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发帖数: 38600
US accuses China of preparing for WWIII: What you’re not being told
China as the scapegoat for US failures
In all fairness, the US has been sounding the alarm on China for some time
In November last year, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave China a direct
and clear warning that it must behave like a “normal nation” (on commerce)
and “with respect to the rules of international law.”
If the charges against China are that it does not act ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 马杜罗赢了第一回合
First, while US Neocons are too arrogant to bother with anybody’s opinion
except their own, and while the various US agencies primarily talk with the
immensely wealthy rulers of Colombia and the rest of Latin America, it does
appear that a strong majority of Venezuelans support their elected
government. Furthermore, US leaders simply don’t understand how hated the
“Yankees” are in Latin America (at least among the masses, not the
comprador elites) and how fantastically offensive the appointment... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2980
来自主题: Military版 - 我觉得川普连任没戏了
Democrat 2020 Candidate Steve Bullock Says: “We Are Well On Our Way To
Losing This Election”
2020 Democrat On Democratic Debates: I Saw Trump’s Re-Election Becoming
More Likely With Every Passing Moment
It’s no shocker that President Trump is on the way to a second term if this
keeps up. Democrats are embracing immensely unpopular policy positions on
health care and immigration. It’s a full-blown clown show.
Democrats want open borders. Sorry, when you push decriminali... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
August: Soviet counterattack
BT-7 Tanks in the Battle of Khalkhin Gol
BT-7 tank with infantry mounted to bring them into combat
With war apparently imminent in Europe, Zhukov planned a major offensive on
20 August to clear the Japanese from the Khalkhin Gol region and end the
fighting.[41] Zhukov, using a fleet of at least 4,000 trucks (IJA officers
with hindsight dispute this, saying he instead used 10,000 to 20,000 motor
vehicles) transporting supplies from the nearest base in Chita (600
kilom... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4825
来自主题: Military版 - 意大利army's chief of staff新冠阳性
Sunday's events as they happened
The latest figures mean Italy now has the highest number of confirmed
infections outside of China, where the outbreak originated in December. It
has overtaken South Korea, where the total number of cases is 7,313.
Among the latest people to test positive in Italy is the army's chief of
staff. Salvatore Farina said he felt well and was self-isolating.
The strict new quarantine measures affect a quarter of the Italian
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14958
来自主题: Military2版 - 反狙击手装置
我不是专家,但我知道结论。 具体的给你看维基
Suppressors can increase the precision of a rifle, as they strip away hot
gases from around the projectile in a uniform fashion. The suppressor can
reduce the recoil significantly as it traps the escaping gas. This gas mass
is a little less than one-half the projectile mass (approximately 1.6 grams
vs 4 grams for 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition), with the gas exiting the muzzle
at about twice the projectile's velocity, thus giving a reduction in the
felt recoil of approximately ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3809
来自主题: Military2版 - TG在南海继续有动作……-
China gets massive deep-water rig
by Staff Writers
Beijing (UPI) May 25, 2011
China's most advanced deep-water oil rig is set for a trial voyage Thursday,
People's Daily Online reports.
The 31,000-ton rig with a deck the size of a football field was delivered
Monday to state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corp., the country's
largest offshore oil producer.
Its manufacturer, China State Shipbuilding Corp., says the massive rig --
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8422
NYT:China Supercomputer Based on Its Own Chips
送交者: ufo 2011年10月28日
In Surprise, China Unveils Supercomputer Based on Its Own Chips
Published: October 28, 2011
China has made its first supercomputer based on Chinese microprocessor chips
, an advance that surprised high-performance computing specialists in the
United States.
The announcement was made this week at a technical meeting held in Jinan,
China, organized by industry and government organizations. The new machine,
the Sunw... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8422
CIA 利比亚反叛者们是来自伊拉克的基地武装分子ZT- 到底是谁利用了谁还真难说
来源: 没底 于 2011-10-30
CIA Libya Rebels are Al-Qaeda Fighters From Iraq
Politics / Al-Qeeda Mar 29, 2011 - 07:54 AM
By: Global_Research
Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDr. Webster G.
Tarpley writes: “Serpents, thirst, heat, and sand … Libya alone can
present a multitude of woes that it would beseem men to fly from.” Lucan,
Washington DC, March 24, 2011 — The current military attack on Libya has
been motivated by UN S... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5921
来自主题: Military2版 - WSJ展开DF-21D大讨论
Justin Murray Wrote:
It's important to understand that the reason China is doing any of this is
because they're afriad of the US. The US has a very long history of engaging
in unprovoked invasions of other nations (Iraq, Grenada, Panama, Korea, etc
), many for invented reasons (Vietnam). Historically, and practically, the
US is the most likely aggressor in any conflict with China. No other nation
in the past century has initiated more wars than the United States has, and
the US has been... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2045
Josh says that during a routine F-22 training mission in February 2011, he
suddenly realized he was losing control.
Josh Wilson: Several times during the flight, I had to really concentrate,
immense concentration on just doing simple, simple tasks. Our training tells
you if you suspect something's probably going on, go ahead and pull your
emergency oxygen and come back home. When I did make that decision to pull
the emergency oxygen ring, I couldn't find it. I couldn't remember, you know
, what ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 395
Boeing considers folding wings on next jet
By Dominic Gates / The Seattle Times
Published: November 10. 2012 4:00AM PST
SEATTLE — Boeing’s next big jet may actually spread its wings as it
prepares for takeoff.
For the immense wings planned for the 777X, engineers at Boeing Co. are
studying a design in which the wingtips fold upward to reduce the jet’s
span when it sits at the gate or rolls along a taxiway.
Passengers... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13081
Shards of Truth in MH17 Investigation
Piece by piece, the Dutch-led investigation into the downing of a 777 over
Ukraine last summer is focusing on a Russian-made ground-to-air missile.
GILZE RIJEN, The Netherlands — The investigators looking into the downing
of flight MH17 last July over Ukraine say it probably was hit by a Russian-
made “Buk missile.” They have not drawn any solid conclusions about who
fired it, and they are worki... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1891
在理不在理, 还要看judge个人的拿捏:
Prop. 8 Trial Judge: Chief U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker
It is no small irony that the veteran San Francisco judge has inherited
perhaps the most important gay rights case of this era. His original
nomination to the federal bench by former President Ronald Reagan lapsed
under immense pressure from Bay Area civil rights leaders, who targeted
Vaughn Walker for his representation of the U.S. Olympic Committee in a
lawsuit over the "Gay Olympics."
President George H.W
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 老麦的反映也很快
O总统今晚刚做完报告,HRC就立即发表了开始DADT之战的决定,John McCain也马上发
John McCain: No to DADT Repeal
By Advocate.com Editors
John_Cindy_McCain x390 (Getty) I Advocate.com
Following President Obama's State of the Union address, Republican Sen. John
McCain issued a statement saying he disagreed with the president's pledge
to repeal"don't ask, don't tell."
"In his State of the Union address, President Obama asked Congress to repeal
the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy. I am immensely proud
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 反歧视法今天在盐湖城生效
The Mormon Move
12 Nov 2009 02:14 pm
It is possible to be cynical or begrudging in reacting to the LDS Church's
unprecedented public decision to support civic protections against
discrimination in employment and housing with respect to homosexuals in Salt
Lake City. I think that is a temptation to be resisted.
What the LDS church has done in Utah is an immensely important and positive
step and places the Mormon ch
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Etheridge Has a New Girlfriend
Posted on Advocate.com January 18, 2011
Etheridge Has a New Girlfriend
By Advocate.com Editors
Melissa Etheridge is dating again.
The rock singer is reportedly dating Nurse Jackie creator Linda Wallem.
Wallem was reportedly the "best man" at Melissa's 2003 wedding to Tammy Lynn
"Melissa and Linda have been best friends for over 10 years," a source told
People magazine. "They got together three months after Melissa and Tammy
broke up."
In a blog post titled "speak, spread, walk the talk... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 纽约州众议院通过同性婚姻提案
New York Assembly Passes Marriage Equality Bill
By Julie Bolcer
The New York state assembly passed the marriage equality bill for the fourth
, and perhaps the final, time on Wednesday. The measure now awaits
consideration by the senate.
Lawmakers in the Democratic-controlled chamber passed the bill by a
bipartisan vote of 80 to 63 after four hours of impassioned but largely
civil debate. In wide-ranging remarks, with a heavy emphasis on religion,
spe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 25th January as Peter Tatchell Day
To mark the 60th birthday of our most iconic human rights campaigner,
PinkNews.co.uk will be naming Wednesday 25 January Peter Tatchell Day.
To celebrate the day, we will look back at the enormous contribution Peter
Tatchell has made to the fight for equal gay rights and human rights in
general across the UK and abroad with contributions from all around the
Late January will also mark 45 years of human rights campaigning by the
naturalised Briton, and 10 years since the Peter Tatchell Fou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
...very little has been written about what actually happens at so called
reparative therapy. Chaim Levin enrolled on a Jewish scheme to try to turn
himself straight. This is his story.
I grew up in a traditional Jewish family in Crown Heights. I love my mother,
my father and my family. I had always felt different and was the subject of
relentless bullying by other boys for “seeming” gay. When I was 17 I
confided to a friend that I was attracted to men and not sexually attracted
to women at all. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com February 07, 2012 05:49:47 PM ET
An LGBT Law Expert's Take on Tuesday's Prop. 8 Decision
By Advocate.com Editors
Expert analyses of the Ninth Circuit’s Prop. 8 ruling Tuesday have been
legion throughout the day, though one from Williams Institute legal director
Jennifer Pizer stood out as particularly thoughtful. The former Lambda
Legal marriage project director wrote earlier today:
The decision breaks new ground because it’s ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
【 以下文字转载自 LES 讨论区 】
发信人: globalized (麻球), 信区: LES
标 题: Top Five Questions Asked About Being a Bisexual Minister
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 23 14:10:40 2012, 美东)
I have been ordained as a minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for
35 years. About 12 years ago, I experienced an awakening -- I realized that
the confusing feelings I had had all my adult life came from being bisexual.
Through the process of coming out as bi to myself, my loved ones -- husband
, teenage sons, brothers, father -- a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 今年的选举真BORING
“[O]ur campaign would be-- helped immensely if we had an agreement between
both campaigns that we were only going to talk about issues and that attacks
based upon-- business or family or taxes or things of that nature."
“[W]e only talk about issues. And we can talk about the differences between
our positions and our opponent's position.” Romney said of his own
campaign: “[O]ur ads haven't gone after the president personally. … [W]e
haven't dredged up the old stuff that people talke... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - ACLU代表同志伴侣在宾州打官司
PA is Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and ALABAMA.
A.C.L.U. Lawsuit Aims to Overturn Pennsylvania’s Ban on Gay Marriage
Published: July 9, 2013

The Supreme Court returned the battle over same-sex marriage to the states
last month, and Deb an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 263
来自主题: RisingChina版 - What Is Really Behind (ZT)
What Is Really Behind
The Furore Over Tibet?
By Sharat G. Lin
15 April, 2008
Riots in Tibetan cities and the Olympic torch relay have generated an
immense global furore over China's alleged human rights record in Tibet. The
impression is given that China is using its police and army to violently
enforce a brutal occupation on peaceful Tibetan aspirations for independence
. No doubt there will be some human rights abuses whenever riot police and
troops are brought out in force
发帖数: 3150
BAGHDAD — Since the American-led invasion of 2003, Iraq has become one of
the world’s top oil producers, and China is now its biggest customer.
China already buys nearly half the oil that Iraq produces, nearly 1.5
million barrels a day, and is angling for an even bigger share, bidding for
a stake now owned by Exxon Mobil in one of Iraq’s largest oil fields.
“The Chinese are the biggest beneficiary of this post-Saddam oil boom in
Iraq,” said Denise Natali, a Middle East expert at the National Def... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3205
The emerging-market slowdown is not the beginning of a bust. But it is a
turning-point for the world economy
Jul 27th 2013 |From the print edition
WHEN a champion sprinter falls short of his best speeds, it takes a while to
determine whether he is temporarily on poor form or has permanently lost
his edge. The same is true with emerging markets, the world economy’s 21st-
century sprinters. After a decade of surging growth, in which t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 918
来自主题: Talk版 - Cults as big as day
Such fallacies serious poisoning "Falungong" and other cult and devastated
coerced mass psychology, and even lead to its members insane, manufacturing
self-mutilation, suicide and other extreme events, to the families of the
victims brought immense suffering to the country and society cause
irreparable damage. 2003 Nian May 25 to June 27, Longgang Town, Cangnan
County of Zhejiang Province "Falungong" Chen Fuzhao poisoning has killed 17
people. April 22, 2002, Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3096
来自主题: TheStrait版 - Gates, Facebook, Bloomberg等发唁电
网易 2011-10-05 19:46:22
美国广播公司报道,苹果联合创始人、董事长史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)辞世的
消息公布不久后,微软联合创始人、董事长比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)发表声明称,与乔
向史蒂夫的朋友和... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 261
再次击中八马要害,Washington Post,和WSJ双峰辉映,扛起了批O的大旗!
Obama: The Perfect Stranger
Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., gives a thumbs up
after speaking at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Thursday,
Aug. 28, 2008.
Barack Obama is an immensely talented man whose talents have been largely
devoted to crafting, and chronicling, his own life. Not things. Not ideas.
Not institutions. But himself.
Nothing wrong or even terribly odd about that, except that he is laying
claim to t
发帖数: 3299
I guess your guy will enjoy my insult immensely. I reason so because you
prefer to behave like so.
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Killing A Meme At Birth
Posted by Rodney Graves
Published: June 21, 2011 - 10:20 AM
0bama will claim that his stimulus headed off "A Second Great Depression."
Like so many things he says, it's just not so. IBD provides the details:
Did Obama Really Prevent A Second Great Depression?
It has become a common refrain at the White House and among
administration supporters that President Obama's aggressive efforts to
stimulate growth prevented an economic catastrophe.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: USANews版 - Bastille Day
David McCullough, Vive la Similarité; This Bastille Day, celebrate America
’s debt to France. New York Times, July 14, 2011
("our war for independence, would almost certainly have failed had it not
been for heavy French financial backing and military support, on both land
and sea. At the crucial surrender of the British at Yorktown, for example,
the French army under Rochambeau was larger than our own commanded by
Washington. The Britis... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
(Reuters) - Europeans are plagued by mental and neurological illnesses, with
almost 165 million people or 38 percent of the population suffering each
year from a brain disorder such as depression, anxiety, insomnia or dementia
, according to a large new study.
With only about a third of cases receiving the therapy or medication needed,
mental illnesses cause a huge economic and social burden -- measured in the
hundreds of billions of euros -- as sufferers become too unwell to work and
personal r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The End of the Euro?
by Bruce Thornton (Research Fellow and W. Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-
Campbell National Fellow, 2009–10, 2010–11)
Good riddance to a bad idea.
The champions of the European Union once touted it as a “bold new
experiment in living” and “the best hope in an insecure age.” But these
days “fear is coursing through the corridors of Brussels,” as the B.B.C.
reported in September. Such fear is justified, for the nations of Europe are
struggling with fiscal problems that challe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Patrick Goodenough
December 29, 2011
North Korean citizens in distress during Wednesday’s funeral procession for
Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang (AP Photo/Kyodo News)
(CNSNews.com) – Condolence messages and news reports carried by North
Korean media in recent days reveal the regime’s efforts to bolster the late
Kim Jong-il’s prestige – and the willingness of some leaders and
organizations around the world to lend a hand.
Pyongyang’s mouthpiece news agency KCNA has carried scores of reports on
messag... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
April 13, 2012 by Rick Rice
Mark Shea brings us to events taking place in Britain:
Whipped Christians, timid about appearing “judgmental”, often
capitulate to this sort of draconian post-Christian appeal to “judge not,
lest ye be judged” and back down. However, as this video demonstrates,
some Britons are beginning to get a little taste of what happens when watery
post-Christian secularism, accustomed to bullying meek Christians, meets
inflamed and diseased Islam:
Mark goes on:
Secular... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Mon, Jul. 23, 2012 Posted: 09:14 AM EDT
In 2006, the Episcopal Church's presiding bishop, Katherine Jefferts Schori,
told the New York Times that Episcopalians were not interested in "
replenishing their ranks by having children." Instead, the church "[
encouraged] people to pay attention to the stewardship of the earth and not
use more than their portion."
"Stewardship of the earth" and having children are not incompatible, but if
Schori's goal was a principled extinction, she's about to succee... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
October 4, 2012 Posted by Paul
Before the high fiving from last night ends, enjoy a minute of pure
Schadenfreude. Imagine the poor slob who wrote this; trying -desperately- to
avoid the fact Obama proved himself to be clueless and incompetent last
night. You can see them at the keyboard, the partisan rage oozing from every
Normally the Times tries to pretend they walk the highroad… on this one
they gave up, going into full hate mode, even admitting in the headline that
the debate wasn’t ‘h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by David N. Bass
The consensus among media types this morning appears to be that Joe Biden
trounced Paul Ryan on the abortion question in last night’s debate. In
reality, it was the exact opposite.
I have seldom heard a politician give a more moving, convicting, personal,
emotional, and truthful answer on the sanctity of human life than did Ryan
last night. At the same time, he did so in a way that won’t alienate
moderates on the abortion issue. He threaded the needle beautiful, taking an
unabas... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1875
1. Facing a "disorderly conduct" arrest
This story first surfaced in Romney's doomed 1994 bid to unseat Sen. Ted
Kennedy, Kaczynski says: In 1981, Romney was putting the family boat into
Lake Cochituate, an hour outside of Boston, when a park officer told him he
couldn't because the license looked painted over. If he launched, he'd face
a $50 fine. "I was willing to pay the f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
How Conservatives Can Win in Blue-State America: Lessons from South Africa's
The new conventional wisdom in the aftermath of the 2012 elections is that
Republicans face two challenges: first, that the United States is no longer
a center-right nation, but a center-left one; second, that the country’s
demographic shift away from whites will make it tougher for Republicans to
win votes. The proposed solution is that Republicans must compromise on the
party’s core policies, from immigrati... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Citi to Cut 11,000 Jobs as New CEO Moves to Slash Costs .
Citigroup, under increasing pressure, said it will eliminate 11,000 jobs,
about 4% of its work force, and take a related $1 billion fourth-quarter
charge. Colin Barr reports on Markets Hub.
Citigroup Inc. C +7.33% set plans to cut 11,000 jobs in the giant bank's
first major strategic shift since Michael Corbat succeeded Vikram Pandit as
chief executive in October.
The move, announced Wednesday, is th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5456
【 以下文字转载自 Chicago 讨论区 】
发信人: Beida101 (北大学子), 信区: Chicago
标 题: 美国的精英学校招不到聪明的穷孩子
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 9 12:37:08 2013, 美东)
但是如果你是一个聪明的穷孩子,而且考上了 TJHSST 或者 Northside College Prep
, 那你上精英大学的几率几乎是百分之百!
Elite Colleges Struggle To Recruit Smart, Low-Income Kids
by Shankar Vedantam
January 09, 2013 3:31 AM
Across the United States, college administrators are poring over student
essays, recommendation letters and SAT scores as they sele... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 310
【 以下文字转载自 Chicago 讨论区 】
发信人: Beida101 (北大学子), 信区: Chicago
标 题: 美国的精英学校招不到聪明的穷孩子
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 9 12:37:08 2013, 美东)
但是如果你是一个聪明的穷孩子,而且考上了 TJHSST 或者 Northside College Prep
, 那你上精英大学的几率几乎是百分之百!
Elite Colleges Struggle To Recruit Smart, Low-Income Kids
by Shankar Vedantam
January 09, 2013 3:31 AM
Across the United States, college administrators are poring over student
essays, recommendation letters and SAT scores as they sele... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
The sad reality is that while terrible mass shootings like the ones at
Aurora and Newtown shock the nation’s conscience, pull at the public’s
heartstrings, and garner wall-to-wall media coverage, they represent a tiny
fraction of the number of gun homicides in the country every year.
Consider this, Mr. President: During the first 16 days of January, 26
people have been killed by guns in Chicago — the exact same number as at
Sandy Hook Elementary School. By the time this year is... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8420
I love to hear people tell me how to use the vernacular "China is going to
eat our lunch."
China is a great nation, and we should hope for the continued expansion. But
ladies and gentlemen, their problems are immense, and they lack much of
what we have. We have the best universities in the world. We have a legal
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 279
1. the American Jewish community,
2. Jewish_American_politicians
3. Jewish Dominance Of America - Facts Are Facts
In the US, a strong Jewish presence
08/06/2013 22:35
Select Language​▼
In examining the Ameri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Yet another humiliation for the climate hoaxers.
A ship which was used to rescue by helicopter 52 people from a trapped
Antarctic ship has now found itself in need of rescue – after it got stuck
in heavy ice.
Having not moved for several days while preparing to airlift the
passengers, the Chinese-owned Snow Dragon is now wedged in ice.
The ship was used as a launch pad to pick up the passengers on Thursday,
after they had spent nine days stranded. Their ship, the Akademik
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1814
来自主题: USANews版 - 我来给说说Trump现象吧 ——完
Donald Trump is rocking the Republican race for president. He’s running
strong in the polls, dominating media coverage, and holding rallies that are
attracting cheering crowds of thousands of people.
What’s going on? How did the flashy superstar businessman of the 1980s
turned reality show celebrity — and former registered Democrat and donor
who’s expressed support for single-payer health care and abortion — become
one of the leading contenders in the Republican presidential race?
... 阅读全帖
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