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发帖数: 29846
A Fate That Narcissists Will Hate: Being Ignored
Narcissists, much to the surprise of many experts, are in the process of
becoming an endangered species.
Not that they face imminent extinction — it’s a fate much worse than that.
They will still be around, but they will be ignored.
The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (due out in 2013, and known as DSM-5) has eliminated five of the
10 personality disorders that are listed in the current e... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Mike Piccione
Here is a sampling of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” responses I received
from my editorial last week. There was only one nasty name calling liberal
and I challenged him to write an article expressing his point. He has failed
to respond with nothing but name calling.
Mike P.
Army Warrant Officer
I enlisted in 1964 and retired in 2006. This gives me a fair amount of
exposure to military life including multiple tours in RVN, Korea, Japan and
the Philippines.(Purple Hearts... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Electric-Car Firm That Received Biden Visit and $118M in Stimulus Funds
Files for Bankruptcy
By Fred Lucas
January 26, 2012
(CNSNews.com) - Ener1--a company that manufactures batteries for electric
cars, and that received $118.5 million in federal stimulus money, and that
Vice President Joe Biden visited last year the day after President Obama’s
State of the Union Address—announced today that it has filed for Chapter 11
bankruptcy protection... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Yesterday, Abdelfatah Mourou, a prominent Tunisian Islamist figure, was
hospitalized after he was attacked by an attendee of a conference entitled,
Tolerance in Islam, which he was heading in Kairouan.
The assailant struck Mourou in the head with what appeared to be a water
glass following a dispute. Mourou passed out and was taken to the hospital,
where he was given five stitches in the forehead.
Mourou, who is one of the founding members of Tunisia’s eminent Islamist
Ennahdha party, was chairi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Climate Battle: Round 2
August 10, 2012 by David Robertson
In an opinion piece titled “Global Warming Is Here to Stay”, Washington
Post Columnist Eugene Robinson sides with anthropogenic global warming (AGW)
Yes, scientists are finally asserting a direct connection between long-
term climate trends and short-term weather events. This was always a
convenient dodge for climate change deniers. There might be a warming trend
over decades or centuries, they would say, but no specific heat wave,
hurricane ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
On Labor Day, 1980, Jimmy Carter’s presidential re-election campaign was
ahead by 4 points. On November 4, 1980, the incumbent lost by 10 points. As
I learned firsthand back then, a lot can happen in two months.
Today, as the RealClearPolitics average shows Mitt Romney down by less than
a point in his White House bid, the challenger needs “the fierce urgency of
now,” to borrow a phrase often used by Barack Obama in 2008--although he
hasn’t used it much since. Ronald Reagan had that sense of ur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The killings of the US ambassador to Libya and three of his staff were
likely to have been the result of a serious and continuing security breach,
The Independent can reveal.
American officials believe the attack was planned, but Chris Stevens had
been back in the country only a short while and the details of his visit to
Benghazi, where he and his staff died, were meant to be confidential.
The US administration is now facing a crisis in Libya. Sensitive documents
have gone missing from the cons... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9084
As I said, if you don't get impression by yourself, nothing will change it.
I, together with a lot of people, get this impression from what Obama did/
said during last 1-2 years while you and a lot of people think what Obama
did is great (at least with good intention) and what he said is truth (at
least no evidence for this class warfare). If you are looking for evidence
like O8 says "poor, rise up and kick those rich's ass". There is none.
Bottom line, who can convince who? So just save save ba... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2324
来自主题: USANews版 - 关于UNION的工作原理
If they don't have to consider union first, then it's a fair game.
I mean, this is a war between Union and Business. Nothing wrong about it. As
long as everybody play fair and square.
I can convince your employee to join my union, you can also convince my
union worker to quit my union.
As long as there's no violence, no block of the street, I am fine with Union.
And I should be allowed to shut down my business, and start a new one. The
boss will suffer if he does this, but the employee of suffer... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
The Democrats think they are in a win-win situation. If they bully
Republicans into agreeing to raise tax rates before the end of the year,
they win — because Democrats get both their new revenue and the self-
destruction of the GOP brand as the party of low taxes. If Republicans
refuse to cave, Democrats are convinced they still win — because tax rates
on the wealthy go up automatically Jan. 1, and they can blame Republicans
for any tax increases on the middle class.
This is a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - New Handbook for US Military
by wheatington
According to the usurper in the White House, our Afghani allies would stop
attacking our troops if only they were more sensitive to Afghan kulture. I
know the usurper believes this because he has commissioned a new Handbook
for Troops, a 75 page dressing down of anyone who thinks that Islamic
doctrine has anything to do with the 36 attacks by so-called Afghani allies
which have killed 63 American soldiers.
I’ve ditched that cute little green on blue label which is an attempt ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
January 2, 2013 by Doug Johnson
Al Gore’s TV channel, Current, is finally going under. It’s been bought by
Al Jazeera. From Media Decoder:
Al Jazeera, the pan-Arab news giant, has long tried to convince
Americans that it is a legitimate news organization, not a parrot of Middle
Eastern propaganda or something more sinister.
It just bought itself 40 million more chances to make its case.
Al Jazeera on Wednesday announced a deal to take over Current TV, the
low-rated cable chael that ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
July 13, 2013 - 11:36 PM
George Zimmerman, right, is congratulated by his defense team after being
found not guilty during Zimmerman's trial in Seminole Circuit Court in
Sanford, Fla. on Saturday, July 13, 2013. Jurors found Zimmerman not guilty
of second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin
in Sanford, Fla. The six-member, all-woman jury deliberated for more than 15
hours over two days before reaching their decision Saturday night. (AP
Pho... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Microsoft warns of IE zero day in the wild, all IE versions vulnerable
By Ms. Smith
Microsoft is warning of a zero-day exploit targeting Internet Explorer. On
Tuesday, the company posted a security advisory [1] stating "Microsoft is
investigating public reports of a vulnerability in all supported versions of
Internet Explorer. Microsoft is aware of targeted attacks that attempt to
exploit this vulnerability in Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 9."
Microsoft issues Fix It workaround for n... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 64%的西裔支持遣返非法移民
Border Crisis Poll: 64% of Hispanics Back Deportations
Print article Send a Tip
by John Nolte 28 Jul 2014 208
If you are curious as to why the mainstream media so quickly lost interest
in the still-ongoing story of our Southern border crisis, it has everything
to do with public opinion and little to do with competing stories in the
Ukraine and Gaza.
When this story first broke at Breitbart Texas, the media jumped all over it
. At first, it was obvious the media planned to exploit the story of 5... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2964
Certainly it is much difficult to convince someone to risk his life if you
cannot convince them that there is life after death.
发帖数: 3158
来自主题: USANews版 - JOE vs. JOSE 非法移民的幸福生活
You are on my side then, lol
If you convince criminals that they would suffer more after being pardoned,
I bet they would not demand the pardon.
The same thing, if you argument was right, you may want to convince Jose
that he would suffer more after gaining a legal status like Joe.
发帖数: 29846
Ariel Sharon's Gaza Disengagement Ten Years Ago Proving Land For Peace Didn'
t Work
It was the summer of 2005 when my family spent two wonderful weeks in Israel
. We left the holy land, three days before the disengagement from Gaza.
During our two-week trip we asked Israelis how the felt about the upcoming
give back of Gaza Strip.
There was one person whose answer still haunt me. This old man was sitting
in a wheel chair with an orange ribbons to it. (the people who fought
against disengagement ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1034
My Washington insider told me that Paul Ryan is not interested in running
for president this year, for some reason. He is waiting to be pushed to be
the speaker. 换句话说,他正等着黄袍加身做议长呢。
I liked a lot of things Trump said. The problem is that you really cannot
watch his speech. I have seen many good presidential speech. I have never
seen anything worse than Trump's. It is all about me, my poll, my business
and my... BTW: everyone else is trash or BS.
Evangelical Christians are not convinced, conservat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2932
来自主题: USANews版 - 老党奴来替LYING TED洗洗地
我不建议总是掐着一些cruz supporter骂,偶尔骂几次就可以了,骂多了也没办法把他
们骂成trump voter。
发帖数: 4860
many think he does not have necessary and sufficient experience and or
knowledge to do a acceptable job as president for at least 51% of the
population, this has nothing to do with qualifications to be on the ballot
as one of the named candidates (or in general to be counted as an eligible
candidate )
there are three qualifications in the constitution:
“age, residency, and citizenship—that must be satisfied at the time of
taking office.”
it is common knowledge that he meets these three qualifica... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Obama Administration tried to convince us to give Iran nuclear fuel
Kirchner said that two years into Obama’s first term, his administration
sent Gary Samore, former White House Coordinator for Arms Control and
Weapons of Mass Destruction, to Argentina to persuade the nation to provide
Iran with nuclear fuel, which is a key component of nuclear weapons.
Kirchner’s full remarks are as follows, per the Argentine president’s
official website:
“In 2010 we were visited in Argentina by Gary Samore, at... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1184
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last
summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for
president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald
J. Trump is going to win in November. This wretched, ignorant, dangerous
part-time clown and full time sociopath is going to be our next president.
President Trump. Go ahead and say the words, ‘cause you’ll be saying them
for the next four years: “PRESIDENT TRUMP... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - khan: 宪法必须服从sharia
Khizr Khan Believes the Constitution ‘Must Always Be Subordinated to the
by PAUL SPERRY2 Aug 2016
Notwithstanding his war-hero son’s genuinely patriotic example, Khizr M.
Khan has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man
-made” Western law — including the very Constitution he championed in his
Democratic National Convention speech attacking GOP presidential nod Donald
In 1983, for example, Khan wrote a glowing review of a book compiled from a
seminar held... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1560
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last
summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for
president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald
J. Trump is going to win in November. This wretched, ignorant, dangerous
part-time clown and full time sociopath is going to be our next president.
President Trump. Go ahead and say the words, ‘cause you’ll be saying th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3319
来自主题: USANews版 - “They Bus People Around to Vote"
共和党已经辟谣过了,voter fraud根本只是谣言。也许这只是共和党选举失败的一个
GOP convinces its base about illusory ‘voter fraud’ scourge
发帖数: 3319
来自主题: USANews版 - 共和党:选举作假根本是幻觉
我们就看先标题好了。GOP convinces its base about illusory ‘voter fraud’
its base(和党选民)?说服的内容是不是voter fraud是个illusion?

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - Michael Moore speech, so true
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last
summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for
president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald
J. Trump is going to win in November. This wretched, ignorant, dangerous
part-time clown and full time sociopath is going to be our next president.
President Trump. Go ahead and say the words, ‘cause you’ll be saying them
for the next four years: “PRESIDENT TRUMP... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8041
Background Information
The Delegate attending 80-20's Endorsement Convention decided to endorse
Hillary Clinton with reservation. We thought that it would be a very
unpopular decision, because neither Hillary fans nor Donald fans will be
pleased with the above decision.
Surprise! It turns out to be very popular with our supporters. It
that Asian Ams have become politically aware that using the principle of

Reward those politicians who share our concerns. Punish t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3963
来自主题: USANews版 - from 80-20, 此地无银
The Delegate attending 80-20's Endorsement Convention decided to endorse
Hillary Clinton with reservation. We thought that it would be a very
unpopular decision, because neither Hillary fans nor Donald fans will be
pleased with the above decision.
Surprise! It turns out to be very popular with our supporters. It shows
that Asian Ams have become politically aware that using the principle of “
Reward those politicians who share our concerns. Punish those who don't” is
the only way to EMPOWER ou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1464
他说,我是民主党员,我为 比尔 克林顿 工作过,但我不能选 女克 做总统。
Schoen: I'm a Democrat, and I worked for Bill Clinton, but I can't vote for
I made one of the most difficult decisions of my life — not just political,
but also personal — on Sunday night.
During my weekly show on "The Fox Report" hosted by Harris Faulkner with Pat
Caddell and John LeBoutillier, I indicated that it will be very dif... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
Me too :) that's why I thanked her particularly in my "official concession"
Some people here however, will never understand what's the best way to
convey your message and convince people. And I am glad, because I will never
be willing to be convinced by those types.
发帖数: 3229
在Huffington Post上看到一条很理性的评价,值得一读:
I'm not questioning whether he deserved to get into Stanford, his background
seems to indicate plenty that he did, but I still don't think that response
is acceptable. As a former TA, one of the biggest problems I encountered at
the collegiate level are students who don't understand or even have a grasp
on critical thinking skills, including the ability to explain or reason WHY
something matters. You cannot simply state that you care about something,
leave it at... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
你这个喷点,是只见树木不见森林。We are NOT questioning whether he deserved
to get into Stanford! 好好读一下这段话吧。
“I'm not questioning whether he deserved to get into Stanford, his
background seems to indicate plenty that he did, but I still don't think
that response is acceptable. As a former TA, one of the biggest problems I
encountered at the collegiate level are students who don't understand or
even have a grasp on critical thinking skills, including the ability to
explain or reason WHY something matters. You can... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 897
Following weeks of court battles, an undocumented 17-year-old, known in
court filings as Jane Doe, was finally allowed to get an abortion on
The Trump administration was trying to prevent her from choosing to get the
procedure, but an appeals court ruled on Tuesday that Doe was
constitutionally granted the right.
"I'm a 17-year-old girl that came to this country to make a better life for
myself. My journey wasn't easy, but I came here with hope in my heart to
build a life I can be pro... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1207
Judge Jeannie显然不这么认为。她看了昨天的材料之后, 得出结论is compelling
PIRRO: Now, this fifth person and the statement she gave is compelling
evidence, and there was no question based upon what I read in that statement
that this 32-year-old district attorney was grooming this young girl, going
to her place of business where as a young waitress she would stay there
until 10:00 at night. He was there in the same seat every night waiting
until she left. He complemented her, he touched her hair, he waited unt... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5818
你去查一查,很早在 2016竞选时,他就分析 trump 深知并熟练利用 convincing
power,因为 政治就是 art of convincing,所以即使是左派,也预言 trump 能赢,
这被证明的预测比你说那些新闻大奖 实在多了。

发帖数: 9493
One Word Has People Convinced Mike Pence Wrote Anonymous New York Times Op-
The New York Times’ scathing anti-Donald Trump op-ed, which the paper
attributed to “a senior official in the Trump administration,” has
inspired a parlor game among people trying to figure out the author’s name.
Some online commentators are leaning toward Vice President Mike Pence based
on just one word in the piece.
The unidentified author singles out the late Arizona Sen. John McCain as “a
lodestar f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 43471
If you watch any TV show about true crimes or a drama, you’ll often see
references to polygraph tests.
Given that the criminal justice system relies so heavily on people telling
the truth, many people wonder why lie detectors are not used routinely in
most cases.
However, in Texas as most states, polygraph results are not admissible in
criminal trials.
Although polygraphs are also called lie detectors, in real... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2018
来自主题: USANews版 - Show How You Feel, Kavanaugh Was Told
Show How You Feel, Kavanaugh Was Told, and a Nomination Was Saved
WASHINGTON — Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh sat in the anteroom of Room 216 in
the Hart Senate Office Building, a sterile, living-room-like space with a
couch and a couple of armchairs and a large television on the wall. His
chances of joining the Supreme Court seemed to be vanishing. “Disaster... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 418
this american woman is certainly an ignorant a** since she doesn't
understand what the freedom of speech is. but whether or not this american
girl has empathy is not the issue, since it is you who tried to present a
case to convince her. As the other ID said, If both of you lack empathy,
why you even bother to convince her?
发帖数: 2136
'Radiation is good for you,' says Ann Coulter as she weighs in on Japan's
nuclear crisis
By David Gardner
Last updated at 9:35 PM on 18th March 2011
Conservative maverick Ann Coulter has poured scorn on growing fears over the
fallout from Japan’s nuclear crisis by claiming that ‘radiation is good
for you.’
With her bizarre outburst, Coulter became the latest celebrity to cause a
stir over controversial remarks on the disaster in Japan.
The right wing commentator was attempting to quell concern t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2610
来自主题: Automobile版 - 我说,大家都开慢一点不好吗?!
If you really want to convince people to speed, to break the law, to
chance the ticket, to risk other's life,you at least should show some
proof or statistics. Better yet, show them to public to convince the
legislation to change the law.

发帖数: 2162
来自主题: Automobile版 - 发个我总结的买新车技巧
1.告诉dealer,你要买到车in 24 hours。通常最好的offer也就24小时有效。dealer的
系列dealer的地址电话。当前谈的deale... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2243
来自主题: Automobile版 - 发个我总结的买新车技巧

发信人: guangyi ( 光一), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 发个我总结的买新车技巧
关键字: 买车,技巧,贷款,信用分数
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 15 17:55:50 2011, 美东)
1.告诉dealer,你要买到车in 24 hours。通常最好的offer也就... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6599
来自主题: Automobile版 - do I really need an SUV?

"I am not convinced" 跟 "you are obligated but failed to convince me"一样吗
? I am sure you thought about the latter one (sorry, my Chinese input
method failed again)
发帖数: 17565
发帖数: 3097
Canon D480 laser printer/copier/scanner/fax @ Staples In Store
Here are the breakdowns:
$244.50 - $50 in-store coupon - $150 mail-in rebate = $44.50 (Before tax)
If you can convince the manager to use both coupons( 50 and 15%):
$244.50 - $50 in-store coupon - $29.18 (15% coupon) - $150 rebate = $15.32
If you can convince the manager to use both coupons( 50 and 10%):
$244.50 - $50 in-store coupon - $19.45(10% coupon) - $150 rebate = $25.05
发帖数: 306
来自主题: Faculty版 - 刚刚把CAREER交了
呵呵,俺的情况是,不论死活反正从此就不会再有career proposal的问题了。

发帖数: 1039
来自主题: Faculty版 - 这么艰难……
I think I know your major know.:)
still, try to work it out with your adviser. like someone else said, if you
cannot even convince your adviser, how can you expect to convince the
I think you adviser may has a point somewhere, he may suspect there is some
"leaking" of mass somewhere in your modeling process based on your other
results. Actually I may even ask you to check the energy balance too if your
results sounds suspicious to me.
tie the loose end as much as you can - it seems was... 阅读全帖
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