w***n 发帖数: 4358 | 1 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
wowowowo (可持续发展) 于 (Fri Oct 1 11:29:40 2010, 美东) 提到:
two more grass~
wowowowo (可持续发展) 于 (Fri Oct 1 11:31:02 2010, 美东) 提到:
btw, I really like my east west bayswater. it gets softer after use, and
very low key. nobody but one has ever noticed that I got a new purse, and an
expensive one~~~
wh (wh) 于 (Fri Oct 1 11:35:35 2010, 美东) 提到:
对这些一窍不通,这个grass是什么意思?挺好看的,多少... 阅读全帖 |
r***6 发帖数: 401 | 2 Update: (Sorry, couldn't type chinese on this computer)
Shot a doe. Tracking. Arrow is with her. But found blood trail. Wait for
Heard big stump when she ran away. Shot was 24 yd. first blood trail on
leaves about 7yd away. I am waiting.
Waited 30min. First blood trail about 4 yd away. She ran away up to a burm.
I followed the blood trail to the forest edge. Couldn't find it anymore.
Walked out of woods and saw all grass land dotted with small shrubs. Couldn'
t see blood trail anymore. I... 阅读全帖 |
t********r 发帖数: 4908 | 3 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
Lucky888 (吉祥如意||福寿安康||鸿运当头||洪福齐天) 于 (Wed Jan 13 12:11:07 2010, 美东) 提到:
发信人: Lucky888 (大吉大利大顺之我的2008), 信区: Parenting
标 题: [征文]Kindergaren读和写
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 26 19:05:36 2008)
小老大上kindergarten以前不认识几个字,算了算也只认识颜色,shapes, some
animals, some food. 我们这里的小学要求比较严的,开学没出两个星期,作业来了。
每天一本书的阅读理解。一个星期一张纸,看着象Excel Spreadsheet一样,第一栏是
,第三栏是问喜不喜欢。在另外一张纸上,要求用三幅画画出故事内容,beginni... 阅读全帖 |
c*****1 发帖数: 3240 | 4 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
whctmj (马甲) 于 (Thu Oct 6 13:32:08 2011, 美东) 提到:
stoppingtime (李将军又打鸡血了) 于 (Thu Oct 6 13:37:49 2011, 美东) 提到:
☆───────────────────────... 阅读全帖 |
l***x 发帖数: 684 | 5 Strongly recommend you to do some reading about this topic, if you do not
have any life experience there nor any biology/ecology background.
Things written by Shurun Liu from Inner Mglia University is a good start.
without cattle eating the top of the grass, its growth slow down quite a bit
. overall grass production decreases significantly.
cattle also play a roll in the ecology system. grassland is a lot weaker
than rainforest. simplifying the complexity of grass land ecology system is
just st... 阅读全帖 |
s*******w 发帖数: 2257 | 6 美国前高官谈1999年误炸中国使馆
2016.06.20 08:52
1999年5月,在巴尔干半岛的科索沃战争中 ,北约组织的军队空袭南斯拉夫。却不料一
2004年,美国前总统克林顿的自传《我的一生》(My Life)出版,其中多处谈到他执政
中国大使馆,炸死三名中国公民。我很快了解到,炸弹击中... 阅读全帖 |
i**i 发帖数: 2042 | 7 和native speakers 写出来的还是有很大差距的. 也就糊弄糊弄国内人而已...
Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen:
Kipling said:" East is east, and West is West, and never the twain shall
meet!" But now, a century later, they have met.
They have met in business. They have met in education. They have met in
the arts.
Some would argue that these meetings leave us with a choice between East
and West ,but I believe the best future lies in the creative combination of
both worlds. We can make Western ideas, customs and technology... 阅读全帖 |
T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 8 Kotkin的文章一向比较有深度,没什么nonsense,比很多NYT和WP的columnists有内容
The Crisis of the "Gentry Presidency"
By Joel Kotkin September 15 2011
Appearing in:
The Obama administration’s belated attempt to address the looming
employment crisis — after three years focused largely on reviving Wall
Street, redoing health care and creating a “green” economy — reflects not
only ineptitude but a deeper crisis of what is best understood as the “
gentry presidency.”
Unlike previous Democratic presidents, includi... 阅读全帖 |
w********9 发帖数: 8613 | 9
“On the whole, calves are raised on breeding farms to the age of eight to
nine months, after which they are put on show in the calf livestock market.
Then, they are raised and fat... 阅读全帖 |
w****w 发帖数: 14828 | 10 所以目前中國真正為人民做事的NGO處境非常艱難。中國政府不允許他們登記為NPO,所以grass-root NGO只有兩個選擇: 黑人黑戶, 或者,登記為公司。 黑人黑戶經常被整頓--想當年北京grass-root NGOs,連幾個NGO開會都要防國安以聚眾名義捉人,專門選酒吧酒樓包廂開會。有些NGO如忍不住注冊成公司,又經常被課以各種巧立名目的重稅,舉步維艱。 要說的是,這些grass-root NGO都是義工自己捐款,做扶貧助學的NGO,還與政治無關,就已經是如此待遇了。
税— |
x**********n 发帖数: 1262 | 11 你不是吃饱了撑的吗
你说的这些小将不知道? 人家这是职业回帖,根本不是和你在讨论.
在玩你, 或者混淆是非而已
你也太执着了, 还认认真真的在讨论. 发个帖直接走就是了, 完全不用理会这帮东西
所以grass-root NGO只有兩個選擇: 黑人黑戶, 或者,登記為公司。 黑人黑戶經常
被整頓--想當年北京grass-root NGOs,連幾個NGO開會都要防國安以聚眾名義捉人,專
重稅,舉步維艱。 要說的是,這些grass-root NGO都是義工自己捐款,做扶貧助學的
NGO,還與政治無關,就已經是如此待遇了。 |
z*********1 发帖数: 520 | 12 看到了斑竹的置顶声明,但似乎这里最近还有不少有关法轮功的文章,所以冒昧一贴,
更多真相, 请到真相之光俱乐部
黄金时代。许多观众表示神韵传递的神的信息,唤醒了久... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 13 GOP Attempts Historic $2.5 Trillion Cut in Federal Spending
Thursday, 20 Jan 2011 02:30 PM
By David A. Patten
Buoyed by their successful vote to repeal healthcare reform, conservative
House Republicans on Thursday rolled out plans for a massive, $2.5 trillion
cut in federal spending over the next 10 years.
The proposal, to be contained in the Spending Reduction Act of 2011, would
reset non-security discretionary spending to 2008 levels, affecting
everything from state stimulus money to federal i... 阅读全帖 |
b*******h 发帖数: 2585 | 14 not always true. You can not blame the media for everything. Some far
righties in this forum are so proud of the extreme quotes by the far right
wing politicians.
Are they actually liberals in disguise?
The left wing media has not launched a full scale war against GOP yet.
so far their target is right wing politicians, not the grass root.
However the right wing media goes after the grass root supporter of the Dem.
When the media goes after the GOP grass root, it is going to be very ugly.
and gue... 阅读全帖 |
w**j 发帖数: 2046 | 15 【菜名】口水鸡
【调料】生抽,糖,盐,姜,葱,大蒜,醋,红油,小辣椒,花椒,lemon grass
grass 3-4片,腌20分钟左右。
2。锅里加足够的水,加入适量姜片,大蒜,lemon grass,盐。等水大开后关火。把鸡
1。红油采用 |
S**I 发帖数: 15689 | 16 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
fengzhongdi (fzd) 于 (Fri May 27 14:30:18 2011, 美东) 提到:
第一个 美国人, 两个string,问第一个是否包含第二个的全部character,扩展是求第一
我的解法是hashtable, 然后扩展问题是O(n)那个,先找到第一个包含全部的,然后从头
OOD是设计card game
第二个 hiring manage,印度人, 这个人带我去吃饭,然后问了我电梯设计问题,纠缠在
第三个,白人,一开始问我LRU cache的设计,我直接告诉他double linked list + hash
table,他很吃惊问我是不是准备过,我说是,然后换了一题Bian... 阅读全帖 |
G******i 发帖数: 5226 | 17 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
lanmao (懒猫) 于 (Sat Jul 9 11:29:24 2011, 美东) 提到:
amazon facebook,搞得不是编程熟手不会脑筋急转弯就没好工作似的。 俺来贴个BSO
个人背景:人工智能方向的,学校算top 50吧,9月答辩,读了整整八年的老博士马上
过来说为啥不理,俺说你们招聘职位太entry level,没兴趣。HR说那给你找个高层次
点的职位。过两天打电话来,说有个高级程序员的活,能不能给我们的hiring manager
问题,反正答不出,没必要耽误时间。于是很彪... 阅读全帖 |
d**e 发帖数: 6098 | 18 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
tallcuterich (高帅富) 于 (Wed May 16 10:12:09 2012, 美东) 提到:
lolhaha (快了) 于 (Wed May 16 10:25:21 2012, 美东) 提到:
tallcuterich (高帅富) 于 (Wed May 16 10:27:23 2012, 美东) 提到:
StevenLow (CrossLayer) 于 (Wed M... 阅读全帖 |
g*****9 发帖数: 4125 | 19 After you seed, the first month need to water several time per day to keep
the soil moist (need to be muddy if no grass is on it or spongy if there is
some grass already), otherwise the seed will not germainate.
Once established (after 30 days), it is better to water once a day in the
morning before sun rise (1 inch at least, if are not sure how long, set an
empty can outside to measure). You can skip the watering if rains.
If you do not water at least every other day, established grass will go |
g*****9 发帖数: 4125 | 20 You should only cut low in summer if you have warm season grass. You should
cut high if you have cool season grass during hot summer (especially for
those don't like to water a lot), you can cut lower again in fall.
Common cool season grass are Bluegrass, Bentgrass, Ryegrasses and Fescues. |
g*****9 发帖数: 4125 | 21 I clean under the deck by water, sharpen the blade and oil the blade, takes
just a few min each time.
Here is a secret many of you may not know, a sharp blade produce a clean cut
, a dull blade torn off the grass instead of cut it. Clean cut grass will
look greener, torn grass will look brown and easy to catch disease. I
sharpen the blade on the mower after each cut, but only balance the blade
once or twice per season (which require the blade to be taken off the mower
and takes more time)
filte |
g*****9 发帖数: 4125 | 22 You should cut on a fixed schedule, but on length of the grass.
You should never cut off more than 1/3 of the total length.
The highest I would suggest is 3 inch, so you need to cut them before they
reach 4.5 inch.
If you water not enough, higher grass is better.
I keep mine grass at 1.25 inch length, but I water everyday, I cut them when
they reach 1.5 inch, I do not bag. |
g*****9 发帖数: 4125 | 23 You could have other problem.
In rare cases you could be watering too much, that is why a moisture meter
is critical if you want perfect grass.
1 inch per day is a very rough guesstimate, it does not take into accout
your soil condition, temp, wind speed, grass type, height, etc.
There is a lot of science in growing perfect carpet like grass with just
amount of water.
Post a picture first, I might be able to help you out. |
e********t 发帖数: 9607 | 24 不好弄啊,我可能要放弃这个想法了。
Last fall I did the same thing you are planning. I did it the lazy way
I put the raised bed frames right on the lawn, laid newspaper several layers
thick down on top of the grass (no tilling!) and filled the beds with a mix
of peat moss, sheep manure and compost. Some of the compost was only
partially finished. Then in the spring I planted.
It wasn't exactly a lasagne garden because the content... 阅读全帖 |
S*A 发帖数: 7142 | 25 it is a double edge saw,
slow growing grass exists. It just slow growing
grass is slow at repair damage. So it is bad for
foot traffic. It is also slow compete against weed.
Weed can easily take over. So what good is your
slow growing lawn turn into weed farm eventually?
Mowing is an effective way to promote lawn grass
and control the weed. If you took that away, you
lost the benefit of mowing as well. |
j***b 发帖数: 5901 | 26 weed-b-gon, 2-4-d,等除阔叶草的除草剂需要在草生长比较旺盛的时候使用,因此可以夏天使用。杀crab grass的才需要早春使用。weed-b-gon说明上说要在温度低于90度使用,但是原因似乎是如果温度高于90度会对草坪有损害,而不是杀不死杂草。
不推荐颗粒的weed and feed肥料。效果不好。除草剂还是spray效果更好。我今年用的颗粒weed and feed没看出明显效果。决定以后一定spray。
bermuda grass杂草控制是可以用roundup(glyphosate)的。可以在早春,bermuda grass还没开始绿,但是许多杂草已经绿了的时候使用。性价比非常好。 |
a**s 发帖数: 177 | 27 I have many darker green patches about 1 foot wide all over my back yard and
a few in my front. These patches have grass that looks healthy but it grows
much faster than the rest of my lawn. There is no dead grass or brown grass
just dark green patches that have seemed to multiply on my lawn.
知道为什么吗? |
g*****9 发帖数: 4125 | 28 院子很小 is perfect for a electric reel mower. But that depends on what kind
of grass you have and how well they are maintained.
If you have nice thick grass, looks like carpet after mowed, this will be
perfect for you if you have time to mow often.
If you have lots of weed and don't have time to mow often, you need to get
something else.
This type of mower produce the best looking yard (grass are cut by razer
sharp blade instead of being torn off by most cheap rotary mower). Of course
you need to c... 阅读全帖 |
l*****o 发帖数: 26631 | 29 不同的网站说法不一样啊
Cut it shorter than usual the last time before winter.
It is important to mow the lawn shorter in the winter – as the last cut
before the snow falls. This will ensure that the grass has adequate time to
grow before the spring when it will revitalize back to life. This also
assists in the grass becoming dormant.
the |
b*****m 发帖数: 36 | 30 好像因为用的洗衣剂hebleach之类造成土地酸碱失衡,所以有人建议先测试土地然后加
Prune overhanging branches that prevent sunlight from reaching your yard. If
possible, remove and transplant trees and shrubs that block the sun.
Remove moss manually with a flail-type dethatching tool in mid-March to
through April--when moss is most vigorous--and dispose of it.
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Attack remaining moss with ... 阅读全帖 |
h***z 发帖数: 5043 | 31 Zoysia Grass还可以
Because they can tolerate wide variations in temperature, sunlight, and
water, these grasses are widely used for lawns in temperate climates. They
are used on golf courses to create fairways and teeing areas. Zoysia grasses
stop erosion on slopes, and are excellent at repelling weeds throughout the
year.[4] They resist disease and hold up well under traffic. |
g*********r 发帖数: 403 | 32 Roundup is toxic. Vinegar for food is another non-selective grass and weed
I hired TruGreen to spray selective weed killer 2 weeks ago but there is no
any effect by today.
Not sure whether it is better to kill all grass and weeds and then re-seed
new grass. |
f*1 发帖数: 837 | 33 For established grasses, in an ideal situation, in general water once per
week with 1 inch of water. You may want to do more if it is really hot, or
if your soil is more sandy and it doesn't hold water well etc. Let your
grass tell you if it is time to water or not.
For new grasses, lightly water about 2 or 3 times per day (just to keep the
seeds and top soil a bit damp) until seeds have germinated and then
gradually reduce frequency while increasing watering time. |
f*1 发帖数: 837 | 34 Indeed, pulling is the best if you can manage it and are willing to commit
the time.
Other than that, there are chemical solutions that kill weeds but not
grasses. For example, 2,4-D can be used for dandelions and plantains;
adding Dicamba and MCPP kills a wider range of broadleaf weeds; and
Triclopyr can be used for a few tougher ones. (Note what I mentioned here
are active ingredients, not brand/product names.) For these types of
chemicals, just spray the area where you want to control weed... 阅读全帖 |
f*1 发帖数: 837 | 35 Never walk on or mow your lawn when it is frozen.
You can still mow your lawn, if it is dry and above freezing temperature for
some hours so you are sure that your grass isn't frozen.
In general you should increase the mowing height towards summer (say 3.5" or
even 4") and decrease the mowing height towards winter (say 2.5"). The
danger of high grass in the winter is that they mat down easily during snow
period thus promoting snow mold.
As always, don't cut more than 1/3rd of your current grass... 阅读全帖 |
f*1 发帖数: 837 | 36 Without knowing the grass type, it is hard to say what's the best time to
fertilize and fertilize how often and how much. Generally speaking, it is
best to fertilize when the grass is actively growing. So in your case, I'd
wait for about 2-3 mowings before fertilizing the first time.
If you have warm season grasses, the following is a good read:
To answer your original question, Scotts has a good answer:
http://www.scotts.com/smg/... 阅读全帖 |
f*1 发帖数: 837 | 37 Should be 'weed and feed', not 'weed and seed'.
'lawn food': fertilizer
'feed': fertilizer
'weed': herbicide
Herbicide: If its function is to kill weeds before they emerge from the soil
, it is called pre-emergent. If its function is to kill weeds after they
have emerged from soil, it is called post-emergent.
Note most pre-emergent also prevents good grass to emerge from the soil, so
you shouldn't use it when you are planting new grass or overseed.
I wrote here why 'weed and feed' with post-eme... 阅读全帖 |
c**2 发帖数: 8496 | 38 if your grass is too tall, then you have no choice but to bag it when mowing
. So don't let you grass grow too tall. If not tall, you can mulch it and
leave it on the ground.
If you have bags of grass, you can bury them under soil or do compost. |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 39 where do you buy grass seeds?
Can we plant grass and then harvest seeds?
How to collect grass seeds most efficiently? |
T*********n 发帖数: 804 | 40 因为大型割草机除非拖一个收草的否则没有办法bag grass clipping。所以blower是最
很多城市的下水道公司规定不可以把grass clipping留在路上或者walkway上,因为一
其次,这些grass clipping是可以重新回到草地上增加草坪氮含量。
美国人基本上都是空调暖气根本不开窗所以也没有什么灰进了别人家的房间的问题。 |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 41 I recently noticed the grass in my front lawn under a big tree
became bald. Like the below image,
How can we deal with this situation?
Do I need to remove the tree so that the grass there can survive from the
shade of the big tree?
Or I need to prune the tree?
Or I only need to frequently water the grass, like I do recently?
Or I need to add some fertilizer there?
Please give you hands. |
a*f 发帖数: 1790 | 42 三天?你确定是你的草籽发芽
"How long does it take for grass seed to germinate?
The germination time for grass seed ranges from 5 to 30 days depending on
the variety. It can be even longer than this in cooler temperatures. This is
how long it will take to actually see the grass growing. Until this point,
the seed, or the soil and mulch in contact with the seed, must stay moist." |
l*******l 发帖数: 68 | 43 收到一份报价,帮忙看看那些需要的?谢谢!
Weekly Lawn Cutting
Lawn cutting begins the fourth week of April and
terminates the last week of October. Cost: $55
Removal of lawn clippings, edge beds and walkways. Blow
walkways, patios and drive clean of debris.
Spring Cleanup
Spring clean-ups begin in mid-March, or as soon as weather permits, and
continue through mid-April. They consist of
removing leaves and debris from plant beds and... 阅读全帖 |
z****l 发帖数: 5282 | 44 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
fantastli (smirk) 于 (Wed Sep 5 09:19:50 2012, 美东) 提到:
Marriott,Hyatt,Priority Club的卡都是有年费,每年送一晚
geon (真子) 于 (Wed Sep 5 10:14:51 2012, 美东) 提到:
Bighappy (快乐大大大) 于 (Wed Sep 5 10:16:29 2012, 美东) 提到:
你有没有Favorite Hotel,或是经常去同一个地方出差,盯住某一个Hotel?如果什么
☆───────────... 阅读全帖 |
S*******r 发帖数: 11017 | 45 去IV看了一下
ACTION ITEM # 4 – Make Phone Calls to House Judiciary Committee members
When : Tuesday (10/11) through Friday (10/14) - Federal Government is closed today because of Columbus Day
This is a very critical action item. Every IV member should call the members of the House Judiciary Committee to urge support for H.R 3012. We need to make a few thousand calls over the next few days leading up to the ... 阅读全帖 |
y*******w 发帖数: 5917 | 46 crab grass是季节性的,到了秋天见霜必死。
要搞光crab grass,需要及时施肥,而且需要勤浇水。有那种针对crab grass的药,也
但是真的值得么?尤其是浇水,草坪大的话,轻而易举就会费掉很多钱,当然井水例外。 |
k***e 发帖数: 182 | 47 It may be not a good time to land summer season grass now coz its getting
If the HOA really asks you to fix the lawn, use annual rye grass for temp
fix, then land the summer season grass next April/May. |
J*****L 发帖数: 278 | 48 Clearly vole damage. Rake the dead grass with a garden rake. Loosen the
top soil then spread grass seeds in the bald spots. Keep the seeds moisten
for a week or two. Or do nothing if you have KBG( Kentucky Blue Grass. KBG
has good self-repair ability. It will spread into the bald
spots over a growing season. |
y*******g 发帖数: 3677 | 49 Blue Grass和Blue是完全不搭边的吧。。。Blue Grass太乡土了,乐器主要是BANJO,
就是那种弦子,哈哈,听起来很欢乐。密西西比很多Blue Grass,经常去乡亲们家里,
几个人就凑一堆儿吹拉弹唱,没什么技巧,就是个热闹,呵呵。 |