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发帖数: 71
With Federe and Sampras dominating mens single, one hand backhand is the
fade among tennis players. I started with one hand bhd. It was too difficult
for me to master this technique. The slice was good but I could not ever
hit a winner. Balls either go to net or out of bounds if I tried to put pace
on. Recently I switched to two hand bhd. My bhd became much more consistent
. I can hit some flat winners from time to time. On bhd rallies vs one
handers, I won most of the time.
Of all the players t
发帖数: 442
NY Times今天的文章。
Seeing Federer hit a two-hander makes you feel like a witness to a double
felony, a crime against both art and nature. Federer, Nadal, Murray and
Novak Djokovic have dominated the second week of majors for a decade, but
only Federer seems to take consistent and obvious pleasure in what he is
doing on the court. In part that may come from Federer’s not having grown
up subjected to the same preadolescent all-or-nothing pressure of his major
peers. While Djo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 3 hand last night in commerce.
I don't like the call in hand 1, because if you call then you give odds to
the two guy behind you very good odds to come in. Your JJ is a pretty good
hand heads-up but if another guy or two join the pot it's hard to continue.
I would just go all-in here assuming you aren't very deep, for 40BB I'm
pretty happy to go against a weird limp-reraise dude with JJ.
hand 2 I'll 2nd barrel and fold to a raise.
hand 3 is probably a fold because i think showing a card is pretty strong
I saw all the r
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - funny hand
on the previous hand, a shortstacker push for 20BB, i called, a guy behind
me called instantly. another guy called as well. after checking down two
streets, I bet my KQ on AQxxx board and get called by AQ.
on the next hand i was utg w AA. i suspect that the guy behind me may have
the "call any bet" box checked when he has a ok hand. so i shove all-in for
full buy-in. although the guy behind me folded, the guy w AQ in the last
hand called me.
he had JTo.
the board is JJxxx.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a few other hands
it's a leak in my game as i realized, but sometimes i still make it.
it's fine to c-bet on a Qxx flop, you have to lead out certain percent of
times because ppl tend to call you with 99, TT, weak Q hands too. c-bet gets
less respect now since some ppl understand you may lead out with hands like
missed AK too.
if you always bet preflop, then check fold on a Qxx alike flop, ppl will
figure out your hand range (and starting hands, betting patterns) pretty
easily, which will be a disaster later (blu
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - hand review
hand 1, no diff, you have to shove.
hand 2, i'd raise back on flop to get max value. TT is not a very likely
hand he'd put you on, if he indeed got AA, you go broke anyway, but you get
a lot of value from AK/AQ alike.
hand 3, marginal.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - hand review
Hand 1 I indeed shove all in. he has 8h5h.. i looked like a retard.
Hand 2 I call flop to make him read me AK AQ AJ and want to see a cheap
showdown, since it is too obvious that i have a set or AK if i shove flop, he might fold his AQ AJ. The same as the bet i lead on turn. but he flip over pocket As..
Hand 3 I read he has got nothing strong and turning his hand into a bluff. Would you play like this if you made flush on turn? He flip over K10o without a club.. haha... river is a 10....
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - hand review
hand 1, no, no one looks like a retard here, you did what you could do.
again, poker is about in long term, whetehr this decision is +EV.
hand 2, like said in dusty's book, everyone, let him be doyle or ivey, goes
broke here.
hand 3, bottom 2 pair on a draw heavy board is a very troublesome hand.

he might fold his AQ AJ. The same as the bet i lead on turn. but he flip
over pocket As..
Would you play like this if you made flush on turn? He flip over K10o
without a club.. haha... river is a 1
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How should I played this hand
I think the decision comes at preflop. Do you want to play for stacks at
this spot with A 10 out of position? Your 3 bets gets called and you hit A
and lead betting. you are pretty much committed. Flat preflop and play small
pot with this hand.
why not play small hand with this marginal hand and commit yourself only when you have a big hand.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How to play this hand better?
I learned a new word called "depoloarized range" the other day. you could
use that here if you have A top pair and weak kicker. You usually would not
raise flop and lead 2 street with top pair weak kicker at this situation or
double check raise all in, where you either have a very strong hand or
bluffs. When you represent a very narrow range of strong hand, they will
call you down light with a marginal hand to catch you bluff. That's when you
get paid off with your semi strong hand. It seems t
发帖数: 447
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - one hand from yesterday's live NL 1/2 game
do you know any good articles focusing on suited connectors? the one on two
plus two for micro full ring is just horrible. its basic idea is that it
is not profitable to play suited connector in general. bluffing is needed
just to break even with those hands. but in the case of 5 players in the
hand, I think it is mathatically sound to play this hand.
personally I always found it is easier to play centain hands when I
understand the math behind it. It would be great if you could recomman
发帖数: 3932
可能不敢slow play,anyway I can't beat much and I fold.
第二手我主要是怕big pair,他最后那么凶,我几乎snap call,因为他只能有str8才
Full Tilt Poker $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1089915
The DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter
UTG: $25.31
UTG+1: $11.40
UTG+2: $64.99
Hero (MP1): $31.20
MP2: $13.00
CO: $43.95
BTN: $25.31
SB: $8.58
BB: $116.96
Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is MP1 with Js Jd
2 folds, UTG+2 calls $0.25, Hero ra... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 121
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - He called me luck box after this hand.
hehe.. u'r such a luckbox
i remember 1 match against someone who likes to steal, first hand he donk
bet/3bet/fold to my 4bet on flop 772ss (2 spades), I had AQss
then few hands later, he limp his btn, flop was K high with 3 spades, then
turn was a blank, I donk pot, he calls, river another blank, I have nothing
and he can't really have a strong hand here ever, so I donk 2x pot and he
then 2 hands later, he min raise and I call, flop J 7 2, check check, turn 2
, check check, river 8, I had ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - some interesting live poker hands.
Very good post. Here are my thoughts on these hands.
[1] Reraise to 40. Definitely don't go all in. What if he has a hand?
[2] Calling or reraising are both fine.
[3] All in. No doubt about this one.
[4] Fine as played.
[5] I would lay down most of the times fearing AA from the guy that goes all
[6] Fine as played.
[7] I would check.
[8] As played, I would fold. Some people play loose. It doesn't mean they
bluff a lot. With this board, he may
very well have an ace.
[9] Check. With so many pe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4210
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 另一个离奇的hand.
so you would either fold preflop or call the flop bet for my hand. I like
you suggestion. However there is one thing you are wrong about. I don't try
to compare my play with the LP from the first hand. two independent events
. First hand is 离奇 to me because the I saw it happened first time in live
actions. I know I played the second hand badly, just as a discussion point
发帖数: 1458
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Why we should not slow play strong hand.
I am horrible at hand reading, and hopefully I will improve. I don't see many
hands bet three streets with this sizing here. I guess set/two pairs would
bet larger on the turn, and check river, so lots of hand combo are out. your
river bet means Ax/9x, right? I think 89/J9/Q9/K9 bets the turn, but what
Ax hands bet the turn, A9?
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a few hands last night
as shown below and i expect during the hand, i'm only a slight favorite on
the flop.
as the second one to act and relative deep stack (3 guys all with 200BB left),
this situation is worse.
MP is a straight-forward guy, not tricky at all, he calls straddle
and then this $18 preflop raise with only a small range. on the flop, he
bets $60 only with a strong made hand, as strong as a made non-nut flush, or
as weak as a set (not even suited cards hit 2 pairs). he's not capable of:
1) call preflop wit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Would you call or fold this hand at the river?
I agreed with you guys. Should have either check call a bet or bet fold
against a shove on the river.
I chose to call the shove on the river, my reasoning was this: against a
shove, my top two pair only beats bluff. I almost always lose to set or str.
But first,does he has a set here? At the Q, 9, 5 flop, I can basically rule
out he slow played pocket Qs in late pos, I can rule out pocket JJs as well
, because a person with a normal brain will probably laydown JJs facing a
bet and a call on the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - funny hand
1/2NL table.
i'm at BTN, UTG (a lady) makes $10 to go, 3 callers, i look at 2c3c and join
the party too with my position.
SB (a creative guy but not bad) suddenly squeezes to $50, he did this before
with QQ and i mucked my AKo (not familiar with his range then).
UTG quickly calls, and 2 MP guys too, shoot, i wish i had a better hand like
78s to take a shot (i guess most of them have high cards)... but before i
finish my dream, CO (a TAG but losing guy) suddenly says, "man, i've been
waiting for ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One hand last night
Check raise TPTK with a deep stack is a horrible leak -- never do it.
You basically over-represented your hand and turned it into a pure bluff. By
representing a two pair or a set, you fold all the hands you beat and only
get called by hands that beat you.
There are tons of players who like check raising TPTK but slow playing their
monsters -- they are the major source of my live profit.
For this hand, it is a clear fold since you represented 2 pair+ and got
发帖数: 2828
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2 hands
thanks for the replies.
hand 1, i thought about re-popping on the flop, but the stack size meant i
had to push there, not optimal if he was bluffing. once i called the turn,
the river was an automatic call. once the 2 hit on the river, i instantly
called, as i couldn't imagine what hand he would have called pre-flop. he
showed 72o. oh well.
hand 2, agree with hillgong that i should have bet pot size on the turn.
there are very few cards i would have liked on the river. for some reason, i
was foc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 39
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Share a few hands played yesterday
For hand 3, his flop 3 bet seems he had at least a big Ace. I would bet more
on the river like $80+.
Hand 4, his river $25 bet seems like a bet/fold strategy. I would think he
had a T and trying to have a cheap showdown. Since I cannot beat a T, I may
raise to $80 as you played. But after he re-raised back, I would fold
instantly. You may have a read on the person, but you still should fold it.
For the 1/2 games I played so far, I did not see any peopl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 191
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A few hands to discuss
Personally I would,
Hand 1: shove and be happy since we r both short stacked. folding is too
Hand 2: call the c-bet and raise any blank turn.
Hand 3: raise to $305 and call the shove. we r not in terrible shape against
any hand.
发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A few hands yesterday
"Ask yourself, would you call the bet if the river card was a different club
(or let's say a total blank)? Generally it is not a good idea to put in
more than 25% of stack with a bluff catcher, it is even worse
when you have chance to keep it small but choose not to."
Just finished reading your comments. Of course I would call if it wasn't a 10
of clubs.The 200 river bet made his hand range so polarized. He either had
the flush... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 190
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A few hands yesterday
Hand 1: You said he is a super LAG person. Can you define super LAG? Did
this "super LAG person" 4 bet some hands pre flop with nothing or worse than
JJ before?
Hand 2: Ok let it go.
Hand 3: "I raised on the flop because I knew I was ahead".
Just tell me how did you know you're ahead. Than we could discuss
this later.

发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A few hands yesterday
Quotes from this thread:
Lziueng: ... I just posted my hands here to share and discuss.
Villain: Hand 3: Could you tell me the reason why you reraised on the flop?
It would only push the hands you beat to fold and get the call with better
Lziueng: How did the result show me wrong when villian showed his Q9? I don'
t understand your logic, and I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you.
Villain: Just tell me how did you know you're ahead. Than we could discuss
this later.
Lziueng: How... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 100
Since I saw a lot of people discussing hands, I think i have a hand to share
as well.
This is the hand happened a few monthes ago in the WPT regional event in
colorado, I was at the time chip leader at the table with about 150K w/ 500/
1000/100 blind level. My opponent is a quite good player sitting around 65K,
who I recently doubled up w/25o aganist his 99 on a 26726 board. We both
like to play a lot of hands and try to outplay/trap our opponent postflop.
I was UTG+1 w/ QJs and raise to 2700. H... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - can you call this hand?
Without strong read to villian, I'd fold here.
Just throw my thoughts out for discussion.
(1) When you bet on the turn, you certainly represent a strong made hand (AK
/TT/33). If you have a tight image on the table, villian can reasonably
discount 33 (not totally though) from your range. There are three
combinations for holding TT, hence you have more chances holding AK,
especially when villian has a T in his hand (like ATh).
(2) When villian called on the flop, he definitely has sth (FD/OESD/se... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Please help me with these hands (Part II)
hand 3, a tight guy donk-bet in multiway flop means strong, if you do want
him to fold, you need to maximize his Fold Equity (if any), usually I wouldn
't do that (lol)
hand 4, if the kid played really tight, and rarely open/call before that
hand, I am more than happy to give him some credit when he shows some
strength. I wouldn't tangle with such guy by marginal situation. like MM 老
湿 said,不是每个bluff都要去抓的, 我觉得你应该谢谢他showed the bluff,so
that we at least know he is not a NIT. 反过来讲,我们自己绝对不要在没有必要
的情况... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One of the worst NL hands that I played.
no cap 5-10 NL. pretty loose table. Stack were not super deep like lot of
times, a few guys had about 2-3k.

I was somewhat tilting before this hand. Did not catch many hands and
got bluffed a few times. I was down a few hundred before this hand started.
I started this hand with about 1700$. It was a limp pot preflop, I
completed SB with 46o.
Flop came 235, two club. I led out 70$ from SB since this flop can hit a
lot of limper's range. I just wanted to build the pot and let... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1175
次2/5NL牌,好几回栽在自己拿的2nd best hand, 把到手的profit吐回去。在river上
call别人的all-in感觉就已落后,可是又donkey call. 高手们说说如何来control自己
如何在这种情况下不broke? 或者剥析一下自己拿类似nut hand时的思路?
hand 1:
hero KJo small blind with about 400, raise to 20 and BB calls and two other
callers. flop JT3 rainbow. Bet 50, BB and one more caller. Turn another 3,
hero bets another 100 and BB calls. River 2, hero checks, BB pushed all-in
for about 350. I thought for a while and suspected BB might have AJ(no JT
othe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two more hands.
1. 2-5 NL. I have been playing extremely lag for this session and showed
quite a few bluffs. my image is very loose. I had about 1k to start this
A few limpers ahead of me, I limped with 66 LP. A hot blonde chick from
Chicago raised to 25 out of BB, 2 callers and I called as well. Blonde
chick had been playing quite TAG, not quite a fish, but seems often
overplays her hand. She had around 1k to start this hand as well. Flop came
J 9 6, two spade. Hot blonde bet 20$ into 100$ flop,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two more hands.
hand 1: When I saw her small c-bet followed by 3-bet, my first reaction was
"damn, she got JJ". If hero believes she would never play the same way with
over-pair, then fold. Otherwise call or shove is the same difference to me.
I might vote for shove because of hero's image.
hand 2: First of all, I think villian was unlikely to be pure bluff on the
river. So let's look at what hands he would value-bet,
(1) pocket pair (JJ/QQ) an middle pair (AT)
(2) top pair (AK/KQ/KJ)
(3) two pair (67/68/... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A 5/10 hand
This turn is a definitely a check raise.
First of all, he might not be bluffing river once you called turn bet.
Second of all, more importantly, if they give you a lot of credit for 3 bet
preflop, you look very bluffy here with your range. The only strong hand
you can have is Ahxh, with very few combo of big x. The rest are over played
over pair + flush draw or pure semi bluff with Ah. I think you might just
get a few 3 bets with set 2 pair or even a nut flush draw if he is agro
simply becaus... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A 5/10 hand
Yes if he 3 bets I would get it in. Of course that is if we assume he is a
good aggressive reg. 150bb is not too deep. If he is a good player, his
continuation range vs turn check raise should be a lot wider than a higher
flush because your range of flush is very limited. when our hand is
disguised we of course go straight for full value. So much value to have on
the turn when your range look weak, the hand i see that he can continue are
sets, 2 pair, over pair + a flush draw, nut flush draw + ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 528
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2 hands that i am not so sure
For Hand 2 if it was apparent to everyone on the table that you were arguing
for the Turn A to be un-dealt then at that point I have to go all the way
with AA. Normally I fold the turn because that action is typically 2 pair+.
You bet super small relative to size of pot and a pot-sized-ish check
raise is strong.
But if you think about it - when you asked for the turn to be un-dealt you
were thinking 'I want to bet the flop' but most players will interpret it as
'he's afraid of the Ace' (or at... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a hand
per someone, never put your opponent on a single hand, haha.
tons of WSOP top pros rock/bust hands like this, it's poker, especially in
early stages when you have to accumulate chips fast, this one is not even
one hand in last year's WSOP, one pro lost to johnny chan within an hour in
a hand like this, and he jokingly called it's his $200/min tourney, lol.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a hand
of course, no wonder they call this WSOD, or world series of donks (where
did these donks get that $10K buy-in from? lol)
they push hard and put their tourney life on the line with 5th and 6th nuts,
just to ignore they're:
1) drawing dead vs. over set, 1 or 2 hands;
2) 1:4 big dog vs. made str8, 3 hands.
in order to crush the so-called semi-bluff range:
1) slightly behind 2 combos, SFD;
2) even money with FD+gutshots, a few hands;
3) 2:1 or "huge" favorite vs. FD or SD only, tons of hands.
very ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how bad did i play this hand?
You check-called every street until the river, showing you got a hand but
not super strong.
Assume he is a normal poker player, at the river, he could rule out you have
flush, since you just check call the turn and checked river, hardly imagine
if ppl who made flush playing this passive.
You can probably quite sure he is not bluffing by betting pre-flop and every
street after flop. So just a run down on what you can beat can tell us if
we need call the river. The hands he can value-bet but we ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 975
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Two hands what would u do
I think an important question is that what hands they limp-call preflop. Do
they only play small pocket pairs like this, or they play everything in this
Hand one
Does he limp-call with AK? It is not very common for someone to play AK in
this way.
I would fold this hand, since his range is mainly set, straight draw, and
overpairs that beat you. Of course, if he has been doing that repeatedly and
you are sure he was on tilt, then shove is also an option.
Hand two
Does he raise flop with flush... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 975
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - an interesting hand I saw today
I found this site: http://www.pokerhandreplays.com/ that can convert ACR hand histories. Yet don't know how to post the converted hands here. Let me know if anyone figures that out...
about this hand, don't have too much read on gilbey. His status is (VPIP/PFR
/3b) 18/11/2.6 over about 80 hands. So, seems like weak tight.
what's your calling range OTR, if you were treydeuce?
In reality, treydeuce tanked for 30s and called with pocket 4s.
发帖数: 1656
来自主题: WmGame版 - WM MJ 七对攻略 1 -- starting hand
I will share some of my experience. I am going to use English first since it
is faster for me. Later I (or someone else) can translate this.
There are 4 phases when you play 7 pairs.
1. starting hand
2. build your hand to 5 pairs
3. get the 6th pair
4. hu pai
Your starting hand
how do you decide whether 7 pair is an option for a particular hand?
In the case of WM MJ, 2-3 pairs are good enough, especially,
if at least one pair is feng pair and you have other single feng
you have a pair that is 1 ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6791
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - Second Hand Faith [music]
I'll take my hope where I can find it
Seems I find it here in you
Hang your curtain get behind it
I won't even ask for proof
Go ahead and read my fortune
Cast your dice devine my fate
I just want to know I have one
Tell me that it's not too late for
A little second hand faith
A line upon my palm that I can just erase
'Cause I need to believe in a hierarchic grace
I can do without a book I'll never read
Second hand faith is all I need
I will pay y... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 344
From China's most recent actions on its financial regulation plans, we may
faithfully conclude Chinese government has turned its intention of
eliminating its reliance on dollars into one of the basic state policies.
Let me now take China's recent Yen-buying spree, which is an apparent sign
convincing it.
Japanese government data this week showed China's 2010 yen purchases
continued in July and now equal $27 billion, which was said more than six
times China's combined yen-buying in the previo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
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发帖数: 60932
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发帖数: 60932
Found these when the front page deal ran out at 23 cents per warmer....
These (Regular sizes) are larger packs with only slighty higher per warmer
prices (Less than 2 or 3 pennis each. The kids ones are actually 5 cents
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= $0.186 per warmer
KIDS Size:

Heat Packs 7+ Hour Hand Warmer (40 Pair Warmers) - ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Nordstrom has 2 different sets of philosophy on sale + FS
Hand wash and lotion 7.5 oz. Each
Pure Grace:
Amazing Grace:
Looks like amazon price is $35
Makes a good gift at the holidays
发帖数: 60932
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