

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TexasHoldem版 - Why we should not slow play strong hand.
2 bluff hand tonight in AC发现rush poker里面steal真的很重要
哇塞,现在流行这么打?Don't limp call reraise.
今晚的一手牌面对turn action 你怎么办?
pocket 7's怎么打JJ
今天在parx 看到了最牛B的reg war.发个贴骗包子
发觉我也可以写书了。。。A few hands to discuss
AQ flopped A, how to play?大家评一下这手牌
话题: she话题: bet话题: her话题: hand话题: river
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7793
1$/2$ at parx this weekend. Pretty funny hand.
5-6 limper to me at button with 35o. i limp too just because I have button.
flop 10J4r. all checked to me, i bet 10$
all fold except one blond, decently attractive woman in her 20th.
turn is Q, she checked, i bet 20$. she called without thinking for long.
river is a K, she check again. I bet 40$. She is not happy. Holding her
cards up and said "this is a very bad card for me. you have an A right?"
I didn't say anything. She showed her card to the guy beside her and
thought for a long and then folded her 89 face up. She said "i should have
raised you on the turn."
After the hand, she is still talking to the guys beside her about whether I
had an A or not. Then I asked her "will you call with 30$ bet" Being a smart ass, the guy beside her said, "see, he does have an A" She said "I would have called with 20$ bet. you bet too much."
what I really wanted to know is whether i could bluff the river with less
money. lol...
发帖数: 15860
too long post, all i read was:
发帖数: 7793
and later when her cloth came off
发帖数: 15860
发帖数: 7793
you are jealous...
发帖数: 15860
yes, bad expr. before, lol.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: you are jealous...
发帖数: 717
You are lucky she is not a calling station, haha.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 1$/2$ at parx this weekend. Pretty funny hand.
: 5-6 limper to me at button with 35o. i limp too just because I have button.
: flop 10J4r. all checked to me, i bet 10$
: all fold except one blond, decently attractive woman in her 20th.
: turn is Q, she checked, i bet 20$. she called without thinking for long.
: river is a K, she check again. I bet 40$. She is not happy. Holding her
: cards up and said "this is a very bad card for me. you have an A right?"
: I didn't say anything. She showed her card to the guy beside her and
: thought for a long and then folded her 89 face up. She said "i should have
: raised you on the turn."

发帖数: 1458
on the river the pot is $75, right? I think you would need around $50 to
push someone off the pot. AK/AQ would have raised preflop, and many weak Ax
are not good for limping in such a multi-way pot. I guess AJ is the most
reasonable one here? What range are you representing with your line?

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 1$/2$ at parx this weekend. Pretty funny hand.
: 5-6 limper to me at button with 35o. i limp too just because I have button.
: flop 10J4r. all checked to me, i bet 10$
: all fold except one blond, decently attractive woman in her 20th.
: turn is Q, she checked, i bet 20$. she called without thinking for long.
: river is a K, she check again. I bet 40$. She is not happy. Holding her
: cards up and said "this is a very bad card for me. you have an A right?"
: I didn't say anything. She showed her card to the guy beside her and
: thought for a long and then folded her 89 face up. She said "i should have
: raised you on the turn."

发帖数: 1458
I am horrible at hand reading, and hopefully I will improve. I don't see many
hands bet three streets with this sizing here. I guess set/two pairs would
bet larger on the turn, and check river, so lots of hand combo are out. your
river bet means Ax/9x, right? I think 89/J9/Q9/K9 bets the turn, but what
Ax hands bet the turn, A9?
发帖数: 7793
U are correct. I can't reping many Ax hand. I could bet turn with AJ AQ AK
A9, but I probably raise pre at button with them.
However many live fish limp with big A. When facing an unknown, she might
not know I raise almost 100% pre with them at button. So I can rep hands
that is not even in my range.
Anyway, she is very bad and might not even think about this at all except
that there is a 4 card straight and she is on the sucker's end, which is the
state of most 1$/2$ live players.


【在 p**********1 的大作中提到】
: I am horrible at hand reading, and hopefully I will improve. I don't see many
: hands bet three streets with this sizing here. I guess set/two pairs would
: bet larger on the turn, and check river, so lots of hand combo are out. your
: river bet means Ax/9x, right? I think 89/J9/Q9/K9 bets the turn, but what
: Ax hands bet the turn, A9?

发帖数: 7793
I was also not trying to fold out a 9 at that moment. was trying to fold
anything but a straight. I saw the look on her face that she does not like
the river. The chance of her having an A is almost 0. Shouldn't have so many
9s either. If she has a 9 she also might fold some % of time. So I went
for the cold hat trick. Luckily it worked.
everyone on the table seemed to believe I must havea higher straight which was funny.
1 (共1页)
Live Game 很多都是limp pot今天在parx 看到了最牛B的reg war.
和极品鱼share 了一个近千刀的pot.发觉我也可以写书了。。。
有奖竞猜,猜对 10个包子AQ flopped A, how to play?
2 bluff hand tonight in AC发现rush poker里面steal真的很重要
哇塞,现在流行这么打?Don't limp call reraise.
今晚的一手牌面对turn action 你怎么办?
pocket 7's怎么打JJ
话题: she话题: bet话题: her话题: hand话题: river