e********y 发帖数: 350 | 1 autox 或者 hpde. 我更推荐autox,你可以随便push车而不用担心受伤或者毁车. hpde
毁车还是很经常发生的,特别是自以为技术很牛或者车很牛的人... 而且纯速度快其实
没啥意思,除了风更吵. 匀速开60mph和匀速开120mph其实差不多的. 想体验纯加速
hpde和drag strip都不错, 想体验handling autox最好. |
k******c 发帖数: 15 | 2 多谢你的提问。以下是些我个人的经验和理解。
一但想开始认真HPDE(就说track day吧),最先需要升级的是轮胎,刹车,其次是能
够帮助alignment的parts(camber plates,control arms),再次是suspension
parts(coilover, sway bar)。当然,升级是没有上限的,等到这些都无法满足你的
时候,就需要drivetrain upgrade, cooling, racing seat, adjustable aeros,
weight reduction...
转回话题,这些媒体测评出的数据都是基于bone stock。如果你买辆M3,上下班买菜用
,一年可能都不了一天track day,bone stock,go for it。但是那些频度大于一月一
既然是这样的话,那么aftermarket option多,parts价格“便宜”的M3就占尽优势了。
就从结果看吧,track day event上,就上一代的车,(目测)每20辆M3,会有一辆c63... 阅读全帖 |
h*****n 发帖数: 90 | 3 多谢建议,有人给我泼冷水是好事,泼得对可以在赛道上9人9己。
能不能进spec miata是由赛事组织者决定的,也许每个region会有不一样的规则。这边
在正式的race weekend之前的星期五会有个open testing day,像我这样只有novice
permit的选手会有人来evaluate,然后是接下来的qualifier session都会有经验丰富
不行就找出原因改正。HPDE毕竟要point pass,所以跟真实的情况还是不同。我在HPDE
的习惯还算可以,基本向前往后至少多看2个弯左右,那些prototype car实在太快了,
2个弯的距离可以迅速接近我,所以我一般看后面特别快的话到了passing zone马上让
它们超。wheel to wheel 和road sharing的理论也在licensing school学到了,可惜
不到open testing day之前很难实践,所以我感觉HPDE参加得多未必会对实战有多大帮
赛道上6秒当然差很多... 阅读全帖 |
o******o 发帖数: 1205 | 4 那个list是competition group的,都是有class的所以车都很固定。HPDE是没有driver
list的,但是好车都是跑HPDE的哈哈哈。 |
e********y 发帖数: 350 | 6 请教下 开track 的牛人们一些轮胎和alignment的问题:
1) 你们觉得max performance tire (rs3) 和 extreme performance tire (v12, dw,
pss, s04) 之间traction差距是多少?
2) 偶新买的pss 去了几次autox (spin了好几次 >_<)已经各种坑坑洼洼了, 而且感觉
直线traction没有比我原来的all season grand touring强很多. 我这儿一般是50f-
60f, 难道pss这种一定要到70f+ 才开始有超越all season的traction? (btw, 我换了
pss才知道当初hpde的牛人instructor总说我tire roll的太厉害, all season gt 轮胎
到pss的改变简直可以抵半个sway bar upgrade)
3) 我现在的alignment是 front: small toe in, -1 camber, rear 是 small toe in
-1.5 camber. 我车是fwd 300hp, daily drive/... 阅读全帖 |
e********y 发帖数: 350 | 7 谢谢,确实driver mod很有用,我已经开了5次hpde和6次autox,我车是很老的二手买
都是被鄙视的那种。我之前都是用all season grand
touring 开的, 确实烂轮胎能学很多,但我
是前驱,前轮chunking太严重后来又autox的时候爆胎才换得summer tire。而且roll的
话说extreme summer tire 都是热融吗?pss这种street tire应该不是吧?
hpde可以靠记忆一点点摸索entry speed, autox 则大都需要目测后直接试图push到100
%,corner entry 一旦太快就很悲剧。这种overspeed corner entry 的spin和rwd的
power oversteer 很不同吧,一旦送... 阅读全帖 |
s*****8 发帖数: 606 | 8 刚从skip barber 3-day racing school回来,趁着还有印象,简单写一下自己的感受
Track - Lime Rock Park
Car - MX5 (车是由pro race driver调的,instructor说悬挂设置大概是前toe out 1
/16,camber 1.75,后toe 0. 偏loose的调教,跟我350Z原厂悬挂比那简直是相当
Instructor/students人数 - 3/13
Day 1
下午-跟趾将挡练习(在uphill和west bend之间绕圈练习)。3/4个车跟instructor的
Day 2
上午-Rain line和flag介绍。stop box练习(每开一圈停在发车点,instructor会在不
同的弯然后给你feedback)练习时会有rpm限制而且档位要保持一致,... 阅读全帖 |
e********y 发帖数: 350 | 9 建议你先去开一年的autox,争取每个周末都去 ~ 直接换车或者上课都是没有任何意义
的,没有足够的seat time,你都不能感觉到车的极限,也听不懂他们说的各种理论。
racing school都是给很有经验的人去的,而一般的hpde对完全没经验的人比较危险。
不如把所有的预算都拿去上autox,然后第二年去上hpde。一次300~400 (+100 教练 +
.. |
v******d 发帖数: 227 | 10 如果是一个绝世车手从3辆车选择的话,那m3的确hpde 改装potential都要好很多。但
了. 所以我觉得按照hpde和 改装potential来选择一辆7w刀的luxury sedan比较不合理. |
s********u 发帖数: 1109 | 11 在track上开出差别不难吧,其实C63因为受众大多不是HPDE爱好者,ATS-V的话刚出来
所以没什么人气。就算性能有优势,哪怕是说能在track day找到同好,或者跟人讨论
总之 就像top gear说的,如果你要一辆 fast saloon, 选M3.放在今天,还是很安全的
样快,无法理解,是因为turbo做得好?Randy都说put power down even better than
a corvette.而这点一直是corvette的优势。
如果是一个绝世车手从... 阅读全帖 |
s********u 发帖数: 1109 | 12 原来性能包括这么多?学习了。
原来performance sedan是指全方面都很好的sedan
hpde是指大家聚在一起进行各种安全和舒适性的测试,并且比较长期耐用是否可靠的活动 |
m**********1 发帖数: 43 | 13 我看你是有够会折腾得。。。drum改disc,还要多一个mirror。有这点功夫好好去HPDE
比你这么折腾好多了 |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 14 I have successfuly bid the rear disc conversion kit. this week
I will jack up my car and do it.
l*******n 发帖数: 46 | 15 小弟是bbs新人,给大家问好。我在SF bayarea,很喜欢汽车,自己有改装赛车参加各
种HPDE,club racing活动,目前正在考取加州 smog check technician执照,希望能
结实更多喜爱汽车运动的朋友。 |
a*********g 发帖数: 2853 | 16 我快等不了了。五月下旬就要上car control clinic,要是能报上名的话再过一周就是
估计应该不会超过300。我同意图案是很漂亮,拿来唬人很合适 :) 先用两年吧,等到技
我不打算买open face的,防火效果不好。不过full face也有问题,就是眼镜容易积雾
。先试试看吧,不行就配隐形。 |
a*********g 发帖数: 2853 | 17 5/23是car control clinic,应该是autox的。5/30的课HPDE如果能报上的话是track的
还是抓紧时间学了吧。我还是喜欢full face,感觉更专业一些,open face太土了
harness |
x*****n 发帖数: 3422 | 18 我觉得是指HPDE-er
best motoring之类的网上找得到吗? |
a*********g 发帖数: 2853 | 19 I would rather not mess with it. Poor workmanship only makes things worse.
The HPDE class is 5/30, if I can get in (have to let PCA members sign in fir
st). It is at Pacific raceway in Kent, WA. http://www.pacificraceways.com/ |
x*****n 发帖数: 3422 | 20 天马山价钱还行啦,这里hpde也三四百刀了,一天也就大概三个session
你海龟去上海啊,以后回来找你玩 |
a*********g 发帖数: 2853 | 21 跟俱乐部能便宜一点
PCA的HPDE 205一次,四个session,还是挺值的。不过我还是先提高技术再去吧 |
a*********g 发帖数: 2853 | 22 你们这个没有instructor的吗?我们这边的track要求很严的,必须先参加club的HPDE,
instructor sign off了以后才允许solo
你啥经验都没有直接跑的话如果同一组水平不齐很危险的 |
l**********l 发帖数: 4468 | 23 有instructor,按经验分组,弯道不许超车,直线前车给信号才能超。
l********n 发帖数: 684 | 24 谢谢答复。上HPDE之前一定要先上novice school吗?请推荐一个头盔。
入的 |
a*********g 发帖数: 2853 | 25 来自主题: _Auto_Fans版 - 又要破财了 HPDE requires equal seatbelt, which means both seats must have the same maxi
mal protection.
考虑 |
a*********g 发帖数: 2853 | 26 太暴力了。我还是HPDE玩玩就好,racing太玩命了 |
l**********l 发帖数: 4468 | 27 你总说这个。我就给你找了一下,你去跑NASA在北卡的HPDE,他们更不要求s2000要加
aftermarket roll bar/cage。 |
a*********g 发帖数: 2853 | 28 我在WA玩过两次,看谁组织的,HPDE一般比较便宜,200多差不多了,要是所谓的racin
g school就贵了,几百到几千不等 |
i****x 发帖数: 17565 | 29 啊 谢谢。是我们俱乐部的人说HPDE都要cage,我以为其他俱乐部都是呢。 |
b*****e 发帖数: 819 | 30 same for BMWCCA HPDE events. Instructors do not get paid, they do get a
bonus session though. |
s*****8 发帖数: 606 | 31
which group are you in? TT, race or HPDE?
And you track 350Z? |
b*****e 发帖数: 819 | 32 i started HPDE last year using 350Z. i am so hooked, it is going to be a
life long hobby! |
s*****8 发帖数: 606 | 33
I don’t see anything inappropriate in my post, all I do is asking you to
explain more rather just your own conclusion (CONCLUSION IS NOT CONVINCING
PEOPLE, WHY DOES). And I list details to support my stands without
aggressive words. You probably think such a fresh guy should be respect on
you, I will do if you can convince me. Although you started from 06/07, that
is mean nothing to me, the people to be respected are those who can guide
and teach the fresh guy. Check those car forums, s... 阅读全帖 |
Q********a 发帖数: 16 | 34 看到下个月15号在Sonoma Raceway有活动, 想去参加一下HPDE1. 有人有经验没?不知
道179刀值不值。 |
h****y 发帖数: 9234 | 35 价钱很便宜啊
不过去之前车做好准备,刹车油最好换一下,然后刹车和轮胎,也最好换一下. |
b*****e 发帖数: 819 | 37 你北加的?
HPDE1 听上去是NASA的(没去过他们),应该有instructor 吧。 179 不贵了。一直想去
跑下Sonoma,但是我常去的club今年都没有Sonoma events.
我这周六跑 Thunderhill, 如果你有兴趣的话可以去看看,我可以上午的某个 session
s*****8 发帖数: 606 | 38 soooo cheap!
To badname - what brake pads do you recommend for track only?
I used st40 front and 03 stock rear calipers with same pads as front. feel a
bit unbalance and noticed the rear pad exhaust way much faster than the
front. Bought oem brembo and want to try st40 front w/ brembo rear, but not
sure what pads and setup is better. any suggestion? |
c***x 发帖数: 628 | 39 Rear wear faster could due to brake based traction control intervenes too
much. Do you turn off your traction control when tracking?
If by "exhaust" you meant brake fade, and you were using the same pad as
front, then that’s probably a cooling issue at the rear. Better rotors
might help, and re-flush the fluid too if haven’t done already.
not |
b*****e 发帖数: 819 | 40 The rear pads of 350z wears faster than front due to the reason mentioned by
cybmx (traction control), also due to much thinner rear pads. I noticed the
same when I have stock front and rear.
I do not know what you are using for your ST40 and rear right now, I assume
it is Stoptech Street performance pads? This pad would work perfectly (
assume street tires and track not brutal for brakes) for your ST40 front due
to much cooler temperature from larger/better front disk, but the rear disk
is stil... 阅读全帖 |
c***x 发帖数: 628 | 41 Please let us know how you like the 08 compound! I've been thinking if I
should switch(using 06 right now).
I |
b*****e 发帖数: 819 | 42 lol, it would be around a year and a half before I start to try the PFC08.
Need to finish existing set of stoptech and EBC blue pads first :)
The 08 is an improved 06 from what I researched a while back. It should be
how do you like the 06 so far, can it be used on the street when cold around
0C, and what tires are you running? |
c***x 发帖数: 628 | 43 I feel like the 06 is pretty good for all purpose. It warms up pretty quick
and I can go through the 20 mins section with no fade. The 06 has a lot of
initial biting power. In the winter I switch my pad to the cheap hawk street
, snow tires too. I've been using RS3 for street/track, like them so far but
I might try some different tires this year - found a source that sells all
kinds of race take-offs for chep :)
around |
s*****8 发帖数: 606 | 44 mine is 03 base, doesnt have traction control. I used Hawk HP+ and now is
Ferodo DS2500. I didnt overkill the brake and didnt do late braking quite
often, I never experienced pad fade.
I bed-in the new pads adequately. built the front brake duct. brake fuild is
ate blue and usually flush every 2-3 track days. so that's why I guess the
calipers setup or pads setup subjects to the unbalance feeling
I |
b*****e 发帖数: 819 | 45 the 06 sounds nice.
I have been using Federal 595-RSR, it is extreme performance tire with price
hard to beat. I will move up to RS3 this year:)
all |
b*****e 发帖数: 819 | 46 DS2500 average friction coefficient of 0.42 over working temperature range
of 20°-500°C, that 500C is kind of low for track usage.
EBC blue, 0.45 at 550C, 0.42 at 800C.
You do not feel pad fade, maybe because of you have BBK front, it is still
work fine with cooler temp, and most of the job is done by front. but the
rear temp is getting high and friction level drops.
the |
c***x 发帖数: 628 | 47 AutoX is great but it doesn’t provide fast/big corner. The difference
between 60 and 120 on a straight might be minimal, but when the car is
turning it will be a big difference. Want to know how stable your car go
through a fast corner? Gotta take it to the track...
hpde |
e********y 发帖数: 350 | 48 胆子小的人表示120mph的弯太恐怖,不小心lift下就见上帝了. ask me how I know.
但hpde学的和autox的skill set 很不一样,两个都去是最好的。 |
e********y 发帖数: 350 | 49 雨天不让你开80+很正常吧,hpde中级组雨天也总被警告别开挑战straight |
e********y 发帖数: 350 | 50 玩车的大都混自己车的论坛,或者在车库拧螺丝吧。而且北美玩车的很多啊,只不过不
hpde啥的. 俱乐部里很少有bar and plate vs tube and fin 的讨论或者 motul
rbf600 vs ate 200 或者diy经验 之类的吧。 |