s******a 发帖数: 36 | 1 Well, as a female faculty myself, I have been wondering what truly defines
the feminine feature. From the feminist' perspective, being feminine
represents the social suppression over the female members. The society has
developed an array of expectations and roles and tried hard with different
kinds of institutional arrangements to put women into those roles and
expectations. Such a process is called socialization. The fact that you ask
what is feminine indeed shows that you have some reflection... 阅读全帖 |
J*T 发帖数: 55 | 2 有道理,人靠衣装,一定要保养打扮,内心没办法feminine,至少外表一定要feminine
,也是任何人都否认不了的事实 |
p******n 发帖数: 176 | 3 Look feminine first and dress feminine first! Both my husband and I are
faculty members and we have two kids under the age of 6. I still manage to
put on makeup every morning and dress as elegantly as possible.Time
management is the key... |
m********n 发帖数: 3558 | 4 Don't blame on the faculty job, or the fact that you are a mother and wife
at the same time, for your being "aggressive."
Staying feminine does not interfere with your staying competitive at all.
If that's a problem for you, just learn to be feminine, and don't hold a
prejudice as if it would make you seem weak. I agree that you would actually
be perceived as "strong and good" if you pay attention to looks and get
things done efficiently at the same time.
NND, people actually tell me I can be ... 阅读全帖 |
b******h 发帖数: 2732 | 5 1. I don't think your colleagues called you "aggressive" simply because you
do not dress up or behave like the trophy wives.
2. If they did call you "aggressive" simply because you do not look feminine
, that's their problem, not yours. At workplace it should only matter if you
are professional or not. Not if you are feminine or not. |
f*******e 发帖数: 3433 | 6 我也要工作,要做家务,要带小孩,家里没有house cleaning, 也没有人帮带小孩. 自从
有了小孩,我就没去过电影院,没和LG去过restaurant. 我觉得这样的生活还好啊,就那
么几年,大家都这样过来的,等小孩大了就好了. 我觉得自己还是挺feminine的, 除了没
时间打扮. 也没人说我aggressive. 所以如果不feminine,应该还是自身的原因吧. 而
且是不是你太defensive了,我从来没有堤防senior faculty,怕他们抢我的idea. 也没
遇到哪个senior faculty抢我的idea. 确实有时侯要被senior faculty利用一下,不过
哪个junior faculty没被利用过呢? 做为 female AP, 很多时候是要付出比male AP多
的effort, 在一个几乎全男faculty的系里也很难融进去,不过想开点也就好了. 马航事
件和沉船事件后我想通了不少, 能活着已经不容易了, 平时多想开点, 尽量让自己快乐
rarely |
e***h 发帖数: 2791 | 7 外表2个都FEMININE多去了,性格2个都FEMININE那就没可能。有的也是很快就结束了。 |
c*****e 发帖数: 238 | 8 Any suggestions/comments?
I just listened to Freni/Tebaldi, found Freni to be more feminin, although Tebaldi has a better voice.
After listening to de los Angeles' La Boheme, I was carried away by her Mimi and would like to explore her Butterfly.
From on-line samples, I feel the Testament version to be better compared with the EMI.
Scotto is also pretty sweet from on-line samples.
Maria Callas is not quite feminin, especially after listening to her Tosca.
The legendary seems to go to Licia Alban |
l********s 发帖数: 395 | 11 I do not walk, I dash around at work; I work like a horse, and write papers
and grants so much that I feel like vomitting; The worst thing, is that I
have to defend myself from the "senior faculty" who like to take advantage
of junior faculty to do "chores" for them. So when I defend myself, these
people call me "aggressive". NND, if I were not aggressive, how can I get
where I am today: being a mother, wife of a faculty and a faculty myself?
Sometimes I am really jealous though, of the wives of... 阅读全帖 |
f*******e 发帖数: 802 | 12 俺学生们都非常feminie,所以我就不需要了,她们每天帮我完成赏心悦目的任务。所
feminine |
m********n 发帖数: 3558 | 13 那可能是性格或者是讲话方式的问题
大概看了一下。如果senior colleague或者同事请你帮忙,即使对自己没有直接好处
的事,帮忙也是应该的,至少不可能都拒之门外。It's just part of life: sparing
time for others. 当然 如果是别人偷窃你的idea 之类的,还是要据理力争。
这个跟是不是feminine 好像没关系,跟是不是female 也没关系?你到底是想显得更
女性化,还是想说话做事方式让人觉得更好接受点? |
l********s 发帖数: 395 | 14 I think these people regard feminine female walk slowly, speak softly and
never fight for their rights?
sparing |
m********n 发帖数: 3558 | 15 我怎么觉得好像是你自己在这样想....
他们只有说你aggressive, 没有说你不feminine 吧.
Speak softly 我觉得总体而言是件好事, 不是说轻声,但语气可以和善婉转点,留点
余地。有时候speak softly 是一种很好的fight 方式。 (也许因为你说的soft 别人
觉得不好意思拒绝或者不好再推,那你就赢了呗....) Walk slowly/fast 不是问题,
我觉得你问这个问题的开始就有个assumption , 好像说你aggressive 的同事是对你
。 但你是真的太强悍了有点让人难接受,还是系主任和同事想要你变软弱以便“欺压
看看smarttalk 什么之类的书,有需要拒绝或者要求的东西,下次换种方式表达。 |
v****a 发帖数: 708 | 16 是不是dress feminine我觉得不重要,关键要适合身份和整洁。 |
l*******7 发帖数: 431 | 17 喜欢楼主的这个话题。刚忙完2篇manuscripts, 可以稍微唐一下。
关于 feminine,这个应该不止和着装有关,也和说话的方式有关,当然也和 EQ 有关。
我自己比较喜欢漂亮的衣服, 但是工作的着装比较单调,黑色,深蓝,或者白色,最多
闲仔裤 + 女性化的flats之类的。准备好一两身比较好点的 dress, 万一学校有正式点
的 events 可以穿出去。平时穿运动鞋上下班,但是放双高跟鞋在办公室,开会或者
根据我的观察,说话的方式比较重要,理想的情况应该是温柔而坚定的说 "No"... 阅读全帖 |
m********3 发帖数: 1006 | 18 版上都是女性朋友比较多,
请问一下大家都是用哪些female wash products的?
我看cvs 有卖 Vagisil Feminine wash, 7刀差不多,用了coupon,4块多就买了,感觉
谢谢! |
k**i 发帖数: 10191 | 19 Feminine wash首推SUMMER‘S EVE呀,美国最大众最好用的牌子了~~我一直用这家的女
生洗液~~ 有包子没? :)) |
s********n 发帖数: 4346 | 20 Of course. I am thinking of it when I re-watched some episodes of L word. In
the west, i thin the distinction is small, especially in mature couples (
letting alone young Ts that work in starbucks or art schools).
Many couples are quite feminine. My favorite is Helena, is she a P? Her
personality is so strong. But I guess sexuality wise, she is a bottom? And
the woman she dated are not very T neither. |
s********n 发帖数: 4346 | 21 That depends on definition of Being Feminine. It doesn't mean being "weak". |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 23 Human Events:19和20世纪最有害的10本书
“人事”杂志(Human Events)
美国“人事”杂志(Human Events)邀请了15位保守派学者和公共政策领袖组成一个评
委会,来评比19到20世纪世界“十本最有害的书”(Ten Most Harmful Books)。每个
1,共产党宣言(The Communist Manifesto)
作者:卡尔•马克思(Karl Marx),弗里德里希•恩格斯(Freidrich
助。1848年,二人合著了“共产党宣言”,作为他们所属的“共产国际”(Com... 阅读全帖 |
N******K 发帖数: 10202 | 24 江平似乎啥事还没有 那个受害者一分钱都没拿到
12/4/09 at 12:04 PM 36Comments
Amazing SAC Capital Cross-dressing and Sexual-Harassment Suit Resurfaces (
By Jessica Pressler
Andrew Tong.
There are dark and disturbing things lurking in the waters at SAC Capital
Advisors in Stamford, Connecticut, and we're not talking about its
billionaire founder's shark in formaldehyde. Recently, the spotlight was
shone on the notoriously secretive hedge fund when a former employee became
a cooperating witness in the Galleo... 阅读全帖 |
P**********l 发帖数: 310 | 25 应个景:
Advice for a Young Investigator
Santiago Ramon y Cajal.
Although many would disagree, we believe that the man of science should be
married and should face the pressures and responsibilities of family life
He will not emulate the selashness of Epicurus, who did not marry in an
attempt to avoid cares and woes, nor the exaggerated reanement of Napoleon,
whose only use for a woman was a nurse in old age.3 For the man of science,
the aid of a wife is just as necessary in youth as i... 阅读全帖 |
D*****a 发帖数: 810 | 26 Offer: Buy (3) select feminine care items (包括 Playtex Sport pads, tampons
or combo packs), get $5 Target gift card (exp 9/12)
Buy (6) Playtex Sport Pads 36ct or Tampons 32ct or Combo Packs 48 ct - $6.99
total = $41.94
Use (3) B1G1 FREE Playtex Sport Tampons, Pads 36 ct, or Combo Packs 32 or 48
ct printable
And use 15% Off Playtex Feminine Care Tampons/Pads/Liners Target Cartwheel
Pay $16.78, get (2) $5 Gift Card
Final price: $1.12 each
Buy (4) Playtex Sport Pads 36ct or Tampons 32ct or Combo Pa... 阅读全帖 |
L**********s 发帖数: 12988 | 27 这个好玩,欢迎对号入座哈。
By Sarah Durham Wilson. 原文链接: http://www.rebellesociety.com/2014/01/17/13-signs-youre-a-witch/
People often ask me, “How do you know you’re a witch?” Most often, the
question beneath the question is, “Am I a witch? Am I magic?” Often, they
ask a little nervously because of the shadow that shames the word.
We owe that shadow to the Patriarchy — the masculine societal rule that has
pervaded the planet for over five thousand years. This is important — not
male, not gender, but a perve... 阅读全帖 |
e****i 发帖数: 2152 | 28 From: The Dark Side of Christian History
by Helen Ellerbe
Chapter Eight: 1450 - 1750 C.E.
The Reformation did not convert the people of Europe to orthodox
Christianity through preaching and catechisms alone. It was the 300 year
period of witch-hunting from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century, what R
.H. Robbins called "the shocking nightmare, the foulest crime and deepest
shame of western civilization." The Church created the elaborate concept of
devil worship and then, used the persecution ... 阅读全帖 |
Z*C 发帖数: 20 | 29 多年以前在IMDB上面看到的一段儿,心想这英文表述得比中文牛逼。
The thing about Maggie Cheung is that she has an X-factor called femininity
that does not exist in girls and women anymore. American girls are all into
getting breasts implants so they look hotter or sexier and European models
try to lose all the weight so they become sexy like Kate Moss. What Maggie
Cheung has is the X-factor that cannot be defined. The Yin energy, the
divine part of God that is female. She oozes that X-factor and sensuality.
She doesn't have to... 阅读全帖 |
r*******r 发帖数: 2565 | 30 From an elementary school:
I am writing to introduce you to a formal prefix that we are adding and
welcoming to our community language: Mx. (pronounced mix). Typically, we
have been using three gender prefixes when referring to adults: Mr., Mrs.,
and Ms. These prefixes limit the gender expression of individuals by forcing
them to choose between masculine-only or feminine-only descriptors.
The prefix Mx. (pronounced mix) allows adults to be called by a formal title
without having to select a masc... 阅读全帖 |
O**********0 发帖数: 61 | 31 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
windking (Mr Doctor) 于 (Tue Nov 1 14:52:10 2011, 美东) 提到:
壹 引言─神的福音 一1~17
一 在经上所应许的 1~2
1:1 1基督2耶稣的3奴仆4保罗,5蒙召的6使徒,被7分别出来8归于神9福音的;
1:2 1这福音是神2从前借着祂的众申言者,在3圣经上所应许的,
二 论到基督 3~4
1:3 论到1祂的儿子,我们的主耶稣基督:按2肉体说,是3从4大卫后裔5生的,
1:4 按1圣别的2灵说,是3从死人的复活,4以5大能6标出为神的7儿子;
1.1:基督,等于希伯来文的弥赛亚,意受膏者。(... 阅读全帖 |
S******s 发帖数: 914 | 32 印度女人外F少原因是多方面的,自卑只是其中很小一部份原因。印度女人也有外F,
比自己强壮的女人还是比自己柔弱的女人xoxo就一目了然了。... 阅读全帖 |
y***u 发帖数: 7039 | 33 美国保守派憎恨10本书
美国“人事 ”杂志(Human Events)邀请了15位保守派学者和公共政策领袖组成一个
评委会,来评比19到20世纪对世界“最有害的10本书”(Ten Most Harmful Books)。
1,《共產黨宣言》(The Communist Manifesto)
Communist League)的行动纲领。共產黨宣言把人类历史看作剥削人的有产者和受剥削
的工人之间的阶级斗争,号召公认起来革命,从而... 阅读全帖 |
f********4 发帖数: 2883 | 34 特别有关的段落:
Origins of the feminization of Asians
The stigma of Asians’ femininity began with the first wave of Chinese
immigrants to America in the late 19th century, says Ji-Yeon Yuh, an Asian-
American history professor at Northwestern University. Few of the immigrants
were women. As Asian men went in great numbers to seek white wives, white
American men saw the invasion as a peril and started branding the Asian
bachelors as asexual and homosexual.
In 1850, the Chinese community of San Francisc... 阅读全帖 |
T****i 发帖数: 15191 | 35 很多国女化妆一下和白女差别不大,再加上比大部分白女更feminine,看起来更
而国男不能靠化妆,又比较feminine,所以就不好办了。 |
n*****c 发帖数: 90 | 36 看看这个老外吐槽他的中国前妻:
My Chinese Wife Set a Trap!
March 6, 2010
"Chinese women were so approachable and didn't appear to hate men. [They are
shockingly] sweet and feminine."
(Wholesome Refuge in China--Another View)
Chinese women are only so because, in the initial stage... 阅读全帖 |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 37 Glenn Collins, MAo and Kahlo: A Marriage Made for Vegas; For his new
restaurant, the Spanish chef Jose Andres pairs China with Mexico. Wontons
and Guacamole, anyone? New York Times, Oct. 13, 2010 (title in the print).
(1) bedlam (n; Bedlam, popular name for the Hospital of St. Mary of
Bethlehem, London, an insane asylum, from Middle English Bedlem Bethlehem):
"a place, scene, or state of uproar and c... 阅读全帖 |
x*****i 发帖数: 1329 | 39 2018年1月10日
Translated by John C.H. Wu 吴经熊
The Spirit of the Fountain dies not.
It is called the Mysterious Feminine.
The Doorway of the Mysterious Feminine
Is called the Root of Heaven-and-Earth.
Lingering like gossamer, it has only a hint of existence;
And yet when you draw upon it, it is inexhaustible. |
m*********s 发帖数: 2268 | 40 点cvs.com/coupons,在personal care里找$3 off any poise feminine wellness,是
cvs的胖子。有one per customer字样,所以只能一单买一个,买2个话cvs胖系统扫不
买7.3 oz Feminine Wash 或 20-24 ct Towelettes are on sale for $3.99 through
$3 CVS q
$3 mfc (1/13ss或2/10ss)
[更新]有同学怕被小二打出来,嘻嘻~~ 理论上cvs是不给coupon overage的,但是有列
外的情况。比如说一般的一个东西可以用一个cvs胖+一个Mfc, 只要这两个胖子单价都
系统扫得... 阅读全帖 |
j*****g 发帖数: 7513 | 41 Poise Feminine Wellness Product: Roll-On Cooling Gel, Body Cooling
Towelettes, Personal Lubricant, Panty Fresheners or Feminine Wash, any - 02-
10-13 SS |
s****h 发帖数: 1673 | 42 今天买东西用电话redeem了点数,
回家后发现被人卖了两瓶Feminine Wash和两瓶Feminine Deodorant,共$9.46.
应该是小二自己干的(小二写下了我的电话) |
h*****7 发帖数: 6781 | 43 That is true.
But sample size is too small to predict the phycological disorder of other
female-ID, semi-female ID, bi-sexual ID, or feminine-looking bi-sexual ID in
the stock board, at present or in the future, not to mention the
confounding factors we cannot overlook - there are female-ID, semi-female ID
, bi-sexual ID, or feminine-looking bi-sexual ID on this board who do not
post, and there are female users using a male ID. |
c*******y 发帖数: 38 | 44 一直以为美国女孩都穿的很性感的样子很好,老公也喜欢自己打扮的漂亮些。结果招来
If a woman dresses sexy at work, her male colleague’s reaction may be, “
She is acting seductive to me,”
followed by, “Which woman is she?” Also, if a woman acts feminine, her
colleagues accuse her of playing the
sex manipulation game. On the other hand, if a woman keeps to herself, she
is too reclusive and sexually
unassertive. There is no winning card that the businesswoman can play.
Women who are unaware of th... 阅读全帖 |