c********p 发帖数: 1969 | 1 空间不够,文件太大。分成几个chunk排序,然后把chunk两两merge。
求牛人开导。 |
发帖数: 1 | 2 这个视频最后问如果数组长度很大不能一下放到memory里时,男的说把它分成chunk再
各自找是找不出来的啊 |
W***o 发帖数: 6519 | 3 你这问题的format存在很大问题,要想让人给思路,至少你的问题要问的明白,我姑且
1. 一个client 对一个server
2. 多个client 对一个server
3. 一个client 对多个server
4. 多个client 对多个server
第二类问题,多个server可以选其中1-2个做master,其余的全是chunk server。
client上传的时候,不要经过master,master直接分配几个chunk server给client传文
件,其中一个chunk server可以作为leader,文件partition之后,一式三份保存在不
同的chunk server;文件分隔和保存记录可以存在master上 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 4 我有另一个大胆假设。也可能 WIC-V 的 working memory 测试,测试的并不是
working memory 本身,测试的是 working memory 的 domain-general chunking 能力
(correlation 还是 causation 另说)。
这是因为我们的考试,包括智商测试的其他项目,更多的是 controlled environment
,也就是更多的是 routine fashion, predictable。
veli veli domain-specific 的 chunking(俗称,新东方型死记硬背红宝书狠刷题型
应考)。关于这点保护,看看大部分人考完 GRE 立马把红宝书给扔了烧了踩了埋了此
生不再碰,俗称 neuro-typical。
但上面这个保护是 “大部分情况”,并不是所有。如果这个保护机制失效,那么所有
跟周围考试风格类似的考试,可能都会被 veli veli domain-specific 的 chunking
给击破。而唯一的例外,就是... 阅读全帖 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 5 刚才敲的有点太快太乱,补充/修正一下就是:
"domain-specific vs domain-general" 以及 "routine vs non-routine" 都是表象。
其背后的实质因子,应该是 lower-order chunking vs higher-order chunking。
举个例子就是 superior on "lexicon (词汇) chunking", but poorly on "pragmatic
(上下文语境) chunking",如果这种不对称的情况如果严重的话,可能会造成问题。
over |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 6 所以从这个角度说,心算 AIME 15 道天空题,之所以要心算,既不是放着草稿纸不用
,也不是心里 phonological loop 九九乘法表死循环。。。这心算真正的目的,是在
整 higher order non-routine chunking 来对付闻所未闻的题目。
而这种 higher order non-routine chunking 应该还分成前台和后台。前台是按既定
方针进行 explicit 的 chunking,干实事。而后台 implicit memory 的任务就是盯的
而回到为啥要心算。。。我就问上面这种 chunking 写得下草稿纸么? |
l*****e 发帖数: 16384 | 7 我比较同意阴谋论
1 雷奥纳多的确杀了自己的妻子,在片中最开始的梦里,他从后面抱着Dolores,
2 Dolores淹死了自己的三个孩子。因为雷奥纳多受到战争的创伤而染上了酗酒的毛病
3 雷奥纳多叫Teddy,而不叫Andrew。
4 一共有三个Marshall在岛上。雷奥纳多,Chunk,George。雷奥纳多和Chunk一起上岛
5 雷奥纳多被医院的药物和医生进行心理诱导,让雷奥纳多觉得自己是一个彻头彻尾的
6 电影最后,雷奥纳多知道要接受手术。有一个镜头特写了一个工作人员拿着白布包。
7 电影结尾没表雷奥纳多到底接受手术没有。我的看法是,雷奥纳多不会接受手术。他
最后,他是会live |
D*****d 发帖数: 1307 | 8 Assume 15 cars park continously, and let's insert the available spaces to
see how many possibilities we have.
16 Options to insert (14 in between and 2 at the two ends)
a. spaces all separate: C16-5
b. spaces into 4 chunks: C16-4 * 4 (continuous 2 could be in any of the 4)
c. spaces into 3 chunks: C16-3 * 3 * 2 (Could be 113 or 122)
d. spaces into 2 chunks: C16-2 * 4 (14, 23, 32, 41)
e. spaces into 1 chunk: C16-1
Probability = (b + c + d + e) / (a + b + c + d + e) |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 9 CVS B&M stores have Bumble Bee brand SOLID white albacore tuna for $0.88 per
5-ounce can, with NO LIMIT. This is the stuff that is normally around $2.
00 or a little less in grocery stores ... I stock up whenever I find it on
sale for $1.00 (and there's usually a limit!), and this current price is the
lowest I've ever seen. Last night I bought 21 cans at my neighborhood CVS,
and I'll go back Saturday to see if they re-stocked.
NOTE: CVS card required, but it's free if you don't already have on... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 10 This could make nice gift - it has therapeutic properties as well. Works as
an air purifier by emitting negative ions into the air and light therapy to
reduce stress and increase energy.
WBM 8-Inch Wide and 7-Inch Tall Round Basket Lamp filled with Himalayan
Natural Crystal Salt Chunks:
List Price: $49.95
Price: $19.88 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $
You Save: $30.07 (60%)
Technical Details
... 阅读全帖 |
c***s 发帖数: 70028 | 11 加拿大滑铁卢大学 (University of Waterloo)华裔机械和机电工程系教授李冬青(译音:Dong Qing Li)博士,因为在论文中涉及剽窃他人成果,被校方予以停止教职4个月的处分,处分期间不准使用任何校内资源,处分从今年4月1日起执行。
滑大副校长Feridun Hamdullahpur在一封致全校师生的电子邮件中表示,学术诚信是滑铁卢大学的核心价值,反映了全校师生的公平,责任和尊重。李博士的行为令学校的国际性声誉蒙上阴影。
今年夏初,滑铁卢大学教授李冬青(Dongqing Li,音译)和攻读工程学博士学位的达希吉(Yasaman Daghighi)因涉嫌剽窃,撤回在Microfluidics and Nanofluidics期刊上发表的一篇有关芯片实验室制备最新技术。
据多伦多星报报导,文章应作者要求被撤回;作者在撤回声明中称,文章援引麻省理工和加州大学科研人员,在诱导电荷电现象方面的研究成果未作任何修改,一些从其他发表文章上援引的复制数据也没有提供适当的参考来源。作者在... 阅读全帖 |
b******g 发帖数: 1721 | 12 100G的数据,如何找median?
怎么做?是不是用先把100G的数据分成n个chunk,然后external merge sort这n个
chunks,然后再在n个chunk里面找第k个数据的思路,这里k=100G/2。 |
j******s 发帖数: 48 | 13 好吧,自己回答一下思路,虚心求各路大神拍,给点意见
第一题应该是建立一个binary tree,然后recursive求每一个节点的左右子树的最高高
度,他们和就是在这一位上的largest distance,可以online做,但是需要在每个节点
o(n) time + O(n) space
1 Log file is typically very small, operations are append, delete and read.
2 Cluster is built on Hadoop, which has a chunk size of 64MB, roughly, and
it might be too large and inefficient if we use this chunk size for the log
3 Log information is typically not very important, less effort is needed for
redundan... 阅读全帖 |
r*******e 发帖数: 7583 | 14 拷贝那个没问题的
这个问题最近好像问的很多,我觉得可以聊聊bittorrent的实现,DHT之类的 |
s********a 发帖数: 2796 | 15 If you have a 2 GB file with one string per line, which sorting algorithm
would you use to sort the file and why?
1. Divide the file into K chunks, where X * K = 2 GB. Bring each chunk into
memory and sort the lines as usual using any O(n log n) algorithm. Save the
lines back to the file.
2. Now bring the next chunk into memory and sort.
3. Once we’re done, merge them one by one.
其中一个假定是每次不使用超过X的memory,但是最后一步怎么能满足这个条件呢? |
p**f 发帖数: 59 | 16 骑驴找马,某相对热门startup,最后一轮,估计已挂。。。
web service相关,后台需要收集用户上传的日志并分析后反馈结果,日志文件压缩,
通知前台继续下一个chunk,结束后比较文件size。使用rabbitmq + celery的架构,成
功接收文件后web server把解压分析的task发布到相应的queue,worker server
感觉面试官还算满意,中间问了很久如何保证data integrity, 如何monitor queue并
下,多种类型客户端同时上传,百万量级。某些类型的payl... 阅读全帖 |
c*******t 发帖数: 123 | 17 上次谷歌第一面,HR说还不能确定可不可以进入下一轮,所以加面一场,今天下午才面
的。. 鍥磋鎴戜滑@1point 3 acres
. 1point 3acres 璁哄潧
. From 1point 3acres bbs
函数签名为 int countChunk(String input), 给定一个字符串,找出最多有多少个
chunked palindrome,
-google 1point3acres
正常的palindrome是abccba, chunked palindrome的定义是:比如volvo, 可以把vo划
分在一起,(vo) (l) (vo),那么它是个palindrome。求实现返回最大的chunk 数量。
大家有什么想法吗?一起来讨论讨论。 |
az 发帖数: 16686 | 18 http://www.whattoexpect.com/toddler/childhood-injuries/first-ai
First Aid for a Choking Child
The best way to help a choking child is to be prepared—and that means
enrolling in a CPR class (or a refresher course) so you'll know what to do
in case of an accident. But there are other steps you can learn so that you
know what to do—and how to act immediately if see your child choking.
How choking happens: It goes without saying that it’s a scary thing to see
a choking child. Usually, it happens whe... 阅读全帖 |
t**n 发帖数: 4365 | 19 1. Ghusfan Kabob - Chunks of lamb, 烤羊肉, 推荐
5. Mahi Kabob - Chunks of Salmon, 烤三文鱼, 还不错
6. Murgh Korma - chunks of chicken in a tomato sauce, 西红柿酱炖鸡肉
哎,不说了,再说都要内牛慢面乐。。。 |
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 20 看一下你的税表,如果你交税的话.
e.g. http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1040.pdf
this is the following spending pie chart
1st big chunk
57% (20% social program + 37% ss medicare) goes to ... welfare
this is for democraps parasites
2nd big chunk
24% goes to national defense
this is for gop warmongers
3rd chunk
8% goes to interest
this is for w street bankers
what do we middle class tax payers get?
you go figure.
so foundamentally it is never about
left vs right,
never about
dem vs gop
it is always about tax ... 阅读全帖 |
s***e 发帖数: 5242 | 21 这弟不是我,是这个ABC:
Featured baits:
1. Z Man chatterbait (1/2 ounce, bluegill) - zoom swimming chunk trailer (
green pumpkin)
2. War eagle spinnerbait (3/8 ounce, white/chartreuse) - gamakatsu 2/0
trailer hook
3. Strike King KVD squarebill 1.5 (black back/chartreuse), 2.5 (sexy sunfish)
4. War eagle buzzbait (1/2 ounce, black/gold), (1/2 ounce, white)
5. Strike King red eye sha... 阅读全帖 |
j****z 发帖数: 1402 | 22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK9nJ1YB-vI
The Ho-Chunk 文字是美国原住民 Ho-Chunk 族的传统语言。 这个湖的原始名字是(Ho
-Chunk name )Tawacunchukdah or Da-wa-kah-char-gra,当被翻成英语时被错译成
Devil's Lake魔鬼湖,确切的应该翻成"Sacred Lake"神圣的湖 or "Spirit Lake"灵魂
东方,冰川时期一块冰川流过Baraboo 山坡的东面来到了河谷,溶化后流下了冰碛堵住
了河流,形成了东面的大坝,另一个冰碛留在了湖的北面,Wisconsin河在Baraboo 山
Wisconsin Dells的魔鬼湖是很漂亮的,蓝蓝的水面波光鳞鳞,一年四... 阅读全帖 |
t***y 发帖数: 182 | 23 正文 译者:苏沫沫
间,我们现在是其中之一。(机会之窗在4月13日和5月15日之间为我们打开)... 阅读全帖 |
w*******w 发帖数: 2051 | 24 这个我忘了拍照, 很适合跟老美分享
Recipe of Tofu Avocado Salad
200 g tofu , compressed and cut into chunks
1 cup chopped tomato (chunks)
1 avocado , cut into chunks
1 -2 dried chili
1/4 cup sesame seed oil
1/8 cup vinegar
1/8 cup sugar
1/4 cup soy sauce
Put the first 3 ingredients into a big serving bowl.
Mix vinegar, sugar and soy sauce in a measuring cup until the
dissolves completely.
Pour the mixture into the avocado mixture and let sit for 10
Using a small saucepan, heat ... 阅读全帖 |
c******n 发帖数: 381 | 25 熏肉的柴火我一般到WALMART 或LOWE‘S买那种一小袋的GRILL用的小木头Wood Chunks.
因为是给GRILL用的,不用担心有污染。 LOWE’S有Frontier 10 lbs. Mesquite
Smokin' Chunks 或 Hickory Smokin' Chunks USD 7.47。WALMART有类似的可能还便宜
控制,要盯着点火候,因为猪肉滴油容易起火烧焦。 |
R**k 发帖数: 2075 | 26 搞成small chunks以后,炒锅内放入花生油,用旺火烧至八成热时,放入chunks,用勺
颠翻炒锅,烹入醋,出锅,即可。 |
l*******d 发帖数: 101 | 27 网上下的一段程序。需要分析复杂度。中间的循环完全把我绕糊涂了。该怎样想呢?
void repmat(char *dest, const char *src, int ndim, int *destdimsize,
int *dimsize, const int *dims, int *rep)
int d = ndim-1;
int i, chunk;
/* copy the first repetition into dest */
if(d == 0) {
chunk = dimsize[0];
else {
/* recursively repeat each slice of src */
repmat(dest + i*destdimsize[d-1], src + i*dimsize[d-1],
ndim-1, destdimsize, dimsize, |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 28 for example, you know most of your memory chunk is 20 bytes. then you
allocate a chunk of 20*40 bytes as a pool. then whenever you want to
allocate 20 bytes, you allocate from that pool. this kind of pool is quite
easy to maintain as you don't need to know the size of chunk, so there is no
but again this depends on your allocation pattern. if you allocate a lot of
different size of memory block (say 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 34, 40, 50, 100, etc),
that obviously is not an option. on the other hand... 阅读全帖 |
F*********k 发帖数: 42 | 29 好的,谢谢谢谢,我想我大概明白了,
我之前没看明白 FixedAllocator::Chunk::Deallocate 里边的
*toRelease = firstAvailableBlock_; 这句
void FixedAllocator::Chunk::Reset(std::size_t blockSize, unsigned char
assert(blockSize > 0);
assert(blocks > 0);
// Overflow check
assert((blockSize * blocks) / blockSize == blocks);
firstAvailableBlock_ = 0;
blocksAvailable_ = blocks;
unsigned char i = 0;
unsigned char* p = pData_;
for (; i != blocks; p += blockSize)
... 阅读全帖 |
S******y 发帖数: 1123 | 30 Thanks. oloolo.
The paper I found says - "Split data into c chunks (each of the c CPUs sees
one chunkof the data), and perform mini-batch stochastic gradient
descent with parameters store in shared memory"
It seems that the trick is always to split data into chunks. Just like Revo
R 's XDF file chunks. |
I***i 发帖数: 14557 | 31 He found WHAT? British kid hits most disgusting jackpot ever: Ambergris -
rare whale vomit - worth up to $63K
An 8-year-old boy with an interest in nature made a rare discovery at the
seashore that's as profitable as it is revolting.
Spews you can use: Charlie Naysmith, 8, with the piece of ambergris that he
found on the beach at Hengistbury Head near Bournemouth, England. Ambergris
is the polite term for whale vomit, and this sizable chunk could... 阅读全帖 |
m*******r 发帖数: 1701 | 33 http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/02/technology/for-founders-to-de
From Founders to Decorators, Facebook Riches
SAN FRANCISCO — The graffiti artist who took Facebook stock instead of cash
for painting the walls of the social network’s first headquarters made a
smart bet. The shares owned by the artist, David Choe, are expected to be
worth upward of $200 million when Facebook stock trades publicly later this
The social network company announced its $5 billion... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 34 Agreed! I hate to admit it, but I've seen some absolutely brilliant moves by
computer programmers who where laid off who before doing so put what I call
a "time bomb" in their programs. I got stuck "inheriting" their code and
had to figure it out and it took months and months to do so. Learned a lot
in the process though! Time bombs are not computer bugs or viruses or
anything like that which could get you in big trouble.... but this is what
they did:
1. Write all your code in complicated ways t... 阅读全帖 |
d**z 发帖数: 3577 | 35 Billionaire David Einhorn's Hedge Fund Is Down By 20% In 2015
Billionaire David Einhorn’s terrible year got even worse in November with
his Greenlight Capital hedge fund tumbling by about another 5%. As a result,
Einhorn’s Greelight Capital has fallen by more than 20% in the first
eleven months of 2015, according to the web site of his reinsurance company.
With the U.S. stock market basically flat this year, Einhorn’s returns look
particularly bad and, in a way, represent the general disappointm... 阅读全帖 |
m**c 发帖数: 7349 | 36 “All the world’s a stage…,” Shakespeare wrote, and physicists tend to
think that way, too.
Space seems like a backdrop to the action of forces and fields that inhabit
it but space itself is not made of anything—or is it? Lately scientists
have begun to question this conventional thinking and speculate that space—
and its extension according to general relativity, spacetime—is actually
composed of tiny chunks of information.
These chunks might interact to create spacetime and give rise to its
pro... 阅读全帖 |
W***n 发帖数: 11530 | 37 Financial Crisis Coming If U.S. Doesn't Deal With Long-Term Debt, Says Pete
Posted Feb 07, 2011 12:14pm EST by Daniel Gross in Newsmakers
Peter G. Peterson, co-founder of the Blackstone Group, has long warned about
the threat that high deficits pose to the nation. In a stream of books, op-
eds, and articles, he has pushed for reform of entitlements and the tax code.
In recent years, Peterson, who served as Commerce Secretary in the Nixon
Administration, has stepped up his anti-deficit a... 阅读全帖 |
r****a 发帖数: 87 | 38 车内材料极其低廉,这也算了,Dashboard 很多好东西都没了,
coolant 指示没了,油箱指示变成了电子指示,(原来指针型没了),就一细细的带格
格的白条,竟然连chunk 的警告sign 也没了,今天被后车滴才发现chunk 没关,原本
是JETTA粉丝,失望中。。。 |
f****7 发帖数: 31 | 39 今天去试驾了Ford ESCAPE, EDGE 和 Chevrolet EQUINOX (1LT).
相比之下,ESCAPE就显得小很多,我们试的Ecoboost,engine是2.0L, 可能是因为车
很喜欢,而且size也小了点,就give up
最后试的是EDGE SEL,这个车的内饰比较喜欢,而且空间明显比escape大很多,包括
要皮椅和7 inch touch screen, 所以加了205A package,价格就上去了,最后谈下来
是26000+ttl (OTD 29000左右), 明天拿车,请班上的大牛帮忙看看这个deal怎么样
车,请多多指教... 阅读全帖 |
a*******e 发帖数: 12169 | 40 帮你查到,好像Pillsbury® Crescent Recipe Creations®也行
Blueberry, Walnut and Brie Tartlets
can (8 oz) Pillsbury® refrigerated reduced fat crescent dinner rolls or
1 can (8 oz) Pillsbury® Crescent Recipe Creations® refrigerated
seamless dough sheet
cup blueberry or blackberry preserves
cup coarsely chopped walnuts, toasted
round (8 oz) Brie cheese, rind removed, cut into 24 chunks
Fresh blueberries or fre... 阅读全帖 |
a**********k 发帖数: 1953 | 41 paging is for fixed sized memory chunk translation while segmentation is for
variable sized memory chunk translation. |
x****k 发帖数: 2932 | 42 一家IB的Analytics developer的onsite,只记得部分题目,一些比较简单的题目就不
1. write a iterative function to calculate fibonacci sequence
2. what is the difference of Delete table and truncat table.(about sql &
3. what is ACID.(about sql or database)
4. write a find() for BST, How to decide the element could not be found.((
less than && No left child) || (large than && no right child))
5. how to reverse a link list using one point
(should I use recursive calling)
6. find the sizeof(int) wit... 阅读全帖 |
g**********y 发帖数: 14569 | 43 As a newbie on a particular internet discussion board, you notice a distinct
trend among its veteran members; everyone seems to be either unfailingly
honest or compulsively deceptive. You decide to try to identify the members
of the two groups, starting with the assumption that every senior member
either never lies or never tells the truth. You compile as much data as
possible, asking each person for a list of which people are liars. Since the
people you are asking have been around on the board ... 阅读全帖 |
g********e 发帖数: 1142 | 44 来自主题: JobHunting版 - G 家面经
选择一个chunk size,比如是256. 然后把原来数组scan 一边,每256个选个最小值保
存。然后每256*2个如是再来一边;然后256*2*2, 256*2^3....
and so on, 都记录各个shard上的最小值,exponential。共有nlogn个纪录。
query的时候,根据A和B的值,得到对应的chunk,再得到需要read哪些shard (logN个
)。在这些shard的最小中选择最小,返回。 |
g********e 发帖数: 1142 | 45 来自主题: JobHunting版 - G 家面经
选择一个chunk size,比如是256. 然后把原来数组scan 一边,每256个选个最小值保
存。然后每256*2个如是再来一边;然后256*2*2, 256*2^3....
and so on, 都记录各个shard上的最小值,exponential。共有nlogn个纪录。
query的时候,根据A和B的值,得到对应的chunk,再得到需要read哪些shard (logN个
)。在这些shard的最小中选择最小,返回。 |
s***5 发帖数: 2136 | 46 write a perl script, process chunk by chunk. |
t**r 发帖数: 3428 | 47 每个上传给开一個新thread.
用udp传, chunk by chunk。 加checksum验证 避免用tcp,慢。
存放地點放到缓存。不要直接写磁盘,异步往磁盘写 可以增加吞吐。
验证数据格式,只存储可识别的文件,未知格式文件拒绝存储。 |
h******6 发帖数: 2697 | 48 我来抛砖引个玉吧。是不是首先还得计算出个dp[][]数组表示i到j是不是chunked
palindrome,后面就跟palindrome partition一样了。所以关键是如何构造那个dp[][]
也就转化为给定一个String,如何判断它是不是chunked palindrome。
boolean isChunkedPalindrome(String s) {
int left = 0, right = s.length() - 1;
LinkedList queue = new LinkedList();
int[] cnt = new int[256];
while (left < right) {
char leftChar = s.charAt(left);
char rightChar = s.charAt(right);
cnt[righ... 阅读全帖 |
b**********5 发帖数: 7881 | 49 Tech startups love millennials. Tasty, tasty millennials who get underpaid,
overworked, churned up and turned into nourishment for venture capitalists.
Millennials are the Soylent Green of the tech world.
As each batch gets mashed up, there’s a long line of new hires eager to be
made into the next meal for the execs and their billionaire backers, as tech
survivor Dan Lyons shows in a scathingly funny new book, “Disrupted: My
Misadventure in the Start-Up Bubble” (Hachette Books).
Lyons became a s... 阅读全帖 |
J****a 发帖数: 553 | 50 刚发现这个网页,觉得对自己选择鱼挺有帮助的。在此与姐妹们共享。
We know that fish can be very nutritious and are packed with great nutrients
such as omega-3’s, the B vitamins and lean protein. But unfortunately,
fish can also have some unhealthy contaminants. Mercury is a contaminant
found in fish that can affect brain development and the nervous system. The
FDA has released guidelines for children, women who are pregnant and women
who are trying to become pregna... 阅读全帖 |