w*******d 发帖数: 3714 | 1 The Randy Moss trade is a rare sports treat. An in-season story that few
people saw coming and also breaks the traditional pattern of sports trade
news--a first-place team giving away a big talent in the middle of the year.
So why did they do it? And why now?
The most obvious reason is the approaching October 19th trade deadline. The
NFL's early cutoff forces teams to make big personnel decisions early in the
season, before they really know what their team is made of. The Patriots
knew they woul... 阅读全帖 |
b***b 发帖数: 13249 | 2 本文于天津胡无关!
1. 前言 (比较长, 谢谢耐心!或者跳到 2!)
很多新来乍到的买了房的, 很多人认识的人不多,会追随参考这个版面的以前的网友推
荐的装修经验和工人,来找人报价, 所以有时候经常听到我的客户找的工人师傅的大
名其实早就在BBS上看到过。 BBS是个平台,给我们和网友用过的师傅提供一个相互了
解知道的机会, 真的挺好的!
但是, 请版三允许大家share各自的信息, 不要打击自己不想看到的信息的提供者!
Boston有很多的装修工,很多不是这个版面提及的, 自己不需要做广告,靠朋友之间
介绍的,这些工人经过市场的洗刷(一是要长期做的, 二是靠口头传荐的),一般会报
质量要求。否则, 慢慢地也就没了市场。
会(只是可能)存在一种心理 --- 赌徒心理--- 就是报个高价,能把客户逮住就逮住
了。还有就是一些工人没多少活干,所以吃一家等于吃两家; 或者就是某些师傅不愿
意多干几家太累,愿意轻松地慢慢地做,做你... 阅读全帖 |
l*********s 发帖数: 1183 | 3 下午三点正在家里工作呢,突然听到很响的一记爆裂的声音,然后就是呼呼的噪音。第
以后水势变小了,估计就是连接external faucet的那根管子爆了。
司把下面整个房间的wood panel ceiling都掀掉了,plumber发现就是连接external
再继续。plumber今天把脱焊的地方给fix了,他找到了一个专门控制external faucet
的阀门,所以现在总水阀给开了,为了保险起见把那个小阀门给关了 - 总算有水了,
不至于今天还要住宾馆。然后全完了以后,还有recontruction te... 阅读全帖 |
I*1 发帖数: 5635 | 4 Not sure about Boston market but I've known people in Seattle area. It's
popular now for Chinese to buy land and hire contractor to demolish and
build the brand new houses and I think the overall gross margin is about 40%
within about 18 month or so. |
s*******w 发帖数: 2257 | 5 俗人下岗记 --- 我所亲历的巨无霸公司的兴衰 (zt)
来源: 杨子 于 2015-04-05 23:33:54
那个著名的油砂项目持续了4年。我们其实是在一片不毛之地建一座化工城,单单设计... 阅读全帖 |
t******2 发帖数: 2265 | 6 http://www.cnbc.com/id/44891633
A Foreclosure Snapshot from Chicago
Published: Thursday, 13 Oct 2011 | 12:42 PM ET Text Size By: Diana Olick
Chicago has the highest inventory of bank-owned (REO) homes of any large
city in America.
It also has the most homes in the foreclosure process.
We tend to use state numbers, and that usually means Florida, California,
Nevada, and Arizona make the headlines.
But when you drive... 阅读全帖 |
t******2 发帖数: 2265 | 7 http://www.cnbc.com/id/44891633
A Foreclosure Snapshot from Chicago
Published: Thursday, 13 Oct 2011 | 12:42 PM ET Text Size By: Diana Olick
Chicago has the highest inventory of bank-owned (REO) homes of any large
city in America.
It also has the most homes in the foreclosure process.
We tend to use state numbers, and that usually means Florida, California,
Nevada, and Arizona make the headlines.
But when you drive... 阅读全帖 |
b*********k 发帖数: 335 | 8 【 以下文字转载自 Boston 讨论区 】
发信人: littletalks (monster), 信区: Boston
标 题: 水管爆了,水漫金山
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 3 21:58:45 2014, 美东)
以后水势变小了,估计就是连接external faucet的那根管子爆了。
司把下面整个房间的wood panel ceiling都掀掉了,plumber发现就是连接external
再继续。... 阅读全帖 |
N********n 发帖数: 13236 | 9 from your wiki link:
December 9, 2010: The William Green Homes complex's last standing building
March 30, 2011: the last high-rise building was demolished, with a public
art presentation commemorating the event.[35] The original Francis Cabrini
Homes row houses remain.
when did your car get burnt? 2011? |
m********5 发帖数: 509 | 10 o,谢谢你帮忙说的具体了.
A 10-mile section of the 405, between the 10 Freeway and the 101 Freeway, is
scheduled to be closed for 53 hours on the weekend of July 15-17. The ramps
could be shut down as early as 7 p.m. Friday and the closure could begin as
early as 10 p.m. to begin demolishing the Mulholland Bridge, as part of the
$1 billion Sepulveda Pass Improvements Project.
http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/local/los_angele |
k******o 发帖数: 3328 | 11 One of the parking structure on campus was demolished for hospital and they
have underground parking structure on the north side. Basically they don't
have any parking space on campus for BS/MS students unless you are Regent's
Scholar. |
q****g 发帖数: 1190 | 12 比赛总有很多意想不到的事情,就像没人预测OSU会把我们demolish一样。。 |
m****s 发帖数: 7397 | 13 http://www.northjersey.com/news/111651624_LG_plans_expansion_into_nearby_Citi_site.html
LG buys huge office
building in Englewood
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Record
LG Electronics USA Inc. has bought a
sprawling office building in Englewood Cliffs
as part of an expansion plan.
LG, the South Korean electronics company
whose North American headquarters is
based in the eastern Bergen County town, c
losed the sale for 111 Sylvan Ave. late
Wednesday, spokesman J... 阅读全帖 |
G***Y 发帖数: 9698 | 14 Detroit Tops 2013 List Of America's Most Miserable Cities
#1 Detroit, Mich.
Violent crime in the Detroit metro was down 5% in 2011, but it remains the
highest in the country with 1,052 violent crimes per 100,000 people,
according to the FBI. Home prices were off 35% the past 3 years, which is
the biggest drop in the U.S.
#2 Flint, Mich.
Flint has been demolishing homes as the city shrinks with residents leaving
in search of jobs. Only Detroit has a higher net out-migration rate. Flint
ranks thir... 阅读全帖 |
r******z 发帖数: 225 | 15 Day 2: demolition cleanup
Father, Amigo * 2
Labor $80 * 2
The cleanup took longer than expected. The demolished asphalt needed to be
broken down and reused to wall the garden in the backyard.
We hired the amigos from a nearby Alberson. The rate is pretty standard at $
80 per person per 8 hours of non-skilled labor work. Just like any for-hire,
they needed close supervision and incentives to work hard. Two things that
I learnt from the experiences are one, they exptect free lunch for a day of
wor |
B*******1 发帖数: 2454 | 16 来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 填游泳池 With permite to demolish the pool
Sita engineering. $6000 for a 20000 gallon pool |
f*****a 发帖数: 781 | 17 He can have a recall election to raise tax + demolish Prop 13 anytime
soon. With so many black ppl + union + momo support him, its quite
possible you will see tax increase + prop 13 elimination by June |
z**h 发帖数: 382 | 18 这玩意在医院里用来给Gamma源校正用,搞不好泄漏出来的事故也是有的。
From Wiki
Caesium-137 reacts with water producing a water-soluble compound (caesium
hydroxide), and the biological behavior of caesium is similar to that of
potassium and rubidium. After entering the body, caesium gets more or less
uniformly distributed throughout the body, with higher concentration in
muscle tissues and lower in bones. The biological half-life of caesium is
rather short at about 70 days.[7] Experiments with dogs showed that a single
dose of 3... 阅读全帖 |
g********k 发帖数: 46 | 19 94538 but irvington high (triangle formed by automall, grimmer, fremont),
get a crap house with big lot, demolish it and build 3000 sqft. Roughly up
to 1m. It will appreciate much better than other locations. |
L*********h 发帖数: 2617 | 20
then you tell me WHAT number out of 56 counts as very few??
1 out 56 by your standard?
then why the fuck do we need RE-election? might as well give 8 yr terms to
every president.
in the end, you are just as silly as the libertards you demolish all day
long like a full time job. |
s*****c 发帖数: 550 | 21 You can demolish and rebuild for about $200~300K. |
R********n 发帖数: 3601 | 22 【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: RichPerson (老婆成了千万富婆), 信区: Stock
标 题: FB的利好在长期。你们都没有认真读Zuck的信
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 6 00:25:27 2012, 美东)
It's Becoming Clear That No One Actually Read Facebook's IPO Prospectus Or
Mark Zuckerberg's Letter To Shareholders
As Facebook's stock continues to collapse, the volume of whining is
Four months ago, you will recall, Facebook was viewed as "the next Google."
Now, with no major change in... 阅读全帖 |
q****x 发帖数: 7404 | 23 【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: RichPerson (老婆成了千万富婆), 信区: Stock
标 题: FB的利好在长期。你们都没有认真读Zuck的信
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 6 00:25:27 2012, 美东)
It's Becoming Clear That No One Actually Read Facebook's IPO Prospectus Or
Mark Zuckerberg's Letter To Shareholders
As Facebook's stock continues to collapse, the volume of whining is
Four months ago, you will recall, Facebook was viewed as "the next Google."
Now, with no major change in... 阅读全帖 |
m****a 发帖数: 2593 | 24 三藩市房东的血泪史 The Tragic History of SF Landlords
| 发表于2011年9月22日《星岛日报》
房子。每个房子格局都差不多,第一层都是... 阅读全帖 |
d****6 发帖数: 971 | 25 120 sqft左右的厨房地面需要去掉旧瓷砖装新的,或者我找demolish公司拆掉旧瓷砖只
去bullnose店他们给了个推荐list全是老美/劳模。要么在休假要么比home depot收费
谢谢 |
m**n 发帖数: 8 | 26 山坡上一条retaining wall需要demolish或重建,应该需要跟government搞搞permit。
之后也有屋子的remodeling要做。诚求推荐,多谢! |
l****g 发帖数: 3721 | 27 Craigslist 上找demolishing |
l***i 发帖数: 2542 | 28 全卖了,一切都卖。 以下照片中你看到的所有的东西都卖,除了地皮。
带上你的工具 来拆吧,能带走的都卖,价格从优。欲购从速
The house is being demolished soon so EVERYTHING is for sale.
A/C Unit , Gas Range/Oven, Water Heater, Garage Doors and Opener, Like New
Cabinets, Doors, Windows, Wood Floors, Fixtures, Sinks, Tubs, Toilets...
Anything the house has is yours. Bring your truck and equipment to remove
items. Everything works. Make me your best offer.
http://www.flickr.com/p... 阅读全帖 |
l***i 发帖数: 2542 | 29 已经写清了啊
The house is being demolished soon |
l***i 发帖数: 2542 | 30 本周末最后甩卖,下周房子要拆啦, 所有东西都卖.
Final house demolition sale this weekend.
open house Saturday 11AM. Everything must be removed in this weekend.
Anything the house has is yours. Bring your truck and equipment to remove
items. Everything works. Make me your best offer. You take full
responsibility for your safety in the work to remove stuff. House will be
torn down next week.
a lot of good stuff. A/C Unit , Garage Doors and Opener, Like New
Cabinets, Doors, Windows, Wood Floors, Fixtures, Sinks, Tubs,... 阅读全帖 |
a****o 发帖数: 6612 | 31 "La Colombe d'Or" was demolished months ago. |
c********9 发帖数: 319 | 32 吃多了闲着木有事干。。。好好的就重修
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs 7.38 |
f******3 发帖数: 534 | 33 does that mean after rebuilt there will be direct flight from China? |
f******3 发帖数: 534 | 35 those ones just exist in a very tiny time slot |
s****o 发帖数: 222 | 37 1. Pistons
I really like the way Dumars has blended this roster with veterans and some
youth. Maxiell is looking real solid.
2. Celtics
Great job in demolishing the Lakers on Sunday. It always makes me smile to
see Kobe throw up desperation shots and not have them fall.
3. Lakers
We had our worst game of the season (vs. Celtics). To be upset and
disappointed cuz we lost to the best team in the league says a lot of the
big strides we've made from last year and what we've now come to |
e***t 发帖数: 14386 | 38 During his brief but wondrous stretch of national superstardom, Jeremy Lin h
as given us only glimpses of himself, through his on-court conduct and humbl
e postgame comments. Naturally, we want to know more. Hurried by the potenti
ally short-lived apex of Linsanity, GQ contacted old friends, guys he'd stud
ied, played, and lived with, to get the truth about the 23-year-old Harvard
grad-turned-Knicks savior during his formative years. The result? Jeremy Lin
is, by most accounts, a spotless athlet... 阅读全帖 |
i*********5 发帖数: 19210 | 40 Great Britain’s Danny Hart gave us a master class in downhill racing as he demolished the wet Champéry track in a show of dominance not seen here since Hill's infamous run of 2007.
Coming off the back of an amazing 2nd place at the last round of the World Cup in Val di Sole, Hart went one better to cut more than 11 seconds off the time set by silver medalist Damien Spagnolo (FRA)... even finding time to showboat over the last jumps.
A defining moment in Downhill racing, the 2011 World Championsh... 阅读全帖 |
h*****a 发帖数: 1992 | 41 In fact I believe the whole sky team is doped, probably save Cavendish.
It's hard to believe Sky's performance in TDF this year. They dropped the
climbing specialists in the mountains and demolished TT specialists in TT.
And it's not only Wiggins or Froome --- it's the whole team. When did you
see Mick Rogers climb so good and so consistent? Remember he's 33 years old.
He was a TT specialist, never a climber. |
z*****a 发帖数: 3809 | 42 http://mmqb.si.com/2013/07/18/richard-sherman-introduction/
Where I’m Coming From
I’m a fifth-round pick from Compton. That drives me every day
July 18, 2013 by Richard Sherman
My name is Richard Sherman. I’m a 25-year-old cornerback for the Seattle
Seahawks. You might know me for my mouth, but I hope you get to know me this
season in The MMQB for two other things: being a great football player, and
being an enlightened person.
I’ve agreed to write a regular column for this new website, and I’m
... 阅读全帖 |
P*******e 发帖数: 39399 | 43 It is scheduled to be demolished in February 2014.
历史跟蜡烛台没法比 地方也不行
新球场看着挺帅 呵呵 |
w***1 发帖数: 1951 | 44 不知道我了解的对不对,建球场这种很少是球队owner出钱吧,大头都是local
government出,然后再发行bonds. 况且球场又不是只有给打球用,还可以用来大型演
Soldier Field周围lake shore那一区延伸辐射到Navy’s Pier, Central Station一片
堪称建筑和城市规划史上的经典,可以和DC的National Mall相媲美!觉得不可能像
Geogia Dome那样说拆就拆了。
下这么多人的地儿。 |
S**********s 发帖数: 4534 | 45 The same guy could probably turn his stash of black powder into a bomb and
demolish the entire office with ease. |