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发帖数: 1
今年2月,三星发布旗下首款折叠屏手机Galaxy Fold,并宣称这款产品将于4月26日率
Koh)近期对媒体坦言,自己在Galaxy Fold“还没准备好的时候”就将它推出,“这是
上述媒体7月1日报道称,Galaxy Fold本应是三星一个全新的开始,这款手机的发明者
上月底,三星方面在韩国首尔与几家媒体举行了一场会议,解释了有关Galaxy Fold的
报道指出,三星在去年11月就对外放出了Galaxy Fold的预告,但自那以后,华为、小
米都亮出了自家的折叠屏手机。近期,华为还取代... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3932
TheBigSlick (Ivan) 于 (Mon Nov 21 14:00:50 2011, 美东) 提到:
I don't have many interesting hands to share these days. I am playing boring
poker with either small gains and small loss.
But there was one hand I played serveral weeks ago that I think may be worth
I was playing NL2/5 table, villain was a young asian in mid 20s. He sits
down with maybe $300 chips, run up to $500ish when this hand happend. I was
sitting maybe $600 chips and had him c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨天我还fold 了一把AKs preflop
我一直说AKs preflop 不能fold, 这把也算是破例了,讲讲我fold 的原因。
这把的主角是个老黑, 先讲讲前面几手牌。
几个limper, 他也limp mp. 我在button KJo. easy raise 15$. 左面的tight fish
(the QQ guy), pop 60$ with 60$ left, fold 了几个,我是没法call的, 准备fold, 结果
action 到老黑停住了,tank 了半天,最后fold 了AK. 我也fold, tight fish show
牌2,ep 唯一的super fish on the table raise 15, 3 caller, 包括老黑, 我button,
一看AA, raise 60$, super fish 磨磨唧唧, call, super fish 筹码不少,有300, 老
黑又tank了至少一分钟,他有大概两百. call. flop 822, two toned board. 都check
到我,我想了想打多少能既有value from flush draw, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Is it a snap fold on the river?
I do consider fold the river.
What are you guy's reason for folding the river?
File: HH20131101 Hydra #11 - $0.10-$0.25 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
PokerStars Zoom Hand #106378382241: Hold'em No Limit ($0.10/$0.25) - 2013/
11/01 22:40:17 ET
Table 'Hydra' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: aecdragon ($49.88 in chips)
Seat 2: TTLDOP ($12.25 in chips)
Seat 3: NrgSobol ($29.09 in chips)
Seat 4: donludu88 ($9.58 in chips)
Seat 5: Aightor ($37.48 in chips)
Seat 6: AUS_Croupier ($36.72 in chips)
TTLDO... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Should i just fold to 3 betting here?
Both players has over 5.0 3 betting range but tight 4 betting range. It is
a clear fold after 5 betting against both reraiser shoved, but should save
100$+ by folding to 4 betting? second time to laydown KK in rush. Last time
I laid down to QQ coz both us are 200+BB deep, i saw his card coz there
were a short stack all in.
**** Hand History for Game 29648489297 ***** (Full Tilt)
$400.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, April 05, 10:14:31 ET 2011
Table Electro (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - which street should I fold?
File: HH20131108 Hydra #16 - $0.10-$0.25 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
PokerStars Zoom Hand #106729015605: Hold'em No Limit ($0.10/$0.25) - 2013/
11/08 22:07:39 ET
Table 'Hydra' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: serg1244 ($18.63 in chips)
Seat 2: wuyeyoulan ($23.35 in chips)
Seat 3: Chiro Scott ($9.78 in chips)
Seat 4: salama 21 ($55.82 in chips)
Seat 5: socrat3ss ($52.57 in chips)
Seat 6: aecdragon ($47.98 in chips)
wuyeyoulan: posts small blind $0.10
Chiro Scott: posts big blind $0.25
*** HOLE... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 23691
Scottish folds are susceptible to polycystic kidney disease (PKD),[5] and
Osteochondrodysplasia is believed to be caused by or linked to the dominant
(folded-ear) gene. If both parents have folded ears, their kittens will be
extremely likely (1 in 4 chance, virtually guaranteeing at least one per
litter) to be affected by malformed bone structures and develop severe
painful degenerative joint diseases. This condition can also affect Scottish
Folds with one copy of the ge... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1169
Phil Galfond just witnessed the unthinkable.
“I’ve never seen a fold like that, absolutely not,” the cash game pro
At around 5 p.m. local time during the fourth blind level, Galfond was
present to see his table mate in the $1 million buy-in WSOP event, Russian
semi-pro Mikhail Smirnov, fold quads on the river to an all-in bet.
According to Smirnov, the action started with Tom Dwan opening to 32,000.
Smirnov called from the sma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1130
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - would you fold AA?
200NL 6max
SB ~$250, had some history with hero, seems decent so far, not too crazy not
too weak either
UTG ~$230, Hero AsAc
BTN ~$200, new to the table
Hero opens to $7
BTN calls
SB calls
Flop JsTd4h
SB check
Hero cbet $15
BTN fold
SB raise to $34
Would you fold AA to a check raise like this?
Hero decided to call
Turn 2d
SB bet 65
would you fold now?
Hero decided to call
River Kc
SB all in
would you fold now?
I was really thinking that I should fold. One possible hand that I beat is
A... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Will you fold this hand?
The pot is not much but I decided not to pay to see his cards...I'm not sure
if I played well throughout this hand.
Full Tilt Poker $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1092103
The DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter
CO: $75.93
Hero (BTN): $59.69
SB: $52.55
BB: $14.25
UTG: $25.92
UTG+1: $104.42
UTG+2: $28.47
MP1: $25.98
MP2: $8.47
Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is BTN with Qh Jd
2 folds, UTG+2 calls $0.25, 3 folds, Hero calls $0.25, SB calls $0.15, BB
checks... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 490
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Folded KK preflop as well
MP1 ($72.20)
MP2 ($147.75)
MP3 ($100)
CO ($117.20)
Button ($41.40)
Hero (SB) ($248.20)
BB ($104.30)
UTG ($86.30)
UTG+1 ($49)
Preflop: Hero is SB with [Kc Kh],
3 folds, MP2 bets $3.50, 3 folds, Hero raises to $12, 1 fold, MP2 raises to
$30, 1 fold
Total pot: $25 | Rake: $0
MP2 is tangokailua. Anyone has read on this guy. Is this an okay fold.
It's kinda deep and tangokailua seems nitty to me.
发帖数: 1169
$1 Million? that normally is the prize for the champion of poker tournament,
and a big one.
but here, it is just a BUY-IN.
and... in this game, what if you got quads??
Russian businessman Mikhail Smirnov folded four eights, believing he was
beaten by a straight flush, as the first $1 million buy-in charity
tournament at the World Series of Poker began.
Poker professional Bryan Rast leads 37 players remaining in the tournament,
calle... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 611
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Should fold this one (cont)
2/5 NL. MP raised to 15 PF. 5 way pot. Flop AAcJc. UTG quick led out 40.
Fold to LP, who raised to 140. UTG tank and talk, then announced all in. LP
tank a while, showed A and asked UTG if he will show him the hand if he
fold. UTG said nothing. LP said to himself I think you got me, But how can I
fold this hand. UTG now started to talk, he said he will show to him. LP
fold A8o in the end.
UTG has stack of 350, LP has UTG covered. UTG's image is LAG. Should LP
fold? Why UTG push all in?
★ 发自iPh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3281
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - would you fold AA?
600NL 6max
SB $983, so so semi reg
BB $468, bad rec player
UTG $786 (Hero), with AA
UTG+1 $600, average semi reg
CO $703, bad rec player
BTN $291, short stack reg
Hero opens to $18
UTG+1 calls
CO folds
BTN calls
SB calls
BB calls
Flop 399 rainbow
SB check
BB check
Hero bet half pot $45
UTG+1 folds
BTN folds
SB calls $45
BB folds
Turn 7
SB bet $90
Hero calls
River K (no flush)
SB check
Hero bet 3/4 pot $270
SB All In with $830
Hero snap fold with $363 behind.
发帖数: 1130
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - would you fold KK?
再问一个问题, 100BB stack, 如果没有flush或者straight的牌面,你们有可能fold
over pairs QQ, KK, and AA 么?
我最近输了好几个AA,KK的大pot给sets, trips, and two pairs, 其实好几次我当时都
觉得输了但还是没有fold,就是一直有这个概念不应该fold over pair with 100BB
那么如果100BB stack不会fold, 多deep你们有可能fold呢? 150BB? 200BB?
发帖数: 1130
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - would you fold KK?
再问一个问题, 100BB stack, 如果没有flush或者straight的牌面,你们有可能fold
over pairs QQ, KK, and AA 么?
我最近输了好几个AA,KK的大pot给sets, trips, and two pairs, 其实好几次我当时都
觉得输了但还是没有fold,就是一直有这个概念不应该fold over pair with 100BB
那么如果100BB stack不会fold, 多deep你们有可能fold呢? 150BB? 200BB?
发帖数: 3102
这 folding mode 在做长篇大论的时候太重要了,可是俺一直没搞定。
1、folding 了之后没有足够的提示信息。比如说,fold 了一个 figure,显示 [f
igure],但俺更希望还显示 \label 或 \caption,比如说 [figure]{fig:FooFigu
2、光标经过 folding 的部分时,比如原来的 figure 部分有 20 行,那么俺得往
下走 20 行才能越过那个 [figure] 的标记。
3、为啥不能 fold section/subsection 之类的没有 \begin \end 圈定的部分?该
咋整?设 outline 么?
各位是如何解决这些问题的?多谢哈 :))
发帖数: 375
来自主题: Science版 - To space about folding
恩,如果我没理解错的话,你研究的就是在aqueous环境下DNA fold成形的物理原因吧。
你还提到你师兄在拉染色体,偶想那你研究DNA folding和protein folding用的物理
现在,我学protein folding,有个问题是蛋白质何以能在水中迅速(一般< 1s)形成
发帖数: 60932
Cardstore.com offers 70% off sitewide today with coupon code CSSAVE702.
Free shipping AND free postage too.
(not as good as 80% off offer on 10/29/11, but still a decent discount; I *
believe* their free postage today covers postage costs up to a total of $5
as it did on 10/29...)
Prices for different categories...70% discounts shown in RED; (also showing
the previous 80% discount in GRAY that was offered on 10/29 as comparison)
5 x 7 folded cards - $... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10218
I had a dahon before for casual pavement riding. It was nice to be able to
carry it around, but the riding quality was bad. It had a short flat no
sweep handlebar, frame was one size fit all, small wheels, everything is
optimized for folding, not riding. The folding hinge was solid, though, and
it was very easy to fold and unfold.
If you really need a mountain bike version, check Bike Friday. People seem
to like what they offer. And they fold smaller than the paratrooper.
It is fairly easy to fi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3398
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - fold 太重要了
这段时间打rush poker的感受。 现在基本在river,对手pot size bet, 我如果只是
top pair,多半会fold, 除非前面对手有明显bet draw的举动, 而river没有成形,
另外AA/KK/QQ的大牌, 一定也要慎重, 如果preflop raise了, 自己的range就很明
显, flop后对手如果有了two pairs or set, 就可以肆无忌惮的raise你, 这时候最
好fold。 我前期几把AA preflop raise到10bb, 被人用33/88等小牌call过,然后他们
flop set,我flop pot size bet被他们check raise, 由于不能fold, 输的很惨。
AK是一手很trick的牌, 我现在基本都只是正常的bet 3bb, 如果被人raise, fold/
call各占50%, 看当时位置和对手风格。 Rush poker里面, 大多数人比平时tight,
preflop的raise多数是有强牌, KK/AA的可能非常大, 如果对手是AK, call了基本也
是tie, 无利
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - call shove or fold?
I am dealth KhKc at CO.
LP limp in 25c,
I raise to 1.25$, everyoen folds, LP call.
we both have around 30$ 120b.
flop 6d5d4c,
LP Lead pot 3$, I raise to 6$, LP shoves.
I fold..
Ok fold?
Is it better just to call flop and plan to fold turn? He could have a
monster draw or 2 pair, straight, set type of hand, even though it is
screeming to me that it is a set. But a scary card comes, it might just
slow him down that I can see a show down or steal a pot?
发帖数: 7793
我昨天fold 了一把set.. 从没turn 就fold 过set on a dry board..
utg vpip is 8/6, flop aggression is 10%, turn aggression is 1%. river is
0%.. typical nits? winning at showdown 100%(only 6 hand).. over all
smallish sample size with couple hundred hands.
MP1: $100.90
MP2: $100.40
CO: $109.30
BTN(Hero ): $100.85
SB: $100.55
BB: $70.35
UTG: $100.25
UTG+1: $100.95
Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BTN with 8 8
UTG raises to $3.50, 2 folds, Hero calls $3.50, 4 folds
Flop: ($8.50) Q 8 2 (2 players)
UTG bet 5.
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - call or fold?
hand 1
hero (kdkh) SB raise to 3.5bb,BB call, all fold
flop TsQh8h, bet 5bb, BB called
turn 5h, hero bet 8bb, BB called
river Jc, hero check, BB bet 20bb
fold or call here?
hand 2
hero utg with AhKs, raise to 3.5bb, fold to BB,BB called
flop 5d8d3c, hero bet 4bb, BB called
turn 6h, check, check
river 4s, BB lead with 15.5bb bet (pot size)
fold or call here?
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手牌fold的对么?
这牌你fold了, 这叫我这牌怎样打~~~ hehe.. Easy shove for you facing action from a utg raiser. he probably has a over pair and put you on flush draw or something~~~~
Full Tilt Poker $100.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players -
CO: $100.00
BTN: $171.85
SB: $117.40
Hero (BB): $101.50
UTG: $100.00
UTG+1: $301.90
UTG+2: $135.10
MP1: $120.90
MP2: $116.00
Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with 8h Jh
4 folds, MP2 raises to $3.50, CO calls $3.50, 2 folds, Hero raises to $14,
MP2 calls $10.50, 1 fold
Flop... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
Based on his opponents comments, obviously it was a wrong fold.
Most likely the guy had JJs full or 77s full. If the guy really had straight
flush and saw the Russian guy fold Quads, during interview, he probably
will say sth like "I am not gonna tell anyone what I had, but it was an
unbeliable laydown", sth like that, give some Kudos to his opponents for
making such fold.
Now what he said was "the reason I am not going to reveal it is totally out
of respect for my opponent." To me, it is anothe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 611
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - S神Never fold 63,那我这个73o?
AK兄, 我承认73o in the pot PF 是有待商量。 正如我回复MM的帖子里提到,当时的
game 很soft。 想偷鸡一把。
不过after flop,算很好的flop了,鉴于当时的game flow,我是轻易不会fold掉73的
。 AK兄贴过类似的帖子,还记得AK兄2/5的一把牌,A7s folded after flop with
combo draw。 呵呵,我是不会fold的。

发帖数: 975
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - would you fold AA?
我其实不喜欢3bet fold。
如果你什么都没有的话3bet挺好,AA fold掉可惜了
我的话flop 肯定call 这个没有任何fold的可能,turn和flop一样,肯定还是call。
我昨天有一手有一点点像的牌,我SB open AcTc,bb call。flop Ts7s2h,我cbet 他
raise我call。turn 8h,我check他pot我call。river7c,我check他shove,我想了半
发帖数: 1130
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - would you fold AA?
200NL 6max
Nobody seems to be a fish on the table.
BB: > $700, a passive player
UTG: ~ $250
MP: ~ $300, LAG, but not as crazy as I am. I have 3bet him frequently
BTN: > $1100 Hero AcAs
UTG limp
MP opens to $9
BTN Hero 3bet to $30
BB call
MP call
I was expecting MP to call me. BB's call is a surprise. We have played
three hours and he never cold call my 3bet before. My guess is that he has
something like JJ, too good to fold but not strong enough to 4bet with a
deep stack
Flop Td5h2c
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 94
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - would you fold KK?
考虑到BB是一个aggressive选手,那么在flop 他可能有什么呢?
3 air
楼主最后pay off,首先楼主有很强的牌,(我觉得楼主不怕2对,怕的是set。事实上
set几乎无法防守,楼主call flop的raise基本上已经启动all in模式,除非红心来了
,A来了也不一定能fold。唯一有可能让楼主少输点钱的方法就是 flop 3bet回去看他
是什么反映。如果他snap all in,那么我觉得这个时候你会有机会fold 不然就是全进
your strength的时候 LAG会 rethink你的牌力。我想如果你在flop 3bet他回去,他可
能会觉得他的nut flush draw不一定good,可能会fold或者就call你,如果他all in,
发帖数: 94
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - would you fold KK?
考虑到BB是一个aggressive选手,那么在flop 他可能有什么呢?
3 air
楼主最后pay off,首先楼主有很强的牌,(我觉得楼主不怕2对,怕的是set。事实上
set几乎无法防守,楼主call flop的raise基本上已经启动all in模式,除非红心来了
,A来了也不一定能fold。唯一有可能让楼主少输点钱的方法就是 flop 3bet回去看他
是什么反映。如果他snap all in,那么我觉得这个时候你会有机会fold 不然就是全进
your strength的时候 LAG会 rethink你的牌力。我想如果你在flop 3bet他回去,他可
能会觉得他的nut flush draw不一定good,可能会fold或者就call你,如果他all in,
发帖数: 230
来自主题: Automobile版 - audi q7 , auto folding mirror
Anybody know how to auto folding mirror when I locked the car with my remote
.There is a knob to fold the mirror on the drive side door arm inside the
car. But I cannot find a way to fold the mirror when I step out. Anybody
know how to do this?
发帖数: 95
出售全新婴儿车座和手推车Graco FastAction Fold Classic Connect Travel System
Features: Front Swivel Wheels, Built-in Organizer Tray for Parent, Extra
Large Baskets, Removable Tray, Folds Up for Easy Transport, 1 Built-in Cup
Holder for Baby, Reclining Seat, 2 Built-In Cup Holders for Parent, Safety
Harness, Locking Wheels
发帖数: 114
Thank you so much for sharing and advice!
What I like to do is to store the bike in the car most of the time, without
having to fold the back seat.
And I prefer bigger wheel(26").
I browsed Dahon as well, seems to me their folding mechanism is different
from that of Montague, the frame is like two piece folding in the middle(
correct me if I'm wrong), it seems less sturdy and durable than Montague.
I guess I have to actually see and try them myself before I can give it a go
or a no.
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - FOLD aa SO QUICK!
Full Tilt Poker Game #8865771830: Table Osbiston (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit
Hold'em - 3:14:10 ET - 2008/11/08
Seat 1: yanjiegou2007 ($181.35)
Seat 3: BorntolovePorn ($546.65)
Seat 4: a_miracle1 ($263)
Seat 5: BigNibbs ($213.05)
Seat 6: ThePwninator ($207.25)
yanjiegou2007 posts the small blind of $1
BorntolovePorn posts the big blind of $2
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to yanjiegou2007 [Ac As]
DaMouse17 adds $200
a_miracle1 folds
BigNibbs folds
ThePwninator folds
发帖数: 3398
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天早上fold了 KK
UTG limped in, UTG+1 raised to 6bb, button called 6BB, I was big blinds with
KK, re-raised to 20BB, UTG folded, UTG+1 170 BB all in, button folded. My
stack covered UTG+1 and folded my KK after thinking for 5 seconds.
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Is this a fold?
me sb with AA , everyone folds, I raise to 3BB, BB calls
flop 8sTs7h, I bet 4bb, BB raises to 18BB
shall I fold or raise to 50BB? If I do raise, I think I am committed, and
will play whole stack, we both have 100BB
I think he could have set, flopped straight, flopped 2 pairs , but also
could have somthing like pocket 9 (with 9s) or 97,67s, JT,
is folding a better option?
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AA with deep stack, call or fold
fold to 4 bet % and fold to cold 4 bet % are two completely different stats.
so use it with caution. I think villian's hand should have a fairly strong
range giving the size of your 4 bet.

发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AA with deep stack, call or fold
u can safely let this hand go. just think what u can beat at this spot? AK
, QQ will bet river at this spot? and raised you at the turn ?
you will be happy to fold at any stake under nl 100. players at this level
are extremely unlikely to make a big river bluff. don't. over estimate your
Another thing puzzle me is why u bet on the turn oop? u want to pot control
but you want make the pot bigger. you bet setup the raise and the river big
bet, in the end you cant make the call becau... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I am not good enough to fold this.
I even asked him in chat Quad 9s? Only 1 combo~~~
Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
The DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter
MP2: $173.25
CO: $150.65
BTN: $180.70
SB: $130.10
Hero (BB): $288.10
UTG: $90.40
UTG+1: $100.00
UTG+2: $158.75
MP1: $65.65
Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with Jh Th
UTG raises to $3, 5 folds, BTN calls $3, 1 fold, Hero calls $2
Flop: ($9.50) Ah 9s Qh (3 players)
Hero checks, UTG checks, BTN bets $1, Hero raises to $11, UTG folds, BTN
rai... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I am not good enough to fold this.
why do I always run into quad?
Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
The DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter
MP2: $41.20
CO: $135.80
BTN: $133.70
SB: $92.75
BB: $101.50
UTG: $40.00
UTG+1: $124.45
UTG+2: $257.40
Hero (MP1): $168.05
Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is MP1 with Ks As
3 folds, Hero raises to $3, 2 folds, BTN calls $3, 1 fold, BB calls $2
Flop: ($9.50) 2c 7s Ad (3 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $6, BTN calls $6, BB calls $6
Turn: ($27.50) 7d (3 playe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Thank you goes for folding
Thank you donk for shoving. well played.
Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players -
UTG+1: $300.60
UTG+2: $79.10
MP1: $86.60
MP2: $117.65
CO: $319.55
Hero (BTN): $191.90
SB: $49.15
BB: $243.50
UTG: $251.85
Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BTN with 5d 5h
UTG calls $1, 5 folds, Hero calls $1, 1 fold, BB checks
Flop: ($3.50) 8h 5s Ks (3 players)
BB bets $2, UTG calls $2, Hero raises to $10, BB folds, UTG calls $8
Turn: ($25.50) 7h (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets $19, UTG... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A sick fold on the flop
I do not think that it is a stanford fold since we raised pre and we do have
I made the decision mainly based on risk/reward concern. I think that is
the area where my cash game improves somewhat after playing so many hands
When we make a decision, I think we should not only make it based on
range/equality and read, we should also think about risk/reward factor,
which could give us huge long term edge. We are dealing with incomplete
information when making a poker decis... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 52
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A sick fold on the flop
I'm lost why you're kind of lost here:-) j/k....
excuse my wording here of using "standard" if that's the reason why you got
I'm not getting into the discussion of folding equity here, we know that for
a fact hero has folded here with hindsight vision...
now playing vietnamese girls hand, a call is like playing her hand face up,
I don't know what happened on later street, how much money did she get paid
off. a check raise would be my "standard" play right there,you want the
others who... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Call or fold?
2-3 NL. Hero (650$): SLAG, Limp UTG with QcJc. 6 players to see the flop.
Villain at LP (350$) also limps. His image is kind of loose passive. Calls a
lot and folds to aggression. Never see him bluffs so far.
Flop Qd 9h 4s. Check to me. I bet 18. Villain and BTN call. All others fold.
Turn is a 6s. I bet 45$. Villain calls again without much hesitation. BTN
shakes his head and folds. River is a 7c. I check. Villain now looks at me
for about 10-15 seconds, and then he bets out 135$. What would yo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 331
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Folding top boat? ZT
I think this is the hand hero played it wrong, but perfectly saved him some
money, I don't think someone can fold set with A kicker after flop, or fold
the royal flush draw at the turn, in fact, I think hero is right to check on
the river, but he should raise over pot size over villain's bet. I won't
make the bet at the turn if I have AQd, I would probably fold at the turn if
facing a very high raise, but very unlikely. All the time I played live
poker, I have never even seen a straight flush, i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1130
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - never fold 63
Flop, 我觉得他不太可能是A6或者77之类的牌,应该是1)强对; 2)强draw; 3)bluff. 如
果我raise back shove,他bluff的牌肯定都fold了,如果是强对他会call的,我是大大的
-EV的,如果是强draw,他应该也还是call的,应该是coin flip吧. 所以我觉得shove既不
是value 也不是bluff. 如果只是call,即使对上强对,我也有9个outs,肯定是不会错的.
不好的地方是给了bluff或者draw的情况一张free card,而且我是out of position.
Turn, 我也考虑了一下要不要check shove, 强对会call, bluff会fold, 对方如果是
combo draw,他应该还是会call,turn shove比flop shove更有value. 我最后决定还是
call是因为我也是represent a polarized range, either having a strong draw or
a strong made hand. 如果对... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - S神Never fold 63,那我这个73o?
Excuse me, but 73o rarely hit any hand. It is rag. It is worse than small
suite connector because it has so few way to make a better hand.
On 698 3 board multi-way, there are so many hands dominating your hand, your
best hope is to hit your one card straight and even that will be a chop a
lot of the time. Most likely your hand is as good as dead. Fold, fold, fold
as if it is garbage, never mind actually it is garbage.
It is easy to play loose, it is hard to win money while playing loose.
Playing... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1130
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - would you fold AA?
我们两的思路比较象,我也觉得3bet/fold AA on flop太可惜了. 所以我只是call, 即
使对方two pairs,我也还有好几个outs.
即使对方bet all in,其实也只是个1/2 pot bet而已,那还call么? 如果river K要fold
,那么Q是不是也应该fold, 还有如果是9,T,J呢?
发帖数: 1130
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - would you fold QQ?
1. 我也觉得不可能会fold QQ on flop, 除了是deep stack, 这就和另外那个AA贴里的
情况相似了. 假如call了flop, turn and river no flush no A no K, villain bets
2/3 pot each street, would you call him down? How about connecting cards
that could make a straight? For deep stack, would you consider reraise/fold
on flop with QQ in this case?
2. 我turn只bet 1/2 pot有两个原因. 一个是villain之前给我的印象是比较
aggressive,我bet 少一点,希望他能够check raise我. 第二个是我希望他如果是TP之
类的,他会call turn and one more time on blank river.
3. River我bet少是考虑到pot and stack size, 我是准备bet/f... 阅读全帖
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