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发帖数: 1
Sen. Martha McSally is calling on the World Health Organization director
general to step down over what she deems his assistance in covering up China
's underreporting of the coronavirus, part of an escalating series of GOP
criticisms of the organization.
Arthur Ruiz
What is the logic here? Trump believed the rosy numbers coming out of China
and, after the single action of imposing a limited travel ban against people
coming from China, did nothing to prepare?
Soooo... he was dumb enough to belie... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
快递流氓 DHL这次又发生了“系统故障”:
In Canada last week, Le Journal de Montreal reported that a shipment of
masks bound for hospitals in the city was diverted to the US state of Ohio.
Shipping firm DHL later attributed this to a “computer error,” but
Montreal hospital supplier Fan Zhou claimed his order eventually arrived 10,
000 masks short.

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 委内瑞拉海军应该给天朝下订单
This is a crazy story:
- Venezuelan warship tries to divert cruise ship in international waters.
- Cruise ship says no.
- Venezuelan warship fires on and rams cruise ship.
- Cruise ship has ice-proof hull.
- Venezuelan warship sinks.
发帖数: 12955

they survived because at the crucial moment in 2003, when everyone were
ready to jump on the bandwagon to stomp on the drowning dog that was Taliban
, US diverted most of the resources in Afghanistan to conduct the war in
Iraq. The rest, as they say, is history.
发帖数: 10330
5/10/2012 - Second-Generation Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System
Completes Successful Intercept Flight Test The Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
and U.S. Navy sailors aboard the USS LAKE ERIE (CG 70) successfully
conducted a flight test of the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) system,
resulting in the first intercept of a short-range ballistic missile target
over the Pacific Ocean by the Navy's newest Missile Defense interceptor, the
Standard Missil... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10330
US Navy launches two Raytheon-made SM-3 missiles against single ballistic
missile target
Scenario designed to test ship's ability to launch SM-3s
In a Missile Defense Agency test, the U.S. Navy launched two Raytheon
Company (NYSE: RTN)-made Standard Missile-3 Block IBs from the USS Lake Erie
against a complex, separating short-range ballistic missile target. The
first gui... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 395
来自主题: Military2版 - F-35首次飞越大西洋
2016-02-08 On Feb. 5, the Italian Air Force’s first F-35, AL-1 with code
“32-01” and markings of the 32 Stormo Wing landed at Naval Air Station
Patuxent River, Maryland, at the end of the JSF’s first ever transatlantic
The aircraft was piloted by “Ninja,”an Italian Air Force test pilot,
belonging to the Reparto Sperimentale Volo (Tes... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14889
Official: Plane lands in Turkey after bomb threat, passenger wants to land
in Sochi
(CNN) -- A Pegasus Airlines plane landed at an Istanbul airport Friday after
a passenger "said that there was a bomb on board" and wanted the plane to
land in Sochi, Russia, the site of the Winter Olympics, said officials with
Turkey's Transportation Ministry.
"While the plane was in the air, one of the passengers said that there was a
bomb on board and asked the plane to not land in Sabiha Gokcen (in Turkey)
but... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
(*Interview conducted via email)
(1) G-A-Y's JEREMY HOOPER: On record, I'd ask you to go through the list of
comments you have written/ Tweeted/ blogged/ Facebooked and repudiate any/
all that you now see were objectionable.
LOUIS MARINELLI: I quoted from the research of Paul Cameron when I said that
homosexuals ha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 什么样的人是OBAMA的对手?
His campaign kept reporters at bay, and when asked about the Cuban
Adjustment Act and the so-called wet-foot, dry-foot policy, Cain seemed
stumped. The policy allows Cuban immigrants who have made it to U.S. soil to
“Wet-foot, dry-foot policy?” Cain asked. His press handlers interrupted as
Cain diverted his course and ducked back into the building. Later, when he
emerged, he was asked again by another reporter. Cain didn’t answer.
“Gotta run, gentlemen,” he said.
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com December 08, 2011 08:10:00 PM ET
By Neal Broverman
In what was likely the last hearing before a ruling is delivered on the
constitutionality of Proposition 8, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on
Thursday appeared unconvinced that a previous ruling on the ban be tossed
because the judge was in a longterm same-sex relationship.
Before the issue of whether former Chief District Judge Vaughn Walker should
have recused himself from the 2010 case where he ruled Prop. 8
unconst... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1773
It is hard to find cure for all diseases.
Admitting it to be born when it is not confirmed diverts efforts for finding
Nowadays nobody can and will to find cures. Is this what you want?
Why are you so selfish?
发帖数: 25
来自主题: RuralChina版 - 为温家宝叫好
Yet Wen has been willing to take risks at key moments in his career. In 1989,
he visited students protesting for democracy in Tiananmen Square days before
the military's crackdown. In 1998, he ignored central government guidelines
and saved hundreds of thousands of farmers from floods by refusing to blast a
dam to divert the waters away from the city of Wuhan, said Li Antian, a
retired water official.
发帖数: 28502
anir (炉边人似月) 于 (Tue Dec 29 12:55:27 2009, 美东) 提到:
China's Divisive Development
Growing Urban-Rural Inequality Bodes Trouble by Joshua Levin
Disease, Vol. 23 (3) - Fall 2001 Issue
JOSHUA LEVIN is a Staff Writer at the Harvard International Review.
In an August 1999 incident reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution,
Chinese farmers rampaged through government offices and pillaged the
homes of the rich in Jiangxi province. Two thousand People’s Armed
Polic... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9482
来自主题: RuralChina版 - 北朝鲜发大水
Food sent to North Korea after floods; nearly 63,000 homeless
August 3, 2012 | 1:25 pm
The World Food Program is dispatching emergency help to North Korea after
devastating flooding that has killed scores of people and left nearly 63,000
homeless. The emergency aid will provide flood victims with 400 grams of
maize per day for two weeks, the United Nations agency said.
North Korean state media reported this week that 4,000 homes we... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3620
来自主题: Salon版 - What are we protesting
Since a lot seem to be confused, here is my 2 cents.
1, we are not protesting the little kid.
2, we are protesting Jimmy Kimmel on purpose race baiting Chinese
3, ABC tolerates race baiting by allowing the airing
In the video, Jimmy could have done things differently.
1, JK singled out Chinese to make fun of. And he knows too well he was going
to entertain his audience and got cheap laugh by joking about Chinese. --
This is definitely done ON PURPOSE.
2, After Braxton made such an inappropriate ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3150
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lqm1989 (Jeremy Lin), 信区: USANews
标 题: The Myth of Health Care's Free Market By David Cay Johnston
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 6 00:33:29 2014, 美东)
The Myth of Health Care's Free Market
By David Cay Johnston / January 03 2014 1:05 PM
Ever wonder why an appendectomy costs $8,000 in one place and $29,000
elsewhere? REUTERS/Jim Bourg
Has it ever occurred to you to negotiate with the pilot of the plane you
just boarded about her pay?
Assuming the pilot was willing to take bi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 918
来自主题: Talk版 - Falun Gong outrageous media
Falun Gong media is outrageous. Such as the 2008 May 16 to 20, Falun
Gong media
Logout article, saying that the complaint "Chinoise" in favor, in fact, lost
. When the "Overseas Chinese Times" the Quebec Court of Appeal judgment
public of the world, Falun Gong media collective dumb. Another example is
the March 8, 2011, Epoch launch of "French President I wish Shen Yun great
success in Paris" and "big news", and compatriot media, "Zheng Xianwang" and
reproduced, "congratulatory" translated into... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3096
发帖数: 3150
买买提的乔姆斯基曾经写过一个”十条操纵媒体的战略“,第一条是 strategy of
primary element of social control is the strategy of distraction which is to
divert public attention from important issues and changes determined by the
political and economic elites, by the technique of flood or flooding
continuous distractions and insignificant information).
平等的,那么,朱令的命运再悲惨,跟地震里伤亡上... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 美国国防开支占GDP的比例
Randall Hoven
"And yet Congress has been corrupted by the military-industrial complex into
believing that by voting for more defense spending, they are supplying "
jobs" for the economy. In fact, they are only diverting scarce resources
from the desperately needed rebuilding of the American infrastructure and
other crucial spending necessities into utterly wasteful munitions. If we
cannot cut back our long-standing
发帖数: 2406
Not true.
When goods and services produced by the productive population is diverted to
non-prodctive population, the average real income after tax for the
productive people goes down, the real cost of production including tax goes
up which causes low productivity people to lose out to Indians. When the
real income for the productive people goes down, savings go down and
therefore investment goes down and therefore productivity gains slow down
which again contributes to outflow of jobs to China.
发帖数: 23
CounterPunch / By Michael Hudson
Why the U.S. Has Launched a New Financial World War -- and How the Rest of
the World Will Fight Back
Finance is the new form of warfare -- without the expense of a military
overhead and an occupation against unwilling hosts.
October 12, 2010 |
What is to stop U.S. banks and their customers from creating $1 tril... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The wife of the man who took target practice on a school board in Florida on
Tuesday, described her husband as a gentle giant who was pushed over the
edge by the economy and frustrated over her losing her teaching job.
"He wanted to get me an answer," Rebecca Duke said of her husband Clay A.
"The economy and the world just got the better of him," Duke said in a
rambling p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By M. Zuhdi Jasser, M.D.
Over the past few years, numerous hearings have already been conducted on
Capitol Hill, in both the House and Senate, looking into domestic Islamist
terrorism and ‘radicalization'. Unfortunately, those hearings garnered
little attention and few tangible results - because they avoided discussing
the root causes. Those hearings instead focused only on "violent extremism"
a useless concept addressing a symptom and not the disease. Up to now the
combined efforts of the force... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Paula Dierkins
The ongoing public employees' union protests in Wisconsin against the (minor
) cut in benefits witnesses these protestors comparing their struggle to
those of the popular, spontaneous public uprising raging all over the Middle
East. Such a claim however is ludicrous and laughable. The public in the
Middle Eastern countries is revolting against government tyranny. On the
contrary, if the demands of the Wisconsin protestors are heeded, it would
result in high taxes and therefo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Kulwant Lasher, 54, an owner of Lasher Brothers Trucking Company Inc., based
in Los Banos, CA, has been sentenced to four years and nine months in
prison to be followed by three years of supervised release for conspiring to
bribe an IRS Revenue Officer and failing to pay employee withholding and
payroll (FICA) taxes. His brother, Tarlochan Lasher, 56, also an owner of
Lasher Brothers Trucking Company Inc., was sentenced to one year in prison
to be followed by three years of supervised release fo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Is Obama's Libyan Attack Legal or Not?
By Jack Curtis
Obama's being hassled because he's dropping bombs and bullets on Libyan
targets without Congressional permission, a clear violation of the War
Powers Resolution per some Republicans and Democrats. Some estimates say
that a year of it will cost $160 B. Obama says it's within his powers
because, though he can't declare war, this isn't war; it's a "kinetic
military action," whatever that means.
He goes on to say that ground troops aren't exchanging fire, which adds to
the non-waris... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Robert Oscar Lopez
As Mike Bates at NewsBusters points out, gay-themed news stories have
reached an absurd prominence lately. He was flummoxed by the amount of time
devoted by Don Lemon (CNN) to same-sex marriages in New York:
Lemon devoted most of the hour-long program to stories of men marrying men
and women marrying women. Less than ten minutes were spent on a potential
debt ceiling deal in Washington. The Norwegian tragedy warranted about four
minutes of air time.
It has been almost a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
U.S. sending North Korea emergency aid
By William Wan
For the first time in almost a year, the United States is providing aid to
North Korea, sending up to $900,000 in emergency assistance for flood relief.
The plans to deliver aid, announced on Thursday, come at a time when North
and South Korea have tried to improve relations, with the United States
playing a key role.
After a meeting of nuclear envoys from the North and South last month in
Indonesia, U.S. officials met with North Korea repres... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8363
来自主题: USANews版 - 这个伊朗刺杀沙特大使的事

Sounds like desperately fabricated BS to divert public attention away
from Obama's collapsing economy.
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Hard-Left OWS Plan
By Lee DeCovnick
The hard progressive left in America has been unleashed into the streets by
the community organizer in the White House. The current crop of street
pawns, the banal cattle of Occupy Wall Street movement, are fed, herded, and
coldly led by the professional agitators from ACORN, SEIU, and the
Communist Party of America. These hardcore Alinskyites are well-funded and
well-organized. Through a series of set-piece street actions and media
events coordinated with the White House, th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes
government corruption, today released its 2011 list of Washington’s “Ten
Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians.” The list, in alphabetical order, includes:
Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL)
Former Senator John Ensign (R-NV)
Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL)
Attorney General Eric Holder
Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL)
President Ba... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
January 2, 2012
In discussing the recent release of some 5,000 Climategate e-mails, blogger
Anthony Watts uses the clever headline "They are real -- and they're
spectacular." He credits Jerry Seinfeld as the source. Following his
example, I choose the headline "Fake! Fake! Fake! Fake!" -- also taken from
a Seinfeld episode -- in discussing the surface temperatures generally
reported for the latter part of the 20th century; they form the science
basis for prosperity-killing international clim... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
A Senate committee probing the collapse of MF Global Holdings Ltd. sent a
letter asking the trustee overseeing the failed financial firm to abandon a
plan to pay bonuses to former top executives.
Members of the Senate Agriculture Committee told the trustee, former Federal
of Bureau Investigation director Louis Freeh, in the letter that it would
be "outrageous" to proceed with a proposal to a bankruptcy judge that could
result in payouts of hundreds of thousand... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Solyndra Times Seven
Why California’s high-speed rail project is an even greater waste of
federal tax dollars.
21 March 2012
The national media have devoted plenty of skeptical attention to California
’s bullet-train boondoggle—from the ballooning cost of the California High
-Speed Rail Authority project to its shoddy management to the baffling
decision to build the first segment in the lightly populated Central Valley.
But the press has yet to focus on a crucial fact: the bullet train isn’t
just some quirky Left Co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 从国防预算授权看GOP政客
The Navy's Use of Biofuels is Inefficient and Costly
By Thomas Pyle
July 19, 2012 RSS Feed Print
Thomas Pyle is the president of the Institute for Energy Research.
This week, the Navy embarked on a costly and pointless exercise—using "
advanced" biofuels that cost $26 per galon in some naval exercises. At a
time when the federal budget and military budgets are tight, Navy Secretary
Ray Mabus claims that it is important to spend millions of dollars on an
exotic biofuel to "enhance our national se... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Seized Chinese Weapons Raise Concerns on Iran
An Iranian dhow seized off the Yemeni coast was carrying sophisticated
Chinese antiaircraft missiles, a development that could signal an escalation
of Iran’s support to its Middle Eastern proxies, alarming other countries
in the region and renewing a diplomatic challenge to the United States.
Among the items aboard the dhow, according to a review of factory markings
on weapons and their packing crates, were 10 Chi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Gillian Roberts
July 3, 2013
Brokers who have scrambled for the past year to ensure their employer
clients are compliant with the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate, also
known in the industry as the “pay or play” mandate, are scrambling once
again, to take a deep breath.
For Mark Gaunya, principal at Borislow Insurance and EBA advisory board
member, some of his new business clients were behind in preparations. “We
have quite a few prospects that need our assistance and time was running
s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9501
The Myth of Health Care's Free Market
By David Cay Johnston / January 03 2014 1:05 PM
Ever wonder why an appendectomy costs $8,000 in one place and $29,000
elsewhere? REUTERS/Jim Bourg
Has it ever occurred to you to negotiate with the pilot of the plane you
just boarded about her pay?
Assuming the pilot was willing to take bids for her services, would you have
any idea of how to evaluate the worth of that particular pilot compared to
anyone else who might be at the controls? How long would it ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The Quiet Fury of Robert Gates
Bush and Obama's secretary of defense had to wage war in Iraq, Afghanistan—
and today's Washington
All too often during my 4½ years as secretary of defense, when I found
myself sitting yet again at that witness table at yet another congressional
hearing, I was tempted to stand up, slam the briefing book shut and quit on
the spot. The exit lines were on the tip of my tongue: I may be the
secretary of defense, but I am also an American citizen, and there is no s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9926
Dear XXX,
I sincerely urge you to vote against SCA 5. Racial preferences were wrong
and that individuals should be judged without regard to skin color. True
equity demands fair outcomes for all. Racial discrimination is wrong,
whichever way it goes, in whatever name.
Under Prop. 209, California schools have adopted a number of significant
measures to boost racial diversity indirectly, mostly by looking at economic
status. Schools have reduced their reliance on standardized test scores for
a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
April 16, 2014 - 2:04 PM
By JOHN ROGERS, Associated Press
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The former city manager of Bell was sentenced Wednesday
to 12 years in prison and ordered to make restitution of $8.8 million in a
corruption scheme that nearly bankrupted the small, blue-collar city.
Robert Rizzo apologized during sentencing in Los Angeles County Superior
Court, telling Judge Kathleen Kennedy he breached the public's confidence.
"It is a good thing to hear that he is sorry, and I'll take him at his wor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Feds used donations intended for poor for massages, luxuries for themselves
By Luke Rosiak | MAY 19, 2014 AT 5:34 AM
Federal employees and a contractor diverted more than $1 million of
charitable contributions to spending on themselves for in-office massages,
meals at every meeting and other luxuries and unnecessary expenses, a
government audit found.
They called themselves "volunteers" and said they needed "motivation" to
help the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
California's flawed water system can't track usage
May 27, 2014 - 12:04 AM
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Call them the fortunate ones: Nearly 4,000 California
companies, farms and others are allowed to use free water with little
oversight when the state is so bone dry that deliveries to nearly everyone
else have been severely slashed.
Their special status dates back to claims made more than a century ago when
water was plentiful. But in the third year o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 护士揭露弗吉尼亚医院黑幕
Nurse exposes VA hospital: Stolen drugs, tortured veterans
by Jammie via Jammie Wearing Fools
I started my nursing career at Albany Medical Center across the street from
the VA as a candy striper at age 15. I looked up to the student nurses and
dreamed of becoming one. I won the hospital auxiliary scholarship to attend
nursing school with my essay “Why I want to become a nurse.” I wanted to
take care of people and make a difference in their lives when they were
feeling their worst.
Many of our v... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3656

If joining the white house petition is "political ignorant/immature", I
would urge 80-20 to communicate with democratic leadership who should in
turn urge the president to stop hosting such a petition site. This petition
site is created by the Obama administration. Is 80-20 saying white house
uses this site to pray on the ignorant and immature people? Maybe, cos after
I signed petitions, I started receiving emails asking for campaign
donations. hahaha.
we need to practice politics the American... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Lee Edwards | May 22, 2015 | 4:07 PM EDT
For more than three decades, they have sought out and killed Americans. In
1983, in one of the first major anti-American attacks, they bombed the
Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241 American servicemen. In 1992, they
used bombs to kill two people in Aden, Yemen, in hopes of killing American
troops that might be passing through. In February 1993, they used a truck-
based explosive to try and topple the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan.
They fail... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3030
If your only interest is in history, try to go back and live in history.
American helped American during WWII, not me. US would never help China if
Japan didn't bomb pearl harbor. If you can't get your brain wrapped around
that, history lesson won't help you either.
Maybe you should divert your energy to figure out why US protected the
Japanese soldiers in troop 731 after the ending of WWII. I am sure that's a
decision made by white American too.
发帖数: 307
First, let me congratulate OP for his/her bravery of stepping out of comfort
zone of thinking inside the box. This truly is the time of an emerging
Enough divide and conquer tactics from the UNIPARTY with their phony "
infightings" year after year upon phony and petty issues while trying their
best to divert from true issues -- that is, about $$$, where the $$$ comes
from, where it goes, who gets a smaller or a bigger share.
It's people vs. the establishment. Trump is probably not an... 阅读全帖
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