

全部话题 - 话题: expereince
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发帖数: 46
I had similar expereince. However, I cancelled the contract immediately
after the inspection. However, the seller refuses to sign the release
agreement. So my deposit is stuck in the escrow account. What should I do
发帖数: 2719
来自主题: Living版 - 关于先前屋主有加建的问题
you would not be able to buy the house if the extension has no certificate
of completion from the county, unless you pay the house with 100% cash. The
bank would not give you mortgage.
in most cases, the seller would have to take care of this before putting the
house on the market. he may have to hire a "COC Expeditor" to speed up the
process. But even with an expeditor, the process may still take months...
is the seller selling the house on his own? An expereinced realtor would
never take on a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2719
Ok.. He's a very detailed guy, 10+ years of expereince dealing with
realestate cases in NYS. But here is the disclosure, he's also my cousin. So
take what I said with a grain of salt and see for yourself. I have
personally used him twice for buying before (I paid his regular rate, no
relative discount) and was very happy.
Kenny D Lin
13621 Roosevelt Ave # 408
Flushing, NY 11354-5507
(718) 321-3303
发帖数: 2719
Ok.. He's a very detailed guy, 10+ years of expereince dealing with
realestate cases in NYS. But here is the disclosure, he's also my cousin. So
take what I said with a grain of salt and see for yourself. I have
personally used him twice for buying before (I paid his regular rate, no
relative discount) and was very happy.
Kenny D Lin
13621 Roosevelt Ave # 408
Flushing, NY 11354-5507
(718) 321-3303
发帖数: 2719
来自主题: Living版 - 有必要用buyer's agent吗
in buying process, 3 ppl are really needed:
1. a good lwayer
2. an expereinced inspector
3. a mortgage broker, their rates are generally much better than going to
the bank directly.
a buyer agent? that was such a 20th century concept...

发帖数: 769
来自主题: Medicine版 - 推荐美国的哮喘特效药?

chest x-ray could be normal in patient with asthma, even in acute
exacerbation phase, so she needs a pulmonary function test with post
bronchiodilator response, looking for FEV1/FVC ratio and any improvement
post bronchiodilator use,
one thing to remember is that chronic aspiration and acid reflux would
worsen asthma,
i don't think there is any drugs here that they don't have back in china,
the newer combination inhaler is symbicort, i don't have much expereince
with it and not sure if it's sup
发帖数: 572
来自主题: Medicine版 - 老爸过敏性鼻炎有啥好药啊
Zyrtec is a kind of Antihistamine drug, you may get some side effect
when taking antihistamine drug, such as sleepy. My personal expereince
is Nasal steroid drugs work much better than antihistamine drugs. But long-
use of nasal steroid is not good for health as well. A good solution may be
the combination of these two : antihistamine + nasal steroid, and by doing
you can reduce the dose by half for each medicine.
在 huayinggehui (huaying) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 411
I talked to a Chase manager about this: he clearly stated "No". However,
some CSR may give you differnt response.
My personal expereince: I applied and got approved, but the bonus was not
granted to me becasue I was not the first time cardmember.
Soemone else may get lucky on this if your past record is soemhow ignored.
发帖数: 1410
Called and was told that I need to ask the bank to show me the proof and
mail the proof to them and they will contact me.
Is anyone who expereince this before?
发帖数: 986
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 有没有生完娃脚后跟疼的?
I heard many JM said so. I had no such expereince.
发帖数: 120
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 今天给娃去办旅行证,被气哭了
It is really ridiculous stupid policy! I had similar expereince as you.
Maybe we met the same funking girl sitting on the far left window, through
the whole talk, she didn't smile at all. She keeps telling me this is not
right, that is not right, everything is not in the way she thinks it should
be, i was wondering 'are you the funking making the policy'? I shook my head
after I am out of the shit embassy.
But pat pat, try to get what you need, maybe try to go to another window
avoiding the her
发帖数: 2139
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - come back from 36w6d ultrasound exam
my belly was measured 32w when i was 34w. then measured again 32w when i was
so i was sent to the ultrasound to check growth today.
The ultrasound result is good. The baby is measured as 36w1d (I am 36w6d)
and overall 47% percentile. He weighs 6+ pounds.
now, i am released...maybe a little worried about have a big baby instead of
a small one!
my expereince is that dont get upset about the belly measurement. not
accurate at all!
发帖数: 2139
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 哪天induce labor好?
my expereince suggest that you should listen to your doctor. try to think
发帖数: 1720
来自主题: Parenting版 - 签毕业后慢慢还大学学费的合同
For your daughter's own sake, it's better to have her to have a part-time/
summer job. Not only she will gain many life expereinces, be more muture,
but also she will have something to put in her resume when the time she is
looking for an internship and her 1st job.
My daughter just went thru a phone interview for a summer conference (
externship) with a major firm. She told me last night, the first sentence
the interviewer said after the greeting is " I see you have a part-time job
in your re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 803
来自主题: PennySaver版 - about friendgiftr
I just purchased 2 amazon $10 e-gift cards from this site via OO link. I
got the confirmation email, but it didn't mention what I purchased is the e-
gift card in the email, as it only says it's Amazon card.Also I remembered
it didn't change to email delivery option when I made the order even though
I am certain I chose the e-gift card.
Anyone has expereince for how long I have to wait before receiving the e-
gift card code?
BTW, there is no link on its site to check the status of the order.
T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19
来自主题: Postdoc版 - Post Doctor Position
Just want to post a postion here. Anyone who is interest, please contact Dr.
Som Mitra at New Jersey Institute of Technology directly.
A post doctrla fellow to work on a project realted to organic solar cells
and battery technology ssuing carbon nanotubes. Expereince in organinc
electronics, material charaterization and making devices and prototypes is
Plese e-mail resumes to Dr. Som Mitra (m***[email protected])
发帖数: 47
来自主题: Returnee版 - 鸡肋似的海归, 我该回吗?

actually, i work in actuarial field, as far as i know , we dont make that
much at all! only limtied VP make 15000 after at least 10 years +
director no way around 150K+
I think waht she said is true adn she works in big bank/ financial risk
management which has international presence.
I have to say both director, very impressive couples.
发帖数: 2
来自主题: Reunion版 - F2 2000 Pass in BJ March 17
I am so happy today after my wife woke me up at 1:30am with the great news and
couldn't sleep until now.
I learned a lot from this reunion so I would like to share some of our
It is really a great surprise 惊喜to me that my wife got her visa this time.
We didn't have too much hope and I was prepared to go back in summer to apply
with her together.
Here is our case.
We got to know each other about two years ago when I went back to China last
time. We got married this winter and applied
发帖数: 1861
1。磨练一下英文套瓷的能力 - 假定你中文套瓷的能力已足够了的前提下。(otherwise
, improve your Chinese negotiation skill, which equals to certain business
experiences, and SOME reflection on the expereinces)
2。 如果 1 太费时,一时搞不好,就去找外援吧 -家人或朋友等等。再不及,就雇个
3。 找到那个品牌,开始套瓷。 不行再换,直到成功。
发帖数: 1861
1。磨练一下英文套瓷的能力 - 假定你中文套瓷的能力已足够了的前提下。(otherwise
, improve your Chinese negotiation skill, which equals to certain business
experiences, and SOME reflection on the expereinces)
2。 如果 1 太费时,一时搞不好,就去找外援吧 -家人或朋友等等。再不及,就雇个
3。 找到那个品牌,开始套瓷。 不行再换,直到成功。
发帖数: 2085
来自主题: Stock版 - [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
/* */追加500股,把均价拉低一些,
Based on my expereince, there gonna be a pullback at some point.
发帖数: 4358
【 以下文字转载自 Statistics 讨论区 】
发信人: jiawen (嘉文), 信区: Statistics
标 题: SAS programmer Contractor Needed.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 5 13:32:18 2015, 美东)
In 湾区。Some Biotech Company in SSF need an experienced SAS programmer.
5+ years experience.Candidates must have expereince with CDISC and
发帖数: 70
来自主题: Working版 - 感叹一下工作10年
lots of folks on MITBBS sent me PM for the experience. I will be to provide
some personal expereince and I wish I would be able to help. I do not
consider I am successful guy but I am happy with where I am now.
For most of the folks in the office, we need answer three questions first:
what do you want to do , what job are you good at, what job are you paid to
do. For most of us, if there are 2 of 3 are the same, you are lucky man.
Once you are clear on that, do a SWOT analysis for you and see wh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 70
来自主题: Working版 - 感叹一下工作10年
lots of folks on MITBBS sent me PM for the experience. I will be to provide
some personal expereince and I wish I would be able to help. I do not
consider I am successful guy but I am happy with where I am now.
For most of the folks in the office, we need answer three questions first:
what do you want to do , what job are you good at, what job are you paid to
do. For most of us, if there are 2 of 3 are the same, you are lucky man.
Once you are clear on that, do a SWOT analysis for you and see wh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 895
I want to do manuscript reviews for journals, but was invited by the editor
to compose a review paper in that field for submission. Anyone has the
similar successful expereinces before?
Is that too good to be true? Any trick or chance my manuscript/ideas be
发帖数: 2983
来自主题: Immigration版 - Need to redo PB test for medical exam?
I did the exam in April with my wife, but I was waiting for RFE to submit my
medical record. (485 submitted in Jan to get EAD)
Now I have the RFE, but it says new form is needed (dated 07/20). Do I have
to re-do the PB test?
I got mixed messages from different people:
1. no need, just pay $30 for re-issue.
2. have to redo the PB test since that is the change in new form: have to
pay $130.
Hope the latter is right. Anybody has any expereince?
发帖数: 1121
来自主题: Immigration版 - EB1a 悲剧,求建议
10条里面说我符合3条,但是不属于small percentrage,被拒了。还有什么办法?
1. it mentioned that I can appeal within 30 days. So shall I appeal? What to
take to appeal?
2. From his point of view, why it is being reject? Any where I can make
improvment on the case?
3. You are expereinced, so do you see a lot of applicant with similar
applications being passed or rejected?
4.I would like a complete copy of the material he filed.
5. Can I use the same material to file the same catalog again? Or ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 50
来自主题: EB23版 - NSC Mobile Notification Works??
Anybody who got approved has expereince of receiving text messages for your
approval? Thanks
发帖数: 292
来自主题: EB23版 - 申请自己的职位求教 (转载)
不会被HR,attorney或是USCIS算进去认为是满足required expereince?
发帖数: 10056
来自主题: EB23版 - 申请自己的职位求教 (转载)

历不会被HR,attorney或是USCIS算进去认为是满足required expereince?
发帖数: 400
来自主题: EB23版 - perm question
i have master + 5 yr expereince with old employer.
新公司sponsor perm. 律师却说job description只能要求master + 1. 怕Prevailing
Wage 太高了, 只能file level II Prevailing Wage . BS +5 是LEVEL 几呢 还有难
道就不能MASTER + 2, 3 ?
另外我的专业本来属于planning , 律师要 file engineer. 说 planning Education
and Training Codes for Professional Occupations: NA: No Education and
Training Code Set
如果job description要求master 会被认为不是normal requirement.
发帖数: 105
发帖数: 669
[在 tiny1020 (tiny) 的大作中提到:]
发帖数: 303
来自主题: Chinese版 - 有人问我回中国吗
For education first. Then for expereincing life. I enriched my life in US,
tried many US way of life. that is good.

发帖数: 354
I got some private message saying that they are regretful for cancelling the
Now , let us reschedule it, how about 5pm, 7th, Sep ,Saturday?let us meet
then, whatever how many people show up.
By the way, an entrepreneur with many years of expereince will join us.
Please resign below, thanks:
1. ADS
发帖数: 2719
来自主题: NewJersey版 - 住newport的同学给点建议吧
Like I said, it all depends on your personal preference and what you think
it is important to you. There is no way I would ever want to live in those
giant new construction condo buildings. I prefer more intimate, smaller
buildings with 1, at most 2 families on each fllor.
I also enjoy walking around the old blocks in Hoboken and visit those mom-
pop record shops, restaurants, bakeries, and cafes. The expereince, the
unexpected discoveries, and the small delights you find in these shops can
neve... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2719
来自主题: NewJersey版 - is this true?
its a bad school.. worse than not going there at all..
its a school where morons go.. going there would certianly destory the kid's
future.. hurt him for the rest of life.. not to mention the school is in a
high risk area... so not only the kid's head would get f'ed up, he has a
good chance to get physically hurt as well..
enjoy the expereince.

发帖数: 2719
来自主题: NewYork版 - 纽约归来感想
I guess it is because I have lived in Tokyo for many years in the past,
whenever I have Japanese food, I would always compare it against my
expereince in Tokyo. When I first came to New York in the 90s, I had always
look forward going back to Japan in summers because the Japanese food in NYC
was pretty bad then. It has improved so much in the past 10 years. Now, the
top Japanese restaurant in NYC is very compareable to those you would find
in Tokyo. I no longer miss Japan...
Plus, there are good... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2719
来自主题: NewYork版 - 关于日本菜不得不说几句
I could recommand yakitori or sukiyaki, but that's like someone recommands
General Tsao's chicken or hot and sour soup to you and ask you to order them
next time you're having chinese. it is really not that helpful.
if you would like to have a good expereince with Japanese food, i would pick
a traditional japanese restaurant and go for the "Omakase" menu, which
simply means "please take care of me". The restaurant owner would serve you
with what he thinks is the best reflection of the spriit of ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2719
来自主题: NewYork版 - if living close to flushing
Flushing is nothing like the China I knew. It is uniquely New York, and
uniquely America. It is part of expereince of being Chinese in in America.
Just like Spanish Harlem is to Puerto Ricans and Hoboken is to Italians. It
it may be noisy, it may be dirty and sometimes smellie, but its diversity is
a really a celebration of life. Even in China, it would be hard to find a
place this small with these many Chinese people from all over China, north
to south, east to west...
I love Flushing for what ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2719
accounting really doesn't really need a master..
but without any work expereince, it would be hard to get into any MBA
what about finanical engineering?

发帖数: 41
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: vigor (kcuf), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Top notchedmiddle market investment banking hiring
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 14 01:23:56 2011, 美东)
we are a top notched investment banking firm focusing on the greater China
market.Due to continued expansion in this area, we are now hiring candidates
at associate and analyst level. A minimum of 1 year of investment banking
expereince is required for these roles. descired skills include solid
financial modelling skills along with r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2719
better than what I had expereinced in London Chinatown a few years back..
i was working in london then, one day I decided to have lunch at won kee, a
famous chinese place in town..
the restaurant was very busy so I had to share table with other people, i
didn;t think it was a problem..
then, a british couple came in and very nicely they ask if they could get
their own table instead of sharing, the waiter staired at them and yelled: "
you want ur own table???!!! you want ur own table???!!! You br... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1697
来自主题: NewYork版 - [合集] 纽约归来感想
ericzhang86 (eric) 于 (Wed Jul 13 01:11:35 2011, 美东) 提到:
本人住在非Atlanta地区的Deep South。去纽约住了9天,感想颇多啊!
大家不要骂我,纽约的生活质量比起deep south来还是低不少的。先说大家能上网看到
的,就是房价。今天刚刚看到一个坑,说纽约附近Jersey City那里一个2br的apt就要
50k-70K,这个钱在deep south各州都能买很大的独栋house了,还不是很差的区。再说
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18319
songgh2008 (-^-^-^-^-^-) 于 (Thu Aug 18 10:57:10 2011, 美东) 提到:
thanks a lot for help!
g... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7272
来自主题: Oregon版 - about renting an apartment
I have seen many such questions , and I did ask a few as well when I first
came here...here are a few thoughts of my expereince (i dont know whether
they are worth to be called tips):
1. start from a location (i.e. your office, kid's school) and google map the
apartments around it so that at least you ll have an idea of the location
2. look at least five or six apartments so that you ll have a clue of price/quality
3. price is always negotiable: most renting agents have the flexibility of
发帖数: 14598
来自主题: SanDiego版 - qualcomm有人跳楼了?
请去相关版面看看其他公司fresh master/fresh phd的offer
发帖数: 357
来自主题: SanDiego版 - Rancho Penasquitos Preschool
Carmel Mountain Preschool 的网上评价好像好坏参半。贴几个说他们不好的,好像主
Horriable Owner and Directors !!
The teachers at CMP are all wonderful, helpful and expereinced in teaching.
The owner ' Pauline "" is VERY rude, EXTREMELY pushy and VERY fake !!
HORRIABLE communication from the 2 directors, Donna and Jeanna P. Both owner
and directors are only concerned with how much money the privetly owned
preschool brings in. They do NOT inforce their rules and guidelines in t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4750
no me lah. but me no sour and just give those 150k base best wishes ah.
10yrs expereince with either master or PHD degree. middle age leh bah
发帖数: 528
send me your resume if you have more than 5 yrs IT expereince.
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