

全部话题 - 话题: downwards
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发帖数: 8614
来自主题: Investment版 - 大萧条和新政

怎么可能,没有外力介入,downwards spiral怎么可能扭转。
发帖数: 114
来自主题: Investment版 - People are talking about nationalisation now
I am buying stocks these days. I don't hope to catch the bottom. But I agree
, natualization of C and BAC could indicate the actual bottom.
Banks are not the real problem, fear is. Phycology plays an essential role
in the spiral downward of depression or recession. Poele are stopping to buy
due to fear even they have money. Companies are stopping to invest due to fear
even they have the liquity. Since poeple think banks are the real problem (they
are not, currently, in practice), any delay or av
发帖数: 864
来自主题: Investment版 - 理工科兄弟进来讨论一下M2M (转载)
There is benefit of removing M2M, but it should not just be taken out
First of all, if they remove M2M now, I sure would like to have all the
bankers return their bonus earned in the bull market when M2M
inflated their profits.
Second, I agree M2M sometimes is unfair because the market may not be
liquid. It could turn into downward spiral as you described. One guy
sold the asset at $7, forcing all other guys to mark the asset at $7,
which triggers another guy to sell it $6, so on and so
发帖数: 4666
来自主题: Investment版 - 请问利用covered call长期投资
cover call不影响downward risk啊。你持有股票就有risk. cover call只是
limit upward potential.
发帖数: 4666
来自主题: Investment版 - 请问利用covered call长期投资
为了卖call买股票,你就平白的take了downward risk.
发帖数: 868
来自主题: Investment版 - 底应该是已经过了 (转载)
I bet it will keep climbing for a couple of more years and then decrease in
the best scenario. To break the downward spiral, they need deficit, huge
deficit. As of now, if they can't borrow from foreign investors, they borrow
from central bank (aka. print).
发帖数: 229
Dividend comes with a tax consequences for high income ppl. If AAPL gives
out dividend, the prie of the stock has to be adjusted(downward). The ppl
who wants the dividend should be the ones that will retire really soon.
I think AAPL should not give out dividend because it should hold a pile of
cash to buy something when time is right and then create another iWhatever
to rock the world.
Dividend is like the cherry on top of a cake but the taste of cherry should
not be the reason why you buy the c
发帖数: 1342
MSFT has dividend, one can buy MSFT if he/she likes dividend.
AAPL has the momentum for now, I think it could touch $300, then go no where
like MSFT did since 2000.
GOOG is clearly already in downward trend, I really can not understand why
people would long GOOG.
发帖数: 1980
来自主题: Investment版 - 现在大家401k都什么配置?
I have the opposite view: I have faith in short-term (few months) but
definitely don't have faith in long-term in US equity.
The US stock market is over-valued by historical standard and the profit
margin is also at historical peak. The inflation-adjusted trend points to
That said, for short-term, it can go higher because the politicians want
it higher to get re-elected. But one needs to pay attention to all the
risks on the horizon...so far, there is no immediate risk, JMHO.

发帖数: 678
来自主题: Investment版 - 现在投资REITs是不是好时机?
The end of QE is still pending. I think the slow downward spiraling of REITs
will last for a while.
发帖数: 3299
来自主题: Investment版 - QE taper
it is hard to understand what you want to say.
You mean FED believe that economy is quite robust so let taper Jan or March
2014. While tapering or after tapering, FED finds out that, kabo!,the
economy is actually in the shit land. With help of tapering, the economy
officially in the recession zone.
If my understanding is right, what do you mean that the market is fully
priced in the QE taper early next year? Do you mean that bond market and
stock market will not move at all when FED announces ta... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 90
来自主题: Investment版 - 20~30万现金如何投资呀
I'm waiting for a huge downwards adjustment before I invest.
Be patient
发帖数: 278
i feel much comfortable with a plain vanilla 60/40 portfolio that will give
me 6-7% return. why are you so sure its downward risk is much lower than
stocks? keep us posted.
发帖数: 278
来自主题: Investment版 - 401k求建议
In this article the author back tested a 60/40 portfolio from 1926 to 2015
in two segments, 1926-1980, 1976-2015. Average returns in rolling ten year
periods are 8.8% (1926-2015), 7.1% (1926-1980), 10.6% (1976-2015) (note:
fed fund rate topped in 1981)
In the 2nd arttcle, the author tested a 60/40 portfolio from 1948-2014 and
found annualized returns are 8.1% (1948-1981) an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1243
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 问几个有关Binary tree的题

1. curr = prev = root
2. Initialize stack
3. while (true)
4. if ( curr is prev or a child of prev) //Traversing downwards
5. if (curr is a parent) //More traversing to do
6. stack.push(curr)
7. prev = curr
8. curr = curr.left
9. else //curr is an orphan: go upward
10. print (curr)
11. prev = curr
12. curr = stack(top)
13. if ( curr.left = prev) //Traversing upwa
发帖数: 1001
来自主题: JobHunting版 - stack grows upward or downward
which one is better, why?
发帖数: 161
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Phone Interview面经
== Resume ==
1. Describe the projects listed in the resume.
== Data Structures & Complexity ==
2. Lookup in linked list and array (sorted, unsorted)
3. Sorting strategies (comparison-based & non-comparison-based)
4. Lookup, insert, delete in hash table.
5. How to resolve collision (chaining, open addressing)
6. How to support delete with using open addressing
7. What affects collision (hash table size & hash function)
8. What the complexity when using ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2
【 以下文字转载自 JobMarket 讨论区 】
发信人: jobdreaming (job and job), 信区: JobMarket
标 题: Perspective PhD at the Georgia Institute of Technology on Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
关键字: Georgia Tech,CEE,James,ITS,Sensing
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 5 10:24:40 2011, 美东)
RE: Perspective PhD at the Georgia Institute of Technology on Intelligent
Transportation System (ITS) and Innovative Sensing Technology Development
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is one of the top 4
engineering schools and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 971
【 以下文字转载自 JobMarket 讨论区 】
发信人: reclapple (加菲鲸), 信区: JobMarket
标 题: Recruiting Entry Level 2 years Quantitative Analytics Research
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Sep 24 18:47:35 2011, 美东)
> 不要站内信。有兴趣请联系:
> Jason Hung Vu
> The Leverage Group
> 139 East 23rd Street
> New York, NY 10010
> Ph. 212-330-6400
> Alternate Cell number for out of office: 201-839-6319
> Send me a LinkedIn invitation: http://www.linkedin.com/in/hungvunewyork
> Entry Level – 2 years Quantitative Analytics Research (PhD required)
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26
It depends on the position and the interviewer. What I was asked how to
determine stack grow upward or downward, what static means, reverse linked
list, etc, just quite simple questions.
Good luck.
发帖数: 15689
gzou (gzou) 于 (Thu May 12 02:26:35 2011, 美东) 提到:
马上就要G on site了,
申明:有的附带有解释说明的,也来自于本版或者网络,大家自己看, 不保证真确
本人ECE fresh PhD,背景是电路/EDA,跟G业务基本没什么关系
1,Skip list, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skip_list
写code实现struct skip_list * find(struct skip_list *head, int value)
2,sorted array... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15689
gzou (gzou) 于 (Thu May 12 02:26:35 2011, 美东) 提到:
马上就要G on site了,
申明:有的附带有解释说明的,也来自于本版或者网络,大家自己看, 不保证真确
本人ECE fresh PhD,背景是电路/EDA,跟G业务基本没什么关系
1,Skip list, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skip_list
写code实现struct skip_list * find(struct skip_list *head, int value)
2,sorted array... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1637
来自主题: JobHunting版 - heap&stack Linux vs. Windows  (转载)
stack 和 heap 高低正好调换了。
而且我也认为windows那个有点问题,stack should grow downward
发帖数: 969
来自主题: JobHunting版 - heap&stack Linux vs. Windows  (转载)
I think your code couldn't tell whether stack growing downward or not. in
main() function frame, it cut enough from stack for local variable, but it's
up to compiler to assign them to variables, which order doesn't matter.
you can try this: call another function from main, in that function print
out the address of variables, they should be lower than main()'s.
another one: heap & stack usually are just residing in two memory segments,
they are not related at all. only in old days, such as the p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1637
来自主题: JobHunting版 - heap&stack Linux vs. Windows  (转载)
thanks for you advice.
I just add a function in main()
print a local variable from fun()
Something like this.
void fun(){int a; cout<<&a< main(){
STACK &before=002BF998
HEAP *p=005D83E0
STACK &after=002BF970
&a=002BF890 //local variable from fun()
STACK &before=00000000001BF798
HEAP *p=00000000005B67A0
STACK &after=000000... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 190
现在在一个牛导的组里做product design optimization. Basically about utilizing
trade space exploration and data visualization to facilitate design
decision-making, and to improve design cycle time. funding从令一个外系的组出
做过很多supply chain modeling projects. Monte Carlo simulation for inventory
positioning with downward substitution using stochastic linear programming.
Simio (discrete event simulation) based supply chain network design and
optimization (transportation networ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 137
来自主题: JobHunting版 - A家面经
2个月前面的, 现在来攒攒人品
电面(45分钟, 前3题描述算法就行, 只有最后一题写code)
1. from 1 to N one number appear twice, others once, find that number, (how
about two numbers? 500 numbers appear twice?)
2. a billion number, find K smallest numbers . 面试官居然不知道不fit memory
也可以linear搞定, 真汗
3. how DNS return IP lookup request.
4. write atoi, allow input 1200.00, not 1200.01, can you handle -2^31? if
not, how to fix it?
1. 一个矩阵, 把所有非0元素按connected component分组打印出来, 4-neighbors算连通
2. thesis presentation
3. design spreadsheet, 每个... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 137
来自主题: JobHunting版 - A家面经
2个月前面的, 现在来攒攒人品
电面(45分钟, 前3题描述算法就行, 只有最后一题写code)
1. from 1 to N one number appear twice, others once, find that number, (how
about two numbers? 500 numbers appear twice?)
2. a billion number, find K smallest numbers . 面试官居然不知道不fit memory
也可以linear搞定, 真汗
3. how DNS return IP lookup request.
4. write atoi, allow input 1200.00, not 1200.01, can you handle -2^31? if
not, how to fix it?
1. 一个矩阵, 把所有非0元素按connected component分组打印出来, 4-neighbors算连通
2. thesis presentation
3. design spreadsheet, 每个... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 822
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Career cup 4.9 path sum的答案肯定错了
那应该明说 print all downward paths ...
发帖数: 6
for example:
我有两个function pointer, 分别指向两个不同function。
complie的时候,这两个function pointer就得到function地址了吗?
可以用两个function pointer之差来indicate 系统stack 是upward 还是downward吗?
FLAG的一个面试官说不可以,因为function pointer是compile time 得到地址的。
stack 是runtime形成的。
但是网上所有关于这个解法的讨论都说,是因为compiler 优化造成compile time 的地
址和stack 无关。 这样,不是把gcc 的优化去掉,或者标成volatile不就可以了吗?
再问一个base class 和 相应 derived class的memory layout 能说明stack grow
direction 吗?
面试官也说不行。说,就是扯上virtual inheritance, 也是compile stage的。
发帖数: 6
可以用两个function pointer之差来indicate 系统stack 是upward 还是downward吗?
发帖数: 1
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is one of the top 4
engineering schools and top 3 civil and environmental engineering schools in
the US. We are interested in PhD students, Post-doc students, and visiting
research scholars who are self-motivated and have strong backgrounds in the
following areas:
• Development of intelligent sensing systems using computer vision/
image processing, 3D Laser, and LiDAR technologies.
• Data mining, machine learning for extracting fea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2
RE: Perspective PhD at the Georgia Institute of Technology on Intelligent
Transportation System (ITS) and Innovative Sensing Technology Development
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is one of the top 4
engineering schools and top 3 civil and environmental engineering schools in
the US. We are interested in PhD students, Post-doc students, and visiting
research scholars who are self-motivated and have strong backgrounds in the
following areas:
• Development of intelligent se... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 971
> 不要站内信。有兴趣请联系:
> Jason Hung Vu
> The Leverage Group
> 139 East 23rd Street
> New York, NY 10010
> Ph. 212-330-6400
> Alternate Cell number for out of office: 201-839-6319
> Send me a LinkedIn invitation: http://www.linkedin.com/in/hungvunewyork
> Entry Level – 2 years Quantitative Analytics Research (PhD required)
> Overview
> ● Group: Derivatives Analysis within Market Risk & Market Analytics
> ● DA is a multidisciplinary group of quantitative experts responsible
for independent m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4125
来自主题: Living版 - 请推荐一个cordless的电锯
An impact driver is a tool that delivers a strong, sudden rotational and
downward force.
These are not to be confused with the impact wrench, which is a motorized
tool (usually powered by compressed air), with a similar name and function.
Impact wrench is what you need to 谢汽车轮子. You will need a torque wrench to put it back on (tighen at the end). You can also get preset torque socket for the impact wrench (make sure get the right kind, check the spec for your car first)
发帖数: 212
My broker informed me he can provide 3.625% for 7 yr ARM today (notice that
the rate has continuously dropped in the last three days) with no point. As
to fee, I am not sure, since there are several hundred origination fee or
lender fee.
I do not know whether this is a good rate. But according to the reply here,
it sounds not bad. I will keep on waiting for a couple of days before I lock
it. This week the trend of the rate is definitely downward.
发帖数: 4125
来自主题: Living版 - 车库门关不上了,咋办?
I agree, this is sensor problem. Try to clean and re-align.
Blinking pattern should be able to tell you.
Also there is a downward force adjustment on the opener, they could also use
some tweaking if has been a long time (your spring tension could have
changed over time)

发帖数: 1980
In the age of FHA and FED begs people to borrow money, there is no need to
save the DP. In CA, for example, the FHA limit is $729,750 and only 3.5% DP
is required.
The only reason to save DP is that you are betting the home price will still
be in the downward trend.
发帖数: 2186
来自主题: Living版 - New home sales at record low in July
New U.S. single-family home sales unexpectedly fell in July to set their
slowest pace on record while prices were the lowest in more than 6-1/2 years.
KEY POINTS: * The Commerce Department said sales dropped 12.4 percent to a
276,000 unit annual rate, the lowest since the series started in 1963, from
a downwardly revised 315,000 units in June. * Analysts polled by Reuters had
发帖数: 1233
Yes and No--
by law, prop assessed value (AV) supposed to be reflective of "mkt condition
", not necessarily the "mkt price" (MP). MP could go up 20% a yr like in
the hay days but AV is limited by 2%. If you own your house long enough, AV
is most likely NOT reflective of the mkt--usually lower. it's to the owner'
s advantage.
vice versa, in a 20% declining yr, AV will not drop 20% a yr. it has to
catch up on the gains before being offset by the decline. When the decline
continues like what ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 325
A very lovely home, but sitting on a deep sloped land about 45+ degree. The
front yard used some retaining wall to support the house. The backyard only
has grass ground, and the line of slope cuts through the whole backyard (
about .5 acre) in the middle. This is because this land belongs to another
home owner up on the hill. He had financial probelm so sliced out a part of
his backyard to build this new home. his and this home's yard is overall a
downward slope.
How bad is this problem? is this... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25274
来自主题: Living版 - 老美为啥贷款这么困难呢
1) Purchase activity, after two prior weeks of strength, slowed in the
November 12 week, down 5.0 percent according to the Mortgage Bankers
Association. Refinance activity fell 16.5 percent. MBA blamed the drops,
especially for refinancing, to a surge in rates including an 18 basis point
jump for 30-year loans to an average 4.46 percent.
The Mortgage Bankers' Association compiles various mortgage loan indexes.
The purchase applications index measures applications at mortgage lenders.
This is a l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 608
1 Purchase lights specifically suitable for outdoor use. They should be
labeled as outdoor lights and have a small, circular label that says "UL" or
2 Plug your Christmas lights into a ground-fault circuit interrupter, or
GFCI. A GFCI is a device that automatically detects short circuits and shuts
off the current. They can be recognized by two buttons labeled "test" and "
reset" built into the plug. If you do not have a GFCI, you can buy a
portable one and plug it into a wall socket.
3 Ch... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1281
来自主题: Living版 - 房价2011年又要降大约10%了
“The housing market, which appeared poised for a recovery earlier in the
year, now could be heading for a second downward drift.”
发帖数: 7276
来自主题: Living版 - offer rejected
The zillow estimate is pointing downward pricing trend for this community.
It is down about 20k to 30k in last 30 days.

发帖数: 66
My experience for your reference:
Offer -20K (off listing after price drop)
Seller Counter: +10K (offer price)
My counter: +500 (offer price)
Result: accepted
Final price is at 6% off original listing price.
You have the chance to get it since there is a counter but seller might not
want to budge instead of accepting an offer slightly better than yours.
Unless this is a reduction in price recently, seller does not seem to have
multiple offers.
My experience shows that sellers does not want to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2719
来自主题: Living版 - zillow的估价又多准?
Not sure of others but for me:
1. my condo is over priced on Zillow. Its is about 5-10% higher than prices
people actually paid for similiar condos near by in the past few months. The
price also ignores any cost on selling place, like broker fees and taxes.
Because Zillow relies on public data which has a few months lag, in a
downward market, it has to be over priced.
2. I recently bought a house. The price I paid excluding taxes, is 14% lower
than Zillow estimate. The house is in average condit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 347
来自主题: Living版 - How world affects our interest rates
Amy Hoak is a MarketWatch reporter based in Chicago.
As world events dominated the news in recent weeks, mortgage rates enjoyed a
reprieve from a climb that began late last year, keeping the 30-year fixed-
rate mortgage down below 5% at the start of what is traditionally the home
buying and selling season.
While multiple factors move mortgage rates and it's impossible to pinpoint
the exact reason why they're up or down, we do know this: The tsunami and
subsequent nuclear disaster in Japan likely... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1233
来自主题: Living版 - Weak US economic data...
So much talks on debt ceiling and so much noise on US gov't defaults on its
debt in the past 2 months. what was ignored seems to be the economy...
private sector added 114k jobs in Jul per ADP's report today though headline
news on layoffs are on the rise. among the prominent names incl Borders (
going out of business), Cisco, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Merck, Research in
Motion (Blackberry maker), plus a slew of firms off Wall St. on top Jul
manufacturing index was @ 50.9, barely above the 50 leve... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4475
来自主题: Living版 - 利率还要降?
Fed moves to lower long-term interest rates, mortgage rates
In a further bid to shore up the anemic economy, the Federal Reserve Board
will buy $400 billion in long-term Treasury securities by June 30.
By Manuel Balce Ceneta, AP
Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke in the board room at Federal
Reserve headquarters in Washington.
The new program, called "The Twist," after a similar '60s-era program, means
the Fed will sell its holdings of short-term Treasuries to finance its
purchases on l... 阅读全帖
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