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发帖数: 6
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two hands
I'm new to this board and would like to send my greetings to everyone here.
Regarding the first hand, it is so true that sometimes we focus on our own
hands too much and become blind ...
thanks for posting this hand, I've learned this kind of lesson quite a few
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Gus hanson's "Every Hand Revealed"
just bought a few new books and like this one best.
read 1/3 of it so far, like its unique format, it's about every hand he
played in the aussie million tournament which he won out of ~800 players
including many big names. he used a tape recorder to record each of his
hands (cards, bets, other ppl's reactions, stakes...) during the WHOLE
unlike many (or too many) other tournament books that tell you how to play
such and such hands (in pretty isolated situation) and strategies (over and
发帖数: 2063
after these 3 hands, he got 8600bucks.
all these 3 hands are so sick!!!!
I am 66th of this game.
Full Tilt Poker Game #11147714681: $35,000 Guarantee (83678157), Table 51 -
25000/50000 Ante 6000 - No Limit Hold'em - 3:05:57 ET - 2009/03/15
Seat 2: coach5410 (1,058,070)
Seat 4: whc9 (1,200,192)
Seat 5: 88onPilz (893,816)
Seat 6: MDATS90 (2,073,922)
coach5410 antes 6,000
whc9 antes 6,000
88onPilz antes 6,000
MDATS90 antes 6,000
MDATS90 posts the small blind of 25,000
coach5410 posts the big blind
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One Interesting Hand In Live 1/2 NL AC Game
haha, i used to be a regular too, almost 2+ times every month.
i was there last weekend, after almost a year of no show.
1/2NL is hard to make any serious $ now, the game is too slow, playing 10
hours will only give you 200 hands max. a few mistakes + unlucky hands will
make us a sure loser for the trip, plus gasoline+hotel+tolls... the only way
to make $ is to get there around mid night to kill some drunk and donk
stacks, ppl play $300 like $30 in the day time.
i'm in MD/DC area.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - What a hand in WSOP 2009! I can't believe it.
kopp already lost his mind when he raised with this trash hand from EP AND
hit a "dream" flop... he pushed himself deep into a big pot mode already and
couldn't get out no matter what would happen.
from his bio, he should be a much more experienced high stake player on full
tilt than Moon, a logger and casual player here in MD.
from the limited hands i read, Moon played a lot of straight forward ABC
poker actually. he played a lot of QJ, KJ alike hands, while his opponent
over played a worse kic
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - What a hand in WSOP 2009! I can't believe it.
this is the typical "destiny" for playing this small suited trash, AND,
with preflop raising action to disguise his hand... while these hands can
become an unexpected monster in some cases, in some others, they become
total disasters since he's so obsessed with his hand (therefore becomes
"selectively blind"), and doesn't give opponent's action more thoughts.
after hitting such a flop, it gets "too hard" to fold it or be careful
enough with it, because his mindset was so locked. if he took some
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - (转载)A Big Hand Early in a Tournament
my 2 cents.
in general it's a working strategy, because early in an MTT, blinds are too
low, so typical 3x, 5x or whatever play may not work well. keeping pot
control with QQ and unknown opponent is not bad. it's nice to double up in 1
single hand early, but more likely you'll run into some early busts too.
in this hand, he got enough value for his hand without a showdown, pretty
nice result.
but for micro MTTs with bunches of donks, QQ can be more aggressive here for
a nice double up since tons
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How do you play monster hand?
yes, as long as you announce it first, of course, it'll be even better, if
you say the amount too. it gives you some time to make the optimal play too.
JJ/TT are tough hands out of position and against unknown players, as long
as you don't get too excited with them, they're not hard to play at all.
one lesson i learned is to understand the diff. between a good starting hand
and a winning hand. sounds simple? yes, but often ignored too.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Feb-08 hand review
hand 1, in the old days, i'd play your way and pay ppl off.
now i'd raise him 2.5x on flop, with position and pre-flop action, you can
represent a stronger hand. even if he called, most likely he'd check turn,
and you got a free card, maybe even a cheap river showdown.
in total, you called flop+turn, not as good as doing it the other way on
flop, you lose no more $.
you can give ppl a lot of stress out of position.
hand 2, pot bet on flop was too big with bottom 2 pair. you can hardly get
real v
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - hand review
A few hand to share. let me know what you would do
NL10 rush
hand 1:
I was dealt 9c7c on button.
EP limp in, MP limp in. I limp too. sb limp, bb check
flop 6h7h9h
all check, i bet pot 50c. BB call everyone fold.
turn 10c,
bb check, i check
river 9d.
bb lead pot size bets 1.5$, i have around 5$ left
what do I do? what does bb have?
hand 2
I was dealt 10c10d on bb.
CO raise 4X, everyone folds to me, I call
A 10 6 rainbow
I lead 60c, CO raise to 1.60$, i call
turn 2,
I lead 1.30$, CO all in
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - hand review
2 more hand:
hand 4:
I have button with KcJd.
CO open 3X, I call.
flop KdQc10h
CO bets 30c. I raise to 90c. CO call
turn 2h,
CO check, I bet 1.50$, CO call
river Ah.
CO all in 3$ What do I do here? what does he have?
hand 5:
I am at 9h2h at sb.
EP MP Button limp. I call, bb check
flop 6h3h8c
all check around
turn 9c
i check, EP bets 20c, i call.
River Jh.
I lead pot size 90c. EP all in 7$ ( i have around the same) What do i do
here. what does he have?
发帖数: 112
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - hand review
hand 1: I'd just call instead of shove, he big raised only when paired board
, no action before that, either he is a donk or he got you beat (10s, 9/10,
what he really had), and it is impossible to fold here at least to me, So I'
d just call.
hand 2: easy all in
hand 3: I would fold here
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 来来,继续猜hand
the lowest range of his hand beats yours. your turn raise makes no sense,
you commits yourself without knowing you have the better hand. The turn
raise is typical only the better hand will call. but people can also do
some stupid stuff with KcQc here..
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 来来,继续猜hand

这里我觉得我ATo 80% better, 既然我是better hand, 我当然希望money in的越多越
好, 如果他4bet,那么就是另外一回事儿了
that's why I check,I still beat most of his hands, 如果我bet, no worse hand 会
call, 这里他只bet 8bb, very timid bet
why fold? I have an open end straight draw+5 outs to 2 pairs, agains 2 pairs
, I have 14 outs, a better A, i have 12 outs, against a set, I still have 8
outs, plus he could also be on some draw, it's a very draw heavy board,
to be honest, I think I do have a lot of folding equi
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 来来,继续猜hand
very easy, don't know if this is a new feature, but i use it now.
in hand history screen, you can right click on a guy, and leave notes just
like any regular cash game.
and, when i notice a hand getting interesting, i'll sit out next hand and
watch it (so i won't be moved right away), then i can leave notes on both
发帖数: 1240
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how would you play this hand?
my 2 cents.
if sb has a big hand, he is likley to cold call your 3bet to trap the limper.
the way he 4bet your isolation of the limper widens his range. a lot of ppl
start to re-isolate nowadays with a wide range of hands.
you totally under-represent your hand on the flop and turn. The turn Q is a
good double barrel card for him against your "seemly weak" range, i.e.,
top pair no kicker, mid pair, etc. His smallish bet size may also be a tell
double barreling.
on the river, it is a tough deci
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Interesting hand
the difference is TPTK and over pair really does not beat much on river all
in other than bluff. but set beat plenty of 2 pair and lower set hand. The way he plays. It
is really hard for me to believe that he has got flush. I worry about AKs
and QQ. both hand I think he should have reraised when I raise. Any other
hand just don't add up to pot flop and call miniraise
发帖数: 80
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - HM question: how to find a hand by hand number
In Holdem Manager graph, I can see hand number by hovering my mouse on the
plot. Is there a way to pinpoint a hand by this number? Thanks
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - an interesting hand
I will play a similar way. You bet ahead of him. It is much to better to
lead out with 2/3 pot or 1/2 pot rather than check. If he raises your bet,
you either fold or shove. If call, you can Cbet on turn (this hand). You are
mostly like having the best hand on flop (and turn; I believe you have the
best hand on river at this case; I bet the guy had AJ, Ak or JJ, 1010 alike)
You pay to find information (side effect is you win the pot right at flop).
OW, you are totally at dark.
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A Hand To Share, Less Than Donkey Play
Last Weekend, En Route to final table, 5+0.05(r+a) for 12K Guarantee
Early Final Stage. Avg Chip around 30K. Mine is 58K. 6-handed table (all way
Preflop: I am at BTN with QJs. 3 limp-in upto me. I raise 4BB. QJs is not a
huge hand, but should be quite playable at 6-handed table vs all the limp-
ins. SB call, and all folded except CO call.
Flop : Q87 with flush draw. SB all in (short-stack). CO raise and all in. I
call, without even think it over. My mind was set at preflop, thinking my
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Quest on FTP hand history
if you know how hand history works, you won't complain, hehe.
when you open a window (let it be tournament or cash game, your own game
or the game you watch), FTP software writes all hand history records into
a file (one for each game) local on your PC (check your hand history file
storage folder). when the window closes or your FTP client closes (for
whatever reason), the file is done.
when you re-open a new window, a new file is created... so on.
so there's no way the new window will know to i
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - HM Hand history
i sometimes want to run through 7 o 8 hands after i put in blind to close
the window for HM to reset. Then a hand comes and I want to play. Without
HM i lost all edges and end up lose more on that hand. Sometimes, i even ask
myself whether it worth it to see the cards free or I might be better off
just close the window right away after i post blinds.

发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How to play this hand better?
Might lead out the flop with 1/2 pot is better.----maybe.
But check/raise line is also very good for OOP. Fryking already knows that, c/r can buy you a free card if your opponent holds a weak hand such as t3o here.
And on turn as block.----c/r on the flop should be the best block there. but maybe not that useful. In that hand, I c/r on the
flop. When I check to him on the turn, he still bets around 2/3 pot.
And his hand is almost a bluff. t3o.
c/r big on the flop, the purpose is to fold those tr
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How to play this hand better?
If you have top pair, you will check raise flop and bets 2 street turn and river instead of
double check raise all in. Your line is exactly like the hand you have.
Want a free card on turn then shove all in in desperation when he bets. You fold equity just went to out of the window when you check turn. You
can try this with a monster hand sometimes to mix it up. But when you only
have a draw, expect him to call you down light. Just like the other hand where you have pocket 6s. He call you fl
发帖数: 124
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Another hand in NL100
I will never fold to an all in bet here. Consider the following cases:
AA or KK: not likely. Even a passive fish will become aggressive
preflop,flop and turn.
Q10: it fits all characters of a fish on this hand if he moves all in on
river. However, it is only a small fraction of the possible hands he is
holding, i.e., two pairs, A*, K*, all these hands will pay your value bet
off but will probably fold to your shove.
Just my two cents.

stack is
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Another hand in NL100
anyway.. i shoved. button have Q10...
actually bet 2/3 pot and fold to an all in raise is not bad at all..
based on our discussion I feel
bet/fold>=all in>bet/call
That equal sign is for those hand that he does call with his top pair which i think he will if he has A10 A9 type of hand. a passive fish just can't lay down a top pair type of hand because he does not like to be bluffed.
发帖数: 205
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Another hand in NL100
actually I do feel allin for value is beeter than b/f or b/c. Fish could
call you with a lot of hand you could beat. Slow play AA/KK is possible for
fish, but not likely. As played, I will take it as cooler and take note on
this guy as gut shot chaser.

which i think he will if he has A10 A9 type of hand. a passive fish just
can't lay down a top pair type of hand because he does not like to be
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - one hand from yesterday's live NL 1/2 game
if the context of this hand is online, i tend to agree somehow, hehe.
but in live, especially in lowest 1/2NL game, $7 or 3.5x is next to nothing,
or at most, a pot sweetener. it carries very little value, unlike online,
where you could put your oppoents on AK or good PP or at least speculative
hands like KQo, KJs, TJs.
the "standard" bet for a good hand in live is more or less in the $10-15
range. it's not really that more than $7, but unless in some loose games,
you're not likely to get 3 call
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - one hand from yesterday's live NL 1/2 game
you are assuming people only opens with premium hand AK AQ or better. This
is completely false. Even a nit like me has a much wider opening range than
this. and KQs is actually at the top of the range for all hands, which
means even without a good draw or nut flop, you have some equity in the pot
and if you make a pair on the flop, you are most likely ahead.
on the other hand, 56s is at the bottom of the range vs everyone's opening
range. You want to make a profit by out flopping 4 people. it i
发帖数: 497
I am sorry. I dont understand.If you can not play with suited connected
cards in bottom, wut should we play?
I thought most of the hands above are bad beat, small odds beat big odds.
I dont understand, how tight should we be in a full ring game.
Btw, this is live game, and i think it should be different from the strategy
I am not a noob, but i dont know how to select a start hand. I know some
basic rules, but if it is live game, you may only get one of two playable
hand in one hour... an
发帖数: 497
GOod , i see you point.
But about hand 2, there was once I hand a similar hand in 1-2 live table. I
limped with 57s on bottom -1, flop 6,8,9 two spades btw i had 330 in stack.
I raised to 25, and the bottom reraise to 75, he was not tight on the table,
i thinked for a while, and shoved all in since he still had about 200 in
stack, he immediately called and said "I have the nuts".
I felt dizzy at that moment...so I lost all my chips to a higher straight on
the flop. Anything wrong with me? Did I
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How will you play this hand? A live cash game
the way i see this:
1) you only got 72BB before this hand, and 7BB to open from UTG. why are we
playing AJs this way at all? are we looking for some Axx flops? no, most of
time if xx are not spades, it'll be a very tough hand to play out of
position with an awkward stack size (not shallow to make easy decisions or
deep to play creatively). so we're playing more likely for Jxx or nut flush
draw flops for a big pot (even in 2/5NL, 7BB UTG is big);
2) ok then, here you hit your best flop. i like yo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How will you play this hand? A live cash game
as said before, still a few problems with live:
1) time investment: at standard 15 hands/hour, there's only so much we can
do, even against fish;
2) volume/variance: smaller volume tends to have bigger variance, yeah, we
play for a sat., say, 10 hours long session, it's only about 150 hands;
3) other side costs like gas, tolls, hotel rooms, etc., small money, but if
we want to put in large volume, they add up too.
online is much more flexible, if i like, play for 1K hands, if i have to do
someth... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I am learning to use hand history convertor..
How do I make the converted hand history to show up with
graphs? Which format do you use?
Donk please shove turn please shove turn.. yes... thank you...
Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1031880
The DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter
MP1: $38.65
MP2: $96.70
CO: $73.35
BTN: $62.15
Hero (SB): $185.25
BB... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1458
how do I replay the whole tournament with some hand history files? I wish
to navigate from one hand to the next (from one particular tourney) in the
re-player. the HM replayer's replay all option replay all the hands from
multiple tables and it is kinds of a mess. thanks.
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Will you fold this hand?
The pot is not much but I decided not to pay to see his cards...I'm not sure
if I played well throughout this hand.
Full Tilt Poker $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1092103
The DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter
CO: $75.93
Hero (BTN): $59.69
SB: $52.55
BB: $14.25
UTG: $25.92
UTG+1: $104.42
UTG+2: $28.47
MP1: $25.98
MP2: $8.47
Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is BTN with Qh Jd
2 folds, UTG+2 calls $0.25, 3 folds, Hero calls $0.25, SB calls $0.15, BB
checks... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
you can set the how many hands needed in your HEM to display the stat in
so how many hands in your hand history needed for some of these stat to be
meaningful? it seems for the for VPIP, PFR etc, some sample size is OK. (
like 1000? ) but for winning and some other rare stat(like check/raise on
river etc) need a lot more data for the stat to be meaningful.
偶不懂统计, 但觉得很多参数许要很大的样本空间, 另外大家打Rush,
HUD 里面都
发帖数: 15860
1K hands is a lot, even for rush, if you've played that many of hands with
someone, he/she must be a reg already.
i have stats on 190K players, most of them about 10-500 hands i guess, some
regs could go up like 3K.
i only use the basic 3 VPIP/PFR/AF, but MM said she uses more, like river
stats, for me, i don't have time to digest all those numbers, at the same
time checking notes.

发帖数: 1621
Hi, Fryking, Windstorm, goes, laodun and all high hand, just a little
I play a lot less online poker in the new year. Every day, I made goal that
win $50 dollars or play an hour, whichever comes first, then I will stop
playing. I am doing so just to limit my playing hours.
I was doing good for 10+ days and win like $600 only playing like 4700+ hand.
Then a bad day finally came, see attachement.
I seemed can do nothing right. KK always bump into AAs, full house bump into
straight flush ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3932
Those were really unlucky hands and you couldn't do much about it. I have
several other questions though:
1. your vpip/pfr is 12.2/7.4, and TWSD% is very high (33%) due to your tight
preflop action I guess. does this work at NL100 rush? windstormm obviously
plays much looser and more aggressive. I wonder if both styles still work at
this level.
2. with such low vpip/pfr, we expect to see low variance, right? has that
been the case for you? personally I only saw max of 2 buyins downswing (but
I o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
If I remember correctly, windstormm started by playing tight as well. I
think his EV was close to 12/8 or sth like that, correct me if I am wrong,
I think he plays a lot more aggressive because he was winning a lot of money
and on one hand, give him a lot of confidence to make moves, and the other,
like Fryking says, a big bankroll backs him up and he can withstand any
kind of downswing without effect his mood too much. So it is more money,
more confidence, more confidence result in m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
I know there is about 30% chance that a no pair hand hit a pair or up.
What is the chance of flop one card open ended str draw, or one card flush
draw, or two suited card flop flush draw? Considering both suited or no
suited case. Supposed Villian shove with any pair, any Ace, KT+, so we can
exclude these hand out.
this would helps me a lot against passive player when playing Heads up when
BB is high. limping on the button can steal a lot in pos, but also risk
giving a free flop.
I what to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
no, there's room between these two extremes because we're always playing
against ranges, not a few hands. and it's all about risk/reward ratio.
getting a worse hand or air to fold here with marginal hand (weak) and bad
position (more risk) is not bad.
it's all about potential value, your opponents are not that naive.
to answer your queston:
1) no, he has almost nothing to call here and that's what i expect too;
2) he could fold any weak air like KQo-78s, medium strength small PP strong a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
i like c bet. I know you would c bet a lot of air hand too. Then there is really no reason to check with your stronger hand. bet bet bet until they start raising you. If villian floats c bet a lot then you can consider check call turn, because he has to bet with all the air he floated with.
When you take initiative to bet, it also helps you define villian's hand better while out of position instead of playing in the dark trying to bluff catch.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - would you laydown your hand on this spot?
played this hand in ftp the other day and like to see if anyone will play
mp raise 2 dollars, I called at cut off with QJd at CO. consider to 3 bet
with it, in retrospect I should, but think my hand could turn around
monster and play a big pot so I just called in position.
flop Ad 7d 5d
mp bet 3 dollar, I flat, try to disguise my hand strength and plan to move
on the turn, and also in case he has a A, I don't want to scare him away.
turn a off suite K, he check, I bet 7 dollars, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - What would you do in this hand?
no, that hand Durrr asked Barry if he wanted to run it twice, Barry turned
it down politely because he is one time Guy.
Barry then asked durrr if he wanted take a couple hundred back ( a couple
hundred thounsand ) so the stake is lower ( totally 919k) in the middle.
durrr declined.
the hand is AA vs a pair of QQs with K kicker and flush draw, which is even
money on the flop, one of the classic hand on tv poker.
p.s i would not give anyone break on poker table, but run it twice thing is
not ba... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
my bad. I missed you are out of position. I guess no matter how you play you
look strong with this hand. might as well bet bet bet. He might just get creative to raise you somewhere or call you down light. who knows... (or bet bet check raise river?) check raise turn here pretty much blow away all of his hands. Like you said AK AA is not even going to pay off more. even check call and lead shove river looks super strong to me, but he might think otherwise.
or you can check call turn and block... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
i played with fish most of the time and i don't know how pros play most of
the time. lol.
but normally his range for calling your 3-bet will include most of the poket
pairs, a small pct of SCs. the poket pair should excluding QQs+, and i dont
think he will call u with AK as any decent players will know cold call 3
bet with AK aganst a tight player like u is a bad deal.
looks like his flop and turn play is just trying to force you to laydown a
QQs cause that is the only strong hand looks weak on... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a few hands last night
have not seen you post live play for long time. zan! Have not finished
reading all of them. Just share some of my thought with you now. maybe will
post more tomorrow.
for the 9t against Qs full hand, you may really think about folding on
the river if villian is a solid player. Think about his value betting range
on the river, can he really bet AA,KK, AQ that much? Maybe AJ, but nothing
else much that you can beat.

For the 98s hand that you flopped the str on the same suite board, I ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a few hands last night
Dolye's call with J high on the river is another classic hand.

They have strong reason to make this kind of call. For me, unless in
heads up situation which justify a lot of loose call against opp who bluff a
lot with missed draw, I do not like this kind of hero call often unless I
have very strong reasoning to do so. There is always risk/reward issue that
you want to consider. Do not worry about being bluffed out some... 阅读全帖
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