1 Atlantic
(6) (7) 1 4 5
(5) 1 1 2 4
#####若问这里提到的backtracking和recursion有何不同? 我一直不太了解
我就用backtracking的方法,有点类似boggle game那题,从西海岸的点出发,往8个方
电面结束我才发现我有个bug,就是说,到达东海岸的时候不应该return,... 阅读全帖 |
s********u 发帖数: 1109 | 8 感觉准备过程中走了很多弯路,一开始看很多经验说是大多数公司cc150就够用了,是
比如一个boggle game题,搜到网上很多人总结这个题,比如暴力回溯算法,建立trie... 阅读全帖 |
s********u 发帖数: 1109 | 9 没看懂lz的意思,你既有矩阵,又有词典,又要找单词。那是说从词典里找单词,还是
如果有一个大词典,然后从矩阵里找词典里的词,那么就是boggle game,用词典建立
search,应该是不用trie的。leetcode:word search |
s********u 发帖数: 1109 | 10 我觉得,在实际使用中,可以就写个node,就是自带一个bool值,一个char值,和一个
比如boggle game那个题,明显就是不用trie自己的search比较好,因为每次只需要
struct TrieNode {
char mContent;
bool mMarker;
vector mChildren;
Node(char *c) { mContent = c; mMarker = false; }
}; |
s********u 发帖数: 1109 | 11 我觉得,在实际使用中,可以就写个node,就是自带一个bool值,一个char值,和一个
比如boggle game那个题,明显就是不用trie自己的search比较好,因为每次只需要
struct TrieNode {
char mContent;
bool mMarker;
vector mChildren;
Node(char *c) { mContent = c; mMarker = false; }
}; |
c**w 发帖数: 1024 | 12 两个公司都挂了,但是还是上个面经。
amz 电面2轮,onsite 5轮,每轮1个小时
电面1: 2sum, 2个stack实现queue
电面2: 实现fixed size的queue, OOD设计题:2个电梯调度的设计
onsite round 1: 在2个等长排序数组中找第k大的元素。
1 3
2 4
最长的递增是3,可以是1->2->4 也可以是1->3->4
round 2: 全behavior,这轮挂了,因为表示了觉得以前的工作没意思。这轮的结
round 3: map里面新增一个updateAll(int val1),调用后,get(key)返回值都是val1
。但是之后如果set(key, val2)后,get(key)返回值是val2.要求所有操作都o(1)。
第二题是count sort变种,不难。
round 4: OOD设计机场调度系统。这轮... 阅读全帖 |
m********l 发帖数: 791 | 13 boggle game 绝对是考算法的
我之前也见到过这题 好像没答好 跪了
首先是需要用Trie建字典,然后用DFS找到valid word(类似Leetcode的word search)
算法复杂度是n*n*pow(8, n*n), n*n是棋盘size,8是可以走的方向。这个dfs复杂度很
大,但是剪枝可以大大减少运算时间。 |
s******d 发帖数: 424 | 14 boggle game 我想讨论算法实现,被打断说就是要设计系统 |
s**x 发帖数: 7506 | 15
有了trie,checking a substring is a prefix of any words become very easy,
just traverse the path in the trie.
for example, if no word begins with abc, you do not need to check if abcd,
abcde is in the dictionary or not.
when trie is not used, you have to lookup the dictionary for all substrings
starting a given position.
可以看看boggle puzzle 那题,那题不用trie 好像没法弄。 |
Z**********4 发帖数: 528 | 16 一面:
然后有一个国际象棋的马在1的位置,问有多少中路径可以刚好十步跳到9. 注意*跟#不
跳法就是1可以跳到6, 6可以跳到0, 0也可以跳到4, 4跳到9。
1. boggle的游戏。类似于leetcode的wordsearch。唯一的区别是,最好把dictionary
2. 聊工作经验。面试官是个老美,声音小,语速快。
问了一些宽泛的问题,比如如果要load 1million records到内存,用什么数据结构。
我答看需要执行什么query。如果类似于找到exact matched record就用hash。如果
是找类似于满足一定大小关系的records,应该用ordered map。他很不满意,也不知道
... 阅读全帖 |
t********n 发帖数: 611 | 18
Software Engineer Interview
Anonymous Interview Candidate in New York, NY
Application Details
I applied online. The process took 4 weeks - interviewed at Google in August
Interview Details
My interview and hiring process was extremely tiring but satisfactory. I
dropped out of college and cancelled my plans to study in an university
because I wasn't learning anything there. I studied and mastered computer
science alone at home within 2 months. Although I am just 19, I d... 阅读全帖 |
i******s 发帖数: 301 | 19 说说面经吧,既然有人站内信问。ps: 我觉得就是随机挑了几个。。。四白一印
1.a 一个数组,大小(1M+1),包含了所有1到1M(M表示一百万)的整数,因此,必有一
1.b 一个很大的List(假设你用java,不过没关系),请写一个getRandom,即随机返回
2. 写Fibo,分析时空复杂度,同时讨论何时使用异常,何时用error code。ps: 好像
3a. 4个B(B表示10亿)的整数数组,求median。
3b. boggle
4. 给一个字符串,给出最少插入多少次可以使字符串变为palindrome, 比如abcda就返
回1, 因为可以插入d使得字符串变为abdcda
5a. 考虑一个n叉树,将所有node存在一个数组tree中,node编号从0到n(n为数组大小)
。 arr[i]表示第i个node的parent,请找出该树的深度(即最长的根到叶的路径长度)。
5b. word break 2, 给定字符串和一个字典,找出所有合法的分割使得分割后得到的字
串都在字典中 |
l***i 发帖数: 1309 | 20 an easier version of boggle (4x4)
dfs with recursion. |
h**p 发帖数: 211 | 21 第1题什么意思,不理解
可以终止,设个visit map避免重复走 |
s****t 发帖数: 467 | 22 找工作告一段落,把前一段面试的题目整理一下一起发出来。各个公司的放在一起了,
1. LRU cache
2. 一个整数数组,先递增然后递减,也有可能只有递增或者递减。查找某个整数在不
3. 设计Boggle游戏
4. OO design, 用树形结构表示表达式。注意operator要用多态实现。
5. 2 sum,一个元素只能用一次
6. 1)判断一个数组中是否有3个元素和为0,元素可以重用。2)merge k sorted
7. 一个数组,把非0的元素移动到开头。
8. 1) maximum subarray 2)树里两个节点的最低公共祖先 3)LC subset
9. 设计fb newsfeed
10. 大数相乘
11. 1) 给一段话,再给两个单词,求这两个单词在这段话里的最小距离 2)打印二叉
树(level order遍历)
12. 随机洗牌算法
13. 1)给一个字符串,返回每个字符及其个数。比如:aaabcc-> 3a1b2c 2) 给字符及
其个数,返回原本的字符串 3)media... 阅读全帖 |
f*******r 发帖数: 976 | 23 多谢分享,希望你早日拿到大offer
1. LRU cache
2. 一个整数数组,先递增然后递减,也有可能只有递增或者递减。查找某个整数在不
3. 设计Boggle游戏
4. OO design, 用树形结构表示表达式。注意operator要用多态实现。
5. 2 sum,一个元素只能用一次
6. 1)判断一个数组中是否有3个元素和为0,元素可以重用。2)merge k sorted
7. 一个数组,把非0的元素移动到开头。
8. 1) maximum subarray 2)树里两个节点的最低公共祖先 3)LC subset
9. 设计fb newsfeed
10. 大数相乘
11. 1) 给一段话,再给两个单词,求这两个单词在这段话里的最小距离 2)打印二叉
树(level order遍历)
12. 随机洗牌算法
13. 1)给一个字符串,返回每个字符及其个数。比如:aaabcc-> 3a1b2c 2) 给字符及
... 阅读全帖 |
b**********5 发帖数: 7881 | 24 不好意思, 我觉得你的知识面, 比我还差。。 algo的题, mergesort都没怎么写对
, 哪个什么boggle的题, 也好像写了个pseudocode。。。
然后存data, 竟然存到hdfs上了。。。 这个我觉得你根本就没怎么准备啊。。。 |
g*********e 发帖数: 14401 | 25 凭感觉似乎可以用max flow搞,但想不出
words |
l*h 发帖数: 4124 | 26 there are a very high percentage of patients in China who don't want to
treat their diabetes or hypertension even if they have easy access to such
services until late stage complications are obvious, then ask for magic.
it is seriously mind-boggling. |
p*******e 发帖数: 986 | 27 【 以下文字转载自 Jan2010_baby 俱乐部 】
发信人: powerwave (YY, My heart!), 信区: Jan2010_baby
标 题: Psychological Immunity (ZZ)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 7 16:23:21 2011, 美东)
This is a great article to read:
Consider a toddler who’s running in the park and trips on a rock, Bohn says
. Some parents swoop in immediately, pick up the toddler, and comfort her in
that moment of shock, before she even starts crying. But, Bohn explains,
this actually prevents her from feeling secure—not just on the playground,
but in l... 阅读全帖 |
w**********2 发帖数: 332 | 28 How Come? Every Kid's Science Questions Explained by Kathy Wollard
What If: Mind-Boggling Science Questions for Kids by Robert Ehrlich |
m****s 发帖数: 8992 | 29 Thank you. Please do shed some light cuz I may still need to talk to them
down the road.
But the problem goes far beyond customer service
First of all. I bot a top of the line laptop. And it turned out I have two
defective memory sticks and one bad hard drive!!!
It is mind boggling how 3 of the 4 major swappables are bad. No wonder I
keep getting blue screened.
Then the finance. I use major bank account to pay the 0% loan back every
month. It was set up correctly and after a few month. Sudde... 阅读全帖 |
N********n 发帖数: 8363 | 30 For a whole year since March 2009, PPT came out quickly acting as pumper
of the last resort to save the day whenever there's sell off. So why did
they stay on the sideline on this massive sell-off?
Two words: bond market. PPT had to stay out to save the bond market.
The images below explain it all: There was a quiet but mind-boggling run
on the bond market. Treasury department redeemed 640B payment in April
alone and then another 144B just the first 4 days of May.
Should they not attract some bu |
s*********8 发帖数: 901 | 32 Coal today is largely a story about electricity use… And the world consumes
staggering amounts of power. Electricity is a fundamental fact of modern
life. It powers virtually everything we do – from heating the stoves that
cook our dinner and lighting up the TVs we watch, to powering the massive
factories that build cars and refine natural resources.
And as countries like China and India (aka "Chindia") modernize their
economies, the volume of electricity they devour is mind-boggling.
In the U.S... 阅读全帖 |
l*********m 发帖数: 16971 | 33 【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: lovefreedom (I am happy), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: Oakland韩裔杀人因为英语烂被嘲笑 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 3 18:40:25 2012, 美东)
发信人: killcnn (killcnn), 信区: Military
标 题: Oakland韩裔杀人因为英语烂被嘲笑
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 3 17:32:51 2012, 美东)
(CNN) -- The man accused of killing seven people execution-style at a small
religious college in Oakland, California, "does not appear to be remorseful
at all," the city's police chief said Tuesday.
Former student One Goh, 43, told autho... 阅读全帖 |
k***a 发帖数: 2258 | 34 Shanghai Composite' Searches Blocked in China
By Bloomberg News - Jun 4, 2012 8:50 AM ET . Print QUEUEQ..Searches for “
Shanghai Composite” were blocked from China’s most-used microblogging
service after the stock index’s drop on the 23rd anniversary of the
Tiananmen Square crackdown corresponded to the date of the event.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index dropped by 64.89 (SHCOMP) points,
matching the date on which Chinese authorities crushed student-led protes... 阅读全帖 |
k********8 发帖数: 7948 | 35 http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/06/25/a-con-man-who-lives-betw
Former hedge fund manager Samuel Israel III after a hearing in 2008 in
Massachusetts, ordering him to return to New York.
BUTNER, N.C. — “I’m a proven liar. Don’t believe anything I say.”
That was what Samuel Israel III told me last week. He is the hedge fund
manager convicted of running a $450 million Ponzi scheme who faked his own
suicide in the summer of 2008 to avoid his prison sentence before turning
himself in after a worldwid... 阅读全帖 |
o****r 发帖数: 132 | 36 另一篇文章。
Talk about a riddle wrapped inside an enigma. Oceanstone Fund (symbol OSFDX)
has delivered awesome gains in recent years, but scant information exists
about its close-lipped manager, James Wang, and his methods. And that
apparently is by design.
Wang declined to speak with us for this article. Before we tell you what we
do know about him, let's review those mind-boggling results. Over the past
five years through April 17, Oceanstone returned 39.9% annualized,
annihilating Standard & Poor'... 阅读全帖 |
W***n 发帖数: 11530 | 37 Zuckerberg's Grasp of Mandarin Has a Big Lesson for Businesses
Mark Zuckerberg’s remarkable display of language facility during his recent
Q&A in Mandarin at Tsinghua University in Beijing impressed many people
around the planet. But Zuckerberg’s linguistic feat clearly has much more
significance than just dazzling us and his in-laws.
First, there’s the obvious. Facebook enjoys 1.23 billion active monthly
users as of February, but Facebook has been blocked in China since 2009, one
of several pro... 阅读全帖 |
d**z 发帖数: 3577 | 38 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: dmjz (东门虎西门豹), 信区: Military
标 题: If You’re Losing, Change the Rules
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 10 11:11:28 2015, 美东)
By October 3, 1979, silver hit $17.88 an ounce.4 The two major U.S.
exchanges, COMEX and CBOT, started to panic: They held a measly 120 million
ounces of silver between them, an amount typically delivered in a busy month
. With silver prices pushing to new heights as new buyers rushed in, the
exchanges became fearful... 阅读全帖 |
c*****r 发帖数: 529 | 39 http://truthcdm.com/this-could-be-the-end-for-big-oil/
This Could be the End for Big Oil
stunning breakthrough in chemical engineering has unleashed a massive supply
of fuel…
Enough fuel, in fact, to power the entire globe for over 36,000 years.
It’s poised to decimate Big Oil’s obscene profits, make OPEC obsolete, and
hand the United States 100% energy independence.
In fact, the U.S. Department of Defense just invested $7 billion in a single
Apple, Google, and Facebook are spending billion... 阅读全帖 |
L*******r 发帖数: 74 | 40 认为Trump会对合法移民有利的可以歇了。靠反移民上台的人可能会对移民客气么?
President Donald Trump’s sweeping visa and refugee ban is likely only the
Already he has signed a variation of a “Muslim ban” — and has suggested
expanding it. He has pushed forward on the southern border wall, regardless
of Mexico’s refusal to pay for it. And he is reportedly considering moves
to overhaul the United States’ legal work visa program (H... 阅读全帖 |
R*R 发帖数: 2661 | 41 核武器是单位时间内释放的能量大(当量大),但是产生的放射性废物并不是很大。所
福岛刚爆炸时候释放了就5,000 to 15,000 terabecquerels,广岛原子弹只有89
Scientists who have been studying the situation were not surprised by the
revelation, since radiation levels in the sea around Japan have been holding
steady and not falling as they would if the situation were under control.
In a 2012 study, Jota Kanda, a... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 42 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 这个搞笑:美国小左被埃及关起来,然后大呼没人权
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 24 14:19:31 2014, 美东)
就是每天被看守人员打一顿而已,然后就大呼怎么没人权,怎么没有medical. 好像这些
都是tmd的他应得的一样.还说我绝食怎么没人来看护我. 哈哈. 这种人还是早死早好.
A U.S. citizen imprisoned in Egypt following the overthrow of Muslim
Brotherhood-backed Mohamed Morsi is near death after refusing to eat for 230
days, say human rights activists and his family, who are pleading for his
immediate release.
Mohamed Solt... 阅读全帖 |
s*******w 发帖数: 2257 | 43 美国 9.11事件 发生时的另一航班 - - 达美15
2015-05-22 20:03:29
地降落,機長決定最近的機場是離我們400英里遠的甘德, 紐芬蘭。
場-甘德, 紐芬蘭,做個檢查。
我們答應... 阅读全帖 |
l****n 发帖数: 621 | 44 http://www.travelzoo.com/local-deals/Chicago/Other/31259?utm_so
Chicago Magazine named the John Hancock Center "Chicago's Best Building"
Head to the top with this deal for an Annual Pass for $39
Take home a souvenir or go Skating in the Sky with the included $10
promotional credit
Fodor's says the observatory offers "impressive, mind-boggling views"
The John Hancock Observatory has the city's only open-air Skywalk
The Fine Print
Vouchers can be redeemed starting Tuesday, Nov. 27, thro... 阅读全帖 |
T******T 发帖数: 3066 | 45 It's kinda mind boggling to think the PD lost sight of the suspect driving a
stolen vehicle after following him to a dead-end street. I mean, that
doesn't make sense, someone must have driven that stolen vehicle to that
parking lot right ? Unless the cop lied about following the vehicle in the
1st place....which would make some sense, but what would motivate something like that ? |
P********L 发帖数: 31 | 47 以下是Pasadena图书馆主馆及分馆夏季(6,7,8月)部分活动预告. 所有活动免费对公众
开放, 无需出示借书卡或当地居民证明, 欢迎所有有兴趣的朋友前来参加. 个别活动因
场地有限须提前报名(此类活动会在预告中注明). 如有问题请致电(626)744-4066查询.
主馆和9个分馆地址: http://ww5.cityofpasadena.net/library/libraries/
更多活动请见: http://ww5.cityofpasadena.net/library/library-events/
--Adult Events—
Be Better Pasadena Health Fair
Life and food are too good to waste. Learn how to Eat Better, Play Better,
Refresh Better, and Store Food Better while enjoying healthy snacks and
watch the short film, A Life of a Strawberry. P... 阅读全帖 |
d******n 发帖数: 12850 | 48 【 以下文字转载自 Tennis 讨论区 】
发信人: hydralistor (hydralistor), 信区: Tennis
标 题: some interesting points of isner mahut match(zz)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 23 20:41:23 2010, 美东)
— Mahut only had one break point prior to the 147th game and Isner just had
four break points of his own — but the drama and mind-boggling length of
the set more than made up for it.
Consider: The longest previous set at Wimbledon lasted 46 games. Isner-Mahut
didn't just shatter the record, they obliterated it.
Among the other rema |
m****s 发帖数: 7397 | 49 it is quite mind boggling WHY lz received (4) with no date promised.
i have not heard anyone getting that. |
m****s 发帖数: 8992 | 50 I sat down with a young lady after work yesterday.
I knew a little bit about her recent past
M years together with a Young man and another N years long distance
With the same guy
Then one day he quit SUDDENLY. No reason given. No hint given. And no
cooling off period.
Just like that. ByeBye
She is in her 20s. How a Young person survives that sort of nightmare is
just mind boggling.
Although it did take her long long time.
Looking at her small frame. While admire her strength. I figure m... 阅读全帖 |