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发帖数: 15479
来自主题: Missouri版 - Outer banks 4x4 之旅 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Auto_Fans 俱乐部 】
发信人: mgy (马啃菠萝), 信区: Auto_Fans
标 题: Outer banks 4x4 之旅 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 31 17:44:50 2013, 美东)
【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
发信人: mgy (马啃菠萝), 信区: Automobile
标 题: Outer banks 4x4 之旅
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 31 17:39:39 2013, 美东)
这星期在Outer banks 度假,钓鱼(刚学)游泳抓螃蟹放风筝,还去了颇具盛名的4x4
beach, 估计版上去过的不多,分享一下。
"Just south of the Virginia border, this fourteen-mile stretch of beach is
collectively known as, "The 4x4 Beaches." There are no paved roads, no shops
and no res... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10208
Over the summer, we were alarmed to learn that the United States Department
of Agriculture (USDA) will allow four Chinese facilities to process poultry
raised and slaughtered in the United States, Canada, or Chile, then export
the cooked poultry products back into the United States for human
China has an unusually troubling record when it comes to food safety.
Specific instances include: dangerously high levels of mercury found in
Chinese baby formula; more than 16,000 diseased pig ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10208
来自主题: Missouri版 - zz Taylor Swift
Taylor Alison Swift (born December 13, 1989) is an American singer-
songwriter. Raised in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, Swift moved to Nashville,
Tennessee at the age of fourteen to pursue a career in country music. She
signed with the independent label Big Machine Records and became the
youngest songwriter ever hired by the Sony/ATV Music publishing house. The
release of Swift's eponymous debut album in 2006 established her as a
country music star. "Our Song", her third single, made her the younges... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1483
This guy is great! 有人在NJ试过吗?
【 以下文字转载自 Working 讨论区 】
发信人: zucchini (浪迹天涯), 信区: Working
标 题: Re: 我的h1b transfer 都三个月了,还在initial review
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 1 12:02:53 2010, 美东)
No, but~~~~~~~
I wrote a letter and got reply !
from DMV
You have been granted a 240 day extension. You may go to any DL office to
apply for your Driver License renewal. Bring your immigration documents for
identification purposes. If there are any problems, feel free to call.
Thank you
Dear Sir or Madam,
I a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 176
已经签了合同, 下了10%订金。 今天做了inspection, 这房是CONDO,中央空调, 所
以有一个室内的compressor负责往房间里吹风。 但是今天发现compressor声音特别特
别大, 就像一台洗衣机在转, inspector也很surprise, 觉得不应该这样。 他说他会
要求他们修理, 或者找专业人士评估。 我现在真是好害怕, 不知道如果最终他们拒
绝修或者修不好的话, 我还能不能退出, 那10%的订金可是不少钱啊, 唉。。。我的
合同里面有下面一条, 不知道适不适用, 不知道着噪音算不算deficiency.
还有就是我发现那订金现在还没被CASH, 我问我的律师我可不可以趁机CANCEL这个
check先, 他说他也不知道。
Purchaser shall have fourteen (14) days from conclusion of attorney review
to obtain an inspection of the subject premised by a home inspection service
. Should said in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7397
The race question was raised explicitly in Cliffs and Englewood. Former
Cliffs Board trustee Wendy Gottlieb admitted, "There’s absolutely no
question. The Englewood Cliffs community doesn’t send their kids to [DMHS]
because it’s an 80-percent black high school."77 She later stated that "
Tenafly is very similar to Englewood Cliffs, educationally, socially, and
racially, and the bottom line is that we don’t want our kids at [DMHS]."78
One white Cliffs parent test... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: fishingarden (Edward Blum门下老王), 信区: USANews
标 题: Ted Cruz提案让毒枭付钱修墙
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 25 19:39:15 2017, 美东)
“Fourteen billion dollars will go a long way toward building a wall that
will keep Americans safe and hinder the illegal flow of drugs, weapons, and
individuals across our southern border,” said Sen. Cruz. “Ensuring the
safety and security of Texans is one of my top priorities. We must also be
mindful of the impact on the federal budget. By leveraging any... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1447
Officials: 13 dead in NYC tour bus accident
AP – This image provided by ABC-TV shows the World Wide Tours tour bus
after it was sliced by the exit sign …
By JIM FITZGERALD and TOM HAYS, Associated Press – 1 min ago
NEW YORK – Thirteen people died Saturday when a bus returning from a casino
flipped onto its side on a major highway in the Bronx and was sliced in
half by the support pole for a large sign, authorities said.
The driver, who survived, told police he lost control after bein... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 31586
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: vespers (西瓜很好吃), 信区: Joke
标 题: 教皇的恋童癖事物顾问因涉嫌恋童癖被捕 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 27 19:44:48 2011, 美东)
发信人: Wolbachia (爱其死以有待也,惜其生以有为也), 信区: Military
标 题: 教皇的恋童癖事物顾问因涉嫌恋童癖被捕
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 27 19:31:56 2011, 美东)
(GENOA) — The latest sex-abuse case to rock the Catholic Church is
unfolding in the archdiocese of an influential Italian Cardinal who has
been working with Pope Benedict XVI on reforms to respond to prior
scandals of pedophile priests.
Father Riccardo S... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3219
来自主题: NewYork版 - 去Hiking了个熊山北面的小山头
科罗拉多州就这样被你华丽地忽视了?好歹人家有most of the fourteeners。
贝。那个什么大雾山国家公园,号称highest visitation among all the national
发帖数: 224
这个zen garden算是日本最有代表性的一个,最关键的呢,是那15块石头,从任何角
wiki里,有这样几句话,关于龙安寺里这个particular zen garden:
To many, the temple's name is synonymous with the temple's famous karesansui
(dry landscape) rock garden, thought to have been built in the late 1400s.
The garden consists of raked gravel and fifteen moss-covered boulders, which
are placed so that, when looking at the garden from any angle (other than
from above) only fourteen of the boulders are visible at one tim
发帖数: 5637
来自主题: SanDiego版 - 本月半价逛SD博物馆
Leap into Museums this February with a Free Museum Month Pass.
San Diego Museum Month, presented by Macy’s, February 1-29, 2012!
Museum Month is back for the 23rd year in San Diego County. Presented by
Macy’s, this popular event allows participants to enjoy half-off entry fees
at 40 San Diego Museum Council member museums.
Click here to find the Macy’s store nearest you.
Museum Month Passes may be pi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5637
来自主题: SanDiego版 - 博物馆半价的Museum Month又要到了
Explore museums this February with a Free Museum Month Pass.
San Diego Museum Month, presented by Macy's, February 1-28, 2013!
Museum Month is back for the 24th year in San Diego County. Presented by
Macy's this popular event allows participants to enjoy half-off entry fees
at 42 San Diego Museum Council membership museums.
Click here to find the Macy’s store nearest you.
Museum Month Passes may be picked up beginning February 1, 2013 at any of
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2817
Home prices are showing signs of topping out: The S&P/Case-Shiller index
posted its first month-over-month decline in 10 months on Tuesday.
The annual measure of home prices still increased 13.7% in November, but
that was only narrowly better than the rise posted in October.
The housing recovery was one of the stronger aspects of the economy last
year, boosting household wealth and home construction.
But with mortgage rates climbing steadily since hitting record lows in May,
it's clear the housi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5637
来自主题: SanDiego版 - San Diego Museum Month Feb 1-28
San Diego Museum Month, presented by Macy's, February 1-28, 2014!
Museum Month is back for the 25th year in San Diego County. Presented by
Macy's this popular event allows participants to enjoy half-off entry fees
at 44 San Diego Museum Council membership museums.
Museum Month Passes may be picked up beginning February 1, 2014 at any of
Macy's fourteen locations in the San Diego Area, Temecula and Imperial
Valley. The passes are free to obtain wh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: fishingarden (Edward Blum门下老王), 信区: USANews
标 题: Ted Cruz提案让毒枭付钱修墙
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 25 19:39:15 2017, 美东)
“Fourteen billion dollars will go a long way toward building a wall that
will keep Americans safe and hinder the illegal flow of drugs, weapons, and
individuals across our southern border,” said Sen. Cruz. “Ensuring the
safety and security of Texans is one of my top priorities. We must also be
mindful of the impact on the federal budget. By leveraging any... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21328
【 以下文字转载自 GunsAndGears 讨论区 】
发信人: Blazer (光说不练), 信区: GunsAndGears
标 题: Re: cnn上这个案子以前有人听说过么?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 4 20:24:31 2010, 美东)
Warren v. District of Columbia is one of the leading cases of this type. Two
women were upstairs in a townhouse when they heard their roommate, a third
woman, being attacked downstairs by intruders. They phoned the police
several times and were assured that officers were on the way. After about 30
minutes, when their roommate's screams had stop... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26623
Authorities continued to extract bodies from mass graves in a Mexican border
state where 145 corpses have surfaced following reports of passengers being
pulled off buses in the area by gunmen and disappearing, state prosecutors
said Thursday.
The bodies were found in 26 pits in the township of San Fernando, Tamaulipas
, where earlier this month security forces located the graves while
investigating reports of attacks on buses now bl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2048
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 【NOTICE】 No Warning Shots
Hi All
Lately I received quite a few complaints regarding the languages used in
some of the posts on SanFrancisco Board.
Maintaining an open environment had always been my goal, it's with this
intention I had allowed some fairly strong worded dialogues to continue.
Alas, some people think 老虎不发威就是Hello Kitty。
Starting from Monday, Aug 1, 2011, for those threads laced with foul
phrases、any forms of PA or GA:
First time the post will be locked.
Second time the ID will be banned for one day.
Recalci... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2048
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 【NOTICE】 No Warning Shots
Hi All
Lately I received quite a few complaints regarding the languages used in
some of the posts on MITBBS.COM SanFrancisco Board.
Maintaining an open environment had always been my goal, it's with this
intention I had allowed some fairly strong worded dialogues to continue.
Alas, some people think 老虎不发威 is Hello Kitty。
Starting from Monday, Aug 1, 2011, for those threads laced with foul
phrases、any forms of PA or GA:
First time the post will be locked.
Second time the ID will be banned for one... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2048
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 【NOTICE】 No Warning Shots
Hi All
Lately I received quite a few complaints regarding the languages used in
some of the posts on MITBBS.COM SanFrancisco Board.
Maintaining an open environment had always been my goal, it's with this
intention I had allowed some fairly strong worded dialogues to continue.
Alas, some people think 老虎不发威 is Hello Kitty。
Starting from Monday, Aug 1, 2011, for those threads laced with foul
phrases、any forms of PA or GA:
First time the post will be locked.
Second time the ID will be banned for one... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2048
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 【NOTICE】 No Warning Shots
Hi All
Lately I received quite a few complaints regarding the languages used in
some of the posts on MITBBS.COM SanFrancisco Board.
Maintaining an open environment had always been my goal, it's with this
intention I had allowed some fairly strong worded dialogues to continue.
Alas, some people think 老虎不发威 is Hello Kitty。
Starting from Monday, Aug 1, 2011, for those threads laced with foul
phrases、any forms of PA or GA:
First time the post will be locked.
Second time the ID will be banned for one... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2048
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 【NOTICE】 No Warning Shots
--this post has been updated on Oct 28, 2011--
Hi All
Lately I received quite a few complaints regarding the languages used in
some of the posts on MITBBS.COM SanFrancisco Board.
Maintaining an open environment had always been my goal, it's with this
intention I had allowed some fairly strong worded dialogues to continue.
Alas, some people think 老虎不发威 is Hello Kitty。
Starting from Monday, Aug 1, 2011, for those threads laced with foul
phrases、any forms of PA or GA:
1)First time the post will be ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2048
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 【NOTICE】 No Warning Shots
--this post has been updated on Nov 16, 2011--
Hi All
Lately I received quite a few complaints regarding the languages used in
some posts on MITBBS.COM SanFrancisco Board.
Maintaining an open environment had always been my goal, it's with this
intention I had allowed some fairly strong worded dialogues to continue.
Alas, some people think 老虎不发威 is Hello Kitty。
Starting from Monday, Aug 1, 2011, for those threads laced with foul
phrases、posters who engage in forms of PA or GA:
1)First time the po... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2048
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 【NOTICE】 No Warning Shots
--this post has been updated on May 15, 2012--
Hi All
Lately I received quite a few complaints regarding the languages used in
some posts on MITBBS.COM SanFrancisco Board.
Maintaining an open environment had always been my goal, it's with this
intention I had allowed some fairly strong worded dialogues to continue.
Alas, some people think 老虎不发威 is Hello Kitty。
Starting from Monday, Aug 1, 2011, for those threads laced with foul
phrases、posters who engage in any forms of PA or GA:
1)First time th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2048
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 【NOTICE】 No Warning Shots
--this post has been updated on May 15, 2012--
Hi All
Lately I received quite a few complaints regarding the languages used in
some posts on MITBBS.COM SanFrancisco Board.
Maintaining an open environment had always been my goal, it's with this
intention I had allowed some fairly strong worded dialogues to continue.
Alas, some people think 老虎不发威 is Hello Kitty。
Starting from Monday, Aug 1, 2011, for those threads laced with foul
phrases、posters who engage in any forms of PA or GA:
1)First time th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6999
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: StupidMIT (史密斯和韦森和我), 信区: Military
标 题: 加州十余良民苦候警察4小时不至,终惨遭性虐
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 13 09:38:43 2013, 美东)
很奇怪为啥没人讨论啊,13个洛杉矶shopping mall里的女店员加一个男店员,被两个
发帖数: 8614
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - SD10, Peter Kuo的最新进展
While Hayashi and Wieckowski have been beating each other to a pulp on the
campaign trail, a previously unknown Republican candidate from Santa Clara
County could be poised to sneak into the top two on June 3. Peter Kuo said
he almost quit the race in late December after receiving little attention
and almost no funding. However, Kuo's luck quickly changed when a Democratic
-backed constitutional amendment was introduc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 343
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 即将relocate到湾区,买房求助
Do Re Mi
Words and Music by Woody Guthrie
Lots of folks back East, they say, is leavin' home every day,
Beatin' the hot old dusty way to the California line.
'Cross the desert sands they roll, gettin' out of that old dust bowl,
They think they're goin' to a sugar bowl, but here's what they find
Now, the police at the port of entry say,
"You're number fourteen thousand for today."
Oh, if you ain't got the do re mi, folks, you ain't got the do re mi,
Why... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 950
The rape case details can be found here,
"Clinton negotiated a plea deal and Taylor was charged with “Unlawful
Fondling of a Child Under the Age of Fourteen” and was sentenced to one
year in a county jail and four years of probation, according to a final
judgment signed by Cummings."
猥亵小女孩, 一年牢。
“Clinton: Of course he claimed he didn’t. All this stuff. He took a lie
detector test. I had him take a polygraph, wh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13
来自主题: Seattle版 - 历史上西城大风暴。 (zz)
Severe storms over the years
Dec. 14 and 15, 2006: Hanukkah Eve Storm. Winds gusted to 69 mph at Seattle-
Tacoma International Airport. The storm cut off power to 1.5 million
customers, some for a week or more, and caused millions of dollars in
damages. Fourteen deaths were attributed to the storm, including eight
people who died of carbon-monoxide poisoning.
March 3, 1999: Winds gusted to more than 60 mph in some Puget Sound areas.
One person was killed, and more than 200,000 homes lost power.
发帖数: 2300
WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal health officials said Wednesday more illnesses and
possibly more deaths may be linked to an outbreak of listeria in cantaloupe
in coming weeks.
So far, the outbreak has caused at least 72 illnesses - including up to 16
deaths - in 18 states, making it the deadliest food outbreak in the United
States in more than a decade.
The heads of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and
Drug Administration said consumers who have cantaloupes produced by Jense... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2750
The delegates were chosen over the weekend at the state Republican
convention, but they won't know who they're representing until the primary
results. Of the 41 elected delegates, 40 were Cruz supporters. However,
under party rules, each delegate is bound to the primary results for the
first round of voting at the national convention.
41个delegates 中,40个事ted支持者。但是,他们支持谁是不算数的。要看今天vote
的结果。说白了就是,虽然他们个人支持cruz,他们七月去cleveland 投谁不是他们说
li... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18394
来自主题: Texas版 - 【九月活动】Norah Jones
重磅炸弹之Alison Krauss。俺就不多解释了, 自己听
This article is about the bluegrass musician. For the Kent State student,
see Allison Krause.
Alison Krauss
Alison Krauss at MerleFest, 2007
Background information
Born July 23, 1971 (1971-07-23) (age 40)
Decatur, Illinois
United States
Occupations Musician, Songwriter, Producer, Bandleader
Instruments Vocals, Fiddle, Viola
Years active 1984–present
Labels Rounder
Associated acts Dan Tyminski, Robert Plant, John Waite, Rhonda Vincent,
Dolly Parton, Brad Paisley, R... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: fishingarden (Edward Blum门下老王), 信区: USANews
标 题: Ted Cruz提案让毒枭付钱修墙
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 25 19:39:15 2017, 美东)
“Fourteen billion dollars will go a long way toward building a wall that
will keep Americans safe and hinder the illegal flow of drugs, weapons, and
individuals across our southern border,” said Sen. Cruz. “Ensuring the
safety and security of Texans is one of my top priorities. We must also be
mindful of the impact on the federal budget. By leveraging any... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7272
来自主题: WashingtonDC版 - 求VA高水平的钢琴老师
MD有人推荐过Stefan Petrov。
Distinguished by his insightful interpretations and musical versatility,
pianist Stefan Petrov performs regularly as a soloist and collaborative
pianist in Eastern Europe and North America. His recitals have been
broadcast on TV and radio stations across Eastern Europe, the United States,
and Canada. In addition, his strong interest in modern music has compelled
him to actively collaborate with contemporary music performers and composers.
Stefan began his piano studi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1846
来自主题: CanadaNews版 - 20 mass shootings per year (zz) (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 LeisureTime 讨论区 】
发信人: jindj (山长水阔知何处), 信区: LeisureTime
标 题: 20 mass shootings per year (zz)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 14 16:52:08 2012, 美东)
The Past Year in Mass Shootings in the United States: A Timeline
Posted by Unpaid Intern on Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 12:08 PM
Posted by news intern Chelsea Kellogg
According to former FBI profiler Clint Van Zandt, who was just interviewed
by reporters in the wake of today's elementary schoo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3962
来自主题: Basketball版 - 谁来解说一下选秀抽签的流程啊?
The first three picks are decided by the following procedure.
To determine the winner, fourteen ping pong balls numbered 1–14 are placed
in a standard lottery machine and four balls are randomly selected from the
lot. Just as in most traditional lotteries, the order in which the numbers
are drawn is not important. That is, 1-2-3-4 is considered to be the same as
4-3-2-1. So although there is a total of 24 (4!) orders in which the balls
numbered 1-2-3-4 can be picked, they are all treated as the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 473
来自主题: Fishing版 - Meeting a Squirrel (转载)
To those who love nature, happy Moon Festival!
【 以下文字转载自 Poetry 讨论区 】
发信人: banzimian (板子面), 信区: Poetry
标 题: Meeting a Squirrel
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Sep 12 03:47:09 2011, 美东)
Meeting a Squirrel
At the old park I wandered and met you.
A casual weekend afternoon is this.
Why all the haste? my darling,I asked you,
In running through rose bushes, grass and trees.
So busy you were I saw, thereupon,
I mumbled gentle words about your dance.
It startled me, you quickly turned around.
Attached to the bark... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5241
来自主题: Fitness版 - 尝试5/3/1
7/16: Military press: 5x45, 5x45, 3x50, 5x55, 3x65, 3x70, 4x75;
Chin-ups: with 50lbs assist: 5x10
7/17: Deadlift: 5x95, 5x105, 3x125, 3x165, 3x175, 4x185; 5x10x115
Hanging leg raise: 5x13
7/20: Bench press: 5x55, 5x65, 3x80, 3x105, 3x110, 3x115; 5x10x70
Dumbbell row: 10x30, 4x10x40
7/21: Hiking Mt Elbert, 9.5 miles 4700ft gain
够低,朋友说我最重的那组做得几乎成了RDL。动作变形的结果就... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1424
来自主题: Golf版 - Forged or not forged
MP63-MP62-MP69-MP64: 介于两者之间适合单差点
MP60-MP57-MP52-MP53-MP59-MP54:这一系列叫Forged Cavity Back。个人觉得这一系
MP60是4,5年前的款式了。 如果想买老款的我推荐MP53,要不在乎钱就最新款的MP54.
发帖数: 1564
来自主题: Golf版 - Forged or not forged

发帖数: 1424
来自主题: Golf版 - Forged or not forged
Mizuno MPxx 我也很疑惑这点, 这数字是怎么来的。
Fourteen 有的 driving range 经常有demo
发帖数: 235
发帖数: 7230
发帖数: 235

发帖数: 7230
要的,guns beer wimin
发帖数: 12289
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